RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Conclusions 63, 64, 65 Cowslip-Polyanthus. CUL-DAR108.155-157. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Conclusion 63, 64, 65— Cowslip-Polyanthus
No. 2. Hom. Short-styled seedling from short-styled, 27 fl. were fert. with own pollen & yielded one pod with 23 seed.
5 7 fl. were fert. heteromorph by cowslip pollen & gave no pod only 1 pod with 26 poor seed.
8 fl. of cowslip were fert. hom. by its pollen & yielded not one pod.
24 fl of long-styled Homomorphic seedlings were fert Hetero by this pollen & gave 9 pods with average of 38.0 seed, but many of these seeds were very poor & certainly wd. not have grown
4 fl. were fert. heteromorphically by pollen of long-styled Hom. seedlings & gave 1 pod with 26 poor seed.
Although many of the anthers contained no pollen or were contabescent.
Hence we see how wonderfully sterile this plant is; besides the contabescent anthers I made the above several trials — yet the sterility certainly not due exclusively to absence or badness of pollen alone for this pollen did yield by Heteromorphic union a good many seeds (yet most extremely poor), with long-styled Homomorphic plants. I may say I tried this plant. in many ways always sterile in great degree. — Five fl. heteromorphically crossed by good pollen of wild cowslip did not yield a pod.
Conclusions 1863, 64, 65 Cowslip-Polyanthus
Plant I. long-styled from long short-styled both Hom. fert 38 42 fl. were fert with own pollen & yielded 11 pods [data not transcribed]
These 11 flowers when fert. Het. with cowslip & Pol pollen & yielded 6 pods, with average of 37.5 seed — so that apparently female organ sound
Plant 4. long-styled from short-styled do. do
36 fl. were fert with own pollen & yielded not one pod during the 3 years — Many anther contabescent brown shrivelled yet female organ not quite important
Plant 3. long-styled from long sty. both Hom. fert. 24 fl were fert with own pollen & yielded 2 pods during year 1865 with 19 [+] 22 [=] 41 seed
Pl. 5 long-sty from long-sty do do
14 fl. were fert with own pollen & yielded 8 pods with [data not transcribed]
Pl. 6 long-sty from long-styled by own pollen do do
x (1) 44 fl were fert with own pollen & yielded only 1 pod with 23 seed. 5 fl were fert. Hetero with pollen of cowslip & one produced 50 fine seed.
no great difference between 2 pots.
The sterility of the Hom short & long plants certainly great— but always shown by few of flowers which set, for sometimes when they do, produce full average of seed.
some seeds did not germinate from Hom. un.
[table and calculations not transcribed]
[table and calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 January, 2023