RECORD: King, Phillip Parker. 1832. Description of the Cirrhipedia, Conchifera and Mollusca in a collection formed 1826-30. Zoological Journal 5: 332-349.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data, prepared and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2013. RN1

NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here. This work formed part of the Beagle library. The Beagle Library project has been generously supported by a Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant and Charles Darwin University and the Charles Darwin University Foundation, Northern Territory, Australia. See the introduction to the Beagle library by John van Wyhe. See also The Complete Library of Charles Darwin.

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ART. XLVII. Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchifera and Mollusca, in a collection formed by the Officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle employed between the years 1826 and 1830 in surveying the Southern Coasts of South America, including the Straits of Magalhaens and the Coast of Tierra del Fuego. By Captain PHILLIP P. KING, R.N., F.R.S., &c. assisted by W. J. BRODERIP, Esq.. F.R.S., &c.

The testacea, of which the following paper is a descriptive list, were principally collected upon the Coast of South America; and upon my arrival in England, were submitted to the examination of Mr. George Sowerby; who, very obligingly, selected the undescribed species from

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the collection, which had been formed under my superintendance by the Officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle, employed under my command in surveying the Southern Coast of South America.

To these gentlemen I am greatly indebted for the unwearied assiduity which they at all times displayed, and for the extent of the collection in this, as well as in other departments of Natural History.

In the description of the species I have had the benefit of the advice and assistance of my friend Mr. Broderip; and to his knowledge of the subject, and the attention which he has devoted to my collection, I owe in a great measure the paper which I have now the satisfaction of presenting to the public through the medium of the Zoological Journal.

Upon examining my specimens Mr. George Sowerby found that he possessed several species not in my collection. These had been obtained during the voyage, and had been purchased from some of the crew by Mr. Sowerby, who handsomely put his acquisitions into my hands for description. I record this act of good feeling towards myself and the officers of the expedition in general with the greater satisfaction, because the same liberality has not been evinced in another quarter. I have been compelled to notice the conduct last alluded to, because, by possibility, some of the novelties collected during the voyage may be published before this communication (which has been delayed by the many laborious duties consequent on such an expedition) issues from the press.


Syn. Lepas Psittacus. Molina, 1., 223.

B. testâ albido-rosaceâ, subconicâ, elongatâ, rudi, longitudinaliter creberrimè striatâ radiis transversim striatis; operculo transversìm profundè sulcato, lineis elevatis creberrimè plicatis; valvis posticis valdè productis, acuminatis.

Habitat ad oras Concepcionis et insulam Chiloe. Mus. Brit., nost., Broderip, &c.

This cirrhiped which, at Concepcion de Chile, is frequently found of a larger size than 5 ½ inches long and 3 ½ in diameter, forms a very common and highly esteemed food of the Natives, by whom it is called Pico, from the acuminated processes of the two posterior opercular valves. The anterior and posterior opercular valves when in contact, present some resemblance to a Parrot's beak, whence Molina's name. It is also found very abundantly at Valdivia and

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at Calbuco, near the north end of the Island of Chiloe. It occurs in large bunches, and presents somewhat of a cactus-like appearance. The parent is covered by its progeny, so that large branches are found composed of from 50 to 100 distinct individuals, each of which becomes in its turn the foundation of another colony. One specimen in the possession of my friend W. J. Broderip, Esq., consists of a numerous group based on two large individuals. They are collected by being chopped off with a hatchet. At Concepcion, where they are found of larger size than to the southward, they are principally procured at the Island of Quiriquina, which lies across the entrance of the bay; whence they are exported in large quantities to Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile, where they are considered as a great delicacy, and indeed with some justice, for the flesh equals in richness and delicacy that of the crab, which, when boiled and eaten cold, it very much resembles.


E. testâ albidâ, truncatâ, longitudinaliter striatâ, radiis creberrimè longitudinaliter substriatis; operculo ad basin transversim striato, quadripartito;

Habitat. In Museo Geo. Sowerby et nost.


S. pedunculo creberrimè papilloso; testâ Iævi valdè compressâ long. Omnino 11/16 4/16 pedunculi; lat. 5/16, poll.

Habitat in mare alto circa oras Patagonicas. Mus. nost., G. Sowerby.

Taken by a dredge in 40 fathom water, off the coast of South America, in latitude 44½° south, and found adhering to a Terebella.


P. testâ elongatâ posticè ovato-rotundatâ, costis posticis dentato-muricatis; anticè attenuatâ striis transversis posticè undato-muricatis, anticè muticis; lat. 5; long. 2; poll.

Habitat ad insulam Chiloei. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod., Stokes.

Some doubt has been thrown upon the existence of this shell notwithstanding the description of Molina. A species very nearly approaching

* Elminius Kingii, Gray in Zool. Miscell. from a specimen collected during the voyage.—Ed.

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it, if not identical, was found at Rio de Janeiro, but as only single valves were obtained, and these were in a very imperfect state, I have not ventured to characterise it.

The soft parts of Pholas Chiloensis are considered very delicate by the inhabitants of the Island of Chiloe, by whom the animal is called "Co-mes." They are found in great abundance at low water imbedded in the rocks near Sandy Point, at San Carlos de Chiloe.


S. testâ lineari subrectâ extremitatibus subrotundatis; cardine bidentato; long. 1/1 3/6; lat. 3 1/1 1/6 poll.

Habitat ad Patagoniæ oras Orientales (Sea Bear Bay.) Mus. nost.


A. testâ ellipticâ, subtenui, transversim striatâ, anticè sub-truncatâ epidermide fuscâ, tenui; long. 1 ⅜ lat. 2 ⅜ poll.

Habitat ad oras Antarcticas (New South Shetland.) Mus. Brit., nost.

This shell was found at New South Shetland, by Lieutenant Kendall, of His Majesty's Sloop, Chanticleer, by whom it was presented to me.


M. testâ subtrigonâ, tumidâ, sublævi, fulvo-squalidâ, intus albâ, dentibus lateralibus prominentibus; long. 2; lat. 2 4/8; poll.

Habitat in freto Magellanico (Port Famine.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This shell was found in great abundance on the flat of sandy mud, which fronts the west shore of Port Famine, and proved a valuable article of food to the ship's company, particularly during the winter months, when sea-birds and game were not to be procured, and the fish had deserted us. I have named it, in allusion to its affording us a grateful, as well as seasonable, supply of fresh food.


E. testâ subellipticâ, transversim creberrimè substriatâ, albidâ, epidermide fusco-griseâ long. 1 paulo minus; lat. 2; poll.

Habitat in freto Magellanico (sandy mud flats of Port Famine.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

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T. testâ subtrigonâ, planulatâ, striis concentricis creberrimis; long. 6/8; lat. 1 5/16; poll.

Habitat ad littora Brasiliæ (Santos.) Mus. nost.


V. testâ rotundatâ, concentricè substriatâ, albente, intus albâ, lunulâ obsoletâ long. 1 9/16; lat. 1 ⅝ poll.

Habitat in freto Magellanico (Port Famine.) Mus. nost.


V. testâ sub-ovali, convexiusculâ, creberrimè cancellatâ, sub-fuscâ, intus albidâ lunulâ cordatâ long. 2 ⅝ lat. 3; poll.

OBS. in junioribus, striis transversis concentricis elevatis, acutis.

Habitat ad littora occidentalia Patagoniæ (Gulf of Peñas and its vicinity.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


A. testâ transversâ, subcordato-quadratâ, intus fusco-violascente; latere antico producto, elevato, undulatim lamellato, postico rotundato; umbonibus valdè remotis, areâ cardinali maximâ, striatâ margine hiante; long. 1 ⅛ lat. 1 ⅞ poll.

Habitat ad Juan Fernandez. Mus. nost.

This shell was dredged up from 80 fathoms water in the offing of Cumberland Bay, at Juan Fernandez; it was attached to a branch of coral.

The hinge is broad and smooth, with distinct markings; the gape is rather wide, and the anterior part of the shell rises rather elegantly, like the stern of some Indian canoes, and in all the specimens but one, terminates in a point. The one above described has a rounded form; the bows or front being rather elegantly and finely lamellated in a wavy form; the colour of the hinge is red, and the inside is generally of a brownish purple; in some it has a more yellow tinge.


A. testâ auriculatâ, cordatâ, ventricosâ, multi-costatâ, transversim striatâ, albâ, epidermide rufo nigricante, pilosâ umbonibus sub-

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approximatis, incurvatis, margine crenulato; long. 1; lat. 1 8/8; poll.

Habitat ad Rio de Janeiro. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


N. testâ striatâ, subtumidâ, crassâ, sub-trigonâ, albâ latere antico productiori, sub-rostrato; long. 2/32; lat.poll.

Habitat in mari alto circa oras Patagonicas. Mus. nost.

Taken by a dredge in 40 fathoms water, 20 miles from the coast of South America, in the neighbourhood of Port St. Elena.


M. testâ ventricosâ. subovatâ, longitudinaliter striatâ intus iridescente, margine sinuoso, epidermide fuscâ long. 7/16; lat. 1/1 4/6 fere; poll.

Habitat ad littora Brasiliæ (Santos.) Mus. nost.


P. testâ sub-æquivalvi, brunneâ, longitudinaliter creberrimè elevatoradiatâ intus albidâ, longitudinaliter sub-radiatâ long. 2 4/8; lat. 2 4/8; poll.

OBS. auribus inæqualibus.

Habitat in freto Magellanico passim. Mus. nost.


P. testâ subæquivalvi, translucente, longitudinaliter multi-sulcatâ sulcis convexis flavidulis, valvâ inferiore pallidiori; long. 1 9/16; lat. 1 4/8; poll.

OBS. Auribus inæqualibus.

Habitat in freto Magellanico (passim.) Mus. nost.

This shell is found attached to the leaves of the Fucus giganteus, and, with other Mollusca, is the food of the Steamer or Race-horse Duck (Micropterus brachyptera and M. Patagonica.)


T. testâ rotundato-cordatâ, gibbâ, sub-fuscâ, longitudinaliter creberrimè

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sulcatâ margine valdè flexuoso; long. 1 ⅜ lat. 1 4/8 paulo minus; poll.

Habitat in freto Magellanico (Port Famine.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This shell, which was dredged up from deep water in the Bay of Port Famine, attached to stones, is not a common shell in the Strait.


T. testâ subrotundâ, planiusculâ, subfuscâ, longitudinaliter radiatim transversim substriatâ, medio supernè depressâ, infra convexâ subglabrâ margine utrinque crenulato, medio glabro; long 1 7/16; lat. 1 7/16 paulo plus; alt. 1/1 1/6 poll.

Habitat in freto Magellanico. Mus. nost., Geo. Sowerby.


C. testâ ovali, anticè subattenuatâ valvis subdentatis, tenuiter concentricè striatis, anticâ 10-radiatâ, posticâ lævi, parvulâ areis lateralibus striis duabus elevatis marginalibus; ligamento marginali lævigato, setigero; long. 2 ⅜ lat. 1 ⅜ poll.

Habitat ad oras insulæ Tierra del Fuego et in freto Magellanico. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

Shell ovate, rather attenuated towards the anterior end, generally of a light blue-green colour, variegated with markings of dark slate. Valves slightly beaked with minute concentric striæ, the lateral compartments with two marginal ridges, which in some specimens are granulose, in others smooth. The anterior valve has eight, besides two marginal, ridges of the same character; the posterior valve is very small and smooth. Border coriaceous, and set with bristles produced from three rows of tufts or pores. In some of the specimens in my possession the bristles are rubbed off.

The shell is found in all parts of the shores of Tierra del Fuego, particularly on its seaward coast, and the western parts of the Strait of Magalhaens.


C. testâ oblongo-ovatâ, castaneo-rufâ dorso elevato; valvis subdentatis, sublævibus concentricè tenuiter striatis; areis lateralibus radiatim sulcatis; ligamento marginali granuloso, nigro; long. 3 2/8; lat.1 ½ poll.

Habitat ad oras insulæ Tierra del Fuego et in freto Magellanico. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

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Shell oblong-ovate, and generally of a chestnut red, and the granulose ligament black; the colour of the younger specimens is more brilliant, and sometimes interspersed with yellow. Middle valves slightly toothed, and very delicately lineated, the lines forming an obtuse angle in the direction of the axis of the shell; the lateral compartments are marked with deeper striæ or grooves, radiating from the upper angle to the base, which, crossing the transverse markings of the valve, have a reticulated appearance: the anterior and posterior valves are radiated with fine lines.

This Chiton was discovered by Mr. Bowen, Surgeon of the Beagle, by whom it was presented to me. The specimen was sent home among a collection of Natural History, transmitted in the year 1827.


F. testâ ovatâ, anticè attenuatâ, elevatâ radiis frequentibus elevatis; internè virescenti; foraminis margine externo juxta medium coarctato, subdentato; long. 2 5/16; lat. 1 1/1 3/6; alt. 1/1 4/6; poll.

Habitat ad Portum Praya, Mus. Brit., nost.


H. testâ subglobosâ, translucente, levissimè transversim striatâ anfractu basali lineâ longitudinali castaneâ sub-mediâ ornato; long. frac13 7/2; lat. 9/16; poll.

Habitat ad Rio de Janeiro. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


H. testâ rotundo-complanatâ, creberrimè striatâ, translucente, maculis castaneo-rufis ornatâ long. 1/16; lat. 3/16; poll.

Habitat ad Juan Fernandez. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


H. testâ globoso-conoideâ anfractibus rotundatis longitudinaliter striatis; operculo castaneo; long. 2/8 paulo plus; lat. 5/16 paulo plus; poll.

Habitat ad Rio de Janeiro. Mus. Brit., nost.

The colour of this shell is of a dirty yellowish white, with a slight tinge of diaphanous violet within the margin of the lip.

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P. testâ cylindraceâ, albâ, subdiaphanâ, tranversim creberrimè substriatâ long. 4/8 paulo minus; lat. 3/16 paulo minus; poll.

Habitat ad Portum Praya. (Cape de Verd Islands.) Mus. Brit., nost.


B. testâ subventricosâ, longitudinaliter subrugosâ, sub-albidâ, fuscomaculatâ, spirâ longitudinaliter striatâ long. 1 4/8; lat. 1/1 3/6 paulo minus; poll.

Habitat ad Valparaiso. Mus. nost.

I have named the shell after my shipmate and friend, Lieutenant Thomas Graves, whose zeal assiduity in assisting and increasing my collections of Natural History, was as unwearied as the alacrity and ability which he displayed in the primary and more important objects of the voyage, of which in His Majesty's Ship, Adventure, he filled the appointment of Assistant Surveyor. To Lieutenant Graves I am principally indebted for my land-shells, and I therefore take the opportunity of recording the valuable assistance he rendered me during the whole period of his serving under my command.


B. testâ subpyramidali, scabrâ, albidâ, aliquando lineolis raris; epidermide lutescente; long. 1 9/16; lat. 1/1 1/6 paulo plus, poll.

Habitat ad Valparaiso. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This is certainly a variety of No. 27, Bulinus Gravesii.


B. testâ cylindraceâ, punctatâ, sub-diaphanâ, fusco maculatâ aperturâ dentatâ, clausiliam mentiente; long. 1/1 5/6; lat. 5/16; poll.

Habitat ad oras Brasiliæ (St. Catherine's.) Mus. Brit., nost.


B. testâ obovatâ, ventricosâ, subscabrâ, lutescente; long. 1 ⅛ lat. 1/1 1/6 poll.

Habitat ad Maldonado (Gorriti.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

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B. testâ subalbidâ transversim et longitudinaliter rugoso-striatâ, maculis fuscis, obsoletis; aperturâ purpurascente; columellâ nigricante purpureâ long. 1 6/8 paulo plus; lat. 1/1 3/6; poll.

Habitat ad Concepcion. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

The body-whorl of the older specimens of this shell is rather roughly striated or wrinkled, the last but one slightly so, and the remaining whorls are quite smooth. The colour is whitish, with purple spots more or less obsolete: the old specimens are sometimes of a dull yellowish white. A specimen is deposited in the British Museum.

The young shells of this species are of a whitish brown, with darker coloured striæ. They are very fragile and semi-transparent.


B. testâ pyramidali, transversim striatâ, fuscâ anfractu basali ad suturam subalbido, lineâ subcentricâ pallidâ labii vix reflexi margine albo; long. 1 1/1 5/6 latpoll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam (Rio de Janeiro.) Mus. nost.


B. testâ ovato-pyramidali, longitudinaliter et transversim creberrimè substriatâ, luteo-fuscâ maculis albis et purpureo-atris fucatâ labio roseo subreflexo; columellâ subalbidâ, aperturâ intus subatro-purpureâ long. 1 5/16; lat. 9/16; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam. Mus. nost., Geo. Sowerby.


B. testâ ovato-oblongâ, scabriusculâ apice et anfractibus primis, rosa-

* Whilst this sheet was printing, the September number of the Annales des Sciences made its appearance in England, containing a description of the above shell by M. Sander Rang accompanied by an excellent figure (Annales des Sciences Naturelles, September, 1831, p. 55, pl. 3, f. 1.) It is there named Helix multicolor. In my decription I have considered it to be a Bulinus, but its specific name has been altered to that given to it by M. Rang.


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ceis, cœteris viridi-fuscis; labro albo; suturis crenulatis seu plicatis; long. 2 1/8; lat. 1; poll.

Habitat ad oras Americæ meridionalis, (Chile.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod., Geo. Sowerby, &c.

Soon after the return of the expedition, my friend, Mr. Broderip, to whose inspection Lieutenant Graves had submitted his collection, observing symptoms of life in some of the shells of this species, took means for reviving the inhabitants from their dormant state, and succeeded. After they had protruded their bodies, they were placed upon some green leaves, which they fastened upon and ate greedily. These animals had been in this state for seventeen or eighteen months, and five months subsequently another was found alive in my collection, so that this last had been nearly two years dormant. These shells were all sent to Mr. Loddiges's nursery, where they lived for eight months, when they unfortunately all died within a few days of each other. Soon after the shells were first deposited at Mr. Loddiges's, one got away and escaped detection for several months, until it was at last discovered in a state of hybernation; it was removed to the place where the others were kept, when it died also. The upper surface of the animal when in health is variegated with ruddy spots and streaks on an ash coloured ground.


P. testâ subfusiformi, pallide flavâ interdum castaneâ vel flavo et castaneo variâ long. 11/16; lat. 5/16 paulo plus; poll. Habitat ad oras Americæ meridionalis, (Valparaiso.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This shell varies in its colour almost as much as Bulinus citrinus.


A. testâ subalbidâ, transversim substriatâ, anfractu basali ventricosâ long.7/16 paulo plus; lat. 2/8; poll.

Habitat ad Lima. Must. nost.


A. testâ subcylindraceâ, diaphanâ transversim striatâ long. 5/16; lat. 5/32; poll.

Habitat ad insulam Juan Fernandez, in montibus. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

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A. testâ diaphanâ, subalbidâ, creberrimè transversim substriatâ, strigis longitudinalibus eastaneis raris; anfractu basali subangulato; long. 11/ 16 paulo plus; lat. 6/16 paulo minus; poll.

Habitat in paludibus Brasiliæ, (Santo Paulo.) Mus. nost.


A. testâ subdiaphanâ, subconicâ, anfractu basali ventricoso; long. 6/8 paulo plus; lat. ⅜ paulo plus; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam, (Rio de Janeiro.) Mus. nost.


A. testâ cylindraceâ transversim striatâ subdiaphanâ long. 5/16; lat. 2/16; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam, (St. Catherine.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This shell, which I found at the city of Nossa Sena. de Estero, I have dedicated to my friend, Dr. Sellow, whose researches in Natural History for several years past in the interior of Brazil, are well known to the scientific world.


S. testâ ovato-acutâ, diaphanâ, ventricosâ, transversim striatâ, obliquè subrugosâ spirâ brevi; long. 9/16 paulo minus; lat. 6/16; poll.

Habitat ad insulam Juan Fernandez. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


S. testâ diaphanâ, ovato-rotundatâ, ventricosissimâ, transversim creberrimè striatâ spirâ brevissimâ aperturâ patulâ long. 4/8 paulo plus; lat. ⅜ paulo plus; poll.

Habitat ad insulam Juan Fernandez.


Character Genericus.

Testa ovato-producta, sub-solida; apertura ovata, integra; columella bidentata, et basin versus uniplicata; dentibus magnis sub-remotis conniventibus, superiore maximo; operculum nullum.

Z 2

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M. testâ ovato-productâ, viridi-fuscâ anfractibus sub-tumidis; spirâ brevi; aperturâ nigricante; dentibus plicâque albidis; long. 7/16; lat. 4/16; poll.

Habitat ad insulam Chiloe. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod., G. Sowerby.

This animal, which I have thought it necessary to assign to a new genus, appears to have for its nearest neighbours the genera Auricula and Pedipes. It was found on the wooden piles which support the mole in the Bay of San Carlos, in Chiloe, below the wash of the high water. The mole stands out into the sea, and there is no fresh water near it, save a very little rill which discharges its tiny stream more than fifty yards off.


L. testâ turritâ, transversim substriatâ, anfractibus ventricosis; long 11/16, paulo plus; lat. 5/16; poll.

Habitat ad fretum Magellanicum, (Cape Gregory.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

This shell was found in the fresh-water ponds in the neighbourhood of Cape Gregory, which is on the continental side of the eastern end of the Strait of Magalhaens.


A. testâ globosâ, transversim striatâ, subalbidâ, longitudinaliter castaneolineatâ et fasciatâ, epidermide virescente; umbilico parvo; lat. 1 7/16; long 1 6/16; poll.

Habitat in Sinu Panamæ, (Island of Saboga, in a small hill-stream.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

From Mr. Cuming's collection. I have named this shell after Mr. Cuming, from whom I received it.


N. testâ globosâ, tenui, ventricosissimâ, corneâ vel subalbidâ, subtilissimè striatâ spirâ brevi; umbilico parvo; operculo valdè tenui; long. 15/16 paulo plus; lat. 7/8; poll

Habitat ad fretum Magellanicum, (Cape Gregory.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

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N. testâ ovato-acutâ, castaneâ, albo-lineatâ aperturâ mediocri; columellâ valdè callosâ umbilico mediocri; long. 13/16; lat. 21/32; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliæ oras, circa Santos. Mus. nost.


T. testâ nigricante, striatâ aperturâ argenteâ labri margine nigrâ, subcrenulatâ operculo valdè lapidoso, albo; long. 2 1/8; lat. 2 2/8 fere; poll.

Habitat ad Sinum Peñas. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


O. testâ granuloso-striatâ, viridi-fuscâ, nigro maculatâ umbilico mediocri; labri margine sub-plicato; long. 10/16; lat. 13/16 paulo plus; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam (Rio de Janeiro.) Mus. Brit., nost.


L. testâ longitudinaliter striatâ, sub-flavâ spirâ brevi; anfractu basali ventricoso; columellœ purpurascentis margine et aperturâ subflavâ operculo nigricante; long. ⅝ paulo plus; lat. 7/16; poll.

Habitat ad Brasiliam, (Rio de Janeiro.) Mus. Brit., nost.

In young shells there are a few obscure reddish brown streaks crossing the striæ.


L. testâ striis elevatis balteatâ, albidâ, fusco-maculatâ, striis interstitialibus minus elevatis, ambabus sub-cancellatis; aperturâ albâ, labri margine tenui, castaneo-maculatâ long. 13/16; lat. 17/32; poll.

Habitat? Mus. nost.


L. testâ ovato-conicâ, fuscâ, striis elevatis scabrâ spirâ brevi; anfractu basali tumido; aperturâ nigricante, basin versus strigâ luteoalbâ ornatâ labri margine crenulato albo-fulvido; operculo nigro; long. 4/8 paulo plus; lat.7/16 fere; poll.

Habitat in Mari Atlantico boreali, (Port Praya.) Mus. Brit., nost.

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M. testâ albidâ, creberrimè striatâ, purpureo fasciatâ, aperturâ argenteâ long. 4/16; lat. 5/16 fere; poll.

Habitat in Mari Pacifico. Mus. nost.

Portions of the striated surface are elevated into belts, which are of a purple colour.


M. testâ sub-ovatâ, violaceâ, spirâ brevi; anfractibus tumidis; aperturâ iridescente; long. 7/16; lat. 8/16 fere; poll.

Habitat ad fretum Magellanicum. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

Of this shell the Indians make their necklaces; it is found adhering to the leaves of the Fucus giganteus, and is the principal food of the Racehorse Duck (Micropterus Patachonicus, nob. in Proceedings of the Zoological Society, December 14, 1830, page 15.)


M. testâ sub-complanatâ, cœruleâ, striatâ, albido-lineatâ, aperturâ iridescente; lat. 13/16 fere; long. 15/16; poll.

Habitat ad fretum Magellanicum, (Cape Gregory.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


T. testâ turritâ, anfractibus tricarinatis; carinis nodulosis; long. 1 ⅝; lat. 9/16 paulo minus; poll.

Habitat ad oras Americæ meridionalis (Valparaiso.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

The Carinæ are nodulous, or twisted like the strands of a rope; the twists of the upper carina are in the direction of a water-laid, or right-handed rope, and those of the two lower carinæ are in the opposite direction, or like what is termed a hawser-laid rope. Between these nodulous carinæ are elevated lines, and the base is very strongly striated. Found in deep water in the Bay of Valparaiso. Dead shells of this species are occasionally found thrown upon the beach, near the Almendral.

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T. testâ elongato-turritâ anfractibus striatis; striis duabus maximis subnodulosis; long. 1 11/16; lat 7/16 fere; poll.

Habitat? Mus. Brit., nost.

The two large striæ, which are remarkable for the nodules, are not far from the middle of each whorl, and generally are nearer the upper suture: of these the lowest is the largest.


M. testâ elongato-ovatâ, subalbidâ, fasciis fuscis, epidermide cinereâ spirâ brevi; anfractibus angulatis, nodulosis; aperturâ oblongâ ad basin angustâ, castaneâ, intus albâ labro internè denticulato, dentibus obtusis albis; columellâ rectâ, lœvi; canali brevi; long.3 7/16; lat. 2; poll.

Habitat? Mus. nost., Geo. Sowerby.

This species approaches Murex vitulinus very nearly, the body-whorl is very much elongated, and the nodules which mark the angles of the whorl are formed of the more elevated parts of what may be termed coarse longitudinal plaits.


M. testâ ventricosâ, albâ, fasciis elevatis striatis; septemfariam varicosâ, varicibus roseis denticulatis; aperturâ rotundatâ roseâ, intus albidâ labri margine asperrimè denticulato; caudâ mediocri, sub-recurvâ long. 3 13/16; lat. 2 7/16; poll.

Habitat? Mus. nost.


T. testâ ovato-fusiformi, subdepressâ, albidâ fusco fasciatâ, costatâ costis granulosis, interstitiis striatis; aperturâ subrotundâ albidâ columellâ subrugosâ labro internè obtusè denticulato; margine undulato; epidermide viridi-fusca, scabrâ long. 3 3/16; lat. 1 6/8; poll.

Habitat ad Sinum Peñas et oram occidentalem Americæ meridionalis. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

The denticules of the outer lip are ranged in pairs at regular and somewhat distant intervals.

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T. testâ ovato-acutâ, cancellatâ spirâ elongatâ epidermide fuscâ, setosâ aperturâ albâ granulosâ labro interne obtusè denticulato; long.; lat.; poll.

Habitat ad oras Americæ meridionalis, (Valparaiso.) Mus. nost.

The denticules of the inner lip are more elevated than those of the last (T. ranelliformis), and are equidistant. It was fished up with the anchor in Valparaiso Bay.


M. testâ ventrlcosâ, spirâ mediocri, anfractibus bicarinatis; anfractu basali lineis elevatis admodum distantibus cincto; aperturâ patulâ dente labiali brevi, lato, obtuso; canali producto, recto, integro; operculo corneo; long. 2 3/4; lat. 1 ⅝; poll.

Habitat ad oras Americæ meridionalis, (Concepcion.) Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

Approaching Fusus in its elongated and entire canal, while its exterior lip has the labial tooth which distinguishes Monoceros. The columella is not straight, as in all the other species, but curved, so as to make an angle in some specimens at the commencement of the canal, and in all it becomes very broad at the point where it is opposite to the tooth. The shell is of a reddish colour, ventricose, and girt with elevated lines, about a quarter of an inch apart. The spire has only two of these lines on each whorl, and has a bicarinated appearance. The aperture is wide, the outer lip sinuous, its tooth short, broad, and obtuse, and the operculum horny. The shell is seldom found in a perfect state, the beak being generally broken off, and the surface is, in all the specimens that I have seen, covered with a calcareous encrustation, entirely concealing the colours.


B. testâ ovato-fusiformi, cinereâ anfractibus tumidis, costellatis, costellis cancellatis; aperturâ castaneo-nigricante; labri margine crenulato. Muricem mentiens; long. 1; lat. 9/16; poll.

Habitat ad fretum Magellanicum. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.

The eggs of this species were found, and are preserved in spirits.

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B. testâ conico-fusiformi, fuscâ anfractu basali ventricoso; spirâ mediocri; aperturâ fuscâ, lutescenti, patulâ long. 1 15/16; lat. 1 1/8; poll.

Habitat? Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


B. testâ ovatâ, subponderosâ, subalbidâ, fasciis duabus fuscis obscuris; spirâ brevi; anfractu basali subdepresso, suturam versus crasso; columellâ valdè callosâ long. 1 9/16; lat. 1 paulo plus; poll.

Habitat ad flumen Plata, (Gorriti) Mus. Brit., nost.

The eggs of this shell contained in a transparent orbicular nidus, the size of a turtle's egg, were found thrown up on the sea-beach of the Island. In the month of January they were observed in all stages of growth. A series were preserved in spirits, and presented to the College of Surgeons.


C. testâ fusiformi, luteo-rufescente, fasciis nigro-castaneis, maculis albis tessellatâ long. 7/16; lat. 3/16; poll.

Habitat? Mus. Brit., nost., Brod.


M. testâ ovato-acutâ, ventricosâ, fulvâ, creberrimè costatâ costis interstitiisque striatis, basi granulosâ spirâ brevi, anfractibus suturam supereminentibus; columellâ quinque-plicatâ long. ⅝; lat. 5/16 paulo plus; poll.

Habitat? Mus. nost.

The denticules of the outer lip are arranged in pairs at regular, and somewhat distant, intervals.


A fragment of a turbinated shell, bearing marks more assignable to Voluta than to any other genus, was found on the sea beach in the neighbourhood of Cape Fairweather on the east coast of Patagonia, in latitude 51½° south. The remains appear to differ from Voluta Ancilla and Brasiliana.

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ART. XLVIII. The characters of two new Dipterous Genera, with Indications of some generic subdivisions and several undescribed species of Dolichopidæ. By A. H. HALIDAY, Esq.


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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022