RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1846-1865. 'Books.' read notebook. CUL-DAR120.-. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, 7-8.2009, corrections, editing and further references and abstracts identified by John van Wyhe 8.2009, 2012, 2015, 2022, 2024. RN7
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
This notebook (100 X 150 mm) is bound in black leather with the edges blind embossed. The end papers and page edges are marbled. The front cover bears a paper label (3.1 x 1.5 cm) with 'Books.' written in ink. The notebook is written mostly in Catherine Darwin's hand. As Darwin later wrote near the front of the notebook: "Catalogue Alphabetical made many years ago by Catherine of the Books which I had then read chiefly in relation to the Origin of Species." Many entries are ink over pencil. The handwriting in ink does not seem to match that in pencil.
The notebook contains an alphabetical list of books read by Darwin between 1838 and 1858. Most are duplicate entries from Darwin's reading notebooks CUL-DAR119.- and CUL-DAR128.-. There are a few books not found in either of those notebooks, which are listed here in bold. Almost all of these come from a single leaf in CUL-DAR91.70, also transcribed in Darwin Online.
See the important introduction in Appendix IV to Correspondence vol. 4 on this and Darwin's other reading notebooks. See also Darwin's Edinburgh reading list in CUL-DAR271.1.5.
[front cover]
[inside front cover]
March 1. 1846.
Catalogue Alphabetical made many years ago by Catherine1 of the Books which I had then read chiefly in relation to the Origin of Species.
1 Emily Catherine Darwin (1810-1866), Darwin's sister.
Aguerro's Hist. of Chiloe [Agueros 1809]
Azara's Voyage [Azara 1809] & Quadrupeds of Paraguay [Azara 1801]
Astrolabe Voyage partie Zoolog. [Hombron and Jacquinot 1846-54]
Aviary British [Anon. [1838?]
Abercrombie on the Intellectual powers [Abercrombie 1838]
Annals of Nat.Hist. as far as p.488 of 1839 or (Part XIII) forming end of Vol. 11 August 39 [Annals of Natural History 1838-41]
Anderson on Sheep of Russia, well read April 40 [Anderson in Pallas 1794]
Agessiz Etudes sur les Glaciers March 41 [Agassiz 1840]
Acta Nova (the whole) vol 1 to 14 skimmed vol 15 not read. [Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae]
Amoen. Acad. looked through & 2 vols. I do not think much for me May 41. [Linnaeus ed. 1749-90]
Annales de Science excellent paper on Zoosperme. No 1: 1841. [Prévost and Dumas 1824]
Annals of Botany 2 vols 1801 to 1806 May 41 extracted [Annals of Botany]
Anderson on Sheep [Anderson in Pallas 1794]
Anderson, the Bee 2 vols nothing May 44 [The Bee]
Anderson Jour to Hebrides & Report on Fisheries — nothing May 44 [Anderson 1785]
Abercrombie, John. 1838. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. 8th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Agassiz, Louis. 1840. Études sur les glaciers. Neuchâtel: Aux frais de l'auteur.
Agueros, Pedro Gonzalez de. 1809. [An account of the archipelago of Chiloe] In G. I. Molina, The geographical, natural, and civil history of Chili. Trans. from the original Italian: To which are added notes from the Spanish and French versions, and two appendixes, by the English editor; the first an account of the archipelago of Chiloe, from the Descripcion historial of P. F. Pedro Gonzalez de Agueros; the second, an account of the native tribes who inhabit the southern extremity of South America, extracted chiefly from Faulkner's Description of Patagonia. London.
Anderson, James. 1785. An account of the present state of the Hebrides, and western coasts of Scotland being the substance of a report to the Lords of Treasury together with the evidence given before the Committee of Fisheries. Edinburgh.
Annals of Botany. ed. by C. König & J. Sims. London. 1805-6.
Annals of Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology. ed. by W. Jardine, J. P. Selby, G. Johnston, W. J. Hooker, and R. Taylor. London. 1838-41. [vols. 1-2 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Anon. [1838?]. The British aviary, and bird breeder's companion; containing copious directions for propagating the breed of canaries: also goldfinch and linnet mules. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Azara, Félix d'. 1801. Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes de la province du Paraguay.2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Azara, Félix d'. 1809. Voyages dans l'Amérique méridionale, contenant la description géographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la rivière de La Plata. [ed. by C. A. Walckenaer with notes on the birds of Paraguay by G. Cuvier] 4 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
The Bee, or literary weekly intelligencer. Edited by J. Anderson. Edinburgh. 1791-4.
Hombron, Jacques Bernard & Jacquinot, Charles Hector. 1846-54. Zoologie. 5 vols., in Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sébastien César, Voyage au pôle sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et La Zélée, 1837-40. 23 vols. Paris. 1842-54.
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), ed. 1749-90. Amoenitates Academicae, seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim éditae, nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aenaeis. 10 vols. Stockholm and Leipzig.
Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. St Petersburg. 1783-1802.
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1794. An account of the different kinds of sheep found in the Russian dominions, and among the Tartar hordes of Asia to which is added five appendices tending to illustrate the natural and economical history of sheep and other domestic animals, by James Anderson. Edinburgh.
Prévost, Jean Louis & Dumas, Jean Baptiste André. 1824. Nouvelle théorie de la génération, Part 1: Observations relatives à l'appareil générateur des animaux mâles; histoire et description des animalcules spermatiques. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 1: 1-29, 167-86.
Acerbi's Travels nothing Sep. 44 [Acerbi 1802]
Annals of Nat.Hist. Sep 44 [Annals of Natural History]
Anderson's recreation in Agriculture & Nat. Hist 6 vols finished Oct 44 [Anderson 1799-1803]
Agricola translated by Bradley nothing April 45 [Agricola 1721]
Alison on Instinct [Alison 1847]
Annales des Sc. Nat. Tome 1 to 30 (1st series) [Annales des Sciences Naturelles]
—— 1 to XX (2d series)
—— 3d series Bot & Zoolog to end of Tom. 19 [in elem.] [Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Botanique); Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie)]
Abhand. König Akad. Berlin. 1834 Müller on Myxine [Müller 1837]
Alder & Hancock. Mollus. Nudibranch [Alder and Hancock 1845-55]
Adams Philosoph. Treatise on Hereditary Diseases [Adams 1815]
Annales du Museum 1 to XX complete [Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
Adams Arthur Notes Journ. of Nat Hist [Belcher 1848]
Agassiz & Gould. Principles of Zoology [Agassiz & Gould 1848]
—— Lake Superior [Agassiz 1850]
Annales de Sc. Phys. de Lyon. Tom I. 1838 nothing [Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles publiées par la Société d'Agriculture de Lyon]
Actes de la Soc. Linn Bordeaux Tom VI. & 7. 1833-35 (& Tom.16.1849) [Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux]
Annales Nouv. du Mus.Hist.Nat. Tom.2., 3 1833/34, 4 34 [Nouvelle Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
Archives [du Mus.Hist.Nat.] Tom. 1-5 [Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
Acerbi, Joseph. 1802. Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.6.33.]
Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 1826-9, 1830-.
Adams, Joseph. 1815. A treatise on the supposed hereditary properties of diseases, containing remarks on the unfounded terrors and ill-judged cautions consequent on such erroneous opinions. 2d ed. London.
Agassiz, Louis. 1850. Lake Superior: its physical character, vegetation, and animals, compared with those of other and similar regions. Boston. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Agassiz, Louis & Gould, Augustus Addison. 1848. Principles of zoology touching upon the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the races of animals, living and extinct. Part I. Comparative physiology. Boston. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Agricola, Georg Andreas. 1721. A philosophical treatise of husbandry and gardening; being a new method of cultivating and increasing all sorts of trees, shrubs, and flowers. Revised by Richard Bradley. London.
Alder, Joshua & Hancock, Albany. 1845-55. A monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca: with figures of all the species. 7 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Alison, William Pulteney. 1847. Instinct. In Todd, Robert Bentley, The cyclopedia of anatomy and physiology. 5 vols. London. 1836-59, vol. 3, pp. 1-29.
Anderson, James. 1799-1803. Reflections in agriculture, natural-history, arts, and miscellaneous literature. 6 vols. London.
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologie animale et végétale. Paris. 1824-33. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.8-54.]
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologie animale et végétale (Zoologie). Paris. 1834-43. 2d ser., 1844-53. 3d ser., 1854-. [2d ser. vols. 15 & 16 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR72.62-3.]
Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, d'Agriculture, et d'Industrie, publiées par la Société d'Agriculture de Lyon. Lyon. 1838-48. 2d ser., 1849-56.
Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1802-13. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.40-52.]
Annals of Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology. ed. by W. Jardine, J. P. Selby, G. Johnston, W. J. Hooker & R. Taylor. London. 1838-41. [vols. 1-2 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1839 -.
Belcher, Edward. 1848. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang during the years 1843-46; employed surveying the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. With notes on the natural history of the islands by Arthur Adams. 2 vols. London. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR205.3.180; ?CUL-DAR69.A109.]
Müller, Johannes. 1837. Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden. Zweiter Theil: Über den eigenthümlichen Bau des Gehörorganes bei den Cyclostomen, mit Bemerkungen über die ungleiche Ausbilding der Sinnesorgane bei den Myxinoiden. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, pp. 15-48.
Nouvelle Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1832-5.
Agassiz Report sur Poiss. Foss. Angleterre. 1835 [Agassiz 1835]
Albin Nat. Histo of Birds 1734 [Albin 1731-8]
Aldrovandi Birds & Dogs, Cats, Rabbits [Aldrovandi 1599-1603]
Annals & Mag. of N. Hist. to end of 1864 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History]
Agassiz, Louis. 1835. Rapport sur les poissons fossiles découverts en Angleterre. Neuchâtel.
Albin, Eleazar. 1731-8. A natural history of birds. 3 vols. London.
Aldrovandi, Ulisse. 1599-1603. Ornithologiae. 3 vols. Bologna.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 1841-. [vols. 6-20; 2d ser. 1-16; 3d ser. 15-20 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR48.A1b; CUL-DAR48.A9; CUL-DAR69.A6; CUL-DAR75.33-4; CUL-DAR76.B136; CUL-DAR205.7.265 et al.]
Bolingbroke Travels in Demerara [Bolingbroke 1806]
Brook's Hist of St Helena [Brooke 1808]
Beatson's St Helena [Beatson 1816]
Browne's Travels in Africa [Browne 1799]
Blumenbach's Essay on Generation Eng Tr. Mar 39. [Blumenbach 1792]
Bartram's Travels in N. America well read [Bartram 1791]
Bell on the Hand [Bell 1833]
Botelers Africa July 39. [Boteler 1835]
Brougham Lord Dissertation Feb 40 [Brougham 1839]
Blackwall's researches in Zoology Feb 40 [Blackwall 1834]
Bossu's Travels in Louisiana Feb 40 [Bossu 1771]
Boutcher & Forsyth on Forest Trees slightly skimmed April 40 [Boutcher 1775 & Forsyth 1791]
Buffon by Smellie 3rd Edit. skimmed 1791 in 9 vols Maer June 10 to Nov 14. 40 [Buffon 1791]
Bath Soc. Papers 1 to 8 vol inclusive 1st series from 1792 to 1796 well read [Letters and Papers of the Bath and West of England Society]
Bell Sir Ch. Anatomy of Expression [Bell 1806]
Buckland's Bridgwater Treatise. read half through [Buckland 1836]
Bartram, William. 1791. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, east and west Florida. Philadelphia. [Abstract in CUL-DAR82.B34.]
Beatson, A. 1816. Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena; written during a residence of five years. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR42.207.]
Bell, Charles. 1806. Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting. London. [3d ed. (1844) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Bell, Charles. 1833. The hand. Its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design. (Bridgewater Treatise no. 4.) London. [9th ed. (1874) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Blackwall, John. 1834. Researches in zoology, illustrative of the manners and economy of animals. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1792. An essay on generation. Trans. from the German [by Alexander Crichton]. London.
Bolingbroke, Henry. 1807. A voyage to the Domerary: containing a statistical account of the settlements there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guyana. London
Bossu, Jean Bernard. 1771. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Trans. from French, by John Reinhold Forster. Together with an abstract of the most useful and necessary articles contained in Peter Loefling's travels through Spain and Cumana in South America. 2 vols. London.
Boteler, Thomas. 1835. Narrative of a voyage of discovery to Africa and Arabia, performed in His Majesty's Ships Leven and Barracouta, from 1821 to 1826. Under the command of Capt. W. F. Owen. 2 vols. London.
Boutcher, William. 1775. A treatise on forest trees. Edinburgh.
Brooke, Thomas Henry. 1808. A history of the island of St. Helena from its discovery by the Portuguese to 1806. London. [? ed.]
Brougham, Henry Peter. 1839. Dissertations on subjects of science connected with natural theology. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Browne, William George. 1799. Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria. London.
Buckland, William. 1836. Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology. (Bridgewater Treatise no. 6.) 2 vols. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.125-7.]
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de. 1791. Natural history, general and particular. Trans. and edited by William Smellie. 3d ed. 9 vols. London.
Forsyth, William. 1791. Observations on the diseases, defects, and injuries in all kinds of fruit and forest trees. London.
Letters and Papers of the Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Bath. 1780. New series, 1783-1816, 1829.
Bartram's Travels well re-read [Bartram 1791]
Bruce's Travels & Appendix [Bruce 1790]
Barrows Travels well skimmed [Barrow 1801]
Brand's Dissert. [Linnaeus 1781] Trans. of Apporism on Nat. Hist [Aphonin 1781] Linnaeus on increase of habitable earth [Linnaeus 1781]
Wilcke on Police of nature [Wilcke 1781] Hoffberg on Reindeer [Hoffberg 1781] Ekmark on Migration. [Ekmark 1781] Linnaeus on insects.
Linnaeus 1781] Fosskall on Flora of insects. [Forsskahl 1781] Bockner on noxious insects. [Baeckner 1781] Lyman on silkworms. [Lyman 1781] May. 41.
Bechstein Natur-geschichte Feb. 41. [Bechstein 1789-95]
Bourgouanne's Travels in Spain, with extracts from Count Peyron well skimmed [Bourgoing 1789]
Bevan's Honey Bee. May 44. [Bevan 1827]
Boutcher on forest trees. [Boutcher 1775]
Bradley's husbandry 3 vols nothing Aug. 44 scarcely [Bradley 1724]
Backhouse Narrative of visit to mauritius & Cape of Good Hope very poor. Sep 44 [Backhouse 1844]
Aphonin, Matheus. 1781. On the use of natural history. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Backhouse, James. 1844. A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa. London.
Baeckner, Michael A. 1781. On noxious insects. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Barrow, John. 1801. An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798, including observations on the geology and geography, the natural history and sketches of the various tribes surrounding the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. London.
Bartram, William. 1791. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, east and west Florida. Philadelphia. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR40.47-48; CUL-DAR42.135; CUL-DAR50.C18; CUL-DAR82.B34; CUL-DAR205.1.11; CUL-DAR205.10.17.]
Bechstein, Johann Matthaeus. 1789-95. Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands nach allen drey Reichen. 4 vols. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.154.]
Bevan, Edward. 1827. The honey-bee; its natural history, physiology, and management. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Bourgoing, Jean François de. 1789. Travels in Spain. To which are added, copious extracts from the essay on Spain of M. Peyron. Trans. from the French. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Boutcher, William. 1775. A treatise on forest trees. Edinburgh.
Bradley, Richard. 1724. A general treatise of husbandry and gardening. 3 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Bruce, James. 1790. Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, & 1773. 5 vols. Edinbrugh & London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.86.]
Ekmarck, Carl Daniel. 1781. On the migration of birds. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Forsskahl, Jonas Gustav. 1781. The flora of insects. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Hoffberg, Carl Fredrik. 1781. On the rhendeer. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academicae. London.
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), ed. 1781. Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica, a supplement to Mr. Stillingfleet's tracts relating to natural history. Trans. by F.J. Brand. Vol. 1. London.
Lyman, Joannes. 1781. On the silk worm. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Wilcke, Henricus Christianus Daniel. 1781. On the police of nature. In Linnaeus, ed., Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica. London.
Badham Dr Insect Life. Dec 45 [Badham 1845]
Brown's Geschichte 2nd vol. Feb 46 [Bronn 1842-3]
Beaumont. E. Lecons Geologie. May 46 [Beaumont 1845]
Brickells Nat. Hist. of N. Carolina [Brickell 1737]
Berneaud. A. Th. de. Mem: sur le Dahlia [Thiébaut de Berneaud 1812]
Burmeister on Trilobites [Burmeister 1846]
Burgess on Blushing [Burgess 1839]
Boitard & Corbie Les Pigeons de Voliere [Boitard and Corbié 1824]
Bulletin Soc. Imp. Moscow Vols. for 1833 34, 38, - 1842. 43. 44. little [Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou]
Brown R. appendix to Parry, Flinders & Tuckey [Brown 1824, 1814, 1818]
Bunbury Journal at C. of Good Hope [Bunbury 1848]
Buckland Bridgewater Treatise [Buckland 1836]
Billing Voyage to N. Sea [Sauer 1802]
Bulletin des Sc.nat. Ferussac Tom 1-4 /24-25/ [Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie]
Bairds Entomostraca [Baird 1850]
Brodie Sir B. Psychological essays [Brodie] 1854]
Busk. Catalogue of Polyzoa [Busk 1852-4]
Belon. Hist. Nat. des Oiseaux [Belon 1555]
Badham, Charles David. 1845. Insect life. Edinbrugh & London.
Baird, William. 1850. The natural history of the British Entomostraca. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Élie de. 1845. Leçons de géologie pratique, professées au Collège de France, pendant l'année scolaire, 1843-44. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR72.62-3.]
Belon, Pierre. 1555. L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux avec leurs descriptions, et neufs portraits retirez du naturel. 7 parts. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.131.]
Boitard, Pierre and Corbié. 1824. Les pigeons de volière et de colombier. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Brickell, John. 1737. The natural history of North Carolina; with an account of the trade, manners, and customs of the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Dublin. [? ed.]
[Brodie, Benjamin Collins]. 1854. Psychological inquiries: in a series of essays. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1842-3. Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur. 2 vols. Stuttgart. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR85.B105; CUL-DAR91.73.]
Brown, Robert. 1814. General remarks, geographical and systematical, on the botany of Terra Australis. Appendix 3 of Flinders, Matthew, A voyage to Terra Australis. 2 vols., & atlas. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.50-2.]
Brown, Robert. 1818. Observations, systematical and geographical, on Professor Christian Smith's collection of plants from the vicinity of the river Congo. Appendix 5 of Tuckey, James Kingston, Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.46-9.]
Brown, Robert. 1824. A list of plants, collected in Melville Island. Appendix XI in Parry, William Edward, A supplement to the appendix of Captain Parry's voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage, in the years 1819-20. Containing an account of the subjects of natural history. London.
Buckland, William. 1836. Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology. (Bridgewater Treatise no. 6.) 2 vols. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.125-7.]
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Moscow. 1829-36. New series, 1837-.
Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie. Deuxième section du Bulletin universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie. ed. by M. Le B. de Férussac. Paris. 1824-31.
Bunbury, Charles James Fox. 1848. Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope; with excursions into the interior, and notes on the natural history, and the native tribes. London.
Burmeister, Karl Hermann Konrad. 1846. The organization of the Trilobites. Trans. from the German by Thomas Bell and Edward Forbes. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Burgess, Thomas Henry. 1839. The physiology or mechanism of blushing; illustrative of the influence of mental emotion on the capillary circulation. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Busk, George. 1852-4. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum. ed. by J. E. Gray. 2 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL Abstract in CUL-DAR71.85-6.]
Sauer, Martin. 1802. An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by Captain Joseph Billings in the years 1785 to 1794. London.
Thiébaut de Berneaud, Arsène. 1812. Mémoire sur la culture des dahlies. Paris.
Bernhardi ueber den Begriff [Bernhardi 1834]
Bechsteins Naturgeschichte vol 1 & 2 [Bechstein 1835]
Bechstein, Johann Matthaeus. 1835. Cage birds: their natural history, management, habits, food, diseases, treatment, breeding, and the methods of catching them. With notes by the translator [James Rennie]. London.
Bernhardi, Johann Jakob. 1834. Ueber den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung. Erfurt. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Colley on care of cattle. [Culley 1786]
Coquille voyage [Duperrey 1825-30]
Congo Expedition, except Brown's App. excellent table of Canary I. plants [Tuckey 1818]
Cline on the breeding of Animals [Cline 1829]
Culley on Livestock, well read Ap. 40 [Culley 1786]
Charlevoix Canada, skimmed [Charlevoix 1744]
Clarke's Travels — skimmed 1 Vol. [Clarke 1810-23]
Comment. Nova St Petersburgh. 1775. 4. 3. 2. 1. & 1760 inclusive 1775 is last Vol. skimmed [Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae]
Couteur Le. Col. on wheat. marked [Le Couteur 1836]
Crantz Hist. of Greenland. [Cranz 1767]
Cox's Columbia River. [Cox 1831]
Cully on Live Stock [Culley 1786]
Colquhoun John. The moor & Loch Dec 44 [Colquhoun 1840]
Communication to the Board of agriculture Vol. 1 very little May 45 [Communications to the Board of Agriculture]
Couch Illustrations of Instinct [Couch 1847]
Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de. 1744. Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France. 3 vols. Paris. [? ed.]
Clarke, Edward Daniel. 1810-23. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. 3 parts in 6. London. [? ed.]
Cline, Henry. 1829. Observations on the breeding and form of domestic animals. London.
Colquhoun, John. 1840. The moor and the loch: containing practical hints on most of the Highland sports; and notices of the habits of the different creatures of game and prey in the mountainous districts of Scotland. Edinbrugh & London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.164-5.]
Communications to the Board of Agriculture, on subjects relative to the husbandry and internal improvement of the country, vol. 1
Couch, Jonathan. 1847. Illustrations of instinct deduced from the habits of British animals. London.
Cox, Ross. 1831. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown: together with a journey across the American continent. 2 vols. London.
Cranz, David. 1767. The history of Greenland: containing a description of the country, and its inhabitants. Trans. from the High-Dutch. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Culley, George. 1786. Observations on live stock, containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic animals. London.
Duperrey, Louis Isidore. 1825-30. Voyage autour du monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de Sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. 7 vols. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.55-7.]
Le Couteur, John. 1836. On the varieties, properties and classification of wheat. Jersey and London. [Darwin Library in CUL; also 2d ed. (1872) in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR74.152-153.]
Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. St Petersburg. 1750-76.
Tuckey, James Kingston [Hingston]. 1818. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.46-49.]
Chambers Sanitory Reform [Anon. 1850]
Colman European Agriculture [Colman 1848]
Carpenters Comparative Physiology [Carpenter 1854]
Colin Traite de Phys. Comp. [Colin 1854-6]
Catesby Nat Hist of Carolina [Catesby 1731-43]
Anon. 1850. Sanitary economy: its principles and practice; and its moral influence on the progress of civilisation. Edinburgh: William & Robert Chambers.
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1854. Principles of comparative physiology. 4th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Catesby, Mark. 1731-43. The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahamas Islands. 2 vols. London.
Colin, Gabriel Constant. 1854-6. Traité de physiologique comparée des animaux domestiques. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Colman, Henry. 1848. The agriculture and rural economy of France, Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland; from personal observation. London.
Dobrizhoffer's Abipones [Dobrizhoffer 1822]
Darwin's R.W. Botany [[Darwin] 1787]
Davy Sir H. Consolations in Travel. Feb 39 [Davy 1830]
Darwin's Zoonomia 1st vol. [Darwin 1794-6]
Dixon Voyage. July 39 [Dixon 1789]
Dampier 1st vol. July 39 [Dampier 1697]
Davy's Ceylon skimmed Feb 40 [Davy 1821]
Dubois Voyage Madagascar & Bourbon Feb. 40 [Dubois 1674]
Darwin's Phytologia, references at end Ap. 40 [Darwin 1800]
D'Auteroche Siberia, skimmed. [Chappe d'Auteroche 1770]
Dict. Class. (Art. Hybridite) references to books [Guillemin 1825]
Darwin Botanic Garden & Temple of nature (ref. at end) Feb 42. [[Darwin] 1790; Darwin 1803]
Davy Sir H. Salmonia Sep. 43. [Davy 1828]
Dieffenbach's New Zealand Nov. 43. [Dieffenbach 1843]
Doubleday on Population March 44 [Doubleday 1842]
Dict. Universelle de' Hist Nat largely marked in my copy. M. Gerard sur l'espèce extracted [Gérard 1844]
Chappe d'Auteroche. 1770. A journey into Siberia. Trans. from the French. London.
Dampier, William. 1697. A new voyage round the world: Describing particularly, the isthmus of America, several coasts and islands in the West Indies, the isles of Cape Verd, the passage by Terra del Fuego, the South Sea coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico; the isle of Guam one of the Ladrones, Mindanao, and other Philippine and East-India islands near Cambodia, China, Formosa, Luconia, Celebes, &c. New Holland, Sumatra, Nicobar Isles; the Cape of Good Hope, and Santa Hellena. Their soil, rivers, harbours, plants, fruits, animals, and inhabitants. Their customs, religion, government, trade, &c. London. [? ed.]
[Darwin, Erasmus]. 1790. The botanic garden: a poem, in two parts. Part I. Containing the economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants. With philosophical notes. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [? ed.]
Darwin, Erasmus. 1794-6. Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR154.1-27; CUL-DAR195.3.27.]
Darwin, Erasmus. 1800. Phytologia: or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening, with the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill plough. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Darwin, Erasmus. 1803. The Temple of Nature: or, the Origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
[Darwin, Robert Waring]. 1787. Principia botanica; or, a concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnaeus. n.p. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Davy, Humphry. 1828. Salmonia: or, days of fly fishing, in a series of conversations, with some account of the habits of fishing belonging to the genus Salmo. London. [? ed.]
Davy, Humphry. 1830. Consolations in travel; or, the last days of a philosopher. ed. by John Davy. London. [? ed.]
Davy, John. 1821. An account of the interior of Ceylon, and of its inhabitants. With travels in that island. London.
Dieffenbach, Ernst. 1843. Travels in New Zealand; with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country. 2 vols. London.
Dixon, George, ed. 1789. A voyage round the world; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. London.
Dobrizhoffer, Martin us. 1822. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay. Trans. from Latin [by Sara Coleridge]. 3 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.A68.]
Doubleday, Thomas. 1842. The true law of population shewn to be connected with the food of the people. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR47.29-30.]
Dubois, Le Sieur. 1674. Les voyages faits par le Sieur Du Bois aux Isles Dauphine ou Madagascar, et Bourbon ou Mascarenne, les années 1669, 1670, 1671 et 1672. Paris.
Gérard, Frédéric. 1844. De l'espèce dans les corps organisés. Extract from Orbigny, Alcide Charles Victor Dessalines d', ed., Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle, vol. 5, pp. 428-52. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection-CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR45.151.]
Guillemin, Jean Antoine. 1825. Hybridité. In Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed., Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris. 1822-31, vol. 8, pp. 403-7.
June 45 (marked)
Decandolle Geog. Bot. Dict des Sciences nat. [Candolle 1820]
D'Urville 2nd voyage slighly skimmed [Dumont d'Urville [1841-54]
Dict. Universel d'Hist. Nat. articles on "Froment" Generation Spontanée Genus Zoogenie" or Geograph. Distribution [Gérard 1844-5]
Downing Fruit-trees of America. June 46 [Downing 1845]
Dixon on Poultry [Dixon 1848]
Dana's Geology. U.S. expedition [Dana 1849]
Darluc. Hist. Nat. de la France [Darluc 1782-6]
Dixon on Pigeons [Dixon 1851]
Danas Crustacea [Dana 1852-3]
Duval Hist des Pommiers, Poirier &c [Duval 1852, 1849, 1850]
Delamer Sebastian Pigeon & Rabbit [Delamer 1854]
Davy Dr — Piscator [Davy 1855]
Desmoulins sur le Distrib. Géograph. from Journal de Physique Feb. 1822 [Desmoulins 1822]
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. 1820. Géographie botanique. In Cuvier, Frédéric Georges, ed., Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 61 vols. Strasbourg and Paris. 1816-45, vol. 18, pp. 259-422. [Abstract in CUL-DAR76.A19.]
Dana, James Dwight. 1849. Geology. Vol. 10 of United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. New York. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.51-52.]
Dana, James Dwight. 1852-3. Crustacea. vols. 13 and 14 of United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.143-151.]
Darluc, Michel. 1782-6. Histoire naturelle de la Provence, contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans les règnes végétal, minéral, animal et la partie géoponique. 3 vols. Avignon. [Abstract in CUL-DAR46.1.8.]
Davy, John. 1855. The angler and his friend; or, piscatory colloquies and fishing excursions. London.
Delamer, Eugene Sebastian. (Edmund Saul Dixon). 1854. Pigeons and rabbits, in their wild, domestic, and captive states. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR84.2.135; CUL-DAR205.11.62.]
Desmoulins, Louis Antoine. 1822. Mémoire sur la distribution géographique des animaux vertébrés, moins les oiseaux. Journal de Physique 94: 19-61. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.59.]
Dixon, Edmund Saul. 1848. Ornamental and domestic poultry: their history and management. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Dixon, Edmund Saul. 1851. The dovecot and the aviary: being sketches of the natural history of pigeons and other domestic birds in a captive state, with hints for their management. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Downing, Andrew Jackson. 1845. The fruits and fruit trees of America: or the culture, propagation, and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit trees generally; with descriptions of all the finest varieties of fruit, native and foreign, cultivated in this country. London.
Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sébastien César. [1841-54]. Voyage au pôle sud et dans L'Océanie sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et La Zélée, 1837-40. 23 vols. Paris. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR29.3.48; CUL-DAR205.3.47-49.]
Gérard, Frédéric. 1844-5. Froment; Generation spontané; Genus; Géographie zoologique. In Orbigny, Alcide Charles Victor Dessalines d', ed., Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle. 13 vols. Paris. 1842-9.
Duval. 1849. Histoire du poirier (Pyrus sylvestris). Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Duval. 1850. Histoire du pêcher et sa culture. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Duval. 1852. Histoire du pommier et sa culture. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Earle's W. Eastern Seas. Oct 38 [Earl 1837]
Evelyn's Sylva [Evelyn 1664]
Eugenius Observations on Morals Feb 39 [Eugenius 1838]
Edwards Dr on Influence of Causes. well skimmed. Ap 39 [Edwards 1832]
Edwards B. Hist of W. Indies well sk.[Edwards 1793-1801]
Encyclop. of Agriculture Sk. & abstr. Dec 42 [Loudon 1831]
Encyclop. of Rural sports Blaine D.p. abst. [Blaine 1840]
Essays Highland Prize Soc. vol. 1. nothing and vol ii 1803 edited by H. Mackenzie this seems all [Mackenzie, Henry ed. 1799-1832]
Explanations by author of Vestiges [Chambers 1845]
Encyclop of Med. & Surg. Alison on instinct & Thomson on Generation [Alison 1847] [Thompson 1839]
Edwards Milne Crustaces. geograph. Distrib. [Milne-Edwards 1834-40]
Edwards W.F. des Characteres Races Humaines [Edwards 1829]
Erman's Siberia [Erman 1848]
Edwards Milne Introduction Zoolog. generale [Milne-Edwards 1851]
Alison, William Pulteney. 1847. Instinct. In vol. 3, pp. 1-29, of Todd, Robert Bentley, The cyclopedia of anatomy and physiology. 5 vols. London. 1836-59.
Blaine, Delabere Pritchett. 1840. An encyclopedia of rural sports; or, a complete account, historical, practical, and descriptive, of hunting, shooting, fishing, racing, and other field sports and athletic amusements of the present day. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.240.]
[Chambers, Robert.] 1845. Explanations: A sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation." By the author of that work. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.9.2.215.]
Earl, George Windsor. 1837. The Eastern Seas; or, voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, in 1832, 1833, 1834. London.
Edwards, Bryan. 1793-1801. The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. 3 vols. London.
Edwards, William Frédéric. 1829. Des caractères physiologiques des race humaines considérés dans leur rapports avec l'histoire. Paris.
Edwards, William Frédéric. 1832. On the influence of physical agents on life. Trans. from the French by Dr. Hodgkin and Dr. Fisher. London.
Erman, Georg Adolph. 1848. Travels in Siberia: including excursions northwards, down the Obi, to the Polar Circle, and southwards, to the Chinese frontier. Trans. from the German by W. D. Cooley. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Eugenius. (Isabella M. Herries). 1838. Observations on the foundation of morals; suggested by Professor Whewell's sermons on the same subject. London.
Evelyn, John. 1664. Sylva, or a discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber. To which is annexed Pomona; or, an appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider. Also Kalendarium hortense; or, gard'ners almanac. 3 parts London. [? ed.]
Loudon, John Claudius. 1831. An encyclopedia of agriculture: comprising the management of landed property and the cultivation and economy of the animal and vegetable productions of agriculture, including a general history of agriculture. London.
Milne-Edwards, Henri. 1834-40. Histoire naturelle des crustacés, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux. 3 vols. (Suites à Buffon.) Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR205.3.132-5.]
Milne-Edwards, Henri. 1851. Introduction à la zoologie générale. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Mackenzie, Henry ed. 1799-1832. Prize essays and transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland: To which is prefixed, an account of the institution and principal proceedings of the Society. 9 vols. Edinburgh.
Thompson, Allen. 1839. Generation. In vol. 2, pp. 424-80, of Todd, Robert Bentley, ed., The cyclopedia of anatomy and physiology. 5 vols, in 6. London. 1836-59.
Eaton, Pigeons [Eaton 1852]
Eaton, John Matthews. 1852. A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons. London. [Darwin Library in CUL; 2d ed. (1858) also in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.159.]
Frecinet's Voyage by Arago. [Arago 1823]
Falkner's Patagonia. [Falkner 1774]
Fanning Voyage. July 39 [Fanning 1833]
Fable of the Bees 2nd vol extracted [Mandeville 1714]
Fleming's Philosophy of Zoology well read Dec 40 [Fleming 1822]
Forsyth on Forest Trees. [Forsyth 1791]
Fremonts Expedition May 46 [Fremont 1845]
Fortunes Wanderings in China [Fortune 1847]
Flourens de l'instinct &c [Flourens 1845]
Forbes E. Cystideae & Asteridae [Forbes 1848a and 1848b]
— History of British Star Fish [Forbes 1841]
Falconer on Tenasserim Forests [Falconer 1852]
Fuchsia du. (anon.) [Porcher 1844]
Flourens de la Long. Humaines [Flourens 1854]
Arago, Jaques Etienne Victor. 1823. Narrative of a voyage round the world, in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes, commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820: on a scientific expedition undertaken by order of the French government. In a series of letters to a friend, by J. Arago. To which is prefixed, the report made to the Academy of sciences, on the general results of the expedition. London.
Falconer, Hugh. 1852. Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim provinces. Calcutta. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR46.1.28.]
Falkner, Thomas. 1774. A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America; containing an account of the soil, produce, etc. of those countries. Hereford.
Fanning, Edmund. 1833. Voyages round the world: with sketches of voyages to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, etc. New York.
Fleming, John. 1822. The philosophy of zoology; or, a general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre. 1845. De l'instinct et de l'intelligence des animaux. Résumé des observations de Frédéric Cuvier. 2d ed. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre. 1854. De la longévité humaine et de la quantité de vie sur le globe. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Forbes, Edward. 1841. A history of British starfishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata. London.
Forbes, Edward. 1848a. On the Asteriada found fossil in the British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2, part 2: 457-82. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Forbes, Edward. 1848b. On the Cystidea of the Silurian rocks of the British Islands. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2, Part 2: 483-534.
Forsyth, William. 1791. Observations on the diseases, defects, and injuries in all kinds of fruit and forest trees. London.
Fortune, Robert. 1847. Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China, including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries: with an account of the agriculture and horticulture of the Chinese. London.
Fremont, John Charles. 1845. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842; and to the Oregon and North California, in the years 1843 and 1844. Washington. [Darwin Library in CUL]
[Mandeville, Bernard de]. 1714. The fable of the bees; or, private vices, publick benefits. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR80.B10.]
[Porcher, Félix]. 1844. Du Fuchsia, son histoire et sa culture, suivies d'une monographie contenant 300 espèces ou variétés; par M. F. p****t président de la Société d'Horticulture d'Orléans. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Grahams Travels in Chili. [Graham 1824]
Gore's Mrs Manual of Roses [Gore 1838]
Godwin on Population. Dec 41. [Godwin 1820]
Gallesio Teoria del Reproduzione. Dec 41: abstracted [Gallesio 1816]
Gallesio Traite de Citrus. April 41. [Gallesio 1811]
Glöger abandern der Vögel [Glöger 1833]
Gardners Travels in Brazil. [Gardner 1846]
Girou de Buzareingues Generation [Girou de Buzareingues 1828a]
— — — — — — Philosoph. Phys. [Girou de Buzareingues 1828b]
Gould Introduction to Birds of Australia [Gould 1848]
Gerard Koonewur Travels in [Gerard 1841]
Gosses Sojourn in Jamaica [Gosse 1851]
Gould Birds of Australia [Gould 1848]
Gosse Nat. Rambles coast of Devon [Gosse 1853]
Gmelin Flora Siberica. [Gmelin 1747-69]
Godron Florula Juvenalis [Godron 1853]
Gesnerus Icones Anim 1560 [Gesner 1560]
Gallesio, Giorgio. 1811. Traité du citrus. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Gallesio, Giorgio. 1816. Teoria della riproduzione végétale. Pisa. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.95-111.]
Gardner, George. 1846. Travels in the interior of Brazil, principally through the northern provinces and the gold and diamond districts, 1838-41. London.
Gerard, Alexander. 1841. Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya, etc. ed. by G. Lloyd. London.
Gesner, Conrad. 1560. Icones avium omnium quae in historia avium C. Gesneri describuntur, cum nomenclaturis singulorum Latinis, Italicis, Gallicis, et Germanicis etc. 2d ed. Tiguri.
Girou de Buzareingues, Louis François Charles. 1828a. De la génération. (Mémoire sur la distribution et les rapports des deux sexes en France.) Paris.
Girou de Buzareingues, Louis François Charles. 1828b. Philosophie physiologique, politique et morale. Paris.
Glöger, Constantin Wilhelm Lambert. 1833. Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klimas. Breslau & Kiel. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Gmelin, Johann Georg. 1747-69. Flora Sibirica sive historiaplantarum Sibiriae. 4 vols. Petropolis.
Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1853. Florula juvenalis. Montpellier. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.82-4.]
Godwin, William. 1820. Of population. An enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus' essay on that subject. London.
Gore, Catherine Grace Frances. 1838. The rose fancier's manual. London.
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1851. A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. London.
Gosse, Philip Henry. 1853. A naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast. London.
Gould, John. 1848. The birds of Australia. 7 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR71.215-16 & CUL-DAR205.3.78.]
Graham, Maria. 1824. Journal of a residence in Chile, 1822, and a voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. London.
[loose slip:] Gill (John), D.D., ;1 [remainder excised]
1 John Gill, D.D., Baptist Minister, at Horsley Down. Possible abstract in CUL-DAR75.82.
Helm's Account of Potosi. [Helms 1806]
Hunter Capt Voyage to Port Jackson [Hunter 1793]
Helena St. Description of [probably [Duncan] 1805]
Holman's Travels [Holman 1834-5]
Heber's India [Heber 1828]
Hernandez Hist New Spain [Hernandez 1651]
Hancock's Travels in Guiana [Hancock 1840]
Home's Hist of Man [[Home] 1774]
Hunter's Animal Economy edited by Owen read several papers all that bear on any of my subjects. [Hunter 1837]
Herschel's Introd. to Nat. Philosophy [Herschel 1831]
Herbert on Hybrid mixture. March 39 [Herbert 1837]
Heyne's tracts on India. skimmed. Feb. 40 [Heyne 1814]
Holland Dr Medical Notes, have added notes from 2nd Edit. [Holland 1839]
Henslow's Botany Feb 20 [Henslow 1837]
Hasselquist voyage to Levant skimmed [Hasselquist 1766]
Haller's Physiology, translated, skimmed [Haller 1754]
[Duncan, Francis]. 1805. A description of the Island of St. Helena: containing observations on its singular structure and formation, and an account of its climate, natural history, and inhabitants. London.
Haller, Albrecht von. 1754. Dr. Albrecht von Haller's physiology; being a course of lectures. Trans. from the German [by S. Mihlis]. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Hancock, John. 1840. Observations on the climate, soil and productions of British Guiana, and on the advantages of emigration to, and colonizing the interior of, that country: together with incidental remarks on the diseases, their treatment and prevention: founded on a long experience within the tropics. London. [? ed.]
Hasselquist, Frederik. 1766. Voyages and travels in the Levant, in the years 1750-52, containing observations in natural history. London.
Heber, Reginald. 1828. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay 1824-25. [ed. by Emilia Heber.] 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Helms, Anthony Zachariah. 1806. Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima: With notes by the translator, containing topographical descriptions of the Spanish possessions in South America. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR40.38.]
Henslow, John Stevens. 1837. The principles of descriptive and physiological botany. (Dionysius Lardner's Cabinet cyclopadia.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Herbert, William. 1837. Amaryllidacea; preceded by an attempt to arrange the Monocotyledonous orders, and followed by a treatise on cross-bred vegetables, and supplement. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hernandez, Francisco. 1651. Historiae Animalium et mineralium Novae Hispaniæ liber unicus in sex tractatus divisus. Appendix in Nova plantarum, animalium et mineralium Mexicanorum historia. Romae. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR29.1.A33.]
Herschel, John Frederick William. 1831. A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy. (Dionysius Lardner's Cabinet cyclopadia.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL. 1840 ed. available in Darwin Online]
Heyne, Benjamin. 1814. Tracts, historical and statistical, on India, with journals of several tours through various parts of the peninsula: also an account of Sumatra, in a series of letters. London.
Holland, Henry. 1839. Medical notes and reflections. London. [Darwin Library in CUL; also 3d ed. (1855).]
Holman, James. 1834-5. A voyage round the world, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America. 4 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR42.176. See CUL-DAR38.882-900]
[Home, Henry, Lord Kames]. 1774. Sketches of the history of man. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Hunter, John. 1793. An historical journal of the transaction at Port Jackson and Norfolk island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR5.B84.]
Hunter, John. 1837. Observations on certain parts of the animal œconomy, with notes by Richard Owen. The works of John Hunter, F.R.S. with notes. ed. by James F. Palmer. 4 vols. London. 1835-7, vol. 4.
Hearne's Travels in N. America [Hearne 1795]
Humboldt's Personal Narr. well read. Dec 40 [Humboldt 1819-29]
Henslow's Pamph. on Wheat. Feb 41 [Henslow 1841]
St Hilaire G. Essai de Zool. gen. mar 41 ref at end [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1841]
Hallam Hist of Lit ref. at end [Hallam 1837-9]
Hamilton on the Dog 2nd vol. Oct 41 marked [Smith 1839-40]
Hooker. Bot.Miscell. 3 vols. well abstracted Dec 41 [Botanical Miscellany]
Harlan Med & Phys. research/ abstracted Jan 42 [Harlan 1835]
Hind's Regions of Vegetation May 43 [Hinds 1843]
Haller's Physiology. [Haller 1754]
Hogg (Ettrick Shepherd) on sheep nothing May 44 [Hogg 1807]
Hilaire St G. Anomales 3 vols Jan 45 [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1832-7]
Humboldt Cosmos. Vol. 1. Oct. 45. [Humboldt 1845-8]
Hitchcocks Geology of Mass. (skimmed) [Hitchcock 1841]
Hofacker (on hereditariness) [Hofacker 1828]
Hilaire Aug. St. Leçons de Morph.Bot. [Saint-Hilaire 1841]
Hopkirk Flora anomala. June 46 [Hopkirk 1817]
Hill house Europaean Olive trees [[Hillhouse 1818]
Humboldt. Tableau de la Nature [Humboldt 1808]
Botanical Miscellany. ed. by W. J. Hooker. London. 1830-3. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.10.25-30.]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1832-7. Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux ou traité de tératologie. 3 vols, & atlas. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1841. Essais de zoologie générale. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hearne, Samuel. 1795. A journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the discovery of copper mines, a north west passage, &c. in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.A44.]
Hallam, Henry. 1837-9. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. 4 vols. London. [? ed.]
Haller, Albrecht von. 1754. Dr. Albrecht von Haller's physiology; being a course of lectures. Trans. from the German [by S. Mihlis]. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Harlan, Richard. 1835. Medical and physical researches; or, original memoirs in medicine, surgery, physiology, geology, zoology, and comparative anatomy. Philadelphia.
Henslow, John Stevens. 1841. Report on the diseases of wheat. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 2: 3-28. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection-CUL]
[Hillhouse, Augustus Lucas]. [1818]. Description of the European olive tree. [Paris]. [? ed.]
Hinds, Richard Brinsley. 1843. The regions of vegetation; being an analysis of the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connexion with climate and physical agents. Appendix to vol. 2 of Belcher, Edward, Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in H.M.S. Sulphur, 1836-42. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hitchcock, Edward. 1841. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols. Amherst and Northampton, Mass. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hofacker, Johann Daniel. 1828. Ueber die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben. Tübingen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hogg, James (the Ettrick Shepherd). 1807. The shepherd's guide; being a practical treatise on the diseases of sheep, their causes, and the best means of preventing them, with observations on the most suitable farm-stocking for the various climates of this country. Edinburgh.
Hopkirk, Thomas. 1817. Flora Anomala: a general view of the anomalies in the vegetable kingdom. Glasgow. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.1.50.]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1808. Tableaux de la nature; ou, considérations sur les déserts, sur la physionomie des végétaux, et sur les cataractes de l'Orénoque. Trans. from the German by J. B. B. Eyriès. 2 vols. Paris. [? ed.]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1819-29. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent during the years 1799-1804, by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland written in French by Alexander de Humboldt, and translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. 7 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR40.84; CUL-DAR42.100; CUL-DAR42.117v; CUL-DAR42.162; CUL-DAR85.A72; CUL-DAR189.131; CUL-DAR195.1.37.]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1845-8. Kosmos; a general survey of the physical phenomena of the universe. Trans. by Augustin Prichard. 2 vols. London.
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin François César Prouvençal (Auguste de). 1841. Leçons de botanique, comprenant principalement la morphologie végétale, la terminologie, la botanique comparée, l'examen de la valeur des charactères dans les diverses familles naturelles. Paris.
Smith, Charles Hamilton. 1839-40. The natural history of dogs. vols. 4 & 5 in W. Jardine ed. The naturalist's library. 40 vols. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Hooker's Antarctic Flora [Hooker 1844-7]
Heberden on increase of diseases [Heberden 1801]
Humboldt Nouvele Recherch. Distrib veg. / Acad. Sc: Mem. [Humboldt 1822]
— Kosmos. 2d vol [Humboldt 1845-8]
Hell. Hommaire de. Travels in Caucasus [Hommaire de Hell 1847]
Harvey Sea-side Book [Harvey 1849]
Hutchinson on Dog Breaking [Hutchinson 1850]
Humbolt Aspect of nature [Humboldt 1849]
Holland Chapt. on mental Physiology [Holland 1852]
Hookers Himmalaya Travels. [Hooker 1854]
Hilaire. St. Isidore Hist. nat. gen. des Regnes organ. [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1854-62]
Hühner die & Pfauenzucht Anon. 1827 [Anon. 1827]
Hilaire St. vie de. [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1847]
Huc's Chinese Empire [Huc 1855]
Anon. 1827. Die Hühner und Pfauenzucht. Ulm. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1847. Vie, travaux et doctrine scientifique d'E[tienne] Geoffroy Saint Hilaire. Paris.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1854-62. Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques, principalement étudiée chez l'homme et les animaux. 3 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Harvey, William Henry. 1849. The sea-side book; being an introduction to the natural history of the British coasts. New ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Heberden, William. 1801. Observations on the increase and decrease of different diseases and particularly of the plague. London.
Holland, Henry. 1852. Chapters on mental physiology. London. [Darwin Library in CUL as well as 2d ed. 1858.]
Hommaire de Hell, Xavier. 1847. Travels in the steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus etc. By X. H de Hell. [Descriptive parts by Adèle Hommaire de Hell.] Trans. from the French. London.
Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844-7. Flora Antarctica. Part 1 of The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror in the years 1842-1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR16.304.]
Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1854. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Huc, Evariste Régis. 1855. The Chinese Empire: forming a sequel to the work entitled 'Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet'. Trans. from the French. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1822. Nouvelles recherches sur les lois que l'on observe dans la distribution des formes végétales. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 6: 273-84; 7: 47-5.
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1845-8. Kosmos; a general survey of the physical phenomena of the universe. Trans. by Augustin Prichard. 2 vols. London.
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1849. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates; with scientific elucidations. Trans. by Elizabeth Juliana Sabine. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.35-6.]
Hutchinson, William Nelson. 1850. Dog breaking. The most expeditious, certain and easy method. 2d ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Troill's letters on Iceland. Nov 44. [Troil 1780]
Troil, Uno von. 1780. Letters on Iceland, containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history; antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs; customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made, during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, assisted by Dr. Solander, Dr. J. Lind, Dr. Uno von Troil, and several other literary and ingenious gentlemen. [Trans. from the Swedish.] London. [? ed.]
Journal of nat & Geograph. Science [Edinburgh journal of natural and geographical science]
Journal Edinburgh new Philosoph. 12 nos have been read [Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal]
Journal Zoolog 5 vols. [Zoological Journal]
Journal whole of Geograph. [Journal of the Royal Geographical Society]
Journal Asiatic London to end of 1837 [Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society]
Journal of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, from vol i to Oct 38 not much: scarcely worth looking at other nos July 39 [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal]
Journal Asiatic 1st Pt or Gleanings of science [Gleanings in Science]
vol. 1 - to 6 of n. series.
Journal Silliman's all from 1 to vol 36 end of
1st series except vol 26, 36, & 37 - & 39 [American Journal of Science and Arts]
Jardinier Bon 1829. skimmed [Le Bon Jardinier]
Journal Charlesworth ref. at end. Jan 41. [Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology and Meteorology]
Journal de Phys (Royier Ed.) Vol 24 1784 to vol 27 Ap 41. [Observations sur la Physique]
Journal Veterinary (1828) vol 1 to end of v 14 [Veterinarian]
American Journal of Science and Arts. ed. by Benjamin Silliman. New Haven, Conn. 1818-45. 2d ser., 1846-. [vols. 38 & 45 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR74.116-36;]
Edinburgh journal of natural and geographical science, 1830.
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements, &c. in the sciences, &c. ed. by R. Jameson. Edinburgh. 1826-54. n.s. in Science. London. 1829-31.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta and London. 1832-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.175-6.]
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. London. 1834-.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. London. 1832-. [vols. 1-15, 17-24 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Le Bon Jardinier. Almanack pour l'année. ed. by Loiseleur Deslongchamps, Vilmorin, etc. Paris. 1810-38. New series, 1842-. [1827 vol. in Darwin Library in CUL]
Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology. London. ed. by J. C. Loudon. 1829-36. 2d ser., ed. by E. Charlesworth, 1837-40. [vols. 1-9; 2d ser. 1-4 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Observations sur la Physique. ed. by F. Rozier. Paris. 1773-93.
Veterinarian; or, monthly journal of veterinary science. ed. by Mr Percivall. London. 1828-.
Zoological Journal. ed. by Thomas Bell. London. 1825-34.
Journal Dublin Geological vol 1 abst. Sep 42 [Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin]
Jenyns L. notes to White's Selborne ref. at end [Jenyns 1843]
Journal of a naturalist extr. Oct 43 [[Knapp] 1838]
Johnson's Field Sports of India nothing Aug. 44 [Johnson 1822]
Jesse's Gleanings 3d series full of ill-attested stories Dec 44 [Jesse 1838]
Journal Tasmanian (vol 1 p. 79 to 159 & p 241 to 319 to end) (vol ii p 1 to 159 p. 240) Dec 44 [Tasmanian Journal]
Journal London of Botany vol ii p 1 to 55 (& p 113 to 168 bought) & p 341 to 396 nothing (& p 397 to 452 bought) [London Journal of Botany]
Journal Silliman's to end of year 1851 [American Journal of Science and Arts]
Journal Boston of Nat. Hist. Vol IV & V. p. 377 to end May 45 & Vol I, II, III & rest of IV pg 47. — [Boston Journal of Natural History]
Journal R. Agricult. Soc. Eng. Vol I to 8 [Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England]
— Philosoph Soc. of Philadelphia to 1846 (?) [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]
Jukes Voyages [Jukes 1847]
Johnston's Physical Atlas [Johnston 1852]
American Journal of Science and Arts. ed. by Benjamin Silliman. New Haven, Conn. 1818-45. 2d ser., 1846-. [vols. 38 & 45 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR74.116-136; CUL-DAR205.9.2.87-100.]
Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston. 1834-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.161-168.]
Jenyns, Leonard, ed. 1843. The natural history of Selbourne by the late Rev. Gilbert White, M.A. A new edition, with notes. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Jesse, Edward. 1838. Gleanings in natural history. New ed. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR194.30.]
Johnson, Daniel. 1822. Sketches of field sports as followed by the natives of India. With observations on the animals. London. [? ed.]
Johnston, Alexander Keith. 1852. The physical atlas, a series of maps & and notes illustrating the geographical distribution of natural phenomena. 2d ed. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.162.]
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1817-39. New series, 1847-.
Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin. Dublin. 1838-.
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. London. 1840-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.152-157]
Jukes, Joseph Beete. 1847. Narrative of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly in the Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelago, 1842-1846, together with an excursion into the interior of the eastern part of Java. 2 vols. London. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR69.A112; CUL-DAR205.3.138.]
[Knapp, John Leonard]. 1838. The journal of a naturalist. 4th ed. London.
London Journal of Botany. ed. by W. J. Hooker. London. 1842-8. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.60.]
Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. Tasmania. 1842-9.
Jacinthes Des. leur Culture [[Saint-Simon] 1768]
Jussieu Cours Elementaire Botanique [Jussieu 1842]
Jessie's Gleanings in Nat.Hist. [Jesse 1838]
Journal Calcutta of Nat.Hist. Vol. 3 & IV [Calcutta Journal of Natural History]
— Madras of Lit. & Science Vol IV. 1836 to vol XII. 1840 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science]
Journal of Asi Soc of Bengal. vols 1. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 not much except Blyth. — [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal]
Journal Hort. Soc. of London. vol I to 7., 8 & 9 [Journal of the Horticultural Society of London]
Journal Microscop. No I-IV-8 [Microscopic Journal and Structural Record]
Journal of E Indian Arch. Vol 1-5 [Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia]
Journal, Madras of Lit. & Science vol 4. 1836 - 12 1840 [Madras Journal]
Johnston Nat. Hist. of E. Borders [Johnston 1853]
Journal London of Bot. (Hooker) 2d Ser. vol 3 & 6. [Journal of Botany (Hooker)]
Calcutta Journal of Natural History. Calcutta. 1841-48. [Abstract in CUL-DAR83.39.]
Jesse, Edward. 1832-5. Gleanings in natural history. 3 series. London.
Johnston, George. 1853. Terra Lindisfarnensis: the natural history of the Eastern Borders, vol. I: The botany. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Journal of Botany. ed. by W. J. Hooker. London. 1834-42.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta and London. 1832-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.175-6.]
Journal of the Horticultural Society of London. London. 1846-55. [vols. 2 and 5 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR74.137-51.]
Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. Singapore. 1847-55 [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.152.]
Jussieu, Adrien de. 1842. Botanique. In Jussieu, Adrien de, Milne-Edwards, Henri & Beudant, F. S., eds., Cours élémentaire d'histoire naturelle à l'usage des collèges et des maisons d'éducation, rédigé conformément au programme de l'université du 14 Septembre 1840. 3 vols. Paris. 1841-8.
Madras Journal of Literature and Science; published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. ed. by J. C. Morris. Madras. 1833-51. 2d ser., 1857-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.177.]
Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. ed. by D. Cooper. London. 1841-2.
[Saint-Simon, Maximilien Henri, Marquess de]. 1768. Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction, et culture. Amsterdam. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.31-4.]
Kirby's Bridgewater Treatise [Kirby 1835]
Kotzebue's 2 voyages. [Kotzebue 1821 and 1830]
King & FitzRoy's Voyages June 39 [King 1839 and FitzRoy 1839]
Koff M.S. voyage of to the Molucca Sea July 39 [Kolff 1840]
Köhlreuter N. Com. Acad. St Petersburgh. on Lychnis 1775 [Kölreuter 1775] Journ. de Phy tom 21 1782. & 23 1783 on Lobelia's & Digitalis. [Kölreuter 1782a & 1783] These latter & the Lycia in Acts Acad. St Petersburgh 1777 to 82 also Datura, Verbasca, Malvacca (which is all) [Kölreuter 1777b, 1777a, 1778a, 1778b, 1781b, 1781a, 1782b] including Pallas on variation, [Pallas 1780] on ass, [Pallas 1777b] on horse-tail Taurus) [Pallas 1777a]
Kalm's Travels 3 vol abst. Jan 42 43
[Kalm 1770-1]
Kirby & Spence Ent. (ref at end) [Kirby and Spence 1815-26]
Knight J.A. Treatise on the culture of the apple & Pear May 41. [Knight 1797]
Knox ornitholog. Rambles July 1852 [Knox 1849]
Knox Great artist & anatomist [Knox 1852]
Kirchoff Das Ganze Landwirtschaft. [Kirchhof 1835]
Knox Races of man [Knox 1850]
FitzRoy, Robert. 1839. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's Ships 'Adventure' and'Beagle' between the years 1826 and 1836. ed. by Robert FitzRoy. 3 vols. and appendix. (vol. 2 and appendix: Proceedings of the second expedition, 1831-6, under the command of Captain Robert Fitz-Roy.) London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR42.123.]
Kalm, Pehr. 1770-1. Travels into North America; containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general. Trans. by J. R. Forster. 3 vols. Warrington. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR47.69-70; CUL-DAR11.1.14b; CUL-DAR205.10.40; CUL-DAR205.2.59; CUL-DAR205.7.205.]
King, Phillip Parker. 1839. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's Ships 'Adventure' and 'Beagle' between the years 1826 and 1836. ed. by Robert FitzRoy. 3 vols, and appendix. (vol. 1: Proceedings of the first expedition, 1826-30, under the command of Captain P. Parker King.) London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.5.18.]
Kirby, William. 1835. On the power wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals and in their history habits and instincts. (Bridgewater Treatise no. 7.) London. [? ed.]
Kirby, William and Spence, William. 1815-26. An introduction to entomology; or, elements of the natural history of insects. 4 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstracts in CUL-DAR60.2.47; CUL-DAR81.3-4; CUL-DAR81.137; CUL-DAR81.163; CUL-DAR81.171-2; CUL-DAR81.137, CUL-DAR81.143; CUL-DAR81.163; CUL-DAR81.171-2; CUL-DAR85.B133.]
Kirchhof, Friedrich. 1835. Das Ganze der Landwirtschaft. No. 13: Die Schweine- und Geflügelzucht. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Knight, Thomas Andrew. 1797. A treatise on the culture of the apple and pear, and on the manufacture of cider and perry. Ludlow. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.245.]
Knox, A. E. 1849. Ornithological rambles in Sussex; with a systematic catalogue of the birds of that county, and remarks on their local distributions. London. [? ed.]
Knox, Robert. 1850. The races of men: a fragment. London [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.62-65.]
Knox, Robert. 1852. Great artists and great anatomists; a biographical and philosophical study. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.60-61.]
Kolff, Dirk Hendrick. 1840. Voyages of the Dutch brig of war Dourga, through the southern and little-known parts of the Moluccan Archipelago, and along the previously unknown southern coast of New Guinea, performed during the years 1825 & 1826. Trans. from the Dutch by E. W. Earl. London.
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1775. Lychni-Cucubalus: novum plantae hybridae genus. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 20: 431-48.
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1777a. Digitales hybridae. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 1, pp. 215-33. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.48-55.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1777b. Lobeliae hybridae. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2, pp. 185-92.
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1778a. Lycia hybrida. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 1, pp. 219-24. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116 58-60.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1778b. Digitales aliae hybridae (a). Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2, pp. 261-74.
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1781a. Verbasca nova hybrida. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 1, pp. 249-70. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.61-64.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1781b. Daturae novae hybridae. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2, pp. 303-13. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.65-67.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1782a. Digitales hybrides. Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle 21: 285-306. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.48-55.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1782b. Malvacei ordinis: plantae novae hybridae. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2, pp. 251-88. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.68-73.]
Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 1783. Lobélies hybrides. Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle 23: 100-5. [Abstract in CUL-DAR116.56-57.]
Kotzebue, Otto von. 1821. Entdeckungs-Reise in die Süd-See und nach der Berings-Strasse zur Erforschung einer nordöstlichen Durchfahrt, unternommen in den Jahren 1815, 1816, 1817 und 1818. 3 vols. Weimar. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.17.]
Kotzebue, Otto von. 1830. Neue Reise um die Welt, in den Jahren 1823-1826. 2 vols. Weimar.
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1777a. Description du Bufle à queue de cheval, précédée d'observations générales sur les espèces sauvages du gros bétail. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2: 232-57.
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1777b. Observations sur l'asne dans son état sauvage ou sur le véritable onagre des anciens. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Pt 2: 258-77.
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1780. Mémoire sur la variation des animaux. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, pp. 69-102. [Abstract in CUL-DAR196.5.1-5; CUL-DAR205.7.88]
Klein Stemmata avium 1759 [Klein 1759]
Kleiner Animaux 1734 [Kleiner 1734]
Klein, Jacob Theodor. 1759. Stemmata avium quadraginta tabulis aeneis ornata, accedunt nomenclatures; Polono-Latinus et Latino-Polonus. Geschlechtstafeln der Vögel. [ed. by J. D. Titius.] Leipzig.
Kleiner, Salomon. 1734. Representation des animaux de la menageries de S. A. S. Monseigneur le Prince Eugene François de Savoye, avec plusieurs plantes étrangères du dit jardin. Augsbourg.
Luccochi's notes on Rio Janeiro [Luccock 1820]
Laing, Polynesian Nations. [Lang 1834a]
Lang's Dr Australia [Lang 1834b]
Lister's Husbandry. [Lisle 1757]
Lisianky's Voyage round world 1803-6 [Lisyansky 1814]
Lyell's Book III 5 Edition; there are many marginal notes [Lyell 1837]
Lutke's Voyage [Lütke 1835-6]
Lamarck 2d Vol Philos. Zoology. [Lamarck 1809]
Loeffling's Travels in Louisiana Feb 40. [Bossu 1771]
Lewis & Clark, skimmed half way through April 40 [Lewis & Clark 1814]
Lyell's Principles 3 Vol 6 Edit references at end March 41. [Lyell 1840]
Linnaeus Philosophia Botanica (ref at end) [Linnaeus 1751]
Lindley's Theory of Hort, abstracted Oct. 41 [Lindley 1840]
Liebig's Agriculture. marked. Nov 41. [Liebig 1840]
Lyell's Elements 2nd Edit abstracted Dec 41. [Lyell 1841]
Lamarck Vol Animaux sans vertebrae (ref at end) August 42. [Lamarck 1815-22]
Bossu, Jean Bernard. 1771. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Trans. from French, by John Reinhold Forster. Together with an abstract of the most useful and necessary articles contained in Peter Loefling's travels through Spain and Cumana in South America. 2 vols. London.
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de. 1809. Philosophie zoologique; ou, exposition des considérations relatives à l'histoire naturelle des animaux. 2 vols. Paris. [2d ed. (1830) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de. 1815-22. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. 7 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL; 2d ed. (1835-45) also in Darwin Library in CUL]
Lang, John Dunmore. 1834a. Origin and migrations of the Polynesian nation London. [? ed.]
Lang, John Dunmore. 1834b. An historical and statistical account of New South Wales. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Lewis, Meriwether & Clark, William. 1814. Travels to the source of the Missouri River and across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean, performed by order of the government of the United States in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. London. [? ed.]
Liebig, Justus von. 1840. Organic chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology. ed. by Lyon Playfair. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lindley, John. 1840. The theory of horticulture; or, an attempt to explain the principal operations of gardening upon physiological principles. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR46.2.C52; CUL-DAR49.130; CUL-DAR205.2.69-70; CUL-DAR205.7.130; CUL-DAR205.7.133; CUL-DAR205.7.236.]
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné). 1751. Philosophia botanica. Stockholm. [2d ed. (1783) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Lisle, Edward. 1757. Observations in husbandry. [ed. by Thomas Lisle.] London. [2d ed. (1757) in Darwin Library in CUL]
Lisyansky, Yury Fedorovich. 1814. A voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, & 1806, performed by order of his Majesty Alexander the First in the ship Neva. London.
Luccock, John. 1820. Notes on Rio de Janeiro, and the southern parts of Brazil: taken during a residence of ten years in that country, from 1808 to 1818. London.
Lütke, Frydor P. 1835-36. Voyage autour du monde, par ordre de Sa Majeste l'empereur Nicolas Ier, sur la corvette Le Seniavine pendant les annees 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829 [trans. by F. Boyé]. 3 vols. Paris.
Lyell, Charles. 1837. Principles of geology: being an inquiry how far the former changes of the earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 5th ed. 4 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstracts in CUL-DAR72.79; CUL-DAR205.2.205-206.]
Lyell, Charles. 1840. Principles of geology: or, the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants, considered as illustrative of geology. 6th ed. 3 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lyell, Charles. 1841. Elements of geology. 2d ed. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.9.2.126-131.]
Lessep's Travels Kamschatka April 44. nothing skimmed [Lesseps 1790]
Lewis & Clarke Travels [Lewis & Clark 1814]
Landt Revd G. Description of Ferroe [Landt 1810]
Linnaeus Reflections on study of nature translated. nothing. Oct 44 [Linnaeus 1785]
Lloyd Field Sports of N. of Europe abst Oct 44 [Lloyd 1830]
Lyell's Travels in N. America Aug 45. [Lyell 1845]
Low's Domesticated Animals Jan 44 [Low 1845]
Linnaeus Tour in Lapland Feb 44 [Linnaeus 1811]
Lawrence Lectures on Man [Lawrence 1819]
Leroy Lettre Philosoph. intelligence des Animaux [Leroy 1802]
Loudons Arboretum et Fruticetum [Loudon 1838]
Lyell Sir C. Second Tour [Lyell 1849]
— Manual of Geology [Lyell 1851]
Lloyd & Gerard Travels in Himmalaya [Lloyd 1840]
Lows Fauna Orcadensis [Low 1813]
Lawrence on the Horse [Lawrence 1829]
Lecoq sur les Hybrides [Lecoq 1853]
Lloyd Scandinavian adventures [Lloyd 1854]
Lepsius Auswahl des wichtigsten Urkunden des Aegypt. — 1842. — [Lepsius 1842]
Landt, Jörgen. 1810. A description of the Feroe Islands, containing an account of their situation, climate, and productions, together with the manners and customs of the inhabitants, their trade. Trans. from the Danish. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.10.60.]
Lawrence, John. 1829. The horse in all his varieties and uses; his breeding and management. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lawrence, William. 1819. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man. London. [2d ed. (1822) in Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR80.B27; CUL-DAR83.60; CUL-DAR80.B27.]
Lecoq, Henri. 1853. Recherches sur les variétés et les hybrides des Mirabilis Jalapa et M. longiflora. Revue Horticole 4th ser. 2: 163-71, 183-5, 207-15.
Lepsius, Karl Richard. 1842. Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden des ägyptischen Alterthums, theils zum erstenmale, theils nach den Denkmalern berichtigt. Leipzig.
Leroy, Charles Georges. 1802. Lettres philosophiques sur l'intelligence et la perfectibilité des animaux, avec quelques lettres sur l'homme. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR91.8b.]
Lesseps, Jean Battiste Barthélémy de. 1790. Travels in Kamtschatka during the years 1787 and 1788. Trans. from the French. 2 vols. London.
Lewis, Meriwether & Clark, William. 1814. Travels to the source of the Missouri River and across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean, performed by order of the government of the United States in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. London. [? ed.]
Lloyd, Llewellyn. 1830. Field sports in the north of Europe; comprised in a personal narrative of a residence in Sweden and Norway, in the years 1827-28. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.80-81; CUL-DAR205.7.206.]
Lloyd, Llewellyn. 1854. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years with some account of the northern fauna. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.74-79.]
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné). 1785. Reflections on the study of nature. Trans. from the Latin. London. [? ed.]
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné). 1811. Lachesis Lapponica; or, a tour in Lapland, now first published from the original manuscript journal of the celebrated Linnaus; by J. E. Smith. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.68-69.]
Lloyd, William. 1840. Narrative of a journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya Mountains, via Gwalior, Agra, Delhi and Sirhind. By Major Sir W. Lloyd. And Captain A. Gerard's account of an attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasarowara: with a letter from J. G. Gerard, Esq. detailing a visit to the Shatool and Boorendo Passes. ed. by George Lloyd. 2 vols. London.
Loudon, John Claudius. 1838. Arboretum et fructicetum britannicum; or the trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, delineated and described. 8 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR16.128; CUL-DAR71.89-94.]
Low, David. 1845. On the domesticated animals of the British Islands: comprehending the natural and economical history of species and varieties; the description of external form, and observations on the principles and practice of breeding. Edinbrugh & London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Low, George. 1813. Fauna Orcadensis; or, the natural history of the quadrupeds, birds, reptiles and fishes of Orkney and Shetland from a manuscript in the possession of W. E. Leach. Edinburgh.
Lyell, Charles. 1845. Travels in North America; with geological observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR39.173.]
Lyell, Charles. 1849. A second visit to the United States of North America. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Lyell, Charles. 1851. A manual of elementary geology; or, the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments. 3d ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR72.80.]
Latham History of Birds. vol on Pigeons & Fowls [Latham 1821-8]
Latham, John. 1821-8. A general history of birds. 11 vols. (vol. 8: Columbine and gallinaceous.) Winchester. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.2.100; CUL-DAR205.7.140.]
Mackenzie's Iceland [Mackenzie 1811]
Molina's Chile [Molina 1788-95]
Macleay's letter to Dr Fleming [Macleay 1830]
Rev. of Do in Quarterly [[Fleming] 1829]
Memoirs Scientific pub. by Taylor [Scientific Memoirs]
Magazine of Zoology & Botany [Magazine of Zoology & Botany]
Macleay's Hora Entomologica [Macleay 1819-21]
Mitchell's Australia [Mitchell 1838]
Malthus on Population [Malthus 1826]
Mayo Pathology of Human Mind [Mayo 1838]
Marion Voyage July 39 [Crozet 1783]
Murchison's Silurian System Nov 39 [Murchison 1839]
Magazine Nautical to end of 1838 Dec 39 [Nautical Magazine]
Muller's Physiology Jan. 40 [Müller 1837-42]
Maclaren's Geology of Fife (ref. at end. Mar 40 [Maclaren 1839]
Mulgrave Lord Voyage skimmed Mar 40 [Phipps 1774]
Mackenzie's travels Mar 40 [Mackenzie 1811]
Macculloch's Letters on Highlands 4 vols. skimmed [MacCulloch 1824]
Montague's Ornith. Dict. edited by Rennie. well read [Montagu 1802-13]
[Fleming, John]. 1829. On systems and methods in natural history, by J. E. Bicheno, Esq. Quarterly Review 41: 302-27.
MacCulloch, John Ramsay. 1825. The principles of political economy. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Mackenzie, George Stewart. 1811. Travels in the island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810. Edinburgh.
Maclaren, Charles. 1839. A sketch of the geology of Fife and the Lothians, including detailed descriptions of Arthur's Seat and Pentland Hills. Edinbrugh & London.
Macleay, William Sharp. 1819-21. Hora entomologica; or, essays on the annulose animals. vol. 1, parts 1 & 2. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.128-138]
Macleay, William Sharp. 1830. On the dying struggle of the dichotomous sytem. In a letter to N. A. Vigors. Philosophical Magazine, or Annals of Chemistry 7: 431-45.
Magazine of Zoology and Botany. ed. by W. Jardine, P. J. Selby & G. Johnston. Edinburgh. 1837-8. [vols. 1-2 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1826. An essay on the principle of population. 6th ed. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.A58-A59.]
Crozet, Julien. 1783. Nouveau voyage à la mer du sud, commencé sous les ordres de M. Marion Cette relation a été rédigée d'après les plans et journaux de M. Crozet. On a joint à ce voyage un extrait de celui de M. de Surville dans les mêmes parages. Paris.
Mayo, Thomas. 1838. Elements of the pathology of the human mind. London. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR91.6; CUL-DAR91.17]
Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone. 1838. Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Molina, Juan Ignacio. 1788-95. Compendia de la historia geografica, natural y civil del reyno de Chile. Trans. into Spanish by Domingo Joseph. 2 vols. Madrid. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Montagu, George. 1802-13. Ornithological dictionary; or, alphabetical synopsis of British birds. ed. by James Rennie. London. [? ed.] [Abstracts in CUL-DAR91.68; CUL-DAR205.7.2.192-198; CUL-DAR205.11.51; CUL-DAR205.5.33; CUL-DAR205.7.194; CUL-DAR205.7.196-198.]
Müller, Johannes. 1837-42. Elements of physiology. Trans. by William Baly. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR189.115; CUL-DAR189.128; CUL-DAR195.4.76.]
Murchison, Roderick Impey. 1839. The Silurian system, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford; with descriptions of the coal fields and overlying formations. 2 parts London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Nautical Magazine. London. 1832-.
Phipps, Constantine John, Baron Mulgrave. 1774. A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's command, 1773. London. [? ed.]
Scientific Memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies and learned societies and from foreign journals. ed. by R. Taylor, J. Tyndall & W. Francis. London. 1837-52. [Abstract in CUL-DAR45.151.]
Maclelland on Cyprinidae from 19th vol of Asiatic Researches [MacClelland 1836]
Moorcroft & Trebeck travels in Himmalaya [Moorcroft & Trebeck 1841]
Marshall, minutes of Agriculture [Marshall 1778]
Marshall abstract of Reports on the Agriculture of Northern Countries (ref at end June 41 [Marshall 1818]
Michaux F's travels in W. America; son of the Botanist; trans. very poor Feb 41[Michaux 1805]
Mag. Gardeners 7th to 8 vols Mar 41 [Gardener's Magazine]
Miller's old Red sandstone abst June 42 [Miller 1841]
Murray Domestic Poultry & pigeons June 43 [?Moubray 1834]
Martin's Voyage to St Kilda nothing Mar 44 [Martin 1698]
Marshall Rural Economy of Yorkshire 2 vols; all his works must be read. May 44 [Marshall 1788]
Meyen's reisen in Chile skimmed 44 [Meyen 1834-5]
Martin on the Dog May 45 [Martin 1845a]
Martin on the Horse Nov 45 [Martin 1845b]
Metzger Getreidarten Feb 46 [Metzger 1841]
Marshall Rural Econ. of Norfolk Feb 46 [Marshall 1787]
Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement. ed. by J. C. Loudon. London. 1826-44.
MacClelland, John. 1836. Indian Cyprinidae. Asiatick Researches 19: 217-465. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Marshall, William. 1778. Minutes of agriculture, made on a farm near Croydon, Surrey. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Marshall, William. 1787. The rural economy of Norfolk. Comprising the management of landed estates, and the present practice of husbandry in that county. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.208.]
Marshall, William. 1788. The rural economy of Yorkshire: comprizing the management of landed estates, and the present practice of husbandry in the agricultural districts of that county. 2 vols. London.
Marshall, William. 1818. A review of the reports to the Board of Agriculture; from the northern department of England. York. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Martin, Martin. 1698. A late voyage to St Kilda. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.A53.]
Martin, William Charles Limweus. 1845a. The history of the dog: its origin and its principal varieties. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Martin, William Charles Limweus. 1845b. The history of the horse: its origin with an appendix on the diseases of the horse. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Metzger, Johann. 1841. Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser. Heidelberg. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand. 1834-5. Reise um die Erde ausgeführt auf dem Königlich Preussischen Seehandlungs-Schiffe Prinzess Louise, commandirt von Capitan W. Wendt, in den Jahren 1830, 1831 und 1832. 3 vols. (vol. 1, bk 2: 'Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen über Chile'. Berlin.) [Abstracts in CUL-DAR39.179; CUL-DAR40.73; CUL-DAR205.3.114; CUL-DAR205.4.33.]
Michaux, François André. 1805. Travels to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains. Trans. by B. Lambert. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.10.32-33.]
Miller, Hugh. 1841. The Old Red Sandstone; or, new walks in an old field. Edinburgh. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.9.2.153-158.]
Moorcroft, William & Trebeck, George. 1841. Travels in the Himalayan provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab. Prepared from original journals and correspondence by H. H. Wilson. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.199-200]
Moubray, Bonington. 1834. A practical treatise on breeding poultry, pigeons and rabbits. 7th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
x Memoirs of Geolog. Survey. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain]
x Mem: Acad.R. (savans Etrangers) V & 6 [Mémoires présentés pars divers Savans à l'Académie des Sciences]
Meyen's Geography of Plants [Meyen 1846]
Metzger Kultiverten Kohlarten (1 series) [Metzger 1833]
x Memoirs du Museum d'Hist. Nat. Tom I to XX [Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle]
— Palaeontological Soc. — [Palaeontographical Society. Monograph Series]
Malthus on Population [Malthus 1826]
Minding Geograph. Verbreitung [Minding 1829]
Memoirs Board of Agricult. N. York. Vol. 2 & 3. nothing [Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of New York]
— de la Soc. d'Hist.nat. Paris. an. VII. nothing [Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris]
Marquis. A. Fragmens de Phil.Botan. [Marquis 1810]
x Mem: Soc. Phys. & Hist.Nat. Geneve. I to X [Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève]
Müllers Physiology Supplement [Baly & Kirkes 1848]
Murchison's Russia [Murchison, Verneuil & Keyserling 1845]
Miller's Footsteps of a Creator [Miller 1849]
x Memoires pres: a l'Institut par Divers Savans all 1806. 2 vols [Mémoires présentés pars divers Savans à l'Académie des Sciences]
Memoires pres. par divers savans a l'Institut Red vol. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6 (1839). [Mémoires présentés pars divers Savans à l'Académie des Sciences]
Mills Treatise on Cattle 1886 — (52) [Mills 1776]
Memoirs Caledonian Hort.Soc. Vol.1. 1844 [Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society]
Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1802-13. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.40-52.]
Baly, William & Kirkes, William Senhouse. 1848. Recent advances in the physiology of motion, the senses, &c. London. (Supplement to vol. 2 of Johannes Müller, Elements of physiology. Trans. by William Baly. 2 vols. London. 1837.) [Darwin Library in CUL] [See CUL-DAR189.115.]
Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1826. An essay on the principle of population. 6th ed. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Marquis, Alexandre Louis. 1810. Fragmens de philosophie botanique. Paris.
Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Geneva. 1821-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.1-18.]
Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Paris. 1823-34.
Mémoires présentés par divers Savans à l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France; ou, collection des mémoires des savans étrangers. Paris. 1827-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.53.]
Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of New York. New York. 1823-6.
Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Edinburgh. 1814-32.
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. London. 1846-.
Metzger, Johann. 1833. Systematische Beschreibung der kultiverten Kohlarten. Heidelberg.
Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand. 1846. Outlines of the geography of plants. Trans. from the German by M. Johnston. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Miller, Hugh. 1849. Foot-prints of the Creator; or, the Asterolepis of Stromness. Edinbrugh & London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Mills, John. 1776. A treatise on cattle, shewing the most approved methods of breeding, rearing, and fitting for use. London.
Minding, Julius. 1829. Ueber die geographische Vertheilung der Säugethiere. Berlin.
Murchison, Roderick Impey, Verneuil, Edouard de & Keyserling, Alexander von. 1845. The geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural mountains. 2 vols. London & Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.180-91.]
Palaeontographical Society. Monograph Series. London. 1848-. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Macgillivray voyage of the rattlesnake [Macgillivray 1852]
Macquart Facultés intérieurs des animaux [Macquart 1850]
Meyer Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere [Meyer 1792]
Memoires de Acad.Imp. de Lyon. N.Ser. Tom 2. 1852 [Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon]
Memoires de la Soc.Linn de Normandie. vol. I to 9. 4to [Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie]
Macgillivray, John. 1852. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Captain O. Stanley during the years 1846-50. 2 vols. London.
Macquart, Pierre Justin Marie. 1850. Facultés intérieures des animaux invertébrés. Lille. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon. Lyon. 1845-7. n.s., 1851-. [n.s. vol. 2 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. Caen. 1823-1924.
Meyer, Friedrich Albrecht Anton. 1792. Versuch einer vollständigen Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere im Grundrisse. Göttingen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Necker mem. sur Oiseaux. Geneve [Necker 1823]
New S. Wales 12 years in [Byrne 1848]
Neumeister das Ganze der Taubenzucht. [Neumeister 1837]
Nott & Gliddon Types of Mankind [Nott & Gliddon 1854]
Byrne, J. C. 1848. Twelve years' wanderings in the British colonies, from 1835 to 1847. 2 vols. London.
Necker, Louis Albert. 1823. Mémoire sur les oiseaux des environs de Genève. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève 2: 29-122. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.7.]
Neumeister, Gottlob. 1837. Das Ganze der Taubenzucht. Weimar. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Nott, Josiah Clark & Gliddon, George Robbins. 1854. Types of mankind: or ethnological researches. Philadelphia. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.A88.]
Oxley's Travels [Oxley 1848]
Ovington's Voy. to Surinam [=Suratt] [Ovington 1696]
Owens Africa. July 39 [Owen 1833]
Owens Lectures on Invertebrata July 44 [Owen 1843-6]
Owen on Mylodon / ref at end Oct 44 [Owen 1842]
— Lectures on Fish [Owen 1846]
— on Pearly Nautilus [Owen 1832] Oken Physio-philosophy [Oken 1847]
Owen on Limbs & Parthogenesis [Owen 1849a & 1849b]
Odart Count Ampelographie [Odart 1849]
Owen Invertebrata 2d Edit. [Owen 1855]
Odart, Alexandre Pierre, Comte. 1849. Ampélographie universelle, ou traité des cépages les plus estimés dans tous les vignobles de quelque renom. 2d ed. Paris.
Oken, Lorenz. 1847. Elements of physiophilosophy. Trans. from the German by Alfred Tulk. London.
Ovington, John. 1696. A voyage to Suratt, in the year 1689: giving a large account of that city and its inhabitants, and of the English factory there. Likewise a description of Madeira, St. Jago. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1832. Memoir on the pearly Nautilus. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.9.2.r39-]
Owen, Richard. 1842. Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth, Mylodon robustus. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1843-6. Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 2 vols. London.
Owen, Richard. 1846. Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals. Part 1: Fishes. London.
Owen, Richard. 1849a. On the nature of limbs. London.
Owen, Richard. 1849b. On parthenogenesis; or, the successive production of procreating individuals from a single ovum. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, Richard. 1855. Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 2d ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Owen, William Fitzwilliam. 1833. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar; performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta. ed. by H. B. Robinson. 2 vols. London.
Oxley, Thomas. 1848. Some account of the nutmeg and its cultivation. Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, 2: 641-659. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.152-153.]
Pernety voyage à l'ile Malouines [Pernety 1769] Park Mungo's Travels Jan 39. [Park 1799]
Phillips Geology 2nd Vol Jan 39 [Phillips 1837-9]
Pigeons Domestic Treatise on March 39 [[Moore] 1765]
Pliny's Nat. Hist of World well skimmed, references at end of each chapter [Pliny 1601]
Prichard Physical Researches Vol II Sep 39 [Prichard 1836-47]
Pallas on Sheep of Russia, well read April 40 [Pallas 1794]
Pallas Travels (wretched) May 41 [Pallas 1802-3]
Paley's Nat Theology; Comparative Anatomy said to be inaccurate (ref at end) May 40. [Paley 1802]
Phillip's Hist of Cultivated Vegetables 2 vols poor [Phillips 1822]
Poeppig Reisen. skimmed. Nov 44 [Pöppig 1835-6]
Putsche & Vertuch Mon. der Kartoffeln [Putsche 1810]
Pheasants in Jardine Library [Jardine 1834]
Phytologist vol I. & II, III & IV. to end. — [Phytologist]
Pigeon — Jardine Library [Selby 1835]
Prichard Physical Researches [Prichard 1836-47]
Pictet Paleontologie [Pictet 1844-5]
Jardine, William. 1834a. The natural history of gallinaceous birds. vol. 20 in Jardine, William, ed., The naturalist's library. 40 vols. Edinburgh.
[Moore, John]. 1765. A treatise on domestic pigeons. London.
Paley, William. 1802. Natural theology; or, evidences of the existence and attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of nature. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.1.34.]
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1794. An account of the different kinds of sheep found in the Russian dominions, and among the Tartar hordes of Asia to which is added five appendices tending to illustrate the natural and economical history of sheep and other domestic animals. By James Anderson. Edinburgh.
Pallas, Pyotr Simon. 1802-3. Travels through the southern provinces of the Russian empire, in 1793 and 1794. Trans. by F. W. Blagdon. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Park, Mungo. 1799. Travels in the interior districts of Africa: performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797, with an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell. London.
Pernety, Antoine Joseph. 1769. Journal historique d'un voyage fait aux Iles Malouines en 1762-64. 2 vols. Berlin. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Phillips, Henry. 1822. History of cultivated vegetables. 2 vols. London.
Phillips, John. 1837-9. A treatise on geology. 2 vols. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Phytologist: a popular botanical miscellany. ed. by G. Luxford & E. Newman. London. 1844-54. n.s., ed. by A. Irvine, 1855-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.78-113]
Pictet, François Jules. 1844-5. Traité élémentaire de paléontologie. 4 vols. Geneva. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Pliny. 1601. The historié of the world, commonly called the Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Trans. by Philemon Holland. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Pöppig, Eduard Friedrich. 1835-6. Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazonenstrome während der Jahre 1827-1832. 2 vols. Leipzig. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.32.]
Prichard, James Cowles. 1836-47. Researches into the physical history of mankind. 3d ed. 5 vols. London. [vols. 1-4 in Darwin Library in CUL; 4th ed. (1841-51), vols. 1-2, also in Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR80.B37-B38; CUL-DAR85.A85.]
Putsche, Karl Wilhelm Ernst. 1819. Versuch einer Monographie der Kartoffeln. ed. by F. J. Bertuch. Weimar.
Selby, Prideaux John. 1835. The natural history of pigeons. vol. 19 in Jardine, William, ed., The naturalist's library. 40 vols. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Pickering Races of Mankind [Pickering 1850]
Proceedings Zoolog Soc. from beginning to 1837. & thence in Journals [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London]
Puvis de la Degeneration [Puvis 1837]
Parkyns M. Abyssinia [Parkyns 1853]
Powell Baden Unity of Worlds. [Powell 1855]
Pagets Hungary [Paget 1839]
Paget, John. 1839. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR195.1.27.]
Pickering, Charles. 1850. The races of man: and their geographical distribution. New ed. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Powell, Baden. 1855. Essays on the spirit of the inductive philosophy, the unity of worlds, and the philosophy of creation. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.43-50.]
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. London. 1830-. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Puvis, Marc Antoine. 1837. De la dégénération et de l'extinction des variétés de végétaux. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Quatrefage Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste [Quatrefages de Bréau 1854]
Quatrefages de Bréau, Jean Louis Armand de. 1854. Souvenirs d'un naturaliste. 2 vols. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Ray's Wisdom of God [Ray 1692]
River's Rose Amateur Guide [Rivers 1837]
Rennie on Peat — skimmed — [Rennie 1810]
Researches Asiatic of Bengal Soc. 5 Vol (8vo) chiefly Sir W. Jone's, work reprinted from the Edition [Jones 1799a & 1799b]
Report Geological New York [D. D. O. 1844]
Royle Prod. Resources of India abstracted May 41. [Royle 1840]
Ramondi Voyage in Pyrenees nothing [Ramond de Carbonnières 1813]
Richardson Fauna Americana 2 vols except fishes, which read if Yarrell does not compare British with N. American — Jan 45 [Richardson 1829-37]
Ray Society. Vol i Report Dec 45 [Ray Society 1845]
Report Botany Ray Soc. [Ray Society 1846]
Royle Illustr. Bot. Himmalaya [Royle 1839]
Report Brit.Assoc. Vol 1 to 1847 1848/
[Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science]
Roget Bridgewater Treatise [Roget 1834]
Richardson on the Pig origin &c [Richardson 1847]
Ross Sir J. Antarctic Voyage [Ross 1847]
D. D. O. 1844. Review of the New York Geological Reports. American Journal of Science and Arts, 47: 354-380. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.9.100.]
Jones, William. 1799a. Catalogue of Indian plants, comprehending their Sanscrit and as many of their Linnaean generic names as could with any degree of precision be ascertained. Asiatick Researches 4: 229-36.
Jones, William. 1799b. Botanical observations on select Indian plants. Asiatick Researches 4: 237-312.
Ramond de Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth. 1813. Travels in the Pyrenees. Trans. from the French by F. Gold. London.
Ray, John. 1692. The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. 2d ed. 2 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Ray Society. 1845. Reports on the progress of zoology and botany, 1841-2. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Ray Society. 1846. Reports and papers on botany. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
[Rennie, James,] ed. 1833. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne. By the late Rev. Gilbert White. A new edition, with notes, by several eminent naturalists. [ed. by James Rennie with the assistance of Robert Sweet and William Herbert.] London.
Richardson, H. D. 1847. Pigs: their origin and varieties, management with a view to profit, and treatment under disease. Dublin. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Richardson, John. 1829-37. Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America. Assisted by William Swainson and William Kirby. 4 vols. London. [vols. 1-3 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London. 1833-.
Rivers, Thomas. 1837. The rose amateur's guide; containing ample descriptions of all the fine leading varieties of roses. London. [? ed.]
Roget, Peter Mark. 1834. Animal and vegetable physiology considered with reference to natural theology. 2 vols. (Bridgewater Treatise no. 5.) London. [? ed.]
Ross, James Clark. 1847. A voyage of discovery and research in the southern and Antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.53-6.]
Royle, John Forbes. 1839. Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan mountains, and of the flora of Cashmere. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.20-5.]
Royle, John Forbes. 1840. Essay on the productive resources of India. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.26-8.]
Reaumur. art de faire eclorre oiseaux [Reaumur 1749]
Richardson Boat Voyage [Richardson 1851]
Risso Essai sur l'Hist. des Orangers [Risso and Poiteau 1818]
Rusticus of Godalming letters of [Rusticus 1849]
Rudolphi Beitrage zur Anthropologie [Rudolphi 1812]
Rumphius on Eastern Archipelago [Rumphius 1741-55]
Reaumur, René Antoine Ferchault de. 1749. Art de faire éclorre et d'élever en toute saison des oiseaux domestiques de toutes espèces, soit par le moyen de la chaleur du fumier, soit par le moyen de celle du feu ordinaire. 2 vols. Paris. [? ed.]
Richardson, John. 1851. Arctic searching expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in search of the discovery ships under the command of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. London.
Risso, Antoine and Poiteau, Alexandre. 1818. Histoire naturelle des Orangers. Paris.
Rudolphi, Karl Asmund. 1812. Beyträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte. Berlin. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Rumphius, Georgius Everhardus. 1741-55. Kruid-Boek, dat is, beschryving van de boomen, heesters, kruiden in Amboina en de omleggende eylanden mitsgaders van eenige insecten en gedierten. Herbarium Amboinense edidit et in Latinum sermonem vertit I. Burmannus. 6 vols. Latin and Dutch. 7 parts Amsterdam.
Rusticus, pseud. (Edward Newman). 1849. The letters of Rusticus on the natural history of Godalming. London.
Sack Baron Voyage to Surinam [Sack 1810]
Schitdmeyer Travels in Chile. [Schmidtmeyer 1810]
Sebright's Sir J. Pamphlets. [Sebright 1809 & 1836]
Staunton's Sir S. Embassy to China [Staunton 1797]
Spallanzani's Essay on Animal Reproduction — [Spallanzani 1769]
Stanley Familiar Hist of Birds May 39 [Stanley 1835]
Surville Voyage July 39. [Crozet 1783]
Swainson Geograph. Distribution of Animals [Swainson 1835]
Smith of Jordan Hill Pamphlet Nov 39 [Smith 1838]
Sonnerat's Voyage aux Indes Orientales skimmed Feb 40. [Sonnerat 1782]
Smith's Varieties of Human Race well read April 40. [Smith 1788]
Spallanzani Essays on Generation April 40 [?Spallanzani 1803]
Smith Col Hamilton 1 Dog May 40. [Smith 1839-40]
Stedman's Travels in Surinam, skimmed [Stedman 1796]
Stillingfleet's Tracts [Stillingfleet ed. 1759] Linnaeus on Travel. [Linnaeus 1759] Biberg on Economy of Nature. [Biberg 1759]
arck on Foliation of Trees. [Barck 1759] Hasselgrun on Swedish Pan: Amoen: Acad. May 41. [Hasselgren 1759]
Barck, Harald. 1759. On the foliation of trees. In Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ed., Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. London. [? ed.]
Biberg, Isaac. 1759. The œconomy of nature. In Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ed., Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. London. [? ed.]
Crozet, Julien. 1783. Nouveau voyage à la mer du sud, commencé sous les ordres de M. [Nicolas Thomas] Marion [du Fresne] Cette relation a été rédigée d'après les plans et journaux de M. Crozet. On a joint à ce voyage un extrait de celui de M. de Surville dans les mêmes parages. Paris.
Hasselgren, Nicholas. 1759. The Swedish Pan. In Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ed., Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. London. [? ed.]
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné). 1759. An oration concerning travelling in one's own country. In Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ed., Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physick. London. [? ed.]
Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), ed. 1781. Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academica, a supplement to Mr. Stillingfleet's tracts relating to natural history. Trans. by F. J. Brand. Vol. 1. London.
Sack, Albert von. 1810. A Narrative of a voyage to Surinam: of a residence there during 1805, 1806 and 1807, and of the author's return to Europe by the way of North America. London.
Schmidtmeyer, Peter. 1810. Travels into Chile, over the Andes, in the years 1820 and 1821: with some sketches of the productions and agriculture; mines and metallurgy; inhabitants, history, and other features, of America; particularly of Chile, and Arauco. London.
Sebright, John Saunders. 1809. The art of improving the breeds of domestic animals. In a letter addressed to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks. London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection - CUL]
Sebright, John Saunders. 1836. Observations upon the instinct of animals. London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection - CUL]
Smith, Charles Hamilton. 1839-40. The natural history of dogs. vols. 4 and 5 in Jardine, William, ed., The naturalist's library. 40 vols. Edinburgh. 1843. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Smith, James. 1838. On the last changes in the relative levels of the land and sea in the British islands. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 25: 378-94.
Smith, Samuel Stanhope. 1788. An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species, to which are added strictures on Lord Karnes's discourse on the original diversity of mankind. Edinbrugh & Philadelphia. [? ed.]
Sonnerat, Pierre. 1782. Voyage aux Indes Orientales et à la Chine, fait par ordre du Roi, depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1781. 2 vols. Paris.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. 1769. An essay on animal reproductions. Trans. from the Italian [by M. Maty]. London.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. 1803. Tracts on the nature of animals and vegetables. Trans. from the Italian by J. G. Dalyell. 2d ed. 2 vols. Edinburgh.
Stanley, Edward. 1835. A familiar history of birds. 2 vols. London. [Other eds.]
Staunton, George Leonard. 1797. An authentic account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China: taken chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney, etc. 3 vols. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR91.12.]
Stedman, John Gabriel. 1796. Narrative of a five years expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, from the year 1772 to 1775, elucidating the history of that country and describing its productions. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ed. 1759. Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. To which is added the calendar of flora. London. [? ed.]
Swainson, William. 1835. A treatise on the geography and classification of animals. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Shuckard Fosserial Hypnot: marked Oct 41 [Shuckard 1837]
Sprengel endeckte geheimniss marked Nov 41. [Sprengel 1793]
Smellie's Phil. of Nat.Hist. (one vol). [Smellie 1790-9]
Smith Hamilton Col on horses Nov 41. [Smith 1841]
Smith Moral sentiment skimmed parts 43 [Smith 1759]
Sturm on Variations (German) Mar 43 [Sturm 1825]
Swinbourne's Spain well skim. Ap 44. [Swinburne 1779]
Smith Varieties of Human Race. [Smith 1788]
Staunton's China. [Staunton 1797]
Somerville Lord Facts on sheep & husbandry May 44 [Somerville 1803]
Spallanzani's Travels in Sicily very poor June 44 [Spallanzani 1798]
Scrope's deer stalking abst. Oct 44 [Scrope 1838]
Scrope's salmon fishing in Tweed abst 44 [Scrope 1843]
Strzelecki's Australia May 45 [Strzelecki 1845]
Steenstrup alternate generations. Ap. 1843 [Steenstrup 1845]
Sageret mem. sur les Cucurbitaceae [Sageret 1826]
— Pomologie physiologique [Sageret 1830]
St. John Highlands [Saint John 1846]
Spratt & Forbes Travels in Lycia [Spratt & Forbes 1847]
Seringe Flore des Jardins [Seringe 1845-7]
Sageret, Augustin. 1826. Mémoire sur les Cucurbitacées, principalement sur le melon, avec des considérations sur la production des hybrides, des variétés etc. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Sageret, Augustin. 1830. Pomologie physiologique. 2 parts Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Saint John, Charles William George. 1846. Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the Highlands. London.
Scrope, William. 1838. The art of deer-stalking, illustrated by a narrative of a few days' sport in the forest of Atholl. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.70-3.]
Scrope, William. 1843. Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed, with a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon. London.
Seringe, Nicolas Charles. 1845-7. Flore des jardins et des grandes cultures. 3 vols. Lyon. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.2.247.]
Shuckard, William Edward. 1837. Essay on the indigenous fossorial Hymenoptera. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.92.]
Smellie, William. 1790-9. The philosophy of natural history. 2 vols. Edinburgh. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.191.]
Smith, Adam. 1759. The theory of moral sentiments. Edinburgh. [? ed.]
Smith, Charles Hamilton. 1841. The natural history of horses. Vol. 12 in Jardine, William, ed., The naturalist's library. 40 vol. Edinburgh. 1843. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Smith, Samuel Stanhope. 1788. An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species, to which are added strictures on Lord Karnes's discourse on the original diversity of mankind. Edinbrugh & Philadelphia. [? ed.]
Somerville, Alexander. 1848. The autobiography of a working man, by one who has whistled at the plough. London.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. 1798. Travels in the two Sicilies, and some parts of the Apennines. Trans. from the original Italian. 4 vols. London. [? ed.]
Spratt, Thomas Abel Bremage & Forbes, Edward. 1847. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis, in company with the late Rev. E. T. Daniell. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.136; CUL-DAR205.4.93.]
Sprengel, Christian Konrad. 1793. Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen. Berlin. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Staunton, George Leonard. 1797. An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britian to the Emperor of China. 2 vols. London. [? ed.] [Abstract in CUL-DAR91.12.]
Steenstrup, Johannes Japetus Smith. 1845. On the alternation of generations. Trans. from the German edition by George Busk. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de. 1845. Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Sturm, Karl Christoph Gottlieb. 1825. Ueber Racen, Kreuzungen und Veredlung der landwirtschaftlichen Hausthiere. Elberfeld. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Swinburne, Henry. 1779. Travels through Spain, in the years 1775 and 1776. London. [? ed.]
St. John's Tour in Sutherlandshire [Saint John 1849]
Sedgwicks Discourses on Studies &c [Sedgwick 1850]
Steenstrup on Hermaphroditism [Steenstrup 1846]
Smith Andrew on S. African Zoology [Smith 1838-49]
Schouw Bot. Geograph. Bohm Library [Schouw 1852]
Seemans Narrative of voyage of H.M.S. Herald [Seeman 1853]
Schleidens The Plant, a Biography [Schleiden 1848]
Stansbury. Survey of the Grt Salt Lake [Stansbury 1852]
Sloane Nat. Hist. of Jamaica [Sloane 1707-25]
Saint John, Charles William George. 1849. A tour in Sutherlandshire, with extracts from the field books of a sportsman and a naturalist. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. 1848. The plant: a biography. Trans. by A. Henfrey. London. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR71.38-42; CUL-DAR205.4.132.]
Schouw, Joakim Frederik. 1852. The earth, plants and man. Popular pictures of nature. Trans. and edited by A. Henfrey. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Sedgwick, Adam. 1850. A discourse on the studies of the University 5th ed. London & Cambridge. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Seemann, Berthold Carl. 1853. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Herald during the years 1845-51, under the command of Captain H. Kellett being a circumnavigation of the globe, and three cruises to the Arctic regions in search of Sir J. Franklin. 2 vols. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.37 and CUL-DAR205.3.159.]
Sloane, Hans. 1707-25. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers, and Jamaica, with the natural history of the last of those islands; to which is prefixed an introduction wherein is an account of the inhabitants. 2 vols. London.
Smith, Andrew. 1838-49. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa, consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, in the years 1834-1836; fitted out by the Cape of Good Hope Association for exploring Central Africa. 5 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Stansbury, Howard. 1852. An expedition to the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah: including a description of its geography, natural history and minerals, and an analysis of its waters. Philadelphia.
Steenstrup, Johannes Japetus Smith. 1846. Untersuchungen über das Vorkommen des Hermaphroditismus in der Natur: ein naturhistorisches Versuch. Trans. from the Dutch by C. F. Hornschuh, with remarks by Dr. Creplin. Greifswald.
Thompson's Guatemala [Thompson 1829]
(Trans: Zoolog: up to parts published March 1838 [Transactions of the Zoological Society of London]
Trans. of Entomological Soc — Vol 1 & 1st No of Vol 2. (read remainder when out) [Transactions of the Entomological Society of London]
Trans. of Royal Irish Academy Oct 31 [Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy]
Trans. Horticultural from Vol I to Vol vii, part iii or page 433. August 39. N.B. I think the three first Vols of Horticul. Trans possibly might be reread with advantage [Transactions of the Horticultural Society]
Transactions Philosoph. from 1766 to 1840 March 40 & from beginning to 1614 [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London]
Tournefort Voyage to Levant skimmed [Tournefort 1718]
Transactions or Acts Swedish Philosophy Vol I to 7 M S translated from 1740 (2d vol 1741 3d vol 1742 & so on. — [Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar]
Tour Horticultural by deputation of Caledon Society. (ref at end) July 41 [[Neill, Hay, & Macdonald] 1823]
Trans. Linnean to end of Vol 19. & Part 1 of vol 19 May 1843. [Transactions of the Linnean Society of London]
Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Stockholm. 1739-56, 1756-1856. n.s, 1858-.
[Neill, Patrick, Hay, John, & Macdonald, James]. 1823. Journal of a horticultural tour through some parts of Flanders, Holland, and the north of France, in the autumn of 1811. By the deputation of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Edinburgh. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. London. 1682-. [vols. 66, 78-177 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR75.50-2.]
Thompson, George Alexander. 1829. Narrative of an official visit to Guatemala from Mexico. London.
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. 1718. A voyage into the Levant. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. London. 1836-49. New series, 1850-. [vols. 2-5, n.s. 1-5 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR75.155.]
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. London. 1812-30. New series, 1831-48. [Abstract in CUL-DAR74.55-102.]
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. London. 1791-. [vol. 21 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR75.46-48; CUL-DAR205.5.64-85; CUL-DAR205.10.44-55.]
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin. 1787-.
Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London. 1835-.
Townshend's Journey thro Spain. 3 vols May 44. nothing [Townsend 1791]
Troills Letters on Iceland [Troil 1780]
Tandon Moquin Teratologie May. 46 [Moquin-Tandon 1841]
Tschudi's Travels in Peru [Tschudi 1847]
Trans. Wernerian Vol. I. / Vol. 2. Part. I / vol. 4. vol. 5 / vol. 7 1838 / Perhaps 6 & 8 worth reading [Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society]
Temminck Hist. Nat. des Pig. et Gall. [Temminck 1813-15]
Trans. & Proceedings of Agricult. & Hort. Soc. India. Serampore 1829 (all) [Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India]
Trans. American Phil. Soc. Philadelphia 1 & 2 [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia]
Thompson. W. Birds of Ireland. Vol.s 1-2 [Thompson 1849-56]
Transact. Entomolog. Soc o — vol 2. Part 4 N.Series /53/ [Transactions of the Entomological Society of London]
Thompsons Travels in the Himmalaya [Thomson 1852]
Tournefort Travels in Levant [Tournefort 1718]
Tegetmeier on Poultry [Tegetmeier 1856-7]
Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Edinburgh. 1808-38. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.149-51.]
Moquin-Tandon, Horace Benedict Alfred. 1841. Éléments de tératologie végétale, ou histoire abrégée des anomalies de l'organisation dans les végétaux. Paris. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Tegetmeier, William Bernhard. 1856-7. The poultry book: including pigeons and rabbits. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Temminck, Coenraad Jacob. 1813-15. Histoire naturelle générale des pigeons et des gallinacés. 3 vols. Amsterdam and Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.6-19.]
Thompson, William. 1849-56. The natural history of Ireland. 4 vols. London. [vols. 1-3 in Darwin Library in CUL]
Thomson, Thomas. 1852. Western Himalaya and Tibet: a narrative of a journey through the mountains of northern India, during the years 1847-8. London.
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. 1718. A voyage into the Levant. 2 vols. London. [? ed.]
Townsend, Joseph. 1791. A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes and revenue of that country. 3 vols. London. [? ed.]
Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Calcutta. (Another edition.) 1838-40.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Philadelphia. 1771-1809. New series, 1818-.
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. London. 1836-49. New series, 1850-. [vols. 2-5, n.s. 1-5 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR75.155.]
Troil, Uno von. 1780. Letters on Iceland: containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history made during a voyage undertaken in 1772, by Joseph Banks assisted by Dr. Solander. [Trans. from the Swedish.] London. [? ed.]
Tschudi, Friedrich von. 1856. Sketches of nature in the Alps. Trans. from the German. 2 parts. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR71.66-7 and CUL-DAR205.2.124.]
Voyage à l'Isle de France [[Saint Pierre] 1773]
Von Buch's Travels. [Buch 1813]
Vaillant Le Travel Eng. Translation 2 vols First Translation, and Vol of second series which consists of 3 Vols. I doubt whether worth reading. June 41 [Levaillant 1790, 1796]
Vestiges of the Nat. Hist. of Creation Nov 44 — [[Chambers] 1844]
Virey Philosoph d'Hist. Nat. [Virey 1835]
Van Mons Arbres Fruitiers [Mons 1835-6]
Vestiges VI Edit. [[Chambers] 1847]
Vasey. Delineation of the Ox Tribe. [Vasey 1851]
Vernon E. Sketch of Madeira [Harcourt 1851]
Volz Beiträge zur Kultur geschichte [Volz 1852]
Veith Naturgeschichte Haus-Saugthiere [Veith 1856]
Buch, Christian Leopold von. 1813. Travels through Norway and Lapland. Trans. by John Black. With notes by Robert Jameson. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
[Chambers, Robert]. 1844. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. London.
[Chambers, Robert]. 1847. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 6th ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR205.9.215; CUL-DAR205.1.37.]
Harcourt, Edward Vernon. 1851. A sketch of Madeira; containing information for the traveller, or invalid visitor. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.87-8.]
Levaillant, François. 1790. Travels from the Cape of Good Hope into the interior parts of Africa. Trans. from the French. 2 vols. London.
Levaillant, François. 1796. New travels into the interior parts of Africa. Trans. from the French. 3 vols. London.
Mons, Jean Baptiste van. 1835-6. Arbres fruitiers: leur culture en Belqique et leur propagation par la graine, ou, Pomonomie Belge, expérimentale et raisonnée. On y a joint le catalogue descriptif abrégé des bons fruits nouveaux procréés et cultives a la pépinière d'expérience de l'auteur a Louvain. 2 vols. Louvain. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR116.]
[Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernadin de]. 1773. Voyage à I'Isle de France, à I'Isle de Bourbon. 2 vols. Neuchâtel. [? ed.]
Vasey, George. 1851. Delineations of the ox tribe; or, the natural history of bulls, bisons, and buffaloes. London.
Veith, Johann Elias. 1856. Die Naturgeschichte der nutzbaren Haussäugethiere. Vienna. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Virey, Julien-Joseph. 1835. Philosophie de l'histoire naturelle; ou, phénomènes de l'organisation des animaux et des végétaux. Paris.
Volz, K. W. 1852. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte: Der Einfluss des Menschen auf die Verbreitung der Hausthiere und der Kulturpflanzen. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wilkinson on Cattle. [Wilkinson 1820]
Whites Nat.Hist of Selborne [White 1789]
Waterton's Essays on Nat Hist. Oct. 38 [Waterton 1838]
Whewell Inductive Hist. [Whewell 1837]
Wells Revd A. Lectures on Instinct March 39 [Wells 1834]
Walker on Intermarriage June 39. [Walker 1838]
Whewell's Bridgewater Treatise well skimmed (for second time) [Whewell 1833] Maer (Phil Trans 1687 to 1766 inclusive & from beginning to 1674 [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London]
Wrangell's Expedition to Siberia & Polar Ice [Wrangel 1840]
Waltons. W. Treatise on Peruvian Sheep [Walton 1811]
Wiegerman Archif fur NaturGeschichte. one vol for 1833 [Archiv für Naturgeschichte]
Waterhouse Marsup. Nat Lib marked Jan 42 [Waterhouse 1841]
Wiegman on Hybrids German 44. [Wiegmann 1828]
White's Regular Gradation of Man May 44 [White 1799]
Woodward Shipwreck on Celebes. June 44 [Woodard 1804]
Wilke's Voyage round Scotland. poor [Wilkes 1845]
Waterton's Essays in Nat. Hist 2.d Series. June 45. [Waterton 1844]
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. ed. by A. F. Wiegmann. Berlin. 1835-.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. London. 1682-. [vols. 66, 78-177 in Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR75.50-2.]
Walker, Alexander. 1838. Intermarriage; or the mode in which, and the causes why, beauty, health, and intellect result from certain unions, and deformity, disease and insanity from others. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Walton, William. 1811. An historical and descriptive account of the four species of Peruvian sheep called Carneros de la Tierra: to which are added, particulars respecting the domestication of the two wild species. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.89.]
Waterhouse, George Robert. 1841. Marsupialia, or pouched animals. In Jardine, William, ed., The naturalist's library. 40 vols. Edinburgh. 1843, vol. 8. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstracts in CUL-DAR45.56; CUL-DAR46.1.2; CUL-DAR47.32.]
Waterton, Charles. 1838. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology. 2d ed. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Waterton, Charles. 1844. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology. 2d ser. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.7.207.]
Wells, Algernon. 1834. On animal instinct. Colchester.
Whewell, William. 1833. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. Third Bridgewater Treatise. London. [? ed.]
Whewell, William. 1837. History of the inductive sciences, from the earliest to the present time. 3 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
White, Charles. 1799. An account of the regular gradation in man, and in different animals and vegetables; and from the former to the latter. London.
White, Gilbert. 1789. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton. London. [New ed. (1825) in Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstract in CUL-DAR85.B125.]
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich August. 1828. Ueber die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche. Braunschweig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wilkes, Charles. 1845. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. 5 vols. Philadelphia. [Abstract in CUL-DAR205.4.37.]
Wilkinson, John. 1820. Remarks on the improvement of cattle, &c. in a letter to Sir John Saunders Sebright, Bart. M.D. 3d ed. Nottingham. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection - CUL]
Woodard, David. 1804. The narrative of Captain David Woodard and four seamen, who lost their ship and surrendered themselves up to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes. Together with narratives of various escapes from shipwrecks. ed. by W. Vaughen. London.
Wrangel, Ferdinand Petrovich. 1840. Narrative of an expedition to the Polar Sea, in the years 1820-3. Trans. by Elizabeth Juliana Sabine. ed. by Edward Sabine. London. [? ed.]
Watertons Wanderings Jan 46. [Waterton 1825]
Webb & Berthelot. geograph. Bot. of Canary Islands (my notes with Hooker's Copy.) Jan 46. [Webb and Berthelot 1836-50]
Wagner's Anatomy by Tulk [Wagner 1845]
Watson's Cybele Britannica [Watson 1847-59]
Whites Selbourne by Bennett & Herbert [Bennett ed. 1837]
Wallace Travels in Amazon [Wallace 1853]
Whewell Plurality of Worlds [[Whewell] 1853]
Westwoods Modern Class. of Insects [Westwood 1839-40]
Wollaston Insecta Maderiensis [Wollaston 1854]
Weber der Taubenfreund [Weber 1850]
Walther Rindvieh [Walther 1817a]
— der Hund [Walther 1817b]
Willugby. Ornithology by Ray. [Willughby 1678]
Bennett, Edward Turner ed. 1837. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne. [By Gilbert White.] A new edition with notes by Edward Turner Bennett. London. [Abstract in CUL-DAR71.29-30.]
Wagner, Rudolph. 1845. Elements of the comparative anatomy of the vertebrate animals. ed. from the German by A. Tulk. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1853. A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an account of the native tribes, and observations on the climate, geology, and natural history of the Amazon valley. London. [Abstracts in CUL-DAR81.135; CUL-DAR84.2.151; CUL-DAR205.3.156-157.]
Walther, Friedrich Ludwig. 1817a. Das Rindvieh, seine verschiedenen Rassen, Zuchten und Spielarten, Geschichte seiner Verbreitung, seine Erziehung, Benutzung, Krankheiten, Fehler und Feinde. Giessen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Walther, Friedrich Ludwig. 1817b. Der Hund, seine verschiedenen juchten und Varietäten, Geschichte seiner Verbreitung und Schicksale, Erziehung, Benutzung, Krank heiten und Feinde. Giessen. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Waterton, Charles. 1825. Wanderings in South America. London. [? ed.]
Watson, Hewett Cottrell. 1847-59. Cybele Britannica; or British plants, and their geographical relations. 4 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstracts in CUL-DAR46.2.B48; CUL-DAR46.2.B49; CUL-DAR46.2.B53; CUL-DAR71.112-115; CUL-DAR205.10.75; CWRU-Stecher.WatsonAbstract.]
Webb, Philip Barker and Berthelot, Sabin. 1836-50. Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries. 3 vols. (9 pts) and atlas. Paris. [Abstract in CUL-DAR196.4; 205.4: 43-4.]
Weber, E. A. 1850. Der Taubenfreund: oder gründlicher Unterricht in der Taubenzucht. 2d ed. Quedlinburg and Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Westwood, John Obadiah. 1839-40. An introduction to the modern classification of insects. 2 vols. London. [Darwin Library in CUL. Abstract in CUL-DAR47.56.]
[Whewell, William.] 1853. Of the plurality of worlds: an essay. London.
Willughby, Francis. 1678. The ornithology of F. W. Trans. into English, and enlarged with many additions. To which are added, three discourses, I: Of the art of fowling. II: Of the ordering of singing birds. III: Of falconry. By J. Ray. London.
Wollaston, Thomas Vernon. 1854. Insecta Maderensia; being an account of the insects of the islands of the Madeiran group. London. [Darwin Library in CUL] [Abstracts in CUL-DAR197.2.8-9; CUL-DAR197.1.1-22; CUL-DAR81.171; CUL-DAR85.B110; CUL-DAR85.B123; CUL-DAR85.B49; CUL-DAR47.56.]
Youatt on the Horse. Dec 39. [Youatt 1831]
Youatt cattle Library of Useful Knowledge March 40 [Youatt 1834]
Youatt on Sheep. Oct 41. marked [Youatt 1837]
Young A. Six months Tour in France, nothing. April 44 [Young 1792]
Youatt, William. 1831. The horse; with a treatise on draught. Library of Useful Knowledge. London. [? ed.]
Youatt, William. 1834. Cattle: their breeds, management, and diseases. Library of Useful Knowledge. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Youatt, William. 1837. Sheep: their breeds, management, and diseases. Library of Useful Knowledge. London. [Darwin Library in CUL]
Young, Arthur. 1792. Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789, undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity, of the kingdom of France. 2 vols. Bury St Edmunds. [? ed.]
Zoologist. Vol 1 to 14 = 1856 vol 11 & 12 for 1853 & 1854 [Zoologist]
Zoologist; a popular miscellany of natural history. ed. by E. Newman. London. 1843-. [Abstract in CUL-DAR73.125-148.]
[Remainder blank]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 January, 2025