RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.09.26. Phalaris. CUL-DAR209.7.94-96. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
1878. Sept 26
Phalaris — Action of Light.
after exposure to Darkness & Light
One pot of young seedlings all raised in darkness kept perfectly dark— another pot exposed yesterday in greenhouse, dark cloudy day, to light from above & this morning bright to same light. —
At 10. 20', both pots placed 38 inches before study N.E. window with linen & muslin window blinds down.— a towel & (bright-blue sky—) over case. — Sides blackened paper— roof & back protected by dark cloth.
10. 48 no effect
11° 10— Perhaps after 50' pot which hadbeen dark just perceptibly curved to light.—
11. 30 tips in dark pot certainly curved curved to Light; not so in other pot.—
11. 45 do—after 70' (I suspect one or 2 in other pot a little curved) (Put muslin blind over) (when momentary examined both pots held at right angle to dim light)
12° after 100m a conspicuous difference between the 2 Pots, especially when looked down on from vertically above; but certainly some of the shorter seedlings in Light pot a little curved to light.
12° 30' to 12°. 35' ie aft 2 h. 12, 132 m. angle of chord of 3 seedlings in dark pot, (in every case the most curved selected) 18°, 25°1/2 1.5 1/2 — mean 19°.7 — Also of 4 most curved in light pot. 2°.5', 11°, 5°, 8°, = mean 6.6.
1°. 33'— to 1°.43' say 1° 40' (ie after 3h 20m) (always placed at right angles to light when observed.)
(Mostly the same seedlings remeasured but not always)
Dark Pot. 16° 13° 23° 17} mean 17.2
Light Pot 9° 5° 8° 1/2 10} mean 8°
2° 30' to 2° 35 say after another hour
Dark Pot 11 22 17 1/2 20} mean 17.6
Light Pot 8°1/2 10° 7° 9°} mean 8.
Distance of Pots from N.E. window
At 2°. 35' As a [illeg] pots placed in complete darkness & at 4°. 30' in Light Pot hardly a trace of curvature; in Dark Pot upper part of seedlings still curved considerably to Light.— Now the Conclusion It is therefore certain that plants C brought out of moderate brightness curve much less within same time to light than those which hadbeen kept in complete darkness. — Whether they move sooner cannot be told for if they had begun at same time the lesser movement of those which hadbeen in brightness would not have been so soon distinguished.—
Sept 28' 1878.
Phalaris:— Action Light
After exposure to darkness & light
Both pots with seedlings raised in darkness.
10° 30' a.m— A pot exposed yesterday & this morning to daylight— sky cloudy all time, but high & light, & another pot in complete darkness— but seedlings not very straight, (some gleams must have come in, but I arranged them so that next now now light wd com in transversely.— transversely
Box covered with 2 towels - window & muslin blind down day high light clouds.
10. 30 exposed
11° 24' (ie after 54') no difference
11° 40— Dark pot, alone tips distinctly ie. after 1° 10' (or 70') curved to light—
12°. 6' ie. after 1° 36' do. do. do do
11° 40'
12. 30' ie after 2° — 10' I think perhaps tips in Light pot just perceptibly curved to L.
12. 55 Light pot certainly certainly certainly with tips curved a trifle to Light.— great — grt ie. after 2° 25' difference between the 2 Pots
1° 43— grt difference between the 2 Pots
2°. 15 angles taken; in pot which hadbeen in Light angles of 3 averge seedlings were 8°, 4° 1/2, & 3° = 5° mean.—
In Pot which hadbeen in dark angles of 3 average seedlings were 12,° 19°, & 17° — mean 16° — (chords were taken with horn protractor from tip to base.)
(We now know that seedlings which havebeen treated alike in equal time, those exposed to brighter light are most curved — Also that seedlings exposed for equal times which had previouslybeen exposed to light from above not causing curvature are differently affected by same degree of obscure Light.—
Effects of Light transmitted in time.
Sept 29' 1878 Action of differnt degrees of light.— at different distances
Seedlings raised in darkness— too tall
I can now see that it is necessary that seedlings of same height shd. be compared & left only for 3 or 4 hours
(Five Pots exposed at 8° 26' a.m to Hall-Lamp in darkened room at (1) 1 ft, (2) 2 ft, (3) 4 ft, (4) 5 ft & (5) 6 ft.—I ought to have 10 I could read my watch at all distances, though I cd not see seedlings in Pot 5.— I could read larger Type in Cross-F Form of Flower Forms of flower only by Pots (1) & (2) — By Pot (2) I cd read smaller type with much difficulty.— After 1° no effect — At 10° ie after after 1° 34' tips in all 5 Pots I think a little curved.
At 11° no doubt all curved. aft 2° 30'
At 4° 40' (ie after 8° 14') compared all pots in a row seedling in (1) & (2) plainly more curved then in 3 other pots in which no marked difference. Shows with time very dull light causes considerable curvature. I measured angles, of chords of bent seedlings but they go for nothing
Pot (1) (at 1 ft {49° from the perpendicular 47 40° taller 20° still taller
Pot 2 {40 26° taller
Pot 3 {20° 38°
Pot 4 {17° 15°
Pot 5 {16° 32°
I have looked again those in Pot (1) more curved than in (2) — not nearly so much difference between 2 & 3 as I shd have expected, & but little difference between (3) & (5) & yet (5) received only 1/36 of light; I suppose length of time made up for less action.
[in margin:] 2 ft 4 ft 6 f 8 ft 10 ft I ought to try
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022