RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Mid-styled / Short-styled / Long-styled / Illegitimate Unions. CUL-DAR109.B106-B109. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Legitimately fertilised by mid-length stamen of long-styled
65 [+] 52 [+] 74 [=] 191 [÷] 3} 63.6
Leg. fert by pollen of mid-length stamen of short-styled
61 [+] 62 [+] 73 [+] 29 [=] 225 [other calculations not transcribed]
Illegitimately fertilised
9 flowers fert by both own pollen mixed together
2/9 yielded 28 [+] 10 [=] 38 — average 19 seeds
12 flowers by pollen of longest stamens of short-styled 1/12 set 1 with g good
The only other possible illeg. union not tried
Legitimately fert by pollen 3 flowers by pollen of shortest stamen of short mid-styled
0 [+] 69 [+] 65 [=] 134 ave 67
Legitimately fertilised by pollen of shortest stamens of long-styled [calculation not transcribed] average 54.3
by own longest stamens 1/5 = g seed
by own mid-length stamen 0 0 0 (count of amt to be sport ─ call — problem & yet none set spontaneously)
13 flowers with both own pollen 0
seven flowers by pollen of longest stamens of mid styled 0
10 flowers by pollen of mid-length stamen of long-styled 1/10 — 54 seed
Summary legitimate [data not transcribed]
Summary illegitimate [data not transcribed]
O. speciosa Long-styled
Long-styled by pollen of longest stamens of short-styled
[data not transcribed]
own-form mid-length stamen
2/9 set 44 [+] 41 [=] 85 average 42.5
own form shortest stamen
0/7 0/7 11 fertilised & produced 0
Four flowers fert by shortest stamens of midstyled 0
Twelve flower fert by mid-length stamen of short-styled
5/12 set 32 [+] 41 [+] 26 [+] 21 [+] 30 [=] 150 — 30.0 seed per pod
[data not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 February, 2023