RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1864. Two-year old long-styled common Plants watered at beginning of summer. CUL-DAR109.B46-B50. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877).
Two-year old long-styled common Plants watered at beginning of summer à (1864).—
42 79. 29. 93. 79
322 65. 70 79. 74. 82. / 69.2 average 69.2 seed per pod
à(If the one poorish pod with 29 seed be omitted average is 73.6 seed per pod)
Old common long-styled plant.
33. 51. 66. 60. 44
254 51. 48. 30. 60 64 [=] 507. average 50.7 seed per pod
à(If two pods with 33 & 30 seed be excluded we get only 55.5 seed per pod)
Two year old Long-styled Homomorphic plant from long-styled Plant with (no. 8 9.) Plant much dwarfed. Nor. 9
50 39 36 53x 37
33 45 28x 14x 56x / 39.1 average 39.1
Max 53. Min 28.)
à(If 1 pod with only 14 seed be properly excluded average per pod is 41.9. seed)
The Hom. long-styled plant, though dwarf (nor 9) was as well or better watered than others & it stood close by several other ordinary plants & so almost certainly would have been heteromorphically fertilised by good pollen, yet we cannot bring up its average (by exclusion) above 42 seed per pod: whereas the 2 year & equally old column seedling produced 69 seed per pod: the very old plant, however, produced only 50.7 seed per pod. Last year, when this plant was too young & flowered too late, it was the most fertile of any of the Homomorphic & now we saw what it is, when heteromorphically & naturally fertilised.— But the season was very dry.—
no. 10 (long-styled Hom. from long-styled) did not ripen any pod, though watered: last year excessively sterile — The other 6 Hom. plants were not watered, & of course produced no pods.—
Long-styled Homomorphic 2-year old Plant from mid-styled parent (nor 8.)
8. 25. 57. 71. 34. 77. 26. 27. 61. 85.x
It is impossible to give average as no produced so variable:- yet as one contained 85 seed, cannot be considered very sterile. Last year this plant was excessively sterile — too young.— But not nearly so fertile as common 2 year old plant, which will explain if one pod had average of 73.6.— This parent plant, (excluding one pod with 8 seed) had average of 51.5 seed per pod: ie about same as old same plant.
No. 7 mid-styled Hom: from mid-styled. — 2 year old Plant
58 74 64 61 43x} From 10 pods average 61.4 seed per pod Max 75 Min. 43. Count 5 more
47 65 75x 66 61/ 61.4 (see p. 3 for standards)
1864 Homomorphic Lythrum
2 year-old mid-styled common plant (for comparison)
32. 46. 35. 26. 42. average 36.2 It is evident that drought has so affected this plant that average goes for nothing
Old mid-styled common plant for standard
Standard ü140. 120. 103. 133. 147.} Most fully fertile; average 128.6— yet old long-styled plant was rather sterile; showing that plants were watered unequally & results cannot be trusted
Nor. 108 One year old Hom: long-styled plant from long-styled self-fert. in Potato field—
Flowered late, but then rain had come on; but plant too young for full fertility.—
ü X 73. poor seed 55. do. 36. do. 35. do. / 11/ do omitting the 11 pod average 49.7
[data not transcribed]
no 44. a mid-styled Hom. 2 year old seedling from mid-styled, by pollen of long-stamens of short-styled. As this union was so fertile & as it yielded all 3 forms, probably is not sterile & can hardly be considered as homomorphic
[data not transcribed]
1864 No. 27 A short-styled Hom. 1 year old seedling from short-styled by pollen of long stamens of long-styled.—
97 very good seed 95 do do 114 do do 90 dp 0} average 99.0 {Considering this a short-styled plant, though an illegitimate production it is perfectly fertile!
Nor 30 a long-styled plant of same parentage as last no. 27 average (omitting pod with only 36 seed) is 57.4
51 rather poor 42 do 54 rather better 88 goodish seed 52 moderate 36 do do
Considering same parentage as last this certainly rather sterile. Can it be being long-styled — or weather & having been accidently less watered & too late à in season.—
No 75, mid-styled Hom. 1 year seedling from mid-styled by pollen of short stamens of short long-styled.
64 moderately good 78 good, but small 67 do 80 moderately good 110 very fine seed.
Moderately fertile average 79.8
See Back
[data not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 February, 2023