RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1865 Lythrum. CUL-DAR109.B30-B35. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Lythrum 1865
Long-sty — common plant 12 flowers by gr-pollen of short-sty. for standard.
wool 66. [+] 65 [+] 48. [+] 99. [+] 77. [=] 355
355 [+] 37. [+] 55. [+] 65. [+] 69. [=] 581
9/581 [=] average 64.5
If two pods with less than 50 seed be excluded, we have 9/12 produced pods.
581 [-] 85 [=] 496 [] 7 [=] average 70.8
No 1. Homo long-sty from long-sty in Potato field, with no other plants, & did not produce or pod
No 2. Homo long-sty from do — do. do.. do
several pods, but not very numerous = 22 pods on whole plant
1. minute 0 0 1 1 minute 0 0 |
1. minute 9. not better 0 but small 2. |
Selected 5 small 0. 0 0 1 very minute 7/20 |
This plant produced only 22 pods, instead of hundred; I selected 15 of the best, but only 5 of them contained any seed, viz on average 4.0 each; but these seeds were barely exceeded half to proper size & I do not suppose one wd have germinated.—
Lythrum 1865. (All following were legitimately fert by Bees by about equal number of mid & short-styled plant, but all these were — illegitimate seedlings of diverse parentage.
[Insertion:] good capsule selected.
Nor. 9. Illegitimate long-sty, from long-styled.
39. do 29 some small 29. do 37. very irregular x 22 156 |
156 46. 41 32. 39. 47 x maximum & minimum [=] 361 |
(a good many pods) average 36.1; but many seeds small & far more irregular in size These seeds from legitimate seedlings |
No 10. long-sty from long sty — not one pod.!!
No 125. do. do (2d lot) plenty of pods
52 [+] 25x [+] 38. [+] 30. 28 [=] 173
173 54. [+] 53. [+] 56. [+] 69. x no others so large [+] 37 [=] 442
average 44.2 seed not so irregular in size as in no. 9.—
No 107. do. do. do
37 x [+] 85. x 59. 67. [+] 23* 43. [+] 65 [+] 84. [+] 25x [+] 66. [=] 554
average 55.4 But if 2 poor pods with 25 & 23 be excluded average rises to 63.2
(see Back)
good seed
Fertilised by pollen of long-stamen of short styled of natural plant. legitimate Union
Branch broken off so goes for nothing.
No. 9. 1864 Dry & Hot ─
Young plant well watered & probably Het. fert. by Legitimate plants, possibly by illegitimate plants.
average 391 But if 1 poor pod with 14 seed be excluded average of 9 pods rises to 41.9. max 56 min 28
No. 2 108 average of 10 pods 41.1 max 73. min 11 connected by gradation
*as experiment I deducted the 3 worst & best capsules, which contained above & below average & thus struck average of 9 [illeg] pods & this gave 57.4. How near the average
No 107 [calculations]
No 107 as the no of seed varied in unusual degree I have counted 15 pods ─ the range is from 23 to max 86. (but it shd be remembered that I have not in no great in of pods counted, which had been fert. either art. or not, in legitimate manner as high a number as 159 & repeated by above 100)
The average is 57.1 (for I see no good reason to exclude pods with 23 & 25 seed.)─ *see above & insert foot-note
No 107 [calculations]
Lythrum 1865
No' 8. long-styled from mid-styled ─ same conditions as no. 9 &c
Minimum 52 max 83 (N.B. I have seen in legitimate union max of 159, quoted this before)
average 69.6
83.x [+] 63. [+] 78. [+] 64. [+] 74. [=] 362
362 [+] 52x [+] 75. [+]72. [+] 55 [+] 80 [=] 696
No. 7 mid-styled from mid-sty same lot as no 8.─
(Put this first)
69. [+] 68. [+] (22.) 87.x 65
289 [+] 77 [+] 73 [+] 70 [+] 79 [+] 64x [+] 82 [=] 764 22 736
average of Legitimate mid-styled is 130 maximum of do Raised by ─ 149 151.
Maximum in this lot 87. Minimum 64.
Omitting 1 poor pods with 22 seed average of the 10 10 pods selected is 73.4
No 11. mid-styled from mid-styled (2d lot)
Maximum 131. Minimum 63 average of 10 pods 102.6 N.B. this was nat. fert. by [illeg] & perhaps wd thus yield more seed.─
See not so fine as those to right hand
131x [+] 63x [+] 109. [+] 101 [+] 101 [+] 114 [+] 106 [+] 127 [+] 105 [+] 69. [=] 1026
12 fl by pollen of long st. of long-styled. legitimate
White wool 9/12 set pod 12 set one bad
126. [+] 130 [+] 129. [+] 117 [+] 75. [+] 118 [+] 135x [+] 92 [+] 123 [=] 1045/9 [=] 116.1
max 135. Min 75 average 116. seeds fine.— This union is very valuable, as it shows summer not too hot for large product.—
no. 8. excluding 1 very poor pod with 11, average of 9 pods is 51.5 Max 85. min 25
Do not refer to 1863
no 7. average of 10 61.4: Max 75, min 43
In 1863 — when in flower with legit average 83.7 Max 107 min 56.
3/93 [=] 31
Lythrum 1865 Long sty. from mi short-sty by own pollen.
No 14
83 poor seed
85 do, no better
57x pretty good
86 goodish seed
87. good seed
60. small, but good
76 poor & small
88x small but good
Maximum 88, min 57 average 76.3
seed more irregular in size & more bad them to right hand
12 fl. by pollen of legitimate short-styled from long stamen Legitimate union
Max. 98, min 51 & 69 average 82.5; (but if the one poor pod with 51 seed be omitted average size to 86.5) ie 10 seed under legitimate average 10/12 produced pods.
93. [+] 88. [+] 94. [+] 69. [+] 82. [+] 51x [+] 88 100 [+] 98x [+] 80 [=] 743/9 (82.5
No 15 — short-styled from short-styled
75 [+] 67 [+] 97x [+] 85 [+] 63 [=] 387
374 [+] 71 [+] 96 [+] 79 [+] 85 [+] 60x [=] 77.8
Legitimate short-styled have average of 83.5 seed. & maxim out of 33 25 pods was 112. Of these, the average is 77.8 & max 97 & minimum 60.—
No. 16.— short-styled from short-styled.— Seeds small & irregular I counted 15 pods, as the range from max 51 to min 11 was 10 great but the interval was filled up by many steps.— The average is only 28.3 ie about 1/3 of full average.— I excluded 3 best & poorest pods & then average is 27.6
41 [+] 24 [+] 27 [+] 11 [+] 21 [+] 18 [+] 31 [=] 173
173 [+] 35 [+] 24 [+] 51. [+] 34. [+] 26 [+] 26 [+] 27 [+] 29 [=] 425
no 14 average of 10 pods 35.2 max 58. min 10
Hardly worth mention
Lythrum 1865
No 20 short-styled from sh. sty –(grew in rather shady places but a full-sized plant)
15 selected pods have been counted. Many seed small & irregular.
Max 49, min 7, but many connecting steps, average Max 49, min 7, but many connecting steps, average 27.0 ie 1/3 of not fert. If we subtract 2 poor pods together with 15 seed average rises to 32.6.
If we remove 2 highest & 2 lowest average is 27.2
39 [+] 42 [+] 49x [+] 8 [+] 22 [+] 29 [=] 189
189 [+] 25 [+] 35 [+] 22 [+] 21 [+] 26 [+] 27 [=] 344
344 20 [+] 7 [+] 35 [=] 406
No 25. short-styled from short styled by pollen of long st. of long styled
Maxi 63. minum 26
Average 43.0 ie be little above half average number
All longer stamen without & such Try again in 1866—
No 30 long-sty same parentage as no 25.
12 fl. by pollen of long st. of legit short-styled Plant.— Legitimate.
White wool
91. (do not mention this union)
155 (77.5
12 fl by green pollen of long st. of short-sty pl. no 27 (Brother/Legit U.
Black wool (one Branch died)
42.x min
80x max
189 [÷] 3 [=] 63.0
(not worth notice)
I have slot 12 illegitimate unions — I have no [illeg]flowers [illeg] as I [illeg] 6 [2 words illeg] — Its [illeg] from another of not [illeg] height
No 27 short-styled (same parentage as 25) average of 8 pods 104.2 max 125. min 90 abnormally fertile!!
Porbably fert by good pollen
No 78 long-styled average from 10 pods 49.6
Max 69 mon 36
This cannot be trusted looking to right hand page
No 75 mid-styled same parentage as 78 average from 10 pods 83.5 max 110 min 64
Try in 1866 & are all mid-styled not 77
No 79 long-styled average from 10 pods (same parentage) 84.6
Max 132 min 47.
Try again & all alto long-styled not 78
Lythrum 1865
No 78 long-sty, from mid-sty by pollen of short stamen of short-styled.
12 fl. by gr pollen of long sty legitimate short-styled plant White wool
64 83 77 80 15 fine seed
7 fine, injured pod, gnawed
42 injured & broken pod
555 average 77.1 (not used)
It is very odd that these 7 pods, though fertilised by good pollen & by more fertile cross, are not so fertile as those to right hand curios anomaly.—
12 fl. by green pollen of long st. of brother plant (no 75) mid-styled.—
Sound Branch 97x [+] 93 [+] 90 [+] 79 [+] 94 [=] 453
9/12 set (Give this case)
x x 90.6 average from 5 pods
Broken Branch
53 good seed [+] 70 [+] 84 [+] 36 not counted
Hence this plant must be considered fully fertile, for the inferiority of seed is too small to be considered.
max. 97. min. 79.
(Illegitimate plants from long-styled by pollen of long stamens of short-styled)
No. 44 — mid-styled average from 10 8 pods 127.2 max 144. min f 96.
No 46 short-styled average from 10 pods 113.9!!! Max 137 min 90
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 February, 2023