RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Plants fertilised for 1864. CUL-DAR108.158-159. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
(Plants fertilised for 1864)
Plant (4.) Three fl. were fert. heteromorp. by hom. pollen & set 2 pods, one with 32 very fine seed & the other with 12.: 20 fl. were fert, with own pollen & did not set one pod.!!
4 [+] 20 [+] 12 [=] 36
Plant. (3.) Four fl. fert. heteromorph. by hom. pollen & set not one pod: & 7 with own pollen & set not one pod. 5 [+] 7 [+] 12 [=] 24
Plant (5) This year very unhealthy; & 2 fl. were fert by own pollen & oddly both set & produced 8, & 15 good seeds 2 12
Plant (6.) This plant became unhealthy in June, yet 3 fl. fert. heteromorp. by hom: pollen & all 3 produced pods, yielding 40, 42, 52 seed.
No less than 32 fl were fert. by own pollen & only 1 pod produced with 23 seed; so unhealthiness will not account for great sterility 32 [+] 12 [=] 44
Homomorphic seedlings
Plant (4) long-styled from short-styled.
I fertilised 2 fl with heteromorphically with heteromorphic pollen of cowslip & got
15 very modest seed
0. —
I fertilised 4 fl Homomorphically with own-form pollen & got no pods
The result, agrees, as far as it goes with Plant I.
Homomorphic seedlings from long-styled
Plant (3) long-styled, fertilised 3 fl. with pollen of Polyanthus & 5 homomorphically with own-form pollen; no pod had begun to swell, when whole umbel withered apparently quite sterile plant—
Plant (5) long-styled from long-styled
I fertilised 2 fl heteromorphically with pure cowslip pollen; only one produced some poor seed sticking to placenta
I fertilised 3 fl. heteromorphically with homomorphic pollen; & one produced 75 very minute seeds & a second 56 do; but certainly not one of these seeds wd have grown, — So this plant miserably very sterile
Plant (6) I fertilised 5 fl heteromorphically with pure cowslip pollen: one produced 50 fine large seeds; & the one other a good many small seed slinging to ovarium.—
I also fertilised 5 fl heteromorphically with homomorphic pollen; & one alone produced 26 rather poor small seed.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 January, 2023