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Results 1-11 of 11 for « +searchid:rgs* +manuscript:true +type:item »
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RGS-Artefact-F-14    Miscellaneous:    1831--1868   Charles Darwin's pocket, or box, sextant carried on the voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle', 1831-36.
RGS-JMS-16-1    Draft:    1839   Draft of 'Note on a block of rock seen on an iceberg in 61 deg. South' Holograph
RGS-JMS-8-6    Note:    1840--1842   Referee report on Earl, G. W. The Dutch at Timor and Sandal Islands.
RGS-JMS-13-30    Note:    1841   Referee report on Orr J., Direction of the rivers in Gipps Land
RGS-JMS-13-32    Note:    1841.12.16   Referee report on Earl, G. W. Letter with account of the fresh water in the bottom of the Gulf of Carpentaria
RGS-JMS-8-7    Note:    1842   Referee report on Stanley, Owen. Account of a Cruise among some of the Islands of the Indian Archipelago
RGS-JMS-6-33    Note:    1842   Referee report on Moody, R. C. Extract of a report on the Falkland Islands
RGS-JMS-13-33    Note:    1842   Referee report on Wickham, Capt. J. Some account of the Depuch Islands and native drawings upon the rocks there
RGS-JMS-6-36    Note:    1843   Referee report on Moody, R. C. Further details on the Falkland Islands and notes on the Indians of Patagonia.
RGS-JMS-6-39    Note:    1844   Referee report on Robinson, Murriel R. On the town of Carmen and settlement of the rio Negro of Patagonia.
RGS-sa448H    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, John Phillips  Undated   Three unpublished letters from Charles Darwin to Professor John Phillips
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