RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].04.19. Red Primroses. CUL-DAR108.93-94. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Red Primroses
9. Purple, like a common long-styled P. 0 with minute white streak in one pistil towards the midrib.
14. rich purple— stigma high X above mouth— stamen middle abundant pollen. à (Pollen sent to William, who found the pollen of same size as with long-styled common primroses. but with many more shrunk & sterile grains.) |
10. like 8.— much purple 0
15. yellow, with very long pistil X like 14 &c. eye of corolla a little darker orange than wild Primrose |
11. not under net— purple thickly streaked with white — petals much separated & seems monstrous — stigma lies in middle of stamens. A 2d flower do— A 3d fl with very long pistil — but all have stamen in position of long-styled. (2 more flower long-styled: 2 mid-styled) |
16. Purple, a little streaked with yellow— —Pistil rather long: flowers rather monstrous & split. |
12. ordinary yellow! stigma on level with mouth of corolla; with eye rather more orange. 0 (Used) |
17. dirty purple finely freckled with dirty yellow stigma as in 14. Calyx rather leafy. X |
13. chocolate purple with very few yellow. freckles — stigma very high above X |
18. rich purple stigma as in 13— tube of corolla in lower part shortened, so that stamen stand lower X |
(All long-styled in whole 23 Plants)
Red Primroses
Black Thread, pollen from same plant
White Thread pollen from long-styled common Primrose
White wool pollen ― short-styled ― Primrose
1. Purple— rather long-styled.
Black. thread. White thread
2. dull purple stigma a little below 0 short mouth of corolla — stigma as in others
3. dull purple— stigma very high as in 13. X long
4. not under under net, precisely like wild yellow Primroses.—
5. stigma between 8 & 14— is dirty purple O X
Black th. White Th.
6. yellow, in all respect like common wild.—
7. Pale purple — pistil a little 0 shorter than in common long-styled.
8. dull purple. stigma just above mouth— stamen in middle of tube — Stigma varies in differnt plants in elongation. 0
N. B All the 23 Plants are long-styled, for even no. 11 is short-stamened.— nearly all have large corollas & are most profuse flowerers —
Red Primroses
19. splashed purple — very long pistil. X (N.B in common long-styled P. base of stigma on level with tops of mouth of corolla)
20. yellow— mouth of corolla more orange then common P. -corolla larger. (Used)
21. like 19. in all respects X
22. pale purple, white streak by notch like 19 in pistil X
23. very long pistil— purple X alone orange base, a zone of white petals imperfectly developed & monstrous
The yellow primrose is important as showing red is true variety. —
Enlarge on red &c purple being inherited; — Hut. knowing nothing of reciprocal dimorphism— has maintained that colour never inherited.
(April 19 I now find that Plants, 3, 13, & 14 which had very long pistils have now only ordinarily long pistils like common Primroses!)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 8 January, 2023