RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.04.17-05.11. Oxalis acetosella. CUL-DAR109.B4-B5. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Oxalis acetosella April 17 1862
5 Pistils with rough stigmas on level with 5 longer stamens — The 5 shorter stamens face the petals, & are a little more than 1/2 length of longer ones. Anther open nearly at same time; pollen coherent —
Anthers extreme, but then of longer ones so near pistil, that self fertilisation almost unavailable; especially as flower drops down????
I could see no nectar. Base of petal narrowed so passage to calyx — on each side of narrowed base, possibly a nectary.— I [forget] thinks these are salt-drusen, but I am not sure that has been seen nectar.—
Ap. 18 drop of nectar on narrow footstalk of each petal beneath & between the coherent fleshy projection or petals
[sketch] Hanggrove specimen
[sketch] short-styled pistil
[sketch] long-styled pistil long stamen short stamen
Hooker believes long & short stamens are ordinal [illeg] character.—
Pollen same size in long & short anthers; & in both supposed forms viz 11 to 12/7000 & when much distended by water 14-15/7000.
Stigmas similar in both forms, perhaps papillæ longer in long-styled.—
Ap. 19 Examined 18 flowers — 14 with ste pistils projecting, 4 with equal length to longer stamens — apparently not due to age. ♀ flowers —
Ap. 21 Four more plants all long-styled. (Vehemently doubts about dimorphism.)
April 24th Prof. Oliver sent me 38 flowers, of which 24 long-styled & 14 short-styled. There is some variability of length of pistil; still I think there is something more in this difference.
Ap. 25. George brought me 17 flowers from so many plants from near Hanggrove — all these long-styled, several had pistils projecting fully as much beyond long-stamen, as these latter project beyond short-stamens—
à Important to note this variability in grains of dimorphic forms — 24 14 short
Ap. 27 — 62. I examined 17 more flowers from as part of Big wood, all these long-styled, & some very long-styled; & 4 short-styled but in various degree — Evidently length of style extremely variable.—
10 flowers from near Southampton all very long-styled.— Ap. 29th—
Oxalis Bowii has pistil far below lower stamen
O. floribunda (Mr Turnbull) do do above upper stamen
may 3d. fertilised 2 flowers of O. Bowii (white worsted) with pollen of O. floribunda: one of O. Bowii with own pollen. black worsted: Flower closed, as gloomy day.
May 5 & 11th fertilised 6 flowers of O. Bowii (marked with white Bobbin) with pollen of long-stamen, but some of short may have got on.— Also 6 flowers (marked black worsted) with pollen of short & adjoining stamen & think I succeeded in none of long, which I reared, getting on.—
/None of them set pods/
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 February, 2023