RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.01.30. Short-styled children. CUL-DAR108.27-28b. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Short-styled children
Jan 30'. 1862
8 plants raised from crosses made in Spring, I know one of them long-styled, & 7 others I suppose certainly short-styled. These plants germinated more slowly & are more dwarfed (now beginning to flower then the Hom. children from long-styled or their Het. seedlings. — Some of this plant flowered precociously, then those later but did not set seed precociously—
Feb. 28 I repeat statement about dwarfing—
Fertility of a short-styled seedling 3/5 pods (one omitted) gave average of 23 2/3 with max of 29 of the above 2 flowers:
self-fertilised {long short -styled product of illegit. fertilisation 3/5 average 23 2/3 with max. 29
short long -styled 0/5 — no seed
these 2 forms legitimately crossed {long short -styled 4/5 yielded average of 30 with max of 38
short Long -styled 1/3 yielded 23
Two flowers of the ؟ long-styled were crossed legitimately by legit: pollen & each yielded only 4 seed
(Perhaps best to run both these unions together on both the long short- & short long styled plants
From 8 illegitimate unions I got 3 pods with 23 2/3. 6 with max. 29
― 8 legitimate union between the 2 illegitimate forms, I got 5 good pods with ave 28 2/3. 6 max. 36.)
Grandchildren from short-styled by own-form pollen, I succeeding in raising only 6 plants which germinated the same period with other lot, but were like their parents of dwarfed stature & remained so to end of life & plainly of so weak a constitution that 4 died before flowering; & thus it is rare to have more than 1 seedling die out of a whole lot.
The 2 which lived & flowered were short-styled, set no seed spontaneously.
With respect to their fertility, 12 fl. crossed illegitimately with brother seedling pollen yielded 12 pods, which contained average of 28.2 seed, but omitting 2 pods (with 6 & 7 seed) average rises to 32.6 with max 48 & min. 23. So no increase in sterility fr compared with first illegitimate union.
Four flowers were legit. fert by pollen from an illegitimate long-styled grandchild, from a
Short-styled continued
long-styled plant, so no sort of relation: these legitimate unions, if both plants sowed wd have yielded about 50 to 60 seed (3) but the 4 pods gave average of only 32.3 seed, with max. of 45 & min 21.
From the first union, ie of short-styled plant with own-form pollen, 8 plants were obtained 7 short-styled & 1 long-styled. These were legit. fert. & from their seed 15 plant grandchildren raised; they were finer & taller & healthy plants than the last lot from same parent female form, but illegit. fert.
These plants according to all analogy ought to have been half-long & half short; but all were short-styled — which is very curious. — In the 2 generation 25 plant have been raised, which have proved 24 short-styled & 1 long-styled.
The 15 grandchildren spont. produced 50 pods without a single seed, which is more sterile than a legitimate plant see p. 85.
(12 fl. fert. by own-form pollen & yielded 8 pods with average of 21.8 (but omitting 2 pods with only 9 & 5 seed we have average of 26.4) with max. 35 & min. 21. Therefore as sterile as last lot of double illegit. union.)
6 fl. were legit. fert by illegitimate long-styled grandchild, from long-styled grandparent, (not related) & such a union ought to have yielded 50-60 seed (?), but only 3 pods were produced with average of 23.6, but omitting one pod with only 6 seed, average rises to 32. 32.5 with max viz of 35 & a min. of 30. A fixed degree of sterility seems indelible in these plants see for metaphor back of p. 4.
To sum up summary on the transmission of form, constitution, & fertility of the ill, off. of P.S. In regard to the form, the ill. offspring as far as my experience of the 2 plants* goes serve on on raising from the long-styled. They grow vigorously, but the flower in one instance was all ar small & appear to revert in one instance all seemed, as if they had reverted to a wild state. In the first illegitimate gen. they were probably fertil; in the 2d illegit, gen. their betray some slight sign fertility was somewhat only very slightly lessened injured.
With respect to the short-styled form, their illegit. offspr, exhibit a strong, but not invariably tendency to be come short-styled; they are dwarfed in stature, & to one lot of grandchildren was weakly in constitution to a remarkable degree. in an These plants when illegit fert. by their own pollen were in some degree less fertile than the normal standard for such a union of the same nature; but their loss of fertility are is much clearly shown in a & another & another & a special manner, which could not have been anticipated, namely when legitimately fertile by other illegitimate plants {18 fl. were These eight flowers fert. in this, manner, & yielded 12 pods, which enclose included on an average 28.5 seed with a max. of 45.
Now a legitimate short-sty plant ought to yield when legit. by fertilised an average of 64, with a possible max: of 74 seeds.— It is peculiar for that if infertility will perhaps be best appreciated understood by a simile:
[deleted lines not transcribed]
We may assume that six children are born on an average are born from each ordinary marriage, but that only three are would be born on an average from an incestuous marriage. Now according to the analogy of the P. S., such the children of such incestuous marriages if they continued to marry incestuously, would have their sterility only but slightly increased; if, however, but their fertility would not be restored by a proper marriage; for if two children, in no way related, but both of incestuous origin, but is in no wa degree related were to marry, the marriage wd. of course be strictly legitimate, yet nevertheless they would not give birth to an more than half the full & proper number of children.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 January, 2023