RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Equal-styled variation of P. Sinensis. CUL-DAR108.29-31. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
John Horwood (1823-c.1880) was the head gardener of Darwin's neighbour G.H. Turnbull. 1862-63 Horwood superintended the building of Darwin's hothouse. Darwin acknowledged his assistance in Orchids, p. 158.
Equal-styled variation of P. Sinensis Allude to legit
In illegit long-styled grand ch. of from a self-fert long-styled, self-fertilised, last described, one plant had some of its flowers viz, with stamens in usual position low down in tube, whilst the stigma instead of standing at mouth of Corolla, stood close above anthers; & the stigma itself was nearly globular & smooth, so as to approach closely to structure of stigma in short-styled. In a other flowers in same umbel, two were not so short-styled as last, but intermediate between the short & long-styled, & the stigma was elongated like long-styled, but smooth like short-styled; in 3 other flowers, truly long-styled: so highly variable in same umbel; but these difference so important as bearing on functional power of this species, that I fertilised with pollen from same individual plant, (so very unfavourable) 8 fl. & got 5 good pods containing on average 43.0 seed, so more fertile than ordinary long-sty, when fert. by same form.
This led me to examine plant from other places, with following results but as late in season in some places few left in flower.
Rookery & Ducks} Horwood Chichester Barston Holwood High Elms Westerham our seedlings of 1 greater from bought seed |
Long-styled 20 0 12 30 42 16 1 13 [total] 134
Short-styled 0 0 9 18 12 0 5 7 [total] 51 |
Equal-styled Var. 9 17 2 15 of a different family 0 0 0 0 [total] 43 |
As I obtained from pods plants legit. fert, the same number of L. & Sh. styled, & from analogy of other dic sp. no doubt under nature the 2 forms wd occur in = nos. preponderance due to long-styled self-fertilising themselves, owing to fall of corolla & position of anthers*, & gardener are aware seed free more freely.—
With respect to To refer to the above equal-styled form, is a var, from not always appearing, & from case of C., one more immediate subject, they prevent some inheriting, phenomenon,, as any variation in sexual power is always of importance.
As any variation, in the reproductive powers function in shorter combined with change in function organs as a rare event the following cases serve will be described are given in detail. Mr S. in his old paper on has given some recorded analogous cases facts.
My attention was first called to the subject by observing one illegit. plant, of the descended from a self-fert. long-styled pl parent, with some of the flowers in an unusual state; namely with the stamen occupy standing placed in the mouth of low down in the corolla, as in an ordinary short long-styled plant, whilst the but with the pistil was so short & —& [illeg] in instead of projecting at the mouth of the corolla, stood that the stigma stood standing on a level with the anthers. The stigma was nearly as globular & as smooth, so as to resemble the as in the short-styled form instead of being elongated & rough as in the long-styled form. Here then we here have the stamen of one the long-styled form & a pistil nearly resembling that of the short-styled form combined in the same flowers. But the flowers, even in the same umbel with the foregoing varied much in structure; for in two of them or 3 were constr the structure was as just described ; in 2 other the pistil was of intermediate, in length between that of l & sh-styled with the stigma elongated like the former & smooth like the other & lastly in 3 other the flower was in all respects resemble the frequently long-styled-form.
(With respect to 1' lot in Table, Mr Horwood raised some plants seedling from purchased seed & kept 4 for seeding— by themselves, so they cd not have been crossed were self-fertilised: they were either short-styled or equal styled probably the latt (not difference not noticed) & from these 4 plant 17 plants blotched red & white were raised, which I examined & they were all equal-styled.
The stamens stood low down exactly as in long-styled form, (pollen. Weight in some var. & stamens vary) but the stigma which was globular & smooth like short-styled here rises only just to top of anthers or is actually surrounded by them. Yet the pistil is rather longer than in true short-styled.
These 17 seedlings from position of anther & stigma were very self-fertile — 4 plants produced spont spontaneous produced no less than 180 pods; 30 of which examined 3 alone were empty, & the 27 contained on average 35.5 seed with max. of 70 & min of 11.; but if 6 poor pods, (with less than 13 seed) be excluded, the average rise to 42.5. — Eight fine pods gathered by gardener for propagation contained average of 54.8 with max. of 72. Hence these plants more fertile when spont. fertilised than ordinary long-styled
Some self-fert seed of the self-fertilise seed of the 17 l equal-styled plants were sown & produced 16 plants, all equal-styled, which are grandchildren of the original 4 plants known to have been either short- or equal styled,— so that this form is strongly inherited probably transmitted during 2 generation & perhaps through 3 generation. I have said the 16 all equal styled, with the stigma which is globular & smooth fairly surrounded by anthers, but in 2 stig did projected very little beyond: in one the stamens were seated rather lower than in true long-styled, so here slight change in male organs; in some other change exclusively in pistil which has assumed external characters of short-styled. one plant of D monstrous, another with contabescent anther— pollen composed of minute cells, with 1 or 2 another perfect
One of the 16 was experimented on: it produced spont. (owing to proximity of anthers & stigma 13 capsules which contained average of 53.2 seed with max. of 97 & min. of 14. — 6 flowers were art. fert. by pollen of same plant & p yielded average of 68.0 with max. of 82 & min. of 40.
Now I have never seen such an average & still less such astounding maxima as 97 & 82 even in my legitimate union between distinct plants & undoubtedly these plants though self-fertilise during 3 generations, have acquired an abnormal degree of fertility & quite lost their dimorphic nature.
Conclusions with respect to the e. sty variety plant. That this form is a new variety variation & not a [illeg] 3d form as in the case of Lythrum & Oxalis is clear; for as We have seen the first stages of its formation in the illegitimate long-styled plant grown & described by me. & In the case if Ducks seedling equal-styled & long-styled plants slightly deviating from the normal short & equal-styled plant were both produced from the same self-fertilised parent. [5-6 lines after this not transcribed]
It is This variation of common occurrence & is strongly transmitted. It wd The case It wd possess little interest if it consisted of a near change if structure, but this accompanied by changed fertility. The origin of this variation occurrence Its origin apparently depends on the illegitimate birth if the plant in wh it appears & is probably due to reversion; we have also seem variation in distinct cases. but to this point I shall recur at the close of this paper. The reduced size & altered structure shape of the flower in the one set of illegitimate plant, descended from a self-fert— long-styled parent, is likewise apparently is a case of reversion.
(With respect to 2d lot in Table viz Ducks;' seedlings.
From a single very plant, character not observed, 29 seedlings were raised, of which 20 were long-styled & 9 equal-styled. The In the some flowers of the long-styled the pistil did not project quite so much as it ought to be do, & the stigma though normally elongated was not rough; so that apparently make some approach to equal-styled variety: moreover moreover they were was much more spontaneously fertile than ordinary long-styled plant; for one plant yielded 15 spontaneously fertile pods; & 8 pods taken by chance from another plant yielded average of 31.7 seed with a max. of 61.)— In regard to the 9 equal-styled
Now of the Hom. long— 15. grandchildren, spont: fert 34 pods contained average of only 9.1 seed; with a max. of 46.
In regard to the 9' equal-styled of the same parentage, the stigma is globular & smooth as in short-styled & was surrounded by the anthers, as in the previous case with stamen as in long-styled. [illeg] (B) These plants were subjected to experiments & yielded remarkable results: 13 of course it & all, from position of stigma was highly fertile without any aid: 13 capsules spont. set yielded average of 53.2 seed with max. of 97 & min, of 14. Five Six flowers were art. fert. with pollen from same flower plant, & these wd aid yielded average of 68.0 with max of 82. & a & min. of 40. I never before saw such maxima as 97 & 82, nor so high an average as 68.0 — These equal styled fl. not any have lost dimorphic structure, but seem to have acquired an abnormal degree of fertility.—
(a) (test.)
(Lastly with respect to the Barston plant, the long-style & short-sty plants were descended derived from a single plant being to a distinct stock from the 15 equal-styled. These latter were produced from a single plant; which the Gardener believe was not equ their corolla was mottled; in all the stigma was surrounded by the anthers; in all (except one in which slightly elongated) it was globular & nearly smooth, as in the short-styled form, the stamen as in long-styled. The gardener said they were not very productive of seed, which may perhaps be accounted for by pollen being bad, as in some of Southampton plants
Conclusion on P. sinensis. Inheritance of same form when illegitimately fertilised
Sterility of Long— small flower — reversion — Sterility of Short-styled — Enfeebled constitution — Appearance of equal-styled — from same parent— apparently long-styled. — perhaps effect if illegitimate union. — cont. of Hermaphrodite — increased fertility — some disadvantage otherwise as formed under nature.
Probably reversion — for parent-form, in ordinary hermaphrodite, or indeed some few species of genus still are. —
(a) In order to show the tendency in these abnormal plants to transmit their newly-acquired peculiarity.
I may add, as showing inheritance, that seed was saved by the gardener fr indiscriminately from these equal-styled & long-styled plants & 16 seedlings ie grandchildren from the original single plant borne to Mr Ducks proved to be 14 equal-styled (but two of these had stigma standing a little above anther) & 2 two long-styled.
(B) Eight pods yielded average of 44.4 seed with max of 61 & min. of 23.
Concluding Remarks is a variety — incipient formation with C. (Ducks seedlings) descent from long-styled— Reversion — increase of fertility — why not naturally selected — Stamen always low down in corolla— strongly transmitted
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 January, 2023