RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Conclusions from considering crosses of 1863 & 64. CUL-DAR108.153-154. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Conclusions from considering crosses of 1863 & 64. The heteromorphic cowslip-polyanthus, (which were of same age & treated in every way in same way as the Hom. seedlings were when heteromorphically fertilised highly fertile in 18 63; & gave average of 38.7 seed. In 64, from some cause the long-styled were rather sterile or rather many failed, (whereas last year these were the most fertile) & gave this year a higher average 42.1 & 40.7. Had not so many unions, especially homomorphic unions long-styled failed this year & had not some of the homomorphic unions of long-styled been very fertile, I shd have thought case conclusive, & that the homomorphic seedlings were proved excessively sterile.
As it is, there can hardly be a doubt, that these hom: seedlings, when hom: fertilised, are very much more sterile, (with due allowance for tobacco smoke in 63 & drought in 64) for than the heteromorphic plants & from these latter were not better treated. — Taking both years, we see in Plant I, during both years, 30 fl were fertilised with own pollen & yielded only 6 pods with average of 4.8 wretched seed. They were fertile with hetero: pollen of Hetero. plants—
Plant 2. A short-styled from sh. st 15 fl. with own pollen & gave one pod with 23 seed. 9 flowers were fert, by heteromorphic pollen, either of pure cowslip A or of hom. B seedlings & gave only one pod with 26 poor seed.—
Plant 4. 24 fl. with own pollen & not one pod.— Heteromorphically 2A & 3 B, moderately fertile
Plant 3. 12 fl. with own pollen & not one pod — Heteromorphically 3 A 4 B not one pod.
Plant 5. Evidence odd & doubtful— 2 with own pollen both set & produced 8, & 15.
Plant 6. 32 flowers with own pollen, only 1 pod with 23 seed, Heteromorphically 10 fl. A, produced 2 or 3 good pods, 3 like B all produced very fertile pods!!
Conclusions from 1863—64
We see in above that 115 fl. were fert, by own pollen & produced only 10 pods yielding 98 very poor seed, so average 9.8 per pod.—
Twenty flowers were fert. in 18 (1864) heteromorph. by Hom. pollen & they produced only 7 pods; with 211 seed so that but these contained 31.4 seed on averge; but this great average due to Plant 6.
in 1863— 26 fl. of these Hom. seedling were fert. were fert. heteromorphically by good pollen of cowslip or Polyanthus, & these yielded only 8 pods, with 290 seed, so that but each contained on average 36.2 seed per pod. See converse experiment below.
x In 1863 — 5 fl of common Het. cowslip.=poly. were het. fert. by Hom. pollen, & they yielded 4 pods with seed 30.2 seed per pod.
As standard of comparison in 1863— 15 pods 21 flowers were produced by the Heteromorphic seedlings heteromorph. fertilised by other Heteromorphic seedlings & by cowslip or Polyanthus & these gave 15 pods, yielding average of 37.8 seed per pod. — In year 64 the short-styled (long-styled failed much) yielded 42.1. per pod.
Unfortunately of Homomorphic Unions none were made in 63 — In 64. those of short-styled alone can be trusted & the average is 20.3 seed per pod.
It is this want of an average standard for Homomorphic Unions which alone makes me cautious in concluding that the Hom. plants hom: fertilised are excessively sterile.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 January, 2023