RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.02.27. Long-styled children Homomorphic. CUL-DAR108.26. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Long-styled children Homomorphic
Feb. 27 1862 — 20 long-styled + 4 long-styled + 3 = 27 plants.
These plants not more dwarfed than Heteromorphic plants
Fertility 9/10 pods self-fert. yielded average 39.75, max. of 66: 5 pods of legitimate long-styled plants, illegit fert. yielded average 63.2 with max of 73 30.6 with max of 38 — but 5 not sufficient — see after weighing — All set!! two main pots or some other [illeg] may be caused by some of them tending to vary into equal-styled vars (Remark on Hildebrands average for Hom. union. of only 18 seed!!). Four of these Hom. plants crossed legit by legit pollen, yielded 3 pods with 53 2/3 seeds with max of 69; they ought to have yielded 62.3 with [illeg]: four crossed fl illegitimately by legit. plant yielded 3 pods with average of 34.3 seed, so less than Hom. union.
Four legitimate plants were crossed by pollen of these Hom. long-styled plants & yielded 4 capsules with 52.5 seed, with max. of. 72. (All these latter observations show that my Heteromorphic unions not too high.) It looks as if this Hom. union was really more fertile than that of Legit. plants, for 9 of the Hom. plants produced 11 pods with some seed, whilst 11 legit plant gave only 4 pods — 27 [+] 26 [=] 53
Grandchildren from the above children fert. by own form-pollen I raised 24 + (1) plant & all proved long-styled, so that from the 2 generations 52 plants have been raised & all long-styled. (*Dr. Hildebrand)
These 24 26 plants grew rapidly & stronger & were some taller & more vigour then the 2 families from short-styled & then another lot of self-fertilised equal-styled seedlings in one plant I noticed contabescent anthers — & I expected very fine plants, but when they flowered see p. 4. for description. — Now In one plant some contabescent anthers.
17 flowers on some of the 24 plants were illegit. fert with own-form pollen & yielded 14 pods, which contained average of 29.2 seed with max 53 & min. 14. X so about same sterility as same union with legitimate plants.
15 flowers were legit. fert by pollen from illegitimate short-styled,— descended grandchildren from short-styled, either (their parents having been legitimately or illegitimately fertilised as explained in two paragraphs under short-styled). These 15 flowers produced 14 pods, which contained average of 46.0 seed with a max of 64 & min. of 20.
So this legitimate union does not appear so fertile as legit. union of legitimate Plants.)
23 of the 24 Plants produced spontaneously 49 pods, of which 34 contained 311 seeds (many bad) ie average of 9.1 with max of 46 & min of 1.— 34: 49:: 311: 4
Now 28. 13 legitimate plants produced spontaneously 25.9 gr of seeds = fine seed is & on this scale the 23 plants ought to have produced so in some degree sterile.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 3 January, 2023