RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1868.09.20-1869.02.11. Borreria nov. sp. near B valerianoides. CUL-DAR110.B94-B95. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR108-111 contain material for Darwin's book Forms of flowers (1877). See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here.
Sep. 20 1868.
Borreria nov. sp. near B valerianoides (This genus not near to Hedyotis)
Rubiaceous plant from Fritz Müller.
Long-style – pistil 3 times as long as short st. with stigma a little larger & the 2 lobes more divergent. The anthers stand low down in tube of corolla & are hidden.
Within At the mouth of the tube above the anthers numerous beaded threads almost fill up the mouth of the corolla & project above it.
In short-st. the stamens project above the mouth of the c.; & the stigma has hidden in the tube. The beaded threads occupy in this form a very different position for they are seated low down in the tube beneath the attached filaments of the stamens
Stamen similar in both forms.─
Much nectar
Corolla of 2 forms alike
Some of anthers of Long-styled contabescent & in other a good many of pollen-grains shrivelled.
(From widely different & changed position of branch of papillæ in the 2 forms we base their importance)
Sept 27 68. I have again examined pollen & no mistaken though pistil so different in length very little diff in size of grains ─ When Dry that of short styled 9-10/7000 & a shade larger & broader than that of long-styled ─ When rendered spherical by water that of short-styled 12/7000 in diameter & that of long-styled hardly more than 11/7000 in diameter.
Hence beaded threads in each case form stand near stigma & we thus learn their function, viz to receive any loose pollen from an insect, & afterwards place it on another, for in the long-styled form the threads stand above anthers & cannot catch spontaneously falling pollen. It is very odd seeing great difference of length of pistil, that if no mistaken─ the square pollen-grains of Dry pollen
[data not transcribed]
The beaded [2 words illeg] collect pollen from all parts of body of insect & then replace them as body opposite the stigma.
(I raised 10 Plants ─ 5 proved Long-sty & 5 short-styled.)
(Jan. 11 69. I smeared 3 heads of long-styled flowers with pollen from short-styled, & these have produced dozens of capsules, even with 2 seeds. I did not attempt from smallness & crowding of flowers to fertilise them separately. I also fertilised separately 2 Heads with pollen from another long-styled plant, but they did not set one; nor did whole plant spontaneously. On a 2d long-styled plant, here & there, a single 5 or 6 early capsules were produced with seed, but as this plant stood in a short tube near be a short-styled plant many early in season have received a few grains of pollen.─ (I had better stick to the one good case.)
(Feb. 11. The long-styled Plant has now set some seed & which have been produced so late that cannot be due to cross, whist Kept in other Hothouse ─ is not quite self-sterile.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 3 May, 2023