RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1867.04.09. Oxalis speciosa. CUL-DAR109.B18-B19. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
1867 (Spring) Oxalis speciosa. Results not yet worked into former results.—
Mid-styled. 3 flowers were fert. legitimately by pollen of longer stamens of long-styled & produced pods, containing 61 seed 65 52 74} 63.6
Also 3 flowers legit. fertilised by pollen of shorter stamens of short-styled & produced 61 62 73} 65.3
Average of all 6 legit. fert. is 64.5 seed. Max 74. min. 52.
8 flowers were illegitimately fert. by pollen of both own stamen & produced only 2 capsules, containing 10 & 28 seed ie average 19 seed.
8 fl. were illegit. fert. by pollen from longest stamens of short-styled & did not set one capsule: Only own other union was possible viz with longest stamen of long-styled & this was not tried.—
Oxalis speciosa 1867
1867. Long-styled 6 flowers fert. legiti by pollen of longest stamens of short-styled, produced 4 pods with — N.B. These were tried because I thought the plants might be illegitimate, & in the case wd be in some degree sterile
April 9th. The 2 last flowers produced on plant were fert. as above in order to try whether the others illegitimate unions had been effected two sets in reason & we see they were not.
68 70 55 67 — {35 poor & bad seeds & may be omitted 71 good
(So that altogether the this year 8 of these long-styled flowers were legit. fert. by pollen of longer stamen of short-styled & produced 5 good capsules (& one poor one omitted); & these they contained on average 66.2 seed. Max 71. Min. 55.)
4 flowers were illegitimately fert by pollen of own shorter stamens & did not produce one capsule.—
1 fl. Legit. fert by short stamen of long-styled & pod failed & produced only 16 seeds, these may be neglected in striking average
3 fl. Legit. fert by short-stamens of mid-styled & produced 2 pods with 69 & 65 seed; average 67.—
12 flowers were fert. illegit by both own pollen & did not set 1 pod: in the stigmas cannot fail to receive own pollen from shorter stamen & yet never sport, set a capsule.—
8 fl fert illegitimately by pollen of long stamen of long-styled & produced only one pod with 54 seed.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 February, 2023