RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.01.30-07.26. P. sinensis. CUL-DAR108.34-39. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Darwin's abbreviations for Homomorphically and Heteromorphically are given in full in this transcription.
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Jan 30' 1862 P. Sinensis
8 Plants raised from all seed of Short-styled by own-form pollen, crossed last Spring. These plants are decidedly more dwarf (though 2 pretty fine) than the 3 other lost. (The long-seedlings from long-styled by own pollen, not dwarfer than the heteromorphic. seedlings.)
Of these 8 2 are now in have one flower just open, whereas in all other 3 larger lots, only one white flower shows bursting petals: hence rather more precocious from dwarfing. Does not Gartner say that Hybrids are more precocious— if so good I think so. —
[in margin:] (The precocity is very little)
(All Used)
Jan 31. Examined first opened pollen short-styled fl. of Homomorphic Union no. 4— (see to roughness of stigma) (1.4) one anther just naturally opened — plenty of pollen. each grain like grain of disc — swelled in water (& I believe shortened??—) but in all I could see within granular matter & a nucleus!!! & length of each distended grain 11 1/2 / 7000 & breadth only under 8/7000. — I do not remember such proportions.─
Sticks mean Short-styled
Black thread or worsted means Homomorphic union
White thread or worsted means a Heteromorphic union
Thread goes with Sticks
Worsted with no sticks
I crossed 4 flowers of no. 4 with perfect pollen from the Heteromorphic seedlings for comparison & marked with white worsted or thread, mixed with red worsted or thread. red & black worsted.— I suppose these were crossed Homomorphically, but no record made
Feb 5. seedling short-styled from a Heteromorphic union (viz long-styled by short-styled pollen) Nuclei visible — The grains distended are oval.
seedling short-styled from a Homomorphic Union (viz no 4.) — (Plenty of pollen, as much as in the above Heteromorphic seedling & in apparently exactly the same state & appearance of goodness. ―
Feb. 12 1862 I fertilised the seedlings from the Homomorphic union of 1861. No 4. Zinc label (ie from short-styled by own-form pollen) with pollen from seedlings from same Homomorphic union; as I expected these to be sterile.— (over)(PP)
I crossed 3 with black thread or worsted & 2 with white string thread or worsted
Feb. 21 — 3/6 — Homomorphically — 4/6 Heteromorphically
For comparison I crossed but Homomorphically & Heteromorphically seedlings from the Heteromorphic union of 1861, as these would of course be fully fertile.— 4 with black & 4 with white threads
(over) zzz
The long & short stamens are affixed in line of midrib of petals—
There seem about 10 ribs or carpels on ovarium?—)
P.P. Feb 27 crossed 2 more homomorphically & 2 more of no. 4 heteromorphically: so that now 8 of no. 4 are crossed both ways, making 16 crossed
Feb. 23 I crossed 12 more flowers (i.e. 20 flowers altogether) of the heteromorphic seedlings (no 1 & no. 2.) crossing 10 homomorphically (ie black thread or worsted (according to sticks) & 10 heteromorphically with white thread or worsted. — (This experiment will serve to test last years experiments)
Chinese Primroses
Feb. 21. 21st —1862
Homomorphic seedling. (no. 3) (from long-styled plants with own formed pollen.—)
I crossed
All these plants in number are long-styled!! Their pollen seems good.
I crossed 4 homomorphically with own own form pollen marked black thread worsted
Feb 24 I crossed. Six more (making 10 altogether)
And for comparison I crossed 4 of no. 3) heteromorphically with perfect pollen from the Heteromorphic seedlings. No 1 & no. 2 marked Black with white & red worsted. — To test with stigmas of no 3 are perfect
Feb. 24 And for comparison I crossed 4 (flower of no. 3) homomorphically with perfect pollen from the heteromorphic seedlings no 1 & 2. — Marked with Black worsted & reddish string. — To test whether stigmas of no. 3 are perfect
(No. 2 are Heteromorphic seedlings from long-styled by pollen of short-styled)
(No. I are Heteromorphic seedling from short-styled by pollen of long-styled plants)
(No 3 & no 4, though the latter at first clearly dwarfed, & even in slight degree rather precocious in flowering, were not precocious, but rather late in setting their seed.)ß May 29. 62
to test whether pollen of no 3 be good →
Feb. 24th. Crossed 4 long-styled flowers of Heteromorphic seedling (1 & 2) with pollen of no 4. crossed them Homomorphically, Heteromorphically & marked with black white thread wor thread mixed with black white worsted. As these were long styled & were not open castrated, can be in some degree trusted in testing power of pollen of no. 4
Crossed 4 5 flowers of Heteromorphic seedlings short-styled (no 1 & 2) with pollen from no 3 —crossed then Heteromorphically Heteromorphically Homomorphically & marked with white thread ringed with white worsted & red string
As these short-styled flowers had to be opened to be fertilised, some of own pollen probably got on, & so power of pollen of no. 3 can hardly be inferred with safety from this experiment.— (Useless indeed perfect pods are produced.)─
Feb. 28th
Of no. 1. (Heteromorphic seedings ie. from short-styled flowers by pollen of long-styled) there are 10 plants, of which 5 are short-styled & 5 long-styled, yet in flower
Of no. 2. (Heteromorphic seedling i.e. from long-styled fl. by pollen of short-styled) there were 9 plants, of which 6 are long-styled & 3 short-styled + 2 = 5 short-styled
(2 more have to flower) →
April 23d. one more has flowered & this is short-styled.
July 26. do do do ― is short-styled
Proportion of form in Heteromorphic seedling
Feb 27 1862 In the 2 large pots of Homomorphic seedlings no. 3 from long-styled by own-form pollen: there were nine plants, all long-styled; besides others not yet in flower In the separate pots there were plants all long-styled.—
(zz) One of these plants had stamens as in long-styled & stigma as in do, but the pistil was short, & stigma stood just above level of anther instead of far below; so that this may must be counted & makes 10 long-styled as mid-styled (see Supplement p. 6.)
Nine plants of no 3 in separate pots are all long-styled — (one has not yet to flowered this will die) All used except about mid-styled
March 14th another plant flowered in large pot, truly long-styled, which makes 10 (not counting the approximately mid-styled). (Add the plant which I thought was "mid-styled" formerly.)
Of no. 4 (ie short-styled by own-form pollen) there are six 7 plants, of which five are short-styled (2 in pots have not yet flowered,) & one long-styled, (which is not bigger than the others)
July 8th another has flowered & is short-styled.
Feb. 28. I have no hesitation in saying that 6 Plants of no. 4 now in full flower, are dwarfer on average than others "& had a slight tendency to precocity in flowering"
Two ho plants have not flowered & this occurred with very few of many other seedlings raised.
(No. 4 seedling from short-styled by own pollen)
Feb. 27. 1862 Crossed flowers of no. 4 heteromorphically 2 with perfect pollen of no 1 or 2 & marked with red Braid worsted, white worsted & white thread
Feb. 27. Castrated 2 long-styled flowers of no 1 or 2 & fertilised with pollen of no. 4, to see if pollen of latter good marked with white Worsted thread Black thread & red worsted Braid. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 6 January, 2023