RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.08.22-09.02. Bignonia capreolata. CUL-DAR209.8.39-41. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Bignonia capreolata
Aug. 22d. 1878.— Frank p 2 pairs of tendrils; F. painted late in evening at about 4° — 5° P.m. with thick Indian Ink tips of one of each pair— Plant placed before study window — N.E protected above & on all sides by Boxes.
Aug 23d 2° 15' P.m.
Right-Hand-pair— The painted t. turned to dark side at about 45° (as shown by dotted lines). [sketch] Light
The Curvature extends down to where leaves arise.
4° P.m The one with blackened tip now pointed directly from light & the other & opposite one slightly inclined from light.
4°. 30' drawing made.
7°. 15 the opposite one greatly turned to from light, but not so much as the painted one.
10° P.m not yet parallel
2°. 15' — no difference in the 2 tendrils — (a younger pair?)
Aug 24th 6° 40' a.m. both tendrils parallel & pointing to zenith!
8°. 15' both pointing from light, almost equally
8°. 30' slewed pot round.—
4°. 40' P.m. The painted one & unpainted about equally turned to dark side, if any difference unpainted most turned.
7° 30 P.m If any difference unpainted most turned to dark.
Aug. 25'
Right Hand (pot slewed last night, so as to hold original position) both t. bowed from light if any difference unpainted most so.
It certainly seems that only during first day— does the painting make a difference.— Can it be excreting from the crust.—
Paint with gum & water
Left Hand pair— no difference in position from of the two t. during whole of 23d.
24th 6° 40' a.m. The t with painted tips pointed more up to zenith, but not more from light.—
8°. 30' the painted one rather more pointed from light — slewed the pot round.
4° 40' P.m. Both tendrils equally turned from light. (N.B I see F. has painted t. beyond bifurcations, so more painted than the other pair.)—
7°. 30' P.m The painted ones a trifle more directly turned to dark side.— (Slewed Pot round again so as to stand as at first)
25th 1° Left Hand pair no plain difference in the 2 ts.
7°. 15' P.m The unpainted most turned from light
This pair tells very little, for they seemed not strong apheliotropic; certainly very little difference between painted & unpainted
Bignonia capreolata
Aug 27'
Two pairs of tendrils— one pair with tips of one t. painted with thick gum water: white thread:
The other pair with 1 t. painted with gum water & the other t. painted tips with Indian ink.
Plant left in washing corner for tendril to reverse & grow straight.—
10° 55' put in N.E. window. — (The terminal branch of blackened t of R. H. pair bowed downwards, but not at all from light.): all other t. square with respect to light.—
4° P.m. Left. Hand— I think gummed one more turned than ungummed.
7°. 15 P.m— no difference in either pair— tips turned a little from light, but not basal part.)
28th 6° 45' both pairs started fair
11°. 45' all 4 t. pointing somewhat & equally to dark side.— I did look soon enough, so slewed round pot, & all started fair.
4° 50' Left-Hand unpainted rather most turned from light.—
7°. 15. do do do. do. do
7. 15 Right-Hand pair no difference between the gummed & ungummed ts.
Aug. 29. same t'. as last plant. — 8°. 15' a.m repainted the blackened tendril & rubbed equally with plain water opposite t.— Also painted the one (white thread which had gum) with Indian ink & opposite one with plain water
4° 30 P.m. Left Hand— the 2 ts equally turned from light, it one had been gummed & afterward painted— Rt. Hand. the painted more turned, but then leaf prevented unpainted from turning
7°. 15' P.m Left-Hand no difference — Right-Hand the unpainted one turned up, owing to having been disturbed in attempting to free it from leaf.—
Aug 30th. 9° a.m A young t. with branches not separated or expanded, tips painted twice & thickly with indian ink placed before window bright day; other t. nothing done to.
1° no difference 2° 45' black a very little in advance or more towards dark side = 5° 45' do = 7° 15' p.m. do
Aug 31. 8° a.m repainted same ts & exposed equally, as before
7° 15' neither moved in least from light— is it too cold?
Sept 1' 9° a.m— no difference in the 2 tendrils.
Bignonia capreolata
Sept 1st 9° a.m. — As the tendrils, one painted & one unpainted were not acted on yesterday or day before, tied thread moderately tight twice round basal part of the painted t. & exposed to light as before,— They were a trifle bowed from light & pot now slewed round so that this part now bowed a trifle to light.—
(N.B. Summation of stimulant— may not Heat thus act? Cd try light on Mimosa pudica— or albida by keeping dark for 24° & then touching.)
2° 10' both bent to dark— blackened & tied one most
5°. 15. The t with thread & blackened pointing directly to dark. The opposite untouched t. 30° from pointing to dark— Slewed round pot when so as to get t. straight by tomorrow. — I remember in the first pot the 2 first pairs which I tried I held basal part of t. & this may have caused apheliotropic curvature through summation of stimulants.) At 5° 15' the pot was turned round & this morning (Sept. 2d) at 7° 50' a.m I fd both t. partially turned to dark side & I think one with black tips & thread at base most turned. Rubbed 7° 50' with thick needle base of uncoloured tendrils on all sides, as equally as I could during 1'. 6° P.m the rubbed t. a shade more directly pointed to dark than opposite one.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022