RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Chinese primrose / Tables and conclusions. CUL-DAR108.15-18. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Chinese Primrose, no I. Heteromorphic seedlings from short-styled by pollen of long-styled
Plants experimented Short-styled. (stick)
no. of Plants (of no I & II, 10 were crossed Heteromorphically & 10 Homomorphically)
[table not transcribed]
No II. Heteromorphic seedlings from long-styled by pollen of short-styled
Stick— Short-styled seedlings
[table not transcribed]
Conclusion of the Heteromorphic seedling 10 were crossed heteromorphically, & the average is 56.6 seed per pod.
Ten were crossed homomorphically & the average 9 pods were obtained containing on average 28 seed per pod.
But in each case there was one very poor pod— rejecting these we have
Heteromorphic union [calculations not transcribed]
This fairest average
(There were 6 long-styled)
Homomorphic seedlings no. III from long-styled with own pollen.
These are all long-styled plants (no stick) (10 crossed)
[table not transcribed]
These Homomorphic unions of the Homomorphic seedlings are more fertile than the hom. unions of the Heteromorphic seedlings in proportion to 46 to 31! — It agrees with this that these 9 plants, all long-styled gave 11 pods with some seeds; whereas 11 plants of the Heteromorphic seedlings, whereas produced only 4 pods!
Possibly this agrees with considerable fertility of the mid-styled lots, when self-fertilised. It certainly appears as of plants rendered in some degree self fertile to propagate race.—
We have also seen that the pollen of no. 3, when used on the heteromorphic seedling is nearly good, as it gave average of 52 seeds, (with one very good pod)
Homomorphic seedling no IV from short-styled by own form pollen. —
Short-styled (stick)
[table not transcribed]
The results very surprising I fertilised 8 fl. heteromorphically & got only 6 pods & one of these contained only 4 seed & may be rejected in average, which is only 29 seed taking nearest whole less,less than half average (i.e 62) of similar union of Heteromorphic seedlings.
Of the Homomorphic 8 union, I got only 3 good pods, giving average of only 24 seeds.
The female organs are imperfect for I crossed 6 fl with pollen of perfect flowers of Heteromorphic seedlings & got 5 pods, which produced on average only 8 see per pod! The pollen itself is much better for I crossed heteromorphically 4 flowers of Heteromorphic seedlings with above pollen of no. 4, & got on average 50 seeds per pod! Yet the pollen not quite so good as ho the pollen of heteromorphic for this would have produced 62 seeds per pod.—
We have seen in no. 3 a very different state of things, the male & female organs being brought into some harmony, but both being with inferior degenerated in fertility except with each other.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 3 January, 2023