RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1864.07. Pulmonaria angustifolia / General Results of Unions. CUL-DAR110.A54-A55. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877). See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.
General Results of Unions
Pulmonaria angostifolia Isle of Wight July 1864
Long-styled.— 18 fl. fert. heteromorphically by pollen of short-styled produced 9 pods (seeds (these are my pods)), which contained average 2.11 seed.— not one contained 4 or maximum no. of seed; but 4/9 contained 3 seed.
(18 flowers fertilised by own-form pollen produced not one seed.) or vestige of seed
(Under the net, & so excluded from Bees there were 138 fl. & not one produced any seed; yet I shd think considering horizontal & often depending position of flowers own pollen cd have fallen on some of the long stigma from short anthers.)
(Uncovered flower & which I saw visited by Humble Bees, (but with short-styled plants all protected) were 145 in number produced by two plants & not one produced a seed or vestige of seed.—)
[Insertion:] Ask how pollen drawn to flower
(Hence long-styled with own form pollen absolutely sterile.)
[4 words illeg] 5 P.m
Short-styled.— of 18 fl. fert. heteromorph. by pollen of long-styled; 15 produced seed, on average 2.60 to each; of the 15 4/15 produced maximum number of 4 seed & 4/15 produced 3 seed.—) & 8/15 produced 3 or 4 seed; this in fact is shown by large average number of seed.—
Of 12 flowers fertilised Homomorph by own-form pollen 7 produced seed; on average 1.86 to each flower: 1/7 produced 4 seed & some produced 3 seed. This is 1/4 of seed less to each flower than the product of long-styled heteromorphically crossed.
(Under the net, with Bees excluded there were 28 flowers, of these only 2 produced each 1 seed.—)
(Of flowers exposed to Bees, (with long-styled protected) a great number large proportion produced seed; probably half; for I gathered 3 branches which produced 31 flowers & of these 16 had produced seed.
[Pencilled line many words illeg]
General Results
Pulmonaria short-styled (continued)
The average production of seed by the flowers, which yielded any seed was well ascertained, for 233 of such were collected & these yielded an average of 1.82 seed to each.
Of 233, 16 produced 4 seed (16/233 is the average to get)
— 31 — 3 seed.
— 47 produced 4 or 3 seed, ie nearly 1/5 of whole number
= what a contrast with short-styled by long-styled pollen =
= [calculations not transcribed]
The plants consisted of long-styled of which all the pods were collected.
14 short-styled (not all gathered)
1 did not flower—
[calculations not transcribed]
of Pulmonaria officinalis seedlings from Leith H. (see notes on its fertility there) 4 or 5 5 or 6 plants flowered (I think there is note of number & all were long-styled. This makes me think that the parents were homomorphic seedlings themselves— With 7 flowers were fertilised with own pollen & not one produced any seed— On all plants together, only 6 flowers produced any seed, & there were 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, ,1, — average of 1.5 seed.
Plants were young but looked vigorous & healthy.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 April, 2023