RECORD: Newton, T. W. et al. 1875-1909. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES DARWIN, Esq. M.A., F.R.S. CUL-DAR240. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2021. Corrections by John van Wyhe 2023-2024. RN8

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

Introduction by John van Wyhe

This handwritten 426-page catalogue records the library of Charles Darwin and his son Francis who continued to add to the library and catalogue until 1908. The catalogue is bound in brown leather. On the front cover there is a red label "CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES DARWIN, Esq. M.A., F.R.S." in gold lettering. Darwin paid Thomas William Newton (1822-1902), assistant librarian at the Museum of Practical Geology in London, to compile the catalogue which was completed in August 1875. The numbers and letters with an entry would be written on the title page of the corresponding book. With the aid of this catalogue, Darwin was able to quickly look up a book's number and thus locate it in his library. At some point the library numbers were revised and older numbers were crossed out. These have not been transcribed here. As the references in the catalogue are highly abbreviated, complete references or missing details have been supplied in some cases by Christine Chua.

Most of the library was transferred to the Botany School at the University of Cambridge in 1908 and later most was transferred to Down House and then moved back again to Cambridge University Library. See: Rutherford, 1908. Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, Cambridge. ... with an Introduction by Francis Darwin. A4 and: Charles Darwin's Personal Library. An introduction by J. David Archibald.

See The Complete Library of Charles Darwin

[front cover]






M. A., F. R. S.

[inside front cover]

[page i]

[page ii]

[page iii]


+AC 34 X4

[page iv]

[title v]






M. A., F. R. S.




[page vi]

Compiled by

T. W. Newton,

Assistant Librarian of the

Museum of Geology, Jermyn St.

August, 1875.


TITLE OF BOOK   No. of Shelf






12 Abercrombie, J. . The Intellectual Powers 8o 1838

[Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth. 8th ed. 8vo. London.]

Abernethy. See Hunter

[Abernethy, John. Physiological Lectures. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1822. 115]

62 Acharius, E. Lichens 8o Stockholm, 1803

[Acharius, Erik. Methodus qua omnes detectos lichenes, &c. Sectio 1, 2. 8vo. Stockholm.]


26 Adams, A. Forest Rambles 8o 1873.

3 Agassiz, A. See Harvard College.

96 --- and A. Gould. Principles of Zoölogy. 12º Boston, 1848.

67 --- Echinoidea. "Challenger" Voyage Part IX 4to London, 1881.

[Report on the Echinoidea (The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. . . 1873-76. Vol. 3, Part 9)]

26 Agassiz, Eliz. & A. Seaside Studies. 8o Boston, 1871.

[Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Seaside Studies in Natural History. By E. C. A., and Alex. Agassiz.]






106 Agassiz, L. Nomenclatoris Zoologici [Index Universalis] 8o Soloduri, 1848.

17 Bibliographia Zoologie (Ray Society.) 4 vols. 8o 1848-54.

[Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologiæ. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Vol. 3, ed. by H. E. Strickland; Vol. 4, ed. by H. E. S., and Sir W. Jardine. 8vo. London.]

8 Natural History of the United States 4º

26 Methods of Study [in Natural History]. 12º Boston, 1863.

112 L' Espèce en Zoologie. (F. Vogeli.) 8o Paris, 1869.

[De l'Espèce et de la classification en Zoologie. Trad. de l'anglais par F. Vogeli. Éd. revue...par l'auteur.]

113 Address…100th anniv. of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt. 8vo Boston, 1869.

[Address delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt.]

15 Agassiz, L., and J. E. Cabot. Lake Superior. 8o Boston, 1850.

106 --- and Gould. Principles of Zoology a 8o Feb. 1848.

24 Ahn's 2nd German course. By A. H. Monteith. 8vo Lond., 1871.


72 Alder, J.,  and A.  Hancock. [A Monograph of the British] Nudibranchiate Mollusca. (Ray Soc.) 7 parts folio 1845.

Allen. See Harvard College

74 American Bisons

[Allen, Joel Asaph. The American Bisons, living and extinct. (Extr.) 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1876.]

12 Allen, Grant Physiological Æsthetics [Darwin received this from Allen in March 1878. Correspondence vol. 26, p. 116.]

Colour Sense [Darwin received this from Allen before February 1879. Correspondence vol. 27, p. 319.]

Evolutionist At Large '82

40 Farbensinn

[Der Farbensinn. Deutsche Ausg. . . . von Ernst Krause. (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 7.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1880.]

122 Allen, Grant. see Darwin, Charles

118 Allen, Joel A. N. American Pinnipeds. 8o Washington, 1880

 Allman, G. 72 Freshwater Polygon (Ray Soc.) 4º 1856.

[Allman, George. J. A Monograph of the Fresh-Water Polyzoa. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London. Darwin was sent this by Allman in November 1871. Correspondence vol. 19, p. 669.]

72 Gymphoblastic Hydroids (Ray Soc.) 2 vols folio 1871-2.

[A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. In 2 Parts. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]






106 Altum, B., and H. Landois. Zoologie. 8o Freib. i. Breis., 1872.

54 America. Voyage en Amérique. (Book of Plates.) 8o

16 America Public Libraries of 1876

144 American Associate for advancement of science 4º Salem. 1875


19 American Naturalist 8o Salem, 1871- [Vols. 5-17 (incomplete). 8vo. Salem, Mass., 1871-83.]

75 Anderson, J Expedition to Yunan 8o Calcutta, 1871

[Anderson, John. A Report on the Expedition to Western Yunan viâ Bhamô.]

72 Andrew, A. See Naples. Fauna & Flora. 4to

Q2 Angelin, N. P. Iconographia Crinoideorum. Folio Hohmiæ, 1878.

[Iconographia Crinoideorum in stratis Sueciæ siluricis fossilium. . . Opus postumum edendum curavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Suecica. Fol. Holmiœ.]

8 Angler's Diary, &c. By J. E. B. C. 8vo. London, 1898.

51 Anglesea Geological Sections. In case




127 Anon – The Brit Aviary

12 Anonymous see "Kind" das


35 Annales des Sciences Naturelles 8°

3 Annales del Museo Publico Buenes Ayres 100

36 Soc Bot Lyons

11 Annals of Botany Ed. by J. B. Balfour, &c. No 1 Vol. 1 – 1887 to No. 68 vol 17, 1903

32 Annals of Natural History. By Sir W. Jardine, &c. 8° 1838-9, vol 1 of the First Series to vol 12 of the Fourth Series (vols 3, 4 & 4 of the First Series missing) 1838-73

12 Anonymous The Supernatural in Nature. [8vo. London, 1878.]

22 Old & New Faith

22 Anonymous. The Survival apology for scepticism 8° London – 1877

125 Anon Principles of Organic Life

28 do Spiritual Evolution


101 Ansted, D. Ancient World 12° 1847

42 Anthropological Society. – Memoirs vol 1 & 3 8° 1863-89

42 --- Review, 8° Nos 1 to 27, 8° 1863-70

42 --- Journal of Anthropology, 8° Nos 1, 2, 3 1870-1

42 --- Journal of the Anthropological Institute Nos, 1 to 11, 8° 1871-5

42 --- Anthropologia, Nos 1 & 2 8° 1873-4


124 Congrès International. 8° Bologne, 1873

56 Arbeiten des Bot: Inst in Würzburg – Sachs 30

111 Archbold, J. Justice of the Peace. 4 vols. 12° 1854






107 Archiac, le Vie d'. Histoire de la Géologie 8° Paris, 1847.

[Archiac, Le Vicomte d'. Histoire des progrès de la Géologie de 1834 à 1845. Tome 1er.]

4 Archiv für Anthropologie 4° Braunsch, 1866-

22 Archives des Sc Ph et Nat Genève

43 Architecture Slonary

55 Archives de Zoologie Expéremientale. Paris, 1872


Ne Archivio per l'Antropologia 2 parts 4to 1866-9

44 Areschoug – Biologie der Holzgewächse

[Areschoug, F. W. C. Beiträge zur Biologie der Holzgewächse. (Extr.) 4to. Lund, 1877.]

Argyll, Duke of

22 Reign of Law. 8° 1867.

114 Primeval Man 8° 1869

6 Aristotle (Ogle)

[Aristotle on the parts of Animals. Transl. with introd. and notes, by W. Ogle. 8vo. London, 1882.]

24 Aristophanes. The Wasps. As performed at Cambridge. 8° Camb., 1897

8 Army & Navy Cooperative Society. Price List. 1896

Arnott, Neil.

105 Physics. 2 vols 8° 1833.

92 Human Progress 8° 1861.






39 Askenasy, C. [Beiträge zur] Kritik der Darwin'schen Lehre 8° Leipzig, 1872.

91 Astronomy, Electricity, &c 8°

38 Atkinson (GF) Mushrooms, 8° N. Y. 1903

55 Atkinson Saki Brewing

101 Atkinson, Th. D. & J. W. Clark. Cambridge described ans illustrated, 8° London, 1892.

Q3 Atlas. Publ. by The Soc. for the diffusion of useful knowledge (2 Portfolios) [London. C. Knight & Co.]

Q2 Atlas. [England and Wales] The British Atlas. By J & C Walker.

Q2 Atlas. A new general Atlas. By [Sidney] Hall. New ed. Folio Lond.,

5 Atlas. Index (S. Hall.) 4° 1831.

Na. Do. The Harrow Atlas of modern Geography. Fol. Lond., 1860

Nc Do. of Astronomy. By T. Milner & A. Petermann. 4to London, 1853.

129 Do. der Pflanzewerbreitung. Bearb, von O. Drude. Fol. Gotha, 1887.

2 Do. Botanical Atlas. By D. McAlpine 4° part 1. Edin., 1882.

Na Do A modern Atlas containing 30 maps. Fol. London.

Q2 Do Atlas complet du précis de la géographie universelle de Malta-Brun. Folio Paris, 1837.

117 Aubuisson de Voisins, J. F. D'. Traite de Geognosie. Tome 2 8° Strasbourg. 1819.


75 Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography. 5 vols. 8° Edinb. 1831.

75 Audubon, J. J., and J. Bachman. Viviparous Quadrupeds of America. Vol. 1 8° N. York, 1846.

24 Authors and Publishers. A Manual. By G. H. P & J. B. P 7th ed. 8vo. N. York, 1897

23 Aveling Students Darwin [8vo. London.] 1881

40 Do Die Darwin'sche Theorie. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1887

60 Axell, S. Fanerogama Växternas 8° Stockh. 1869






30 Ayrault, E. L'Industrie Mulassière en Pitou. 8° Niort, 1867.

Azara, Don F. d'.

108 Quadrupèdes du Paraguay 8° Paris, 1801.

15 Voyages dans l' Armérique. 4 vols. 8° Paris, 1809. 72 fol. plates


30 Bagehot (Walter). Physics and Politics. 8° London, 1872.

23 Baildon  Spirit of Nature

59 Bailey, L. H. The survival of the unlike. 8° N. York, 1896.



101 Babbage, C.  Temple of Serapis. 8° 1847.

59 Babington, C.  British Botany. 12° 1851.

40 Baerenbach F. von. Naturgeschichte des Weibes 1877

40 also – Gedanken über Teleologie  1878

123 Bagehot, Walter. Biographical Studies. Ed. by R. H. Hutton 8° London, 1881.

88 Baily, WH. British Fossils 8° 1875

Bain, A.

22 Senses and Intellect. 8° 1864.

12 Emotions and Will. 8° 1865.

12 --- 3rd Edit 1875


17 Baird, W. British Entomostraca. (Ray Soc.) 8° 1850.

62 Baker, J. G. Elementary Lessons in Botan[ical] Geography. [8vo. London, 1875.]

106 Balfour F M . [A Monograph on the development of] Elasmobranch Fishes 8° 1878

31 Ball Marocco 1878 ->

29 Baltzer, J. Anfänge der Organismen. Paderbern, 1870.

125 Baly, Wm. Physiology of motion. see Müller, P. Physiology, suppl. to 2nd vol.

112 Bancroft, H. Native Races of America 8° 1875. 2 vols.

39 Barclay, J. Life and organization. 8° Edinb. 1822.

115 Barker, A. E. J. Frey's Histology. Transl. by A. E. J. B. 8° London, 1874.

Q1 Barker-Webb et Sabin Berthelot – Histoire Naturelle des Fles Canaries 4° Par 1840

Barlow Math Tables 34


n.d. Balfour, F. M. Works. Ed. by M. Foster & A. Sedgwick. Meml ed.

39 Balfour F. Comp Embryology [A treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1880-81.]

48 Balfour, J. H. A manual of Botany. New ed 8° Edinb., 1863.

31 Ball V Jungle Life [in India. 8vo. London.] 1880

30 Ball, Are the effects of use and disuse inherited? 8° London, 1890

24 Ball, W. W. Rouse. A history of the study of Mathematics at Cambridge. 8° Cambr, 1889.

114 Bârenbach Anthropologische Philosophie 1879

161 Baranetzky Längenwachstum & Stengel




91 Barometer. Table for determining altitudes

8 Barometer. Companion to the Mountain Barometer. By T. Jones. 2nd ed.

39 Barrago, Dolt. L' Utomo fatto ed imagine di Dio Barenelzky 8° Cagliari, 1869.

117 {Barrande Céphalopodes

14 Do. Défense des Colonies. IV. 8°. Prague, 1870.

117 Do. Acéphelés. 8° Prague, 1881.

117 Do. Brachiopodes --- 1879

117 Do. Trilobites --- 1871.

62 Barton, Geography of Plants 12° 1827.

Bastian, H.

102 Origin of Lowest Organisms. 8° 1871.

19 Beginnings of Life 2 vols. 8° 1872 2 copies

19 Evolution and the Origin of Life 8° 1874.

30 Brain as Organ of Mind


102 Bate, C. S. See under Catalogues.

31 Bates H. W. The Naturalist in the Amazons, 2 vols 8° 1863

92 Bateman, F. Aphasia, or Loss of Speech. 8° 1870.

39 Batson, William. Materials for the study of Variation 8° London, 1894.

72 Bauhin, Joh. Historia Plantarum. Toms III to Ebroduni, 1651.

74 Baxter – see Statistics

67 Beagle, Voyage of See Darwin, Charles

75 "Beacon" Horse breeders Handbook

115 Beale, L. S. Growth of the Tissues. 8° 1865.


59 Bateson Mendels Law




107 Beaumont, É. [Élie] de [Leçons de] Geologie practique 8° Paris, 1845.

117 --- Note sur les systèmes de montagnes [les plus anciens de l'Europe. (Extr.)] 8° Paris.

107 Beaumont, E. de, and Dufrénoy. See Dufrénoy

32 Bechstein, J. Naturgeschichte Deutschlands. 4 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1795-1805 (3)

59 Bechstein, J. M. Stubenvögel. 8° Halle, 1840.


90 Beddoe, J. Stature of Man 8° 1870.

38 Bedford (Date of) Pickering (SW) First Report of the Woburn Fruit Farm, 8° 1879

16 Beechey, F. Voyage to the Pacific. 8° Philad. 1832.

Behrens, W. J.

37 Behrens Botanik 1880

98 Beldam, J. The Royston Cave. 4th ed. 8°. Royston, 1898.

28 Bell, A. [Arthur] J. Why does man exist? 8vo. London, 1890.

N.F Bell, Sir C. Anatomy of Expression. 4° 1844

94 Bell, J. and C. Anatomy of the Human Body. (? vols 2 & 3 only) 3 vols. 8° 1826.




48 Bentham G. Handbook of the Brit. Flora London 1858 8vo (2 copies) Illustr[ations] to do


2 Bell, Prof., and Prof. E. Forbes Trilobites. (Ray Soc.) 4° 1846.

9 Belt, T. Naturalist in Nicaragua. 8° 1874.

47 Bennett, A. W. & G. Murray. Cryptogamic Botany. 8° London, 1889.

Bennett. See Sachs.

101 Benson, E. W., Archbp. of Canterbury. The Life of E. W. B. By his son A. C. Benson. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1899

Bentham, G., and J. D. Hooker. Genera Plantarum. 8° 1862-


9 Berg, E. von. Zwiebelgewächse. 8° Neust. 1837.

118 Berjeau, P. Varieties of Dogs. 4° 1863. 38

48 Berkenhout, J. Botanical Lexicon. 8° 1764.

115 Bernard, C. Tissus Vivants. 8° Paris, 1866.

115 Phenomonès de la Vie 8° 1879






60 Bernhardi, J. Pflanzenant. 4° Erfurt, 1834.

Berthelot see Barker-Webb

37 Berthold, G. Protoplasmamechanic. 8° Leipzig, 1893.

117 Berzelius, J. The Blowpipe. 8° 1872.

117 Beudant, T. Minéralogie. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1830.

95 Bevan, E. [Edward] The Honey Bee. 12° 1827

24 Bevington L. Key Notes. [8vo. London, 1879.]

42 Bewick, T. A history of British Birds. 8° London, 1821


13 Bianconi, J. La Théorie Darwinienne 2 edits 8° Bologna, 1874, 1875.

24 Bible. English. 8vo

48 --- N. T. 8° Oxford, 1853.

98 --- & Common Prayer. 8° Oxford, 1859.

Ne Bienen Zeitung. 4to Nördlingen, 1856.

[Bienen-Zeitung. Organ des Vereins deutscher Bienenwirthe. 12ter Band. Jahrg. 1856. 4to. Nördlingen.]

94 Bigg, R. H. Spiral Curvature. 8vo. London, 1882.

28 Billing S. Scientific Naturalism 1879

[Billing, Sidney. Scientific materialism and ultimate conceptions. 8vo. London.]

NF Binney, W. G. The Terrestrial air-breathing Mollusks [of the United States, &c. With Plates.] 2 vols. 8vo Cambridge, Mass., 1878.

72 Bischoff, [Ludwig] W. T. v. Fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubelfeier 4° Frankfurt am Main, 1882

104 Blackley [Charles H.] Hay Fever 1873 2nd ed. 1880

112 Blackwell, J. Zoology 8° 1834

[Blackwall, John. Researches in Zoology. 8vo. London.]

72 Spiders (Ray Soc.) 2 vols folio 1861-4.

[A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 Parts. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]

26 Blackwell, A. Studies in Science. 8° New York, 1869.

[Blackwall, Antoinette B. Studies in general Science.]


8 Biographical Index of Br & Irish Botanists by Britten & Boulger 1893

56 Biological Lectures delivered at… Wood's Holl. 1893, 1894. 8° Boston, U. S. A., 1894-5.




96 Blainville, H. de. Actinologie. 2 vols. Paris, 1834.

[Blainville, H. M. D. de. Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie. Avec un Atlas.]

R3 Blair, Rev. J. Chronology & History of the World. Fol. Lond, 1814

113 Blomefield, L. (late Jenyns) Chapters in my life. Reprint. 8vo. Bath, 1889.

114 Blumenbach, J., and J. Hunter Anthropological Treaties. (T. Bendyshe.) 8° 1865.

101 Blyth E. [Edward] Catalogue of Mammals & birds & Burma

Boitard, M.

118 [Manual d'] Entomologie 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1828.

27 Boitard and Corbie, MM. Les Pigeons. 8° Paris, 1824.

[Les Pigeons de volière et de colombier. Par M M. Boitard et Corbié.]


Bonaparte, Prince de Lucian.

126 Birds of Europe, &c. 8° 1839.

[A geographical and comparative list of the Birds of Europe and North America.]

Ne [Coup d'œil sur] L'ordre des Pigeons. 4° Paris, 1855.

19 Bondi, A. L'Uomo; Ipotesi sulla Origine 8° Forli, 1873.

[Bondi, Augusto. L' Uomo. Ipotesi sulla Origine (Teoria Darwiniana), considerazioni.]

25 Boner, Charles. Transylvania [; its products and its people.] 8vo London, 1865. [Darwin received this from Boner in January 1870. Correspondence vol. 18, p. 3.]

66 Bonizzi, P. Colombi Domestici. 8° Padova, 1873.

28 Bonnal [Marcel de]. Une Agonie [Angoulême] 1877 [Darwin was sent this by Bonnal in 1877. CUL-DAR201.6]

95 Bonnet, Insectologie 2 vols. 8° Ainster, 1780

61 L' Usages des Feuilles 1754 4°

[Recherches sur l'usage des feuilles dans les Plantes. 4to. A Gottingue]


48 Bonnier, G & G. de Layens. Nouvelle Flore. 4èrne ed. 8° Paris [1887]

48 Flore Complète




Q2 Boott, F. [Francis. Illustrations of the] Genus Carex. 2 vols. Fol. 1858-60

12 Borelli Vita e Natura [8vo. Napoli] 1879

Bosquet, J.

74 Cirripèdes 4° Harlem, 1857.

[Notice sur quelques Cirripèdes récemment découverts dans le terrain crétacé du Duché de Limbourg.]

N.e. Entomostracés Fossiles 4° Brux., 1852.

[Description des Entomostracés fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique. (Extr.)]

Na Crustacés fossiles 4° Haarlem, 1854.

[Monographie des Crustacés fossiles du terrain crétacé du Duché de Limbourg.]

Na Brachiopodes Fossiles 4°Haarlem, 1859.

[Monographie des Brachiopodes fossiles du terrain crétacé supérieur du Duché de Limbourg. 1ère Partie. (Extr.)]

15 Bostock, J. [John. An elementary system of] Physiology. 2 vols. 8° 1824 (Vol. 1 only) London

21 Boswell, J. see Johnson, Dr Samuel.

0 & 9 Botanische Centralblatt 1880-1902

57 Botanical dialogues. By a Lady. 8 vo. London, 1797. [Mrs Maria Elizabeth Jackson]


45 Botanischer Jahresb


46 Botanische Zeitung.

17 Reports on. (A. Henfrey, &c) (Ray Soc.) 3 vols. 8° 1841-53.

45 Boudin, J. Ch. M. Traité de Géographié et de Statistique Medicales. Tome 1. 8 vo. Paris, 1857

113 Boué, Ami. Autobiographie du Docteur médécin A. B. [Ami Boué. . . 1794.] 8vo Vienne, 1879.

94 Boudin, J. Géographie Médicale 2 vols. Paris, 1857.

[Boudin, J. Ch. M. Traité de géographie et statistique médicales et des maladies endémiques.]

58 Boulger Wood 1902

47 Bourbon del Monti [Marquis J. -B. François]. L'Homme et les Animaux [Essai de Psychologie positive. 8vo. Paris, 1877.]

40 Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B. Permanence and Evolution 8° Lond., 1882.

48 Bower, F. O & S. H. Vine. Bract. instruction in Botany. Pt. 1 Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B. Permanence and Evolution Lond., 1885.

17 Bowerbank, J. [A Monograph of the] British Spongiadæ (Ray Soc.) 4 vols Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B. Permanence and Evolution 1864-72.

14 Bays, C. V. Soap-bubbles. 8vo. London, 1890

28 Brace, C. L. The dangerous classes of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1872.

114 Brace, C. Races of the Old World. 8° 1863.

101 Braden. The Problem of Problems Cincinnati 1877.






50 Bradley, R. Husbandry 3 vols. 8° 1724. [A general treatise of Husbandry and Gardening.]

25 Bradshaw's Shareholders' Guide 12° 1854.

17a Brady British Copepoda Ray Soc 3 vols 8° 1878-80

[Brady, G. Stewardson. A monograph of the. . . Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. (Ray Soc. Publ.)]

93 Bray, C. Manual of Anthropology. 8° 1871.

Bree, C. Species not transmutable 8° 1860.


Nd Brehm, A. Illustrirtes Thierleben 4 vols. 8° Hildburg, [Hildburghausen] 1864.

Nd 2nd edit

Brent, B

117 Pigeon Book 8°

128 Canary, &c 8° [and some other Birds. 8vo. London, n.d.]

62 Briggs – Flora of Plymouth [8vo. London, 1880.]

16 British Association See Transactions. – London

Nc British Museum & Kew. Botanical Work. see Kew.

8 Britten & Boulger Biog Index of Botanists






124 Broca, P. Hybridity (C. Blake) 8° 1864.

[Broca, Paul. On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. Ed. by C. Carter Blake. 8vo. London.]

5 (20) Brongniart, A [Alexandre]. Note sur le Colocasia odora, &c. 4to


26 Geschichte der Natur. 2 vols. 8° Stuttgart, 1842-3.

106 Morphologische Studien [über die Gestaltungs-Gesetze der Naturkörper, &c.] 8° Leipzig, 1858.

107 [Untersuchungen über die] Entwickelungs Gesetze der organischen Welt. 8° Stuttgart, 1858.

4 Studies les lois de la distribution des carps organisés fossiles.

[Essai d'une réponse à la question de prix proposée en 1850 par l'Académie des Sciences pour le concours de 1853. . . savoir: Étudier les lois de la distribution des corps organisés fossiles, &c. (Suppl. aux Comptes rendus, Tome 2.) 4to. Paris, 1861.]

See Transactions – Paris.

26 Brookes, R. Natural History [of Insects]. 2 vols. 12° 1763.


12 Brougham, Lord See Paley.

[Brougham, Henry Lord. Dissertations on subjects of Science connected with Natural Theology. . . Paley's Work. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839.]

95 Broun NZ Coleoptera

[Broun, Capt. Thomas. Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. 8vo. Wellington, 1880.]

4 Brown, C. Worthies of Nottinghamshire. parts 1-3. 4to.

24 Brown, John. Marjorie Fleming. (Reprint) 8° Edinb., 1864.

17 Brown, R. Botanical Works. (Ray Soc.) 2 vols. 8° 1866-7.

72 Atlas 4° 1868.

[The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of R. B., with Atlas. 3 vols. (Ray Soc. Publ.) 8vo. & Fol. London, 1866-68.]

8 Bruguières M. [Histoire naturelle] Des Vers. (Encycl. Méthod.) 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1789-92.

Brun L – Le Brun

Brunton, T. E. Klein &c

115 Handbook for Physiological Laboratory. 2 vols. 8° 1873.

92 Pharmacology [and Therapeutics. 8vo. London.] 1880


26 Brunton. The Bible & Science [8vo. London, 1881.]

92 Digitalis [8vo. London, 1868.]

104 --- Disorders of Digestion. 8vo. London, 1886


17a Bucher, W. Larvæ of British Butterflies & Moths 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1886-7.


Buch, L. von

Ne Norway and Lapland (J. Black & K. Jameson) 4° 1813.

[Buch, L. von. Travels through Norway and Lapland. . . 1806-8. Transl. by John Black. With Notes. . . by R. Jameson. 4to. London.]

31 Iles Canaries (C. Boulanger.) 8° Paris, 1836.

40 Büchner, L. die Macht der Vererbung. Leipzig, 1882.

26 Liebe u Liebesleben i. d. Thierwelt [8vo. Berlin, 1879.]

28 Aus natur und Wissenshaft. 8° Leipzig, 1862.

19 Die Darwin'sche Theorie [von der Entstehung und Umwandlung der Lebe-Welt.] 8° Leipzig, 1868. 9 Also, 2. Aufl. 1868.

29 4 Auflage 76

39 Conférences sur la Théorie Darwinienne [Traduit. . . par A. Jacquot.] 8° Leip. 1869.

22 Stellung des Menschen 8° Leipzig, 1870.

[Die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur, &c. 2te Lief. Wer sind wir? 3te Lief. Wohin gehen wir?]

118 Mind in Animals [Transl. by Annie Besant. 8vo. London, 1880.]

24 Man in the Past, Present, and Future. (W. S. Dallas)

12 Bucke Man's Moral Nature [an essay. 8vo London.] --------à 8° 1872.

26 Buckley (Miss) [Arabella B.] Short History of Natural Science [8vo. London.] 1876

71J Life and her Children


17a Buckton British Aphides 4 vols 8vo (Ray Soc) 1876-83

[Buckton, George Bowdler. Monograph of the British Aphides. 4 vols. (Ray Soc. Publ.) 8vo. London.]

18 Buist, G. Books on India 8° Bombay, 1852.

45 Buitenzorg Gardens Arbeiten III, i

74 Buller, W. Birds of New Zealand. 5 parts. 4° 1872-3

[Buller, Walter Lawry. A History of the Birds of New Zealand. 4to. London, 1873.]

101 Bunbury, Sir C. J. F., Bart. Life, &c. Ed. by his wife. 3 vols. 8vo.

59 Burbidge F. W. Propag of Cult: Plants 1877

8 Burchell, W. Travels in Africa. 2 vols. 4° 1822.

[Burchell, Wm J. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822-24.]

39 Burgess, T  [Thomas]. Physiology [or Mechanism] of Blushing 8° 1839.

131 Burke, H. F. see Darwin Pedigree

[Burke, H. Farnham. 1888. Pedigree of the family of Darwin. N. p. Privately printed.]


Burmeister, G.

72 Museo Público de Buenos Aires. 4° Buen. Aires, 1864

Burmeister, H [Hermann].

Ne Cirripedia 4° Berlin, 1834

12 Trilobites (Ray Soc.) Fo. London, 1846.

[The Organization of Trilobites. Ed. from the German by Th. Bell and Edw. Forbes. (Ray Soc. Publ.)]

97 La Création (E. Maupas.) 8° Paris, 1870.

[Histoire de la Création. . . Trad. de l'allemand d'après la 8ème éd. par E. Maupas. Revue par le professeur Giebel.]

107 Burnet, T, Theory of the Earth fol. 1684.


14 Busch O [Otto]. Naturgeschichte der Kunst [8vo. Heidelberg] 1877

113 Schopenhauer 1877 + 2nd ed. 1878.

[Arthur Schopenhauer. Beitrag zu einer Dogmatik der Religionslosen. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1877.]

37 Büsger, M. Der Honigtan. 8vo. Jena, 1891

Busk, G. See Steenstrup. Zoology

24 Butler, Samuel. Luck or Cunning. 8vo London, 1887

22 Butler, Samuel Unconscious memory 8° London, 1880

24 do Life and Habit 8° London, 1878

38 Butler Analogy of Religion

Nc Bütschli O. Eizelle und die Zellteilung 4to Frankfurt – 1876

[Studien über die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge der Eizelle. . . der Infusorien. 4to. Frankfurt a. M.]


40 Butler, Samuel. Evolution, old and new. 8vo. London, 1879.





3 Cabot, L. see Harvard College. Zoology No. V.

101 Caithness, Countess of. Old truths in a New Light 8° 1876

30 Calderwood, H [Henry]. Evolution [and Man's place in Nature.] 8° London, 1893.

45 (12) Cambessèdes, J. De la famille des Geraniacée. 4to

45 (13) --- sur les Elatinees 4to

14 Cambridge University. See Ordinances.

177 Cambridge – Physiological Studies in Laboratory of

88 1877

58 Cambridge Natural Science Manuals. 8vo.

104 Cameron, C. Duties of Great Britain to India 8° 1853.

17a Cameron, P. British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. 2 vols. 8° 1882-5.

[Cameron, Peter. A monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. Vols. 1, 2 (Ray Soc. Publ.). 8vo. London.]

95 Camerano L. La Scelta Sessuale [8vo. Torino] 1880

59 Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated Plants. 8° Lond., 1884.

57 Candolle, Alph. de. Origine des Plantes cultivées. 8° Paris, 1883.

Candolle, A. de, see De Candolle

113 Mémoires &c. Publiés par son fils. 8vo. Genéve, 1862

[Mémoires et souvenirs de A. P. de C. . . Écrits par lui-même et publiés par son fils.]

61 Théorie de la Botanique 8° Paris, 1819.

[Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Théorie élémentaire de la Botanique. 2de éd.]

62 Prodromus – [Systematis naturalis] Regni Vegetabilis. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1824-5.

60 Géographie Botanique. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1855.

13 Histoire des Sciences. 8° Genéve, 1873.

13 Monogr Phaner [Genéve] 1885 22


29 Canestrini, G. Origine dell Uomo 2d ed. 8vo. Milano, 1870.

39 Canestrini Teoria di Darwin [criticamente esposta. 8vo. Milano] 1880

Nd Canestrini G Teoria dell' Evoluzione [8vo. Torino] 1877

39 Carlier (Antoine G.). Darwinism refuted [by researches in Psychology] 8° 1872

24 Carlyle, Th. Sartor Resartus, &c. 8° London

39 Carneri, B. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus. 8vo. Wien, 1871. [Darwin received this in December 1870. Correspondence vol. 19, p. 298.]

12 --- Gefühl, Bewusstsein, Wille &c [8vo. Wien, 1876]

Carpenter, W. B

125 [Principles of] Comparative Physiology 8° 1854

74 [Researches] on the foraminifera (Phil. Trans.) 4to London, 1855

[Darwin, C. R. Referee report of W. B. Carpenter's manuscript "On the fossil shells of foraminifera, called by him 'Orbitolites'" (8. 1855) RoySoc-RR3. 38. In Darwin Online.]

72 Foraminifera. (Ray Soc.) 4° 1862.

[Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. By W. B. C., assisted by W. K. Parker and T. Rupert Jones. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]

106 The Microscope [and its revelations.] 4th ed. 8° 1868.

12 [Principles of] Mental Physiology 8° 1874.






57 Carrière, E. [Production et fixation des] Variétés dans les végétaux. 8° Paris, 1865.

9 Variétés des Pêchers &c

Carus, J. V. [Victor]

112 Geschichte der Zoologie. [bis auf Joh. Müller und Charl. Darwin.] 8° München, 1872.

96 Carus, J. V., and W. Engelmann. Bibliotheca Zoologica. 2 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1861.

96 Carus, J. V. and C. Gerstaecker. Handbuch der Zoologie 8° Leipzig, 1875.

See under Darwin, C.


40 Caspari, O. [Otto] Urgeschichte der Menschheit. 2 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1873.

72 Catalogue of Pamphlets in this Library 3 vols, folio.

25 Catalogue of Works on Natural History. 8° 1824.

11 Catalogue of Fruits – Horticultural Society. 8° 1842.

18 --- of Scientific Serials. 1633-1876. See Scudder, S. H.

4 --- of Museum of Zoolog, Harvard

104 --- of specimens…Osteology, &c. Pt. 1 Man, in R. C. S, Museum. 8vo London, 1879.






Catalogues (British Museum)

102 Amphiopodus Crustacea. By C. S. Bate. 8° 1862.

[Bate, C. Spence. See British Museum. Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea.]

18 Birds of the Tropical Islands. By G. Gray. 8° 1859.

96 British Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. 12° 1855.

85 Chiroptera. By G. E. Dobson. 8vo. London, 1878.

102 Coleopterous Insects of Madeira. By T. Wollaston 8° 1857.

[Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira. . . By T. Vernon Wollaston. 8vo. London.]


Catalogues (British Museum) – continued.

96 Mammalia. 3 vols. 12° 1843-52.

96 Marine Polyzoa. 2 vols. 12° 1852-4.






Catalogues (Museum of Practical Geology).

Fossils 8° 1865.

107 Rock Specimens 8° 1858 and 1862.

Catalogues (Royal College of Surgeons)

75 Fossil Mammalia and Aves. 4° 1845

8 Teratological Series. By. B. Lowne. 8° 1872

10 Osteology & Dentition. Pt. 1 Man. By W. H. Flower 8 vo London, 1879

Catalogues (Royal Society) See p. 37

66 Catalogue of Scientific Papers 12 vols. 4° + 1867-1902


Catalogues of Libraries

18 Anthropological Soc. of London. to July 1, 1867

8 Athenæum. 2 vols. 8° 1845-51.

107 Geological Society 8° 1846

38 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature vol 1, pt. 1 8vo 1912

8 Linnean Society. 2 vols. 8° 1866-7.

42 ----- --- Catalogue of the Library pt. 2 8° 1867






Catalogues of Libraries – continued

London Library. By R. Harrison. 4th ed. 1875.

Do Do. Additions. 1869-75,

Royal Geographical Society. 2 vols. 8° 1852-71.

Royal Society. – Scientific Books. 8° 1839.

Do Do 2 vols. 8° 1881-3.

Do Scientific Papers, 1800- 4to London, 1867-

25 Zoological Society 8° 1872.


15 Caton The Antilope & Deer 8° 1877

[Caton, John Dean. The Antelope and Deer of America. 8vo. New York.]

Caton – A summer in Norway 8° Chicago 1875

29 Cattaneo, G. Darwinismo. 8° Milano, 1880.

[Cattaneo, Giacomo. Darwinismo. Saggio sulla Evoluzione degli Organismi.]

94 Celsus. – A. Corn. Celsi Medicinæ. Concin. E. Milligan. 8° Edinb. 1826.

[Celsus, A. C. A. Corn. Celsi Medicinae Libri octo ex recensione Leonardi Targae. . . concinnavit E. Milligan.]

120 Census Report fol. 1873.

67 "Challenger" Voyage. Parts 9 & 10 4to

60 Chalon, J. Notes de Botanique expérimentale. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897.

37 Chamberlain, H. S. Seve ascendante. 8° Neuchatel, 1897. (3 copies)

97 Chambers, R. Ancient Sea-Margins 8° Edinb. 1848. [Darwin received this from Chambers in June 1848. Correspondence vol. 4, p. 149.]

30 Do. see Vestiges

39 Chapman, H. Evolution of Life 8° Philad. 1873.


[line crossed]




92 Chapman, J. Neuralgia. [and kindred diseases of the Nervous System] 8° 1873.

29 Chapuis, F. Le Pigeon Voyaqeur Belge. 12° Verv. [Verviers] 1865.

97 Charpentier, J de. Les Glaciers. 8°. Lausanne, 1841.

[Charpentier, Jean de. Essai sur les Glaciers. . . du Bassin du Rhone.]

57 Chatin An des Pl

115 Child, G [Gilbert W. Essays on] Physiological Subjects. 8°. [Oxford], 1868.

Do. Do. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1869. (2 copies)

Children, J. G. [John George]. Memoir of J. G. C. 8°. Westminster, 1853.

14 "Chin" By L. C. S. (Mrs W. Smith) See in "Thorndale" case


56 Chronicon Saxonicum. Ex MSS Codicubus…ed. E. Gibson. 4to Oxonii, 1692.

Na Chun, C. [Carl] see Naples. Fauna [und] Flora [des Golfes von Neapel. 1. Monographie: Ctenophorae. 4to. Leipzig, 1880.]

12 Clark, H. J. [Henry James]. Mind in Nature. 8° New York, 1865.

Na Clark, H. J. Lucernariæ [and their allies] 1878

R3 Clarke, Benj. [Benjamin]. On systematic Botany & Zoology. [Oblong] London, 1870

108 Clarke J W. Cattle Problems [explained. Thirty original Essays. 8vo. Battle Creek, Mich., 1880.]

96 Claus, C. [Carl]. Grundzüge der Zoologie. 8° Marburg, 1871–73.

72 Ditto – [Untersuchungen zur Erforsehung der genealogischen Grundlage des] Crustaceen-Systems. 4° Wien, 1876

12 Cleland . Evolution, [Expression and Sensation, &c. 8vo. Glasgow, 1881.]

91 Clias, P. Gymnastic Exercises. 8° 1825.

25 Coan Titus. Adventures in Patagonia. [8vo. New York] 1880

39 Coe, C. C. Nature versus Natural Selection. 8° London, 1895

38 Cohn, F. Biologie der Pflanzen Bd II Heft II & III & III, 2.

61 Die Pflanze [8vo. Breslau] 1882

123 Life of 1901 (in German) Breslau 1901

125 Colin, G. Physiologie comparée [des Animaux domestiques]. 2 vols. . 8° Paris, 1854–6.

2 Collett, Zoology. [Fishes]. (Norwegian N. Atlantic Expedition, 1876–78.)


39 Cognetti de Martiis, S. Le forme primitive. 8° Torino, 1881.


24 Colloque Français et Breton. 8vo. a Saint-Brieuc, 1863.

85 Comstalk Report of State Entomologist [of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 1879. Author's ed. 8vo. Washington] 1880

22 Comte, A. System of Positive Polity. Vol. 1. 8° Lond., 1875


16 Collingwood, C. Rambles of a Naturalist [on the shores and waters of the China Sea]. 8° 1868.

15 Columbus, [Select Letters of C. C. Transl. and ed. by R. H. Major. Hakluyt Soc. Publ. 8vo. London.] 1847.

11 Colvin, S. See Stevenson, R. S.

93 Comet, the. 12° New York, 1869.

85 Comstock Cotton Insects 1879

59 Congrès Horticole 1877

124 Congrès international d'Anthropologie [et d'Archéologie préhistoriques. Compte rendu de la cinquième session] 1871 8° Bologne, 1873.

28 Conta, B. [Théorie du] Fatalisme. [8vo. Bruxelles] 1877

117 Contemporary Review.

62 Conversations on Vegetable Physiology. 2 vols. 8° London, 1829.

101 Conybeare, Edw. A history of Cambridgeshire. 8vo. London, 1897


107 Conybeare, and W. Phillips. [Outlines of the] Geology of England [and Wales]. 8° 1822.

107 Plates under 129 Cook, Captain J, and Captain King. Voyage to the pacific. 3 vols. 4° 1784.

55 Cooke, M. C. Mycographia [seu Icones Fungorum] Parts 1-6. 8° London, 1875-9.

102 Cope, E. D. List of N. American Reptiles & Batrachians.

119 --- Cretaceous Vertebrata

117 Cornell University Bulletin

Cosserat Les Recif de Coral see Darwin

[Darwin, C. R. 1878. Les récifs de corail leur structure et leur distribution. Translated by L. Cosserat. Paris: Germer Baillière.]

14 Cost (The) of Production… Printing, &c 8° London, 1889.

97 Cotta, B. von. Geologie der Gegenwart. 8° Leip, 1866.

98 --- Geology & History. [8vo. London 1865]

97 --- Geognostische Wanderungen, ii. 8°. Dresden, 1838.

19 Cottage Gardener The (A Journal of Horticulture)

71c Coues Birds of Colorado

71 Cox Geolog Survey Indiana




Na Cunningham DD Motor organs in leaves Folio 1895

[i. The causes of fluctuations in turgescence in the motor organs of Leaves. ii. A new and parasitic species of Choanephora. Fol. Calcutta]


42 Couch, J. Illustrations of Instinct. 12°

123 Cavour, Count. The Life of Count Cavour. From the French of M. Charles de Mazade. 8vo London, 1877.

118 Cox, E. Geological Survey of Indiana 8° Ind. 1869.

12 Cox, Ed. W. What am I? Vol. 1 8vo. London, 1873.

[Cox, Edward William. What am I? Vol. 1. The Mechanism of Man.]

13 Cramer, Frank. The method of Darwin. 8vo. Chicago, 1896.

Crawfurd, . See Dictionaries.

Na Crelle, A. L. Tables de Calcul. 4°ne ed. 4to Berlin, 1875.

[Rechentafeln welche alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend ganz ersparen.... 4te Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Fol.]

108 Criminals, Habitual, Register of Folio 1877

30K Crofts, Ellen, Chapters in the History of English Literature. 8° Lond., 1884.

97 Croll, J. Climate and Time [in their geological relations]. 8°. London, 1875.

12 Crookes, Wm. Psychic Force [and Modern Spiritualism] 8vo. London, 1871.

61 --- The Wheat Problem. Ed by W. C 8vo. London, 1899.

16 Cunningham, R. [Notes on the Natural History of the] Strait of Magellan. 8° Edinb, 1871.

N.F Cupples, G. Scotch Deer-hounds & their Masters. [By G. C. With a biographical sketch of the author, by J. H. Stirling.] 4to Edin., 1894.

59 Curtis, Wm. The Botanical Magazine. Vols. 1, 2. 8°. London, 1793


Cuvier, Baron G.

116 Anatomie comparée. 5 vols. 8°. Paris, an viii-1805.

[Leçons d'anatomie comparée. Rec. et publ.... par C. Duméril et G. L. Duvernoy. Tomes 1-5. 8vo. Paris, An VIII-XIV (1799-1805).]

97 [Essay on the] Theory of the Earth. Geology [illustrations] by Prof. Jameson. 8° Edinb, 1827.

108 Le Règne Animal. [Nouv. éd., revue et augmentée.] 5 vols. 8° Paris, 1829.

88 The Animal Kingdon. 8°

8 Cyclists' Touring Club. British Road Book. 3 Vols. 8° London.

NG Cyclopædia of Anatomy [and Physiology. Ed. by] R. Todd. 5 vols. 8° 1835-59 24







N.e D'Acebla Les Impiétés 1878

38 Deffner, Franz. Die Voralpenpflanzen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893.

38 ----- Das Wachstum des Menschen 8vo b 1902

50 Dallas, W. S. Animal Kingdom. 8°

[A Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. 8vo. London, n.d. ]

See Müller Siebold

Dana, J [James]. D.

8 [On the Classification. . . of] Crustacea. 4°. Philad, 1853.

89 Manual of Mineralogy 8° 1863.

50 Manual of Geology. 8° Philad, 1863.

50 Corals and Coral Islands. 8°. New York, 1872.


95 Dandolo, Count. [The art of rearing] Silk-worms. 1825.

2 Danielssen & Koren. Zoology. (The Norwegian N. Atlantic Expedition, 1876–78.)

[Danielssen (D. C.) and Johan Koren. Zoology. Gephyrea. (The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78.) 4to. Christiania, 1881.]

23 Dareste, C. [Camille]. [Recherches sur] la production artificielle des Monstruosités. 8vo. Paris, 1877.

131 Darwin. Pedigree of the Family of Darwin. By H. F. Burke. 4to 1888.

48 Darwin, Captain. Game-preserver's Manual 8° Buxton, 1863.




7 Proof Sheets of "Descent", &c, &c.

122 Darwin, Charles. The life and work of C. D. A lecture by L. C. Miall. 8vo. Leeds. 1883.

122 --- Memorial Notices reprinted from "Nature. " 8vo. London, 1882 (2 copies)

122 --- Darwin, Sein Leben und Wirken. Von W. Preyer. 8vo. Berlin, 1896.

122 --- Charles Darwin. By Edw. B. Poulton. 8vo. Lond, 1896.

122 --- Charles Darwin. Par H. De Varigny. 8vo. Paris, 1889

[de Varigny, H. 1889. Charles Darwin. Paris: Librairie Hachette.]

122 --- Charles Darwin. By Edw. Woodall. 8vo. London, 1884

122 --- Charles Darwin. By Grant Allen 8vo. London, 1885

[Allen, Grant. 1885. Charles Darwin. New York: D. Appleton. In Darwin Online.]

122 --- Charles Darwin. By C. F. Holder. 8vo. N. York, 1891.

122 --- See Krause, E Erasmus Darwin.

122 --- Charles Darwin. The Life and letter of Charles Darwin, Edited by his son, Francis Darwin. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1887.

122 --- Do Do 7th thous. rev. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1888 (3 copies – (4 of Vol. 3))

122 --- Do Do. In 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1887.

38 --- More letters of Charles Darwin, 2 vols. 8° 1903

122 --- Quarterly Review, Jan 1888 on The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin.

56 --- Abstracts from Works by Gärtner & Koelreuter.

91 --- Down House, Visitors Book.

91 --- Account Books. 1839-78.


Darwin, Charles, F. R. S.

2 Volcanic Phenomena in south America. (Phil. Trans.) 4° 1838

112 see FitzRoy. Voyages of Adventure & Beagle. Vol. 3

2 Parallel Roads of Glen Roy. (Phil. Trans.) 1839.

112 Geology and Natural History. 8vo. London. 1839

167 Zoology of the Voyage of the H. M. S. Beagle. (2 copies of Vols 204) 4° 1839, 1840. 2.

89 --- --- Article on, in British Quart. Review, 1847.

112 Manual Admiralty

2 Erratic Boulders of South America. (Phil. Tr.) 1841.

112 Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs 8° 1842

112 Do 2nd ed., rev. 1874. 3rd ed. 1889.

112 Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands. 8° 1844

112 Do on Volcanic Islands & S. America 1876

18 Naturalists' Voyage round the World 8° 1845.

112 Do. 10th thous. 1860. 14th thous. 1879.

112 Do. 1888. New ed. 1890


Darwin, Charles – continued.

19 Geological Observations on South America. 8° 1846.

Fossil Lepadidæ (Pal. soc.) 4° 1851.

112 Cirripedia (Ray Soc.) 2 vols. 8° 1851-4.

92 Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection 12° 1859.

83 --- 8vo. New York. 1869

92 --- Other editions – 1860, &c.

92 --- New impression. London, 1900.

120 --- Old Sketch in MSS.

122 --- Review by Quatrefages – Revue des deux Mondes. 15 Dec., 1868.

102 Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are fertilised by Insects. 12° 1862.

102 Do. 2nd ed. 1877 (2 copies)

102 Do. Do 3rd thous. 1882.


Darwin, Charles – continued.

Movements and habits of Climbing Plants. 8o 1865.

102 Do. 2nd ed., rev. 8vo. London, 1875. (3 copies)

102 The Power of Movement in Plants. 8vo. London, 1880. (2 copies)

102 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vols. 8o 1868.

102 Do. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8o London, 1875.

92 Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. 2 vols. 8o 1870 1871. 113

92 Do. Other English editions.


102 Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (2 copies) 8o 1872.

102 Do. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1890

102 Insectivorous Plants (2 copies) 8o 1875.

102 Do. 2nd ed. 8vo. London. 1888.

102 The different forms of Flowers. 8vo. London, 1877. (3 copies)


Darwin, Charles – continued

102 --- Cross and self fertilisation 8vo London, 1876.

102 --- Do 2nd ed. 1878.

112 --- Vegetable mould and Earth-worms. 8vo. 1881.

112 --- Do. 6th thous (corrected) 1882.

112 --- Do. 9th --- 1883.






Darwin, Charles – continued.

Translations, &c.

83 Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen. (E. Dieffenbach.) 8o Braunsch. 1844

83 Entstehung der Arten. (H. Bronn V J. Carus.) Five editions. 8o 1860-72. [Darwin received the first edition in April 1860. Correspondence vol. 8, p. 152.]

83 Het Ontstaan der Soorten. (T. Winkler.) 8o Haarlem, 1860.

83 Servian 1878

113 Origin of Species. (American editions) 8o New York, 1860, 1869.

83 Orchideen. (H. Bronn.) (2 copies) 8o Stuttgart, 1862.

83 Sulla Origine delle Specie. (G. Canestrini e Salimbeni) 8o Modena, 1864.

91 Another edit by g. Canestrini. 8o Roma, 1875.

83 De l'Origine des Espèces. (C. Royer.)

93 2e & 3e édits. Paris, 1866, 1870.

93 Do from 6th English edit 1876

83 Do – 8vo Paris, 1880

83 Origin Spanish (2 copies) Madrid, 1877


Darwin, Charles – continued.

83 Variation under Domestication. (In Russian.) 8o St Petersburg, 1868.

93 Variation des Animaux et des Plantes. (J. Moulinie et C. Vogt.) 2 vols. 8o Paris, 1868.

18 Variation of Animals and Plants. With Preface by Asa Gray. 2 vols. 8o New York, 1868.

83 Variiren des Thiere und Pflanzen. (J. Carus.) 2 vols. 8o Stuttgart, 1868. Also, 2 Aufl. 1873.

93 Fécondation des Orchidées par les Insects. 8o Paris, 1870.

83 Descent of Man. (In Russian.) 2 vols. 8o St. Petersburg, 1871.

83 Abstamming van den Mensch. (H. von Zouteveen) Delft, 1871.

83 --- In parts 8o [Delft, 1871]

83 --- 2 vols. 8o [Delft, 1871]

Ditto Swedish

Abstammung des Menschen (J. v. Carus.) 2 Aufl. 2 vols. 8o Stutt. 1872.






Darwin, Charles – continued.

91 L' Origine dell' Uomo. (M. Lessona.) 8o Torino, 1871-2.

97 Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen. (J. Carus.) 8o Stuttgart, 1872, 1874.

105 Descendance de l'Homme. 2 vols. 8o Paris, 1872.

93 Do. Trad. par E. Barbier. 3ème ed. 8o Paris, 1881

37 Descendance del Hombre, por D Enrique Campo, (2 copies) 8o Madrid 1885.

83 En Naturforskares Resa Omkring Jorden (G. Lindström.) 8o Landskrona, 1872.

83 Menniskans Härledning och Könsurvalet. Descent of Man in Swedish. (R. Lundström.) 2 vols. 8o Stockh. 1872.

83 Uitdrukken der Gemoeds. bij den Mensch, &c. (H. van Zouteveen.) 8o s'Graven, 1873.

101 Darwin, - Ein komisch-tragischer Roman. 3 vols. 8o Jena, 1873.

83 O pochodzeniu Cztowicka. (L. Mastowski.) 8o Krakow, 1874

Wyraz Uczuć u Cztowieka i Zwierzat. (K. Dobrskiego.) 8o Warzawa, 1874.


Darwin, Charles – continued.

93 Expression des Émotions. (S. Pozzi and R. Benoit.) 8o Paris, 1874.

2nd Edit 147

93 Voyage d'un Naturaliste. (E. Barbier.) 8o Paris, 1875.

93 Gesammelte Werke. (J. v. Carus.) 13 vols. 8o Stuttgart, 1875-

112 * Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt (Carus)

83 Climbing Plants}

86 Coral Reef} German – (2 copies)

103 Plants Grimpantes

93 Plantes Insectivores

103 Fecondation croisée E. Heckel 1877

91 Climbing Plants}

91 Insectivorous} Italian 1878

103 Forme de Fleurs 1878

83 Coral Reef – French 1878

83 Origin in Japanese.

103 La faculté motrice dans les plantes. 8o Paris, '82

103 Vers de ture 8o Paris, 1882.

103, 91 Vie et correspondence 8o, Paris, 1888.

103 Leben und Briefe von C. D. 3 vols. 8o Stuttgart, 1887


Darwin, Charles – continued.

91 Il potere di movimento nelle piante. Trad. Italiana di G. e. R. Canestrini. 8o

Torino, 1885. (2 copies)

91 Coral Reefs. Italian 8o Torino, 1888.

91 Podróź Naturalisty (J. Nushaum) 8o Warzawa, 1887.

91 O Powstawaniu Gatunków (Dickstein and Nusbaum) 8o Warzawa, 1884-5.

91 Zmienność zwierząt i roślin. Tom. I. 8o 1888.

40 Darwinistische schriften. 8o. Leipzig, 1878-82.

91 Darwin, Charles. Gratulations heft zum 70. Geburtstag Ch. Darwin's (Kosmos) 8o. Leipzig, 12 Febr., 1879

122 Do memorial from the Yorkshire Naturalists Union to C. D. August 1880. Folio.

Do See Krause


For Memoirs by Mr. Darwin, see Royal Society Catalogue of Scientific Papers.


Darwinian Theory.

39. Darwinian Theory. By a Graduate of Cambridge. 8o 1867.

32 Our Blood Relations 8o 1872

See also under –






















St. Clair





















Darwin (ein-Roman)












Darwin, Erasmus.

75 The Botanic Garden, 4º 1791.

34 Zoonomia 2 vols. 4º 1794-6.

34 Phytologia 4º 1800.

34 The Temple of Nature. 4º 1803.

122 Life and Works. By J. Dawson. 8o 1861.

112, 40. See Krause, E.

123 Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin. By Anna Seward. 8o London, 1804.

34 Darwin, F & J Willis. Lecture Notes on the Nat. Hist. of Plants. Folio, Cambridge, 1892.

N.c. Darwin, Francis. Observations on Stomata. (Philos. Trans.) 4º London, 1898. 2 copies.

58 Do. The elements of Botany. do. 1895 (Camb. N. H. Manuals)

58 Do 8o Cambridge, 1896 (Stereo edition)

58 & 34} Do & E. H. Acton. Practical Physiology of Plants. (Camb. N. H. Manuals) 1st ed 1894 interleaved; 1sr ed. 1894 2nd ed. 1895.

37 Darwin, R. W. Principia Botanica 8o Newark, 1810.

N.e --- Ocular Spectra of Light & Colours. 4to London, 1786






117 Daubeny, C. Volcanos. 8o 1826.

[Daubeny, Charles. A description of active and extinct Volcanos.]

N.e. Daubrée, M le Métamopohisme. Paris, 1860.

[Études. . . sur le métamorphisme et sur la formation des Roches cristallines. (Extr.) 4to.]

107 D'Aubuisson , J. Basalts of Saxony. (P. Neill.) 8o Edin. 1814.

[An account of the Basalts of Saxony. Translated, with Notes, by P. Neill.]

106 Davenport, C. B. Statistical methods [with special reference to Biological Variation.] 1st ed. 8o N. York, 1899.

47 --- Experimental Morphology. Part 2. 8o N. Yk., 1899.

48 Davis, J. R. A. Elem. Text-book of Biology. Pt. 1 2nd ed 8o Lond., 1893.

41 Davy, J. Angler and his Friend. 8o 1855


114 Dawkins, W. B. [William Boyd] Cave Hunting 8o 1874.

67 D'Azara do See Azara

75 Dawson, J Australian Aborigines [4to. Melbourne, 1881.]

56 Dawson, J. W. Fossil Plants 8o Montreal, 1871.

[Dawson, John W. The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. (Geolog. Survey of Canada.)]

57 De Bary, A. Lectures on Bacteria. Transl by Garnsey. 8o Oxford, 1887

56 Do. Veg. organs of the phanerogams & ferns. Trans[lation] 8o oxford, 1884.

47 De Bary, Fungi, Mycetozoa & Bacteria. Transl. 8o Oxford, 1887.

De Bary, Die Mycetozoa 8o 1864 Leipzig

57 Vergleichende Anatomie 8o 1877 Leipzig

60 De Candolle Monographie Phanerogam: ->

[Candolle, Alphonse et Casimir de. Monographiae Phanerogamarum. Prodromi nunc continuatio. . . 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878–81.]

45 NC Decaisne See Les Maout.

93 De Chaumont State medicine

97 Defrance, M. Corps organisés fossiles. 8o Paris, 1824.

38 Deherain, P-P Chinnie agricole. 8o Paris, 1892

De la Beche, Sir H.

117 Geological Memoirs 8o 1824.

[A selection of the Geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, &c. Transl. with Notes.]

92 Geological Manual 12º 1831.

107 Theoretical Geology 12º 1834.

[Researches in theoretical Geology. 8vo. London.]


57 De Candolle A. Phytographie. [8vo. Paris] 1880 & see Candolle.


75 Delage, Yves. Circulation des Édriophthalmes. 8o Paris, 1881

[Contribution à l'étude de l'appareil circulatoire des Crustacés édriophthalmes marins.]


127 Delamer, E Pigeons and Rabbits. 8o 1851

74 Delgado, J. F. Terrenos Paleozoicos de Portugal 4º Lisboa 1875 (in French also)

57 Delpino, F. [Ulteriori osservazioni sulla] Dicogamia nel Regno Vegetale. 8o Milano, 1868-70.

38 Rivista Botanica 1878 & 79, 74 & 75

23 Denton [William] Is Darwin Right [8vo. Wellesley, Mass., 1881.]

123 Derby, Edw. Henry, 15th Earl of. Speeches & Addresses [on Political and Social Questions.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1894

123 Do Speeches, &c 1870-91

33D Do Saussure Recherches Chemiques

8 Desmarest, A. Mammalogie 4º Paris, 1820

56 Detmer W Keimungsprocesses der Samen 1880

37 Do Lehrbuch & Pflanzenphydiologie 8o Breslau, 1883.

36 Do Das Pflanzenphydiologie Praktikum 8o Jena, 1888.

Devay, F. [Francis] Danger des Mariages Consanguins 12º Paris, 1862.

De Vries De Bewegingen der Ranken van Sicyos [(Extr.) 8vo. Amsterdam] 1880

68 do Intracellular Pangenesis 1889

4 Dicey, A. V. The Verdict… Parnell Commission. 2nd ed. 8o Lond. 1890.

92 Dickie, G. Flora of Ulster 8o Belfast, 1864.



Botany. See Berkenhout. Henslow.

105 Chemistry (Ure's) 8o 1823. [A Dictionary of Chemistry. 2d ed.]

105 Chemistry (Watts's.) 8o 1872.

[A Dictionary of Chemistry. By Henry Watts. 5 vols. and Supplement. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1871-72.]

98 Dutch & English 8o Leipsic, 1878

[A new Pocket-Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. Stereotype ed. 8vo. Leipzig.]

18 English (Johnson's) 8o 1826.

14 --- Do Abstracted. 2 vols. 4th ed. 8o Lond. 1820

18 --- See Skeat, W. W.

Entomology. See Wedgwood.

18 French (Boyer's.) 8o 1819.

88 Gardeners (The) By P. Miller. In 3 vols. 8o London, 1748.

18 German (Flügel's)

[A complete Dictionary of the English and German and German and English Languages. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. J. G. Flügel. 2d ed. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838.]

98 German & English. London, 1829

116 Græco Latinum fol. Cæonii, 1820.

18 Greek. (Giles's) 8o 1846.

14 Greek-English Lexicon. See Donnegan (Liddell & Scott's)

[A new Greek and English Lexicon. By J. Donnegan. 3rd ed. 8vo. London, 1837.]

41 Histoire Naturelle. 16 vols. & vol. 18 1 part 8o Paris, 1822-31

[Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. Par Messieurs Audouin, I. Boudin, &c. Tomes 1–17.]


Dictionaries – continued.

16 Indian Islands (J. Crawfurd.) 8o 1856.

[A descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands, &c. 8vo. London.]

98 Italian (Graglia's.) 12º 1829.

83 Latin (Riddlés.) 8o 1848.

98 Malay. (J. Crawfurd.) 8o 1852.

[Crawfurd, John. A Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. 8vo. London.]

Music & Musicians. Ed. by G. Grove. 4 vols. 8o Lond 1880-89

41 Sciences Naturelles. 2 vols. 8o & Planches. Paris, 1816-30.

41 --- (Jourdan's) 2 vols. 8o Paris, 1834.

[Dictionnaire. . . des Termes usités dans les Sciences naturelles. Par A. -J. -L. Jourdan. 2 tomes.]

14 Spanish. (Neumann and Barettis'.) 8o 1831.

[Neuman and Baretti's Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 5th ed. Rev. by M. Seone. In 2 vols. Vol. 1, Spanish and English. 8vo. London.]

98 Welsh-English. 8o Carnarvon, 1866 [Pryse 1866]


107 Dillwyn, L. Recent Shells 8o 1817.

[Dillwyn, Lewis W. A descriptive Catalogue of recent Shells. 2 vols. 8vo. London.]

37 Dingler, H. Pflanzl. Flugargane. 8o München, 1889.

106 Dippel, L. [Leopold] Das Mikroskop. 2er Th. 8vo Braunschweig, 1872.

98 Divine Footsteps in Human History 8o Edinb. 1872.

15 Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia. 8vo. London, 1880.

Dixon, E.

127 Poultry. 8o 1848.

[Dixon, Rev. Edmund S. Ornamental and Domestic Poultry. (Repr.) 8vo. London.]

127 The Dovecote [and the Aviary]. 8o 1851.

74 Dixon, F. Geology of Sussex 4º 1850.

[Dixon, Frederic. The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex.]

104 Dobell, H. Germs of Disease. 8o 1861.

[Dobell, Horace. Lectures on the germs and vestiges of Disease. 8vo. London.]

102 Dobson Catalogue of Chiroptera 1878

[Dobson, George E. See British Museum. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in. . . the B. M. 8vo. London.]

62 Dodel, Arnold. Die Kraus Haar Alge Ulothrix zonata [(Extr.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1876.]

38 --- Neuere Schöpfungsgeschichte [nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Naturwissenschaften. 8vo. Leipzig] 1875

23 Doherty. H [ugh. Philosophie organique.] L'Homme et la Nature. 8o Paris, 1881.

106 Dohrn, Anton. [Untersuchungen über Bau und] Entwicklung der Arthropoden, Leipzig 1870.

3 --- See Naples. Fauna & Flora 4to

[Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 3. Monographie. Pantopoda. 4to. Leipzig, 1881.]

117 Dollfus, G. Principles de Géologie transformiste. 12º Paris, 1874.


104 Domestic Medicine (Bohn's Scientific Library). 8o London, 1872.

[A Hand-book. . . popularly arranged. By an eminent Physician. By Δ.]




104 Donders, F. The Eye. (W. Moore.) 8o 1864.

[Donders, F. C. On the anomalies of Accommodation and Refraction of the Eye. Transl. by Wm. D. Moore. (New Sydenham Soc.) 8vo. London.]

61 Donn, James. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. 10th ed. by J. Lindley 8o London, 1823.

[By the late J. D. Improved. . . by Fr. Pursh. 10th ed., with additions, by J. Lindley. (Interleaved.)]

14 Donnegan, J [James]. A new Greek & English Lexicon. 3rd ed. 8o Lond. 1837.

17 Douglas, J., and J Scott. British Hemiptera. (Ray Soc.) 8o 1865.

[Douglas (John Wm.). The British Hemiptera. Vol. 1. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. By J. W. D., and John Scott. (Ray Soc. Publ.) 8vo. London.]

111 Doviden, Edward. See Shelley, P. B

49 Downing, A. Fruit Trees of America. 8o 1845.

122 Dawson, See Darwin, Erasmus.

107 Drayson, Lt. Col. Last Glacial Epoch. 8o 1873.

[On the cause, date, and duration of the last Glacial Epoch of Geology, &c.]

39 Dreher – Darwinismus 1877

[Dreher, Eugen. Der Darwinismus und seine Stellung in der Philosophie. 8vo. Berlin.]


N.e Drouët, H. Mollusques marins [des îles Açores.] 4º Paris, 1858.

129 Drude, O. [Oskar]  See Atlas der Pflanzenverbreitung. Fol. Gotha, 1887.

N. C. --- Die Florenreiche der Erde. 4to Gotha, 1884.

30 Drysdale, J. The Protoplasmic Theory [of Life]. 8vo London, 1874.

39 Dub, J. Darstellung der lehre Darwin's 8o Stutt, 1870.

[Dub, Julius. Kurze Darstellung der Lehre Darwin's über die Entstehung der Arten der Organismen. 8vo. Stuttgart.]

132 Du Bois-Reymond, Emil. Gedächtnissrede auf Johannes Müller 4to Berlin, 1860.

75 Duchenne, G. Physionomie Humaine. 8o Paris, 1862.

[Duchenne (G.-B.). Mécanisme de la Physionomie humaine. Avec un Atlas.]

R3 Mechanisme de Physic (Plates)

Dufrénoy et É de Beaumont.

107 Description géologique de la France. 2 vols 8o Paris, 1836.

[Mémoires pour servir à une description géologique de la France. Par M M. Dufrénoy et Élie de Beaumont. Tomes 3, 4. 8vo. Paris, 1836, 1838.]

45 Du Hamel – Physiques des Arbres 1758 2 vols 4º

45 --- Traite des Arbres 2 vols. 4º Paris, 1755.

29 Dumont, A. Haeckel et la Théorie de l' Evolution [en Allemagne] (2 copies) 8o Paris, 1873.






102 Duncan, A. [Andrew]. Edinburgh New Dispensatory. 8o Edin. 1826.

94 Duncan, J. M. [Mathews]. Fecundity [fertility, sterility and allied topics. 2d ed.] 8o Edinb, 1871.

108 Duncan, J. S. [Analogies of] Organized Beings. 8o Oxford, 1831.

14 Dupont, E. L'Homme pendant les Ages de la Pierre [dans les environs de Dinant-sur-Meuse.] 8o Brux, 1871.

Durand, J. (de Gros).

115 [Essais de] Physiologie philosophique 8o Paris, 1866.

39 Les Origines Animales de l'Homme. 8o Paris, 1871.


37 Dutrochet, H. Des Végétaux et des Animaux. 3 vols. 8o Paris, 1837.

62 Duval, M. Du Poirier [Pyrus sylvestris]. 8o Paris, 1849.

49 --- Histoire du Pommier. 8o Paris, 1852.

49 --- Pêcher. --- 1850. [Histoire du Pêcher et sa culture. (Extr.) 8vo. Paris, 1850.]

Dyer. See Sachs. Trimen, Johnson

114 [Dyer, W. T. Thiselton. See Johnson (S. W.)] How Crops Grow

[Dyer, Rev. T. F. Thiselton] English Folk-Lore. 2nd ed. rev. 8o London, 1880.







27 Eaton, J. [John, M]. Pigeons 8o 1852, 1858

[A treatise on. . . Tame, Domesticated, and Fancy Pigeons.]

57 Ebermeyer lehre der Waldstzen 1876

[Ebermayer, Ernst. Die gesammte Lehre der Waldstreu mit Rücksicht auf die chemische Statik des Waldbaues. 8vo. Berlin.]

115 Ecker, A. [Alexander]. Die Anatomie des Frosches. 8o Braunschweig 1864-82.

61 Edgeworth M [Pakenham] Pollen [8vo. London, 1877.]

102 Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 8o 1838, &c.

Edwards, Milne

112 Des Crustacés. (Suites à Buffon.) 3 vols. V atlas 8o Par 1834-1840.

[Edwards, Milne. Histoire naturelle des Crustacés. Tomes 1–3 accompagnée de Planches. (Nouv. Suites à Buffon.)]

106 Edwards, H. Milne. Zoologie générale. 8o Paris, 1851.


61 Ehrenberg, Kleinsten organ Lebens zu den vulk. Massen de Erde 8o

106 --- Infusoria? 8o Berlin, 1844-47.

[Ehrenberg. A volume of Reprints on Infusoria, &c.]

74 Ehrenberg, C. Mikrogeol. Studien. 4º Berlin, 1873.

[Ehrenberg, Christian G. Mikrogeologische Studien über das kleinste Leben der Meeres-Tiefgründe aller Zonen, &c. (Extr.)]

47 Eichler [August Wilhelm] Blüthendiagramm

55 Do. see Jahrbuch a. k. botanischen Gartens zu Berlin.

117 Eichwald, E. von Geognost-paleontol. Besnerkungen. 8o St. Petersb., 1871.

[Eichwald, Eduard von. Geognostisch-palaeontologische Bemerkungen über die Halbinsel Mangischlak, &c.]

96 Eimer, Th Unters. u. d. Variiren d. Mauereidechse. 8o Berlin, 1881.

74 Elliott, H. W. The Seal Islands of Alaska. 4to Washington, 1881.

3 Emery Fierasfer Fauna of Naples

[Emery, Carlo. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 2. Monographie: Fierasfer. 4to. Leipzig, 1880.]

107 Encyclopædia of Arts, &c. 4º 1851.

21 Encyklopædia der naturwissenschaften 1879. [Hrsg. von G. Jäger (and others). 1te Abth., 1–29 Lief; 2te Abth., 1, 2 Lief. 8vo. Breslau, 1879–82.]

60 Endlicher, S. Florae Norfolkicae. 8o Vindo. 1833.

[Endlicher, Steph. Prodromus Florae Norfolkicae. . . 1804 et 1805 a F. Bauer collectae et depictae. 8vo. Vindobonae.]




Erewhon revisited 1901

47 Espinas. Sociétés Animals 1877

[Espinas, Alfred. Des sociétés animales. Étude de Psychologie comparée. 8vo. Paris.]


82 Engelmann, W. [Wilhelm] Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. 8o Leipzig, 1846.

See Carus

34 Engler, A & K. Prantl. Die natürlichen, Pflanzenfamilien.

71C Engler Araceæ (De Candolle)

61 Engler, Adolf. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Pflanzenwelt. 8o Leipzig, 1879-82.

55 --- Pflanzengeogr & Humboldt

127 Enten-, Shwanen-und Gänsezucht. 8o Ulm, 1828.

89 Entomologist's Annual. 7 vols. 12º 1855-62.

74 Ercolani…. . Placenta rei mammiferie &c 4º Bologna 1877

[Ercolani, G. B. Sull' unità del tipo anatomico della Placenta nei Mammiferi e nell' Umana Specie, &c.]

74 --- Placenta n Pesci Cartalaginosi &c 1880

[Nuove ricerche sulla Placenta nei Pesci cartilaginosi e nei Mammiferi, &c. 4to. Bologna]

?4 Erebus and Terror. Voyage Zoology 4º 1844-5.

[Samuel Butler] Erewhon. 8o London, 1872 & 2nd ed. 8o London, 1872

92 Erichsen, J. E. The science & Art of Surgery. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8o Lond. 1869

55 Errera & Gevaert Fecondation des Fleurs 1879

Errera, L. Recueil de Institut Botanique. Tome V. Bruxelles, 1902.

72 Eschricht, &c. Cetacea (Ray Soc.) 4º 1866.

[Eschricht, D. F. See Flower (W. H.). Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]


117 Eschwege, W. von. [Beiträge zur] Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. 8o Berl. 1852

28 Estlake, A. [Allan] The Oneida Community. 8o London, 1900

48 Everett, J. D. Units and physical Constants. 8o London, 1879.

75 Eyton, C. Osteologia Avium [with plates] 2 vols. 4º Wellington, [Salop]. 1867. 124 [Eyton sent Darwin this in 1868. Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021.]

Eyton, T. British Birds 8o 1836.







102 Fabre, T. H. Souvenirs Entomologiques [8vo. Paris] 1879 [Darwin received this from Fabre in January 1880. Correspondence vol. 28, p. 53.]

29 Faivre, E. Variabilité des Espèces. 12º Paris, 1868.

Falconer, H [Hugh].

2 Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis. Part. 1 8o 1846

60 Teak Forests of India 8o Calcutta, 1852. [Report on the Teak Forests of the Tenasserim Provinces.]

126 Palæontological Memoirs. (C. Murchison.) 2 vols. 8o 1868.

[Palæontological Memoirs and Notes of the late H. F. . . . Compiled and ed. by Charles Murchison.]

Farms – Experimental Farms Reports for 1897 8o Ottawa 1898

14 Farrar, F. W. Chapters on Language. 8vo. London, 1865.

108 Farrier and Naturalist. [Ed. by a Member of the Zoological Soc. of London.] 3 vols. 8o 1828-30.

118 Fayrer, J. The Royal Tiger of Bengal 1875

? Fée (A. L. A) De la reproduction des végétaux. 4to Strasbourg, 1833.

114 Fenwick, S [Samuel. The Student's Guide to] Medical Diagnosis. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1871.


127 Ferguson, G [George. Ferguson's illustrated series of rare and] Prize Poultry. 8o 1854.

29 Ferriére, É. Le Darwinisme. 12º Paris, 1872.

23 do 1878

23 Ferris, B. Origin of Species. [A new Theory.] 8o Ithaca, 1871.

114 Fichte, I [Immanuel II]. Die Seelenfortdauer und die Weltstellung des Menschen 8o Leipzig, 1867

72 Finland in the 19th century. Fol. Helsingfors, 1894.

[Finland in the Nineteenth Century. By Finnish Authors. Illustrated by Finnish Artists. Editor, L. Mechelin.]

40 Fiske, J . Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy 8o 2 vols. 1874

29 do Darwinism 1879

Fitton, W [William H]. Strata below the Chalk. 4º 1836.

97 --- W. H. Progress of Geology in England. 8vo. London, 1833.


Q1 Pro Finlandia Inter add to Czar 1899




Fitzgerald, R. Australian Orchids. Fol. Sydney. Vol. I (Parts 1-7) complete, 1882. [Vol] I (Parts 1,2,4,5

112 FitzRoy. Voyages of Adventure & Beagle. 3 vols. and Appendix to Vol. 2 8vo. London, 1839

Fleming, J

112 Philosophy of Zoology. 2 vols. 8o Edinb. 1822.

[A History of] British Animals. 8o [Edinb.] 1828.

Flourens, V.

130 L' Instinct des Animaux 12º Paris, 1845.

130 La Longévité Humaine. 12º Paris, 1854.

129 [Examen du Livre de] M. Darwin sur l'Origine des Espèces. 8o Paris, 1864.

2 Flower, W. H. see Eschricht. Cetacea (Ray Soc.) Fo. Lond., 1866

[Flower, Sir William H. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea by Professors Eschricht, Reinhardt and Lilljeborg. Ed. by W. H. F.]

108 Flower, W. [An introduction to the] Osteology of the Mammalia 8o 1870.

104 Cat of Osteology – Pt 1 Man 1879

18 Flügel. see Dictionary. German

160 Focke, W. Pflanzen mischlinge [8vo. Berlin] 1881

74 Fol, H. Recherches su la Fécondation, &c. 4to Genève, 1879.

[Fol, Hermann. Recherches sur la Fécondation. . . chez divers Animaux.]


113 Follen, Charles. The Life of C. F. By E. L. Follen. 8vo Boston, 1844.

Forbes, E [Edward].

72 [A Monograph of the British] Naked-eyed Medusæ. (Ray Soc.) 2 vols. folio 1848.

117 Asteriadæ. (mem. Geol. Survey.) 8o

[On the Asteriadæ found fossil in British Strata. (Extr.) 8vo. London (1829).]

75 Forel, A [August]. Fourmis de la Suisse. 4º Zürich, 1874.

75 Forster, J. Voyage round the World 4º 1778.

[Forster, John Reinold. Observations made during a Voyage round the World, on Physical Geography, &c.]

115 Foster, M. & J. N. Langley. Elementary practical Physiology, 8vo. Lond. 1876 (2 copies)

[Foster, Sir Michael. A course of elementary practical Physiology. Assisted by J. N. Langley.]

115 Foster, M. Text Book of Pysiology 2nd edit 1878

115 --- 5th ed. 2 parts. 8vo. London. 1888-9.

48 --- Physiology. (Science Primers) 3rd ed. 8o London, 1876

127 Forster, T. British Birds. 8o Lond. 1817. [A synoptical Catalogue of British Birds.]

62 Fournier, E [Eugène. De la Fécondation dans les] Phanérogames. 8o Paris, 1863.


106 Foster, M. & Balfour – Elements of Embryology [8vo. London, 1874.]

115 --- & Langley Practical Physiology (2 copies) see also "Cambridge"




108 Francisque, Michel. [Du passé et de l'avenir] Des Haras. 8o Paris, 1860

6 Frankland – Report on Rivers Pollution 1874

47 Frank A. B Beiträge zur Pfl: Physiologie Die naturliche Wagerechte &c} in one vol.

37 Frank AB B Krankheiten d Pflanze Kr

117 Fraser's Magazine.

Lehrbuch d. Pflanzenphysiologie. 8o Berlin, 1890.

Lehrbuch d. Botanik. 1,2 Bde. 8o Leipzig, 1883-6.

Franklin, W. Sir J. See McClintock 1892-3.

59 Frearn, W. Elements of Agriculture. 3rd ed. 8o Lond., 1892.

39 Freke, H. Origin of Species [by means of Organic Affinity.] 8o 1861.

25 Frémont, J. Rocky Mountains. 8o Wash. 1845.

[Frémont, Brev. Capt. J. C. Report of the exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, &c.]

15 Frey, H. Histology. See Barker, A. E. J.

[Frey, Heinrich. The Histology and Histochemistry of Man. By H. F. Transl. from the 4th German ed. by A. E. J. Barker. 8vo. London, 1874.]

N.c Fritz, H. Sonnerflecken. 4to Haarlem, 1878.

[Fritz, Hermann. Die Beziehungen der Sonnenflecken zu den magnetischen und meteorologischen Erscheinungen der Erde. (Extr.)]


28 Frohschammer, J. Christenthum und die modern Naturwissenschaft. 8o Wien, 1868



61 Gallesio, G. Du Citrus. 8o Paris, 1811.

113 Galton, F. Hereditary Genius. 8o 1869.

23 English Men of Science 1874

[Darwin, C. R. 1874. [Answers to personal questionnaire]. In Francis Galton, English men of science, their nature and nurture. London: Macmillan, pp. 90, 105, 119, 130, 165, 256.]

22 Human Faculty. 8o London, 1883

13 Natural Inheritance. 8o London, 1889

25 [The Narrative of an Explorer in] Tropical South Africa. 8o Lond., 1853.

65 The Art of Travel. 8vo. London, 1855.

Garcke, Aug. See Wagner, H

49 Gardener's Magazine. (J. C. Loudon.) 13 vols. 8o 1826-67 (? vol 1 missing)

Gavrigue Selbstmord 80

NF Garrod Collected Papers

[Garrod, Alfred Henry. The collected Scientific Papers of the late A. H. Garrod. Ed. by W. A. Forbes. (In Memoriam.) 8vo. London, 1881.]

104 Garrod, A [Alfred]. B. [The essentials of] Materia Medica & Therapeutics. 3rd. ed. 8vo. London, 1869


57 Gärtner, C. Befruchtung der Gewächse. 8° Stutt. 1844.

[Gärtner, Carl Friedrich v. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Befruchtungsorgane der vollkommeneren Gewächse.]

57 --- [Versuche und Beobachtungen über die] Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich. 8° 1849.

56 --- See Darwin, C. Abstracts.

124 Gastaldi, B. Lake Habitations. (C. Chamber's) 8° 1865.

[Gastaldi, Bartolomeo. Lake Habitations. . . of Northern and Central Italy. Transl. and ed. by C. Harcourt Chambers.]

Gaudry, A.

Q1 Géologie de l' Attique. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1862-7.

[Gaudry, Albert. Animaux fossiles et Géologie de l'Attique d'après les recherches faites en 1855–56 et en 1860. Avec un Atlas. Fol.]

N. A. --- Animaux fossiles du Mont Léberon. fol. Paris, 1873.

[Animaux fossiles du mont Léberon (Vaucluse). . . Les Vertébrés par A. G. . . . Les Invertébrés par P. Fischer et R. Tournouër.]

NF --- Monde Animal 1878

[Les enchaînements du monde animal dans les temps géologiques. Mammifères tertiaires. 8vo. Paris.]


Gee, S [Samuel]. Auscultation & Percussion 8vo. London, 1870.


38 Geiger Ursprung der Sprache 1869

30 Entwicklunggeschitchte & Menschheit 1871

107 Geikie, J Prehistoric Europe [A Geological Sketch. 8vo. London.] 1881 [Darwin received this from Geikie in November 1880. Correspondence vol. 28, p. 256.]

Geolog Survey – Utah

N.c Gerard La Fleur [et le diagramme des Orchidées. 4to. Paris] 1879


Gegenbaur, C.

Ne Wirbelthiere. 4° Leip. 1864

4 --- 1872

[Gegenbaur, Carl. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. 1tes Heft. 4to. Leipzig, 1864.]

104 [Grundzüge der] Vergleichenden Anatomie. 8° Leip. 1870

71G Anat. Comparée

[Manuel d'Anatomie comparée. Trad. en français sous la direction de Carl Vogt. 8vo. Paris, 1874.]

55 Comparative Anatomy

[Elements of Comparative Anatomy. Transl. by F. Jeffrey Bell. The Transl. revised. . . by E. Ray Lankester. 8vo. London, 1878.]

59 Geikie. The Great Ice Age 8o 1877

101 Gentry, J. G. Life Histories of Birds. 8° 1876

57 Genoa. Atti della R. Univ. di Genoa. Vol. IV, parte 2, 8° 1883

Geoffroy, Saint-Hilaire. See Saint-Hiliare.

119 Geographical Survey of America (see Wheeler) Hayden, Cox, Powell

86 Geological Record 1874 8° & 1876, 1877

52 NF Geological Survey of Great Britain, Memoirs.

(? vol 1 only) 2 vols. 8° 1846, 1866 1 vol 1877

118 ----- Indiana 1872-74

118 ----- Canada 8° Toronto, 1857

119 ----- USA Territories see Cope

120 ----- Victoria

71C ----- Colorado 1876

71C ----- Indiana

161 ----- Henry Mountain (Powell)

85 ----- Idaho and Wyoming

14 Gerland, G. [Georg. Ueber das] Aussterben der Naturvölker. 8° Leip. 1868.


Gerstaecker. See Carus.

n.d. Gervais, P. [Paul. Histoire naturelle des] Mammiferès. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1854.

56 Gibson, Edmundus. See Chronicon Saxonicum,

106 Gibson, R. J. H. [A textbook of] Elementary Biology. 8° London, 1889.

48 Gillet et Magne. Nouvelle Flore française. Novo ed. 8° Paris.

Gillis. See United States.

101 Giraud-Teuton, A. Origines de la Famille 1874

117 Girton, D. Pigeon-fancier. 12°

[Girton, Daniel. The new and complete Pigeon-Fancier. New ed. 8vo. London, n.d. ]

105 Glazerbrook, R. T. Light. Chronicon Saforicum Cambridge, 1894.

24 Glen, W. Poor Law Guardian 12° 1857.

[Glen, Wm. Cunningham. The Poor Law Guardian. 2d ed. 8vo. London.]




94 Gooch. Diseases of Women. Pref. by R. Ferguson. 8o London, 1859

[Gooch, Rob. Gooch on some of the most important diseases peculiar to Women, &c. Prefatory Essay by R. Ferguson.]

47 Goodale – Phys Bot [1885]


Gliddon. See Nott.

127 Gloger, C. Abändern der Vögel. 8° Breslau, 1833.

[Gloger, Constantin L. Das Abändern der Vogel durch Einfluss des Klima's.]

24 Goddard, Julia. The golden journey, &c. 8° London, 1875.

25 Godman, F. The Azores 8° 1870.

[Godman, Fr. du Cane. Natural History of the Azores. 8vo. London.]

46 Godron, D. De l Espèce et des Races [dans les êtres organisés.] 2v. 8° Paris, 1869.

Goebel, K. Pflanzenmorphologie. 8° Leipzig, 1882.

Goebel, K. Pflanzenmorphologie Shuderungen. 1,2 Teil 8° Marburg, 1889-93

--- Outlines of Classification… of Plants. Transl. Oxford, 1887.

Goethe. See Martins.

Goldoni, Carlo. Commedie scelte di C. G. 8° Firenze, 1856.

Gonne, G. F. Das Gleichgewicht in d. Bewegung. 8° Dresden. 1882.

Goodsir, J. & H. D. S. Anatomical & Pathological Observations. 8° Edinburgh, 1845.

118 Gooseberry Growers' Register 12° Macclesfield, 1862.

Gosse, E. W. Seventeenth-century Studies. 8°. London, 1883.


Gosse, P.

41 Naturalists' Sojourn in Jamaica. 12° 1851.

[Gosse, Philip H. A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. By P. H. G. Assisted by Richard Hill. 8vo. London.]

26 Letters from Alabama. 8° 1859.

123 Gosse, Philip Henry. The Life of P. H. G. By his son Edmund Gosse. 8° London, 1890.

117 Göteborgs k. Vet. Handlingar. [1891]

N.a Götz, T. Hundes [- Galerie-. oblong. Weimar, 1853.

92 Gould, B. American Soldiers. 8° New York, 1869.

[Gould, Benjamin A. Investigations in the military and anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers.]






Gould, J.

117 Birds of Australia 8° 1848.

117 Trochilidæ 8° 1861. [An Introduction to the Trochilidæ or family of Humming-Birds.]

117 Handbook to Birds of Australia 2 vols. 8° 1865.

117 [An Introduction to the] Birds of Great Britain 8° 1873.

67 Birds. Zoology of the H. M. S. Beagle. Ed. by C. Darwin. Part 3. 4to London, 1841.

75 Gould, W. English Ants 8° 1747. [Gould (Rev. William). An account of English Ants. 8vo. London.]

>5 Graba, C. Reise nach Färö. 8° Hamb. 1830.

[Graba, Carl Julian. Tagebuch, geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö im Jahre 1828.]


24 Gradus ad Parnassum 12°

38 Graham W Creed of Science 1881

Grammar German

94 Grant, R. Comparative Anatomy. 8° 1835-7.

[Grant, Robert E. Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. Parts 1–4. [Incomplete.] 8vo. London, 1835–37.]

28 Gratiolet, P. La Physionomie. (Notice par L. Grandeur.) 12° Paris, 1865.

[Gratiolet, Pierre. De la Physionomie. . . suivi d'une notice sur sa vie, &c., par Louis Grandeau. 8vo. Paris (1865).]

16 Graves, G. Naturalist's Compassion 8° 1824.






Gray, Asa.

62 Botany of the United States. 8° New York, 1856.

[Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. 2d ed.]

42 First Lessons in Botany [and Vegetable Physiology.] 8° New York, 1857.

62 Botany for young People. 4° New York, 1872.

38 Darwiniana 8° New York, 1876

Q2 Nat Hist & Religion

47 Botany 2 vols.

113 Gray, Asa. Letters of A. G. Ed. by J. L. Gray. 2 vols 8° Boston, 1893

113 Do Scientific Papers of A. G. 2 vols. Boston, 1889

Gray, G.

N.a. [A fasciculus of the] Birds of China 4°

118 Genera of Birds 8° 1840.

See Catalogues – British Museums

NF Gray, H. Anatomy. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1869.

[Gray, Henry. Anatomy descriptive and surgical. 5th ed., by T. Holmes.]

Gray, J. Synopsis Reptilium. 8° 1831.

[Gray, John Edward. Synopsis Reptilium. Part 1. Cataphracta. 8vo. London.]

Fauna of New Zealand 8°

101 Green, J. R. A short history of the English People. Illustr. ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1892-94.


57 Green, J. A. A manual of Botany. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1895-6.

58 Green, J. Reynolds. The Soluble Ferments. 8° Cambr., 1899.

58 Do. An Introduction to Vegetable Physiology. 8° London, 1900.

96 Greene, J. Cœlenterata. 1861.

[Greene, Joseph Reay. A manual of the sub-kingdom Cœlenterata. 8vo. London.]

89 Greenough, G. Geology. 8° 1819.

114 Greenwell & Rolleston British Barrows 8° 1877

[Greenwell, William. British Barrows. By W. G. Together with description of Figures of Skulls, &c. by George Rolleston. 8vo. Oxford.]

12 Greg, W. R [Rathbone]. Enigmas of Life. 8vo. London. 1872.

14 Do The creed of Christendom. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1863.

Griffin, John J. Chemical handicraft. 8vo. London, 1877.

58 Grisebach, A. Vegetation der Erde. 3v. Leip. 1872.

[Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung.]

106 Grobben Dekapoden &c 1878

[Grobben, C. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der männlichen Geschlechtsorgane der Dekapoden, &c. 8vo. Wien, 1878. (Extr.)]

48 Groom, Percy. Elementary Botany. 8vo. London, 1898.

18 Grove, Sir G. See Dictionary of Music, &c.

105 Grove, W. Correlation of Physical Forces. 8° 1862.

45 (4) Guillemin, J. B. A. Sur le Pollen. 4to Paris, 1825.


92 Gully, J. Water Cure 8° 1850.

101 Gunning, H. Reminiscences of … Cambridge, from 1780. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854.

106 Günther A Study of Fishes

72 Günther, A. Reptiles of British India. (Ray Soc.) 4° 1864.

[Günther, Albert C. L. G. The Reptiles of British India. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]

Ne Ceratodus 4° 1871.

[Description of Ceratodus, a genus of Ganoid Fishes. (Extr.) 4to. London.]

N.a Gigantic Land Tortoises 1877

[The gigantic Land-Tortoises (living and extinct) in the Collection of the British Museum. 4to. London.]

45 Gurney, Edmund. The Power of Sound. 8° London, 1880.

40 Guthrie, M. On Spencers Formula of Evolu 1879

[Guthrie, Malcolm. On Mr Spencer's Formula of Evolution. 8vo. London.]

104 Guy, W. A. Principles of Forensic Medicine. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1861.


57 --- Do Sinnes organe

57 Haberlandt, G. Physiologische Pflanzen anatomie. 8° Leipzig, 1884.

57 Do Do 2te Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1896.

60 Haberlandt, G. Assimilatorische Gewebesystems

[Vergleichende Anatomie des assimilatorischen Gewebesystems der Pflanzen. (Extr.) 8vo. Berlin, 1881.]

37 Do Sinnpflanze. 8vo Leipzig, 1890.

Haeckel –

30 Les Preuves du Transformisme [Réponse à Virchow. Trad. par Jules Soury. 8vo. Paris, 1879]

40 Schöpfungsgeschichte 7th edit 71C [Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. Berlin, 1879.]

40 Populäre Vortäge

NA System den Medusen {1879 & Atlas 1880 & [Atlas]

[Das System der Medusen. 1te Theil. Mit einem Atlas. (4 Parts. Extr.) 4to. Jena, 1879-80.]

Freie Wissenschaft &c [Freie Wissenschaft und freie Lehre. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1878.]

40 Protistenreich [Das Protistenreich (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 1). 8vo. Leipzig, 1878.]



57 Haberlandt, G. Schutzeinrichtungen d Keimpflanzen 8vo Wien 1877 (2 copies)

107 Haast – Geology of Canterbury 1879

[Haast, Julius von. Geology of the Provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch.]

ß Haeckel, E.

Die Radiolarien. 2 vols. fol. Berlin, 1862.

[Haeckel, Ernst. Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiaria). Mit einem Atlas. 2 vols. Fol. Berlin, 1862. Q. 1]

43 Hydromedusen. 8° & 4° Leipzig, 1865.

39 Generelle Morphologie [der Organismen] 2 vols. 8° Berlin, 1866. [Darwin received this late 1866. Correspondence vol. 15, p. 16.]

40 Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. Five editions. 8° Berlin, 1868-74.

40 ----- 7te Aufl. 8vo Berlin 1879.

74 [Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte de] Siphonophoren. 4° Utrecht, 1869. [

n.d. Die Kalkschwämme. [Eine Monographie in 2 Bänden Text and einem Atlas.] 3 vols. Berlin, 1872.

72 Arabische Korallen. [4to. Berlin, 1876.]

124 Anthropogenie [oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen.] – 3rd Edit 1877 & 1st ed. 1874. – French 1877

106 [Studien zur] Gastraea Theorie – Jena 1877

23 See Dumont.

40 History of Creation (trans) 1876 (2 vols)

73 Evolution of Man (trans) 1879 2 vols

13 Freedom in Science (trans) 1879

Freie Wissenschaft, &c. [und freie Lehre.] 8vo, Stuttgart, 1878.


3 Hagen, H. American Astacidae 8° Camb. 1870.

[Hagen, Hermann A. Monograph of the North American Astacidæ. (Extr.) 4to. Cambridge, Mass.]

143 Insect Deformities 1876 [On some insect deformities. (Extr.) 4to. Cambridge, Mass.]

117 Hahn O. Die Urzelle [8vo. Tübingen] 1879

8 --- Die Meteorite. [(Chondrite) und ihre Organismen. 4to. Tübingen, 1880.]

28 --- Die Philosophie des Bewussten. 8vo Tübingen, 1887.

Hall, J See Pickering. [The Races of Man. New ed. 8vo. London, 1850.]

61 Hales. Vegetable Statiks

Hall, J., and J. Whitney.

51 Geological Survey of Iowa, 2v. 4° 1858.

Q2 Hall, S. A new general Atlas. New ed. Folio London.

nd. --- Index of Names in the Atlas, impl 8° 1831

N.e Hallez Turbellaries 1879 [Hallez, Paul. Contributions à l 'histoire naturelle des Turbellariés. 4to. Lille.]

45 (2) Hamilton, F. Plants of … India. 4to Edinburgh, 1823.

4 --- Hancock, A --- Brachiopoda 4to., 1857

[Hancock, Albany. On the Organization of the Brachiopoda. (Extr.) 4to. London.]

123 Harrington, James, Bh. Life & Work. By E. C. Dawson, 27th thous 8vo London, 1888.

N.c. Hansen Adventivbildung b. d. Pflanzen

[Hansen, Adolph. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über Adventivbildungen bei den Pflanzen. (Extr.) 4to. Frankfurt a. M., 1881.]

59 Hanbury Riviera Nature Notes [1903]

48 Harcourt, E. Sporting in Algeria. 8° Hastings,

102 Harris, Th. W. Entomological Correspondence. 8° Boston, 1869

[Entomological Correspondence of T. W. H. Ed. by Samuel H. Scudder.]

102 Harris, T. Insects of New England. 8° Camb. 1842.

[Harris, Thaddeus W. A treatise on some of the Insects of New England, which are injurious to Vegetation. 8vo. Cambridge.]

102 Insects injurious to vegetation. 8° Boston, 1862.

[A treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation. . . . New ed. Ed. by C. L. Flint.]


14 Harris, G. The Theorie of the Arts. Vol. 1 8vo Lond. 1869.

91 Harris G. Treatise on Man 2 vol 1876 8° London

14 Harte, Bret. Poems 8vo Boston, 1871.

45 Hartig Anatomie O. HolzPflanzen

39 Hartmann, E von. 'Darwinismus' 1875

[Hartmann, Eduard von. Wahrheit und Irrthum im Darwinismus. 8vo. Berlin.]

60 Hartig Baum Krankheiten [Hartig, Robert. Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten. 8vo. Berlin, 1882.]

45 [illeg]

--- Anatomie--- der Holzpflanzen. 8° Berlin, 1878

47 Hartig, R. Anatomie u. Physiol. d. Pflanzen. 8° Berlin, 1891.

45 --- Untersuchungen---münchen. II 8° Berlin, 1882.

45 --- Das Holzden Rothbuche. 8vo. Berlin, 1888.




74 Hartung, G. Inseln Lanzarote. 4°

[Hartung, Georg. Die geologischen Verhältnisse der Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura. (Extr.) 4to. Zürich, 1857.]

Harvard College Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 12 parts and 4° Camb. Ma., 1865, &c 72

74 --- --- Memoirs of Do. 10 parts 4to 1876-82

Harvey, W.

N.c. Nereis Australia. 4° 1849. Part 2

[Harvey, William H. Nereis Australis, or Algæ of the Southern Ocean. Part 2. 8vo. London.]

26 Seaside Book. 8° 1849.

Q1 Hasse Elasmobranchier (natürlicher Syst)

[Hasse, C. Das natürliche System der Elasmobranchier. 4to. Jena, 1879.]

81 Haughton S. Physical Geography 1880

[Haughton, Rev. Samuel. Six Lectures on Physical Geography. 8vo. Dublin.]

42 Hawkins, R. W. Human Frame. fol. 1860.

[Hawkins, B. Waterhouse. A comparative view of the Human and Animal Frame. Fol. London.]


31 Hawkins, Sir R Voyage (C. Bethune) 8° 1847.

[Hawkins, Sir Richard, Knt. The observations of Sir R. H., Knt., in his voyage into the South Sea. . . 1593. Reprinted from the ed. of 1622. Ed. by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. (Hakluyt Soc. Publ.) 8vo. London.]

Hayden Geolog Survey Colorado 1876

118 Hayden, F. Geological Surveys of Montana, Wyoming, c. 8° Wash. 1872, &c.

3 ditto ditto of the Territories.

57 Heckel, Ed. Du mouvement vegetal. 8vo. Paris, 1875.

NA. Heer, O. Vegetationsverk des Tertiärlandes, fol. Wint. 1860.

[Heer, Oswald. Untersuchungen über das Klima und die Vegetationsverhältnisse des Tertiärlandes. (Extr.) Fol. Winterthur.]

Q1 Végétation du pays Tertiaire. (C. Gaudin.) fol.

N.a. Fossil Flora of Greenland. 4° Stockh. 1869.

Na Flora Spitzbergens 4° Stockh. 1870 [Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens. (Extr.)]

36 Monde Primitif de la Suisse 1872

[Le Monde primitif de la Suisse. Trad. par Isaac Demole. 8vo. Genève.]

32 Helmholtz, H. Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 8° 1873

[Helmholtz, H. Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Transl. by E. Atkinson. 8vo. London.]

142 Helwald – Culturgeschichte - 8° Augsburg 1875

101 Hertwig, O. Zahn system der Amphibien 8° 1874


Haydon, F. Geological Survey of the Territories Vol X

119 1876 – Packard on Geometrid moths

25 Head The Pamaps. 8vo

?1 Heer Vorweltliche Flora der Schweiz 1877

Na. {Flora Arctica

{Flora Arctica Bd V 1878, vl. i. 1880

Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens
Fossil Flora of Greenland 4to

29 Heilprin, A. The Geological evidences of Evolution. 8vo. Philad, 1888

22 Heliu La Loi Unique 1878

[Heliu. La Loi unique et suprême. 1ère Partie. Genèse terrestre. 8vo. Paris.]

66 Hehn Culturpflanzen [1887]

15 Henry, W. Elements of exper. chemistry. 9th ed. 8° Lond, 1823.

[Henry, William. The elements of Experimental Chemistry. 9th ed. vol. 2.]




62 Henfrey, A. Botany. 8° 1847.

[Henfrey, Arthur. Outlines of structural and physiological Botany. 8vo. London.]

See Botany. Schouw

14 Henle, J. Anatomie des Menschen. 8° Braunsch. 1868.

25 Hensen Physiolog der Zeugung [8vo. Leipzig, 1881.]

87 Henslow, Rev. G. Floral Structures. 8° London, 1888.

113 Henslow, J. S. See Jenyns, L.

Henslow, J. S.

4 British Plants 8° 1835-7.

62 Botanical Ferns 12°

67 Botany. (Cab. Cyclo.) 8° 1837.

48 --- Syllabus of Lectures on Botany. 8° Cambr., 1853

--- On… a hybrid Digitalis. 4to Cambridge, 1831.

--- On a monstrosity of the common Mignioette 4to Cambridge, 1833.


55 Herbert, W. Amaryllidaceæ. 8° 1837.

95 Hermann, H. Italian Alp-Bee 8° 1860.

115 Hermann-Human Physiology – Trans. by Gamgee

[Hermann (L.). Elements of Human Physiology. Transl. from the 5th ed. by A. Gamgee. 8vo. London, 1875.]

124 Hermann, L. Handbuch d. Physiologie. v 1, 2. 8vo Leipzig, 1881.

123 Herschel, Caroline. Memoir & Correspondence of C. H. by Mrs John Herschel 8vo. London, 1876.

Herschell, Sir J.

128 Natural Philosophy 8° 1831.

[Herschel, Sir J. F. W., Knt. A preliminary discourse on the study of Natural Philosophy. (Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.) 8vo. London.]

128 Astronomy. (Cab. Cyclo.) 8° 1833.

[A treatise on Astronomy. (Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.) 8vo. London.]

112 Admiralty Manual. 12° 1849.

14 Physical Geograpgy [from the Encyclop. Britannica.] 12° Edinb. 1861.


Hervey-Saint-Denys, (le Baron. Leon, D')

49 L' Agriculture des Chinois. 8° Paris, 1850.

74 Hewitson, W. C. Rhopalocera (Indian). 4to Calcutta, 1879

[Descriptions of New Indian Lepidopterous Insects...from the collection of the late Mr W. S. Atkinson. Rhopalocera, by W. C. H. Heterocera, by Fr. Moore. With an introd. notice by Arthur Grote.]

104 Hewson, W. Works of (G. Gulliver.) 8° 1846.

[The works of W. H. Ed. by G. Gulliver. (New Sydenham Soc.) 8vo. London.]

28 Heyworth, L. Origin of Man 8° 1866.

[Heyworth (Lawrence). Glimpses at the Origin, Mission, and Destiny of Man, &c. 8vo. London.]

62 Hibberd, S. The Fern Garden. 8vo. London, 1872

26 Higginson, T W. Out-door Papers. 8vo. Boston, 1871.

60 Hildebrand, F. Verbreitung der Coniferen. 8vo. Bonn, 1861.

Hildebrand, F. Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen (Leipzig) 1873 [Darwin received this in November 1873. Correspondence vol. 21, p. 229.]

ditto Geschlechter Vertheilung [bei den Pflanzen, &c. 8vo. Leipzig] 1867

59 Hinds, R. Regions of Vegetation 8° 1843.

2 Historie Plantarum. Tom III fol. Ebroduni, 1651.


128 History, Outlines of. (Cab. Cyclo.) 8° 1830.

98 History of England, in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son. 8vo. Vol. 2 London, 1821.

8 Hitchcock, E. Geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 4° Amherst, 1841.

67 Hochstetter, F. von. Geologie von Neu-Seeland. (Reise der Novara) 4to Wien, 1864.

29 Hodge, C. What is Darwinism? 8° 1874. [New York, Scribner, Armstrong, and Company.]

12 Hodgson, S. H. The Theory of Practice. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870

[Hodgson, Shadworth H. The Theory of Practice. An Ethical Enquiry. In two Books.]

67 {Pycrogonida Qto Challenger

[Hoek, P. P. C. Report on the Pycnogonida. (The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger...1873-76, vol. 3, Part 10.) 4to. London, 1881.]

106 Hoek {Embryologie von Balanus (pamphlet) [Leiden] 1876

3 Hoernes Die Gasteropoden 4° 1879

[Hoernes (R.) und Auinger (M.). Die Gasteropoden der Meeresablagerungen der Ersten und Zweiten Miocänen Mediterran-Stufe. 1. Conus. (Extr.) 4to. Wien.]

108 Hofacker, J. Die Pferdezucht 8° Tubingen, 1828.

30 Hoffman L Thier Psychologie [8vo. Stuttgart] 1881

123 Hofmann A. W. Life of Liebig. [The Faraday Lecture for 1875. 8vo. London, 1876.]

NC Hoffmann H. Species Frage 4° Haarlem 1875

17 Hofmeister, W. Higher Cryptogamia. (F Currey.) (Ray Soc.) 8° 1862.

[Hofmeister (Wilhelm). On the...Higher Cryptogamia, and...Coniferæ. Transl. by Fr. Currey.]

59 ditto Die Lehre v d Pflanzenzelle [8vo. Leipzig] 1867

57 ditto Allgemeine morphologie


105 Hogg, J. Elements of exper. & Natural Philosophy. 8vo. London, 1861.

122 Holder, Ch. 7. see Darwin, Charles

Na Hölder Dr Schädelformen - 4° 1876

[Hölder, H. v. Zusammenstellung der im Württemberg vorkommenden Schädelformen. 4to. Stuttgart.]




Holland, Sir H.

93 Medical Notes [and Reflections.] 8° 1839, 1855.

28 [Chapters on] Mental Physiology. 8° 1852, 1858.

16 Essays 8° 1862. [Essays on Scientific and other subjects. 8vo. London.]

123 Recollections of past life. 8vo. London, 1868.

Holub, Emil. Seven years in South Africa. [Transl. by Ellen E. Frewer.] 2nd ed, 8vo. London, 1881.

117 Do. & A. von. Pelzeln. Ornithologie. Südafrickas. 8vo. Wien, 1882

101} Homo versus Darwin. 12° 1871.

74 Hooke. Micrographia. 4to London, 1667.

Hooker, Dr. J. D.

N.c Botany of the Antartic Voyage 4° 1844.

[The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. discovery Ships Erebus and Terror...1839-43. 4to. London.]

56 Vegetation of the Carboniferous Period. (Mem Geolog. Survey.) 8°

Himalayan Journals. 2 vols. 8° 1854

Do (Minerva Library) 8° London, 1891

(and T. Thomson.) Flora Indica. 8° 1855.


Hooker, Dr. J. D. – continued.

N.c. Flora of Australia. 4° 1859.

[On the Flora of Australia...being an introductory Essay to the Flora of Tasmania. (Reprint.) 4to. London.]

52 Flora of New Zealand. 4° 1853.

48 Students' Flora of the British Islands. 8° 1870.

48 Do. 3rd ed. 8° London, 1884

31 --- and Ball – Marocco 1878

[Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. By J. D. H., and John Ball...Including a sketch of the Geology of Marocco, by George Maw. 8vo. London.]

59 --- (W. J.) Brit Flora. [2 vols. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1838.]

R3 Hooker, J. D. Illustrations of Himalayan Plants. Folio, Kew, 1855.

See Bentham. Le Maout.

45 Hooker, Mrs. See Le Maout.

15 Hooker, W. Dawson. Notes on Norway. 2nd ed. 8° Glasgow, 1839.

59 Hooker, Sir W. J. British Flora. 8° 1838 & 1855.

45 --- Supplement to the English Botany of the late Sir J. E. Smith & Mr. Sowerby. Vols 1,2,3,4,5 8° London, 1831


5 Hope, F. Coleopterist's Manual 8° 1837.

[Hope, Rev. F. W. The Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Linneus and Fabricius. 8vo. London.]

107 Hopkins, E. Geology and Magnetism 8° 1844.

[Hopkins, Evan. On the connexion of Geology with Terrestrial Magnetism. 8vo. London.]

58 Horace – (delphin)

41 Horner, Francis, M. P. Memoirs & Correspondence of F. H. Ed. by his brother L. H. Vol. 1 8vo Lond., 1843.

111 Horner, Leonard. Memoirs of L. H. Ed. by his daughter, K. M. Lyell. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1890. (2 copies)

N.e --- Researches near Cairo. Part 2. 4to London, 1858.

59 Horticultural Exhibition. Report. 8° 1866.

Horticultural Tour through Flanders. 8° Edin. 1823.

55 Hortus Bergianus Acta of Cat Illus. 1903

Horticultural Journal. See Journals

114 Houghton – Nat History of Ancients

[Houghton (Rev. W.). Gleanings from the natural history of the Ancients. 8vo. London, n.d. ]


83 Houzeau, J. Facultés Mentales des Animaux 2 vols. 8° Mons, 1872.

124 Hovelaque, [Abel]. Notre Ancêtre 2nd edit [8vo. Paris] 1878

NF Howorth, History of the Mongols – Part I, London 1876

[Howorth, Henry H. History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century.]

23 Hromada, A. Die vorsokratische Naturphilosophie der Griechen u. d. Moderne Naturwissenschaft. 8° Prag, 1879.

29 Huber, J. Die Lehre Darwin's [kritisch betrachtet.] 8° München, 1871.

Huber, P.

95 [Recherches sur les mœurs des] Fourmis Indigènes 8° Paris, 1810.

95 les Abeilles. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1814.

Ne Hubrecht, A. A. W. Phylogenie des Nervensystems. 4to Amsterdam, 1882.

31 Huc, Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet, & China. 1844-1846. Transn… [by Mrs Percy Sinnett] 8° Lond., 1852.

127 Hühner, die. [und Pfauenzucht. 8vo.] Ulm, 1827.






Humboldt, A. von.

New Spain. 2 vols. 8° New York, 1811.

[Humboldt (Alexander von). Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Transl. from the original French, by John Black. 2 vols. 8vo.]

106 Vues des Cordillères. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1824?

Fragmens Asiatiques. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1831.

[Fragmens de Géologie et de Climatologie asiatiques. 2 tomes.]

26 Cosmos. (Lt. Col Sabine.) 12° 1846.

& Aimé Bonpland. Personal Narrative of Travels. Transl. by Helen M. Williams. 3rd ed. &c. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1819-

--- See Agassiz, L. [Address...Centennial Anniversary. 8vo. Boston, 1869.]

--- see Engler

?3 --- Hume, See Huxley.

120 Humphreys, A. Explorations

75 Humphry, G. Limbs of Vertebrate Animals 4° 1860.

[Humphry, Sir George Murray. Observations on the Limbs of Vertebrate Animals. (Extr.) 4to. Cambridge.]

--- Old Age [and changes incidental to it.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1885.

See Journal of Anatomy.


Hunt, J. See Vogt. [Lectures on Man. 8vo. London, 1864.]

105 Hunt, R. Light 8° 1854.

[Hunt, Robert. Researches on Light in its chemical relations. 2d ed.]

Ne Hunter, J. Human Teeth. 4to. London, 1778.

[Hunter, John. The Natural History of the Human Teeth. 2d ed.]

Hunter, J.

91 Physiology. (J. Abernethy.) 8° 1822.

13 Essays. with Lectures by R. Owen.

[Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, &c.... Arranged and rev. with Notes, &c. by Richard Owen. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871.]

N.e. Memoranda on Vegetation [4to. London.] 1860

See Blumenbach

Hunterian Lectures. See Owen.


82 Huot, J. J. N. See Atlas [de la Géographie] – (Malte-Brun) [Fol. Paris, 1837.]




74 Huron Lakes Plans 4° Toronto, 1857.

Hussey, Mrs. British Mycology 4° 1849. [crossed] given to Cambr B Lab

Hutchinson, W. Dog Breaking. 8° 1850.

Huth, A Marriage of Near Kin. 8° 1875.

Hutton, R. H. see Bagehot, W.


97 Hutton, T. Chronology of Creation. 8° Calcutta, 1850.

59 Hutton F W Lesson of Evolution 1905

Huttonian Theory See Playfair

Huxley, T. H

13 American Addresses. 8vo. London, 1877.

72 Oceanic Hydrozoa. (Ray Soc.) 4° [Fol. London.] 1859.

13 Causes of Phenomena of Organic Nature. 8° 1862. Do 1863

[On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of Organic Nature. Being six Lectures to Working Men, 1862. 8vo. London, 1863. (2 copies.)]

40 Man's Place in Nature. 8° 1863.

115 [Lectures on the Elements of] Comparative Anatomy. 8° 1864.

40 [An Introduction to the] Classification of Animals. 8° 1869.


Huxley, T. H. – continued.

Lay Sermons 8° 1870.

[A Manual of the] Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. 8° 1871.

Invertebrated 1877 [A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. 8vo. London.]

89 Geological Time. (In North British Review)

Ne Brachiopoda 4to

Critiques and Addresses (2 copies) 8° 1873.

142 & Martin Elementary Biology

Crayfish 1880

Collected Essays. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1893-4

Physiography. 8vo. London, 1877.

Science and Culture, &c. 8vo. London, 1881

& 48 --- Practical Biology. By T. H. H. & H. N. Martin. New ed. 8vo. London, 1881, 1888.

--- Elementary Biology. 8vo. London. 1875.

--- Hume. 8vo. London, 1879 [Hume, David. Hume. By Prof. Huxley. 8vo. London.]

--- Six lectures to working men. 8vo. London. 1862.

122 --- Life & Letters, by his son, 3 vols. U 8° 1903


only one number kept "what is an index



Ichthyology – From the Encyclopædia Britannica. 4to.

Na Index, the [weekly] paper on Free Religion. Vol 1 fol. Toledo, Ohio, 1870, &c.

N.c Index Kewensis by Hooker & Jackson: 4 Parts 4to Oxford, 1893-95.

Index Society Publications. I-VII, IX, X. 8vo. Lond., 1878-81

Do --- vol 11 (… son's Vegetable Technology) 1882

Do XIV (Obit. Notices for 1882)

88 India, British. Statistical Abstract. 8° 1868.


74 Indian Field Newspaper fol. Calcutta, 1859.

74 Ingersoll, E. The Oyster Industry. 4to. Washington, 1881

Na Institut. Journal des Sociétés. 4° Paris, 1837-40.

[Journal général des Sociétés et Travaux scientifiques de la France et de l'Étranger. 5e, 8e Année. 2 vols.]

Botan Institut Würzburg see Sachs

18 International Scientist's Directory. 8vo. Boston, 1888.

44 Irmisch, T. Orchideen. 4° Leipzig, 1853.

[Irmisch, Thilo. Beiträge zur Biologie und Morphologie der Orchideen.]



65 Jahresbericht Botan

65 Jahrbuch des k. botanischen Gartens…zu Berlin. Bd III 8o 1884.

63 Jackson, Benjamin D. Literature of Botany. 8o London, 1881.

93 Jackson, J. Ethnology 8o 1863.

40 Jackson, D. Veg Technology

[Jackson (Benjamin Daydon). Vegetable Technology....Founded upon the Collections of G. J. Symons. 4to. London, 1882.]

Jaeger, G

69 Die Darwin'sche Theorie 8o Stuttgart, 1869.

96 Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Zoologie. 8o Leip. 1871.

101 --- Physiologie 78

70 Im Sachen Darwin's 8o Stuttgart, 1874.

70 Zoologische Briefe 1876

Senchenfestigkeit [und] Constitutionskraft [und ihre Beziekung] 1878 (2 copies)


30 James, C. L' Homme-Singe 1877

[James, Constantin. Du Darwinisme ou l'Homme-singe. 8vo. Paris.]

Jameson, R.

117 Treatise on Minerals. 8o Edinb. 1816.

[Jameson, Robert. A treatise on the external...characters of Minerals. 2d ed.]

117 Manual of Minerology. 8o Edinb. 1821.

See Cuvier

34 Jelincks Tables

Jardine, Sir W See –

Annals of natural History.

Magazine of Zoology.

Naturalists' Library.


Ne. Jarrold, T. Anthropolgia [or, dissertations on the form and colour of Man. 4º 1808.

106 Jeffreys Gwyn Valorous Expedition. [Reports by J. G. Jeffreys and W. B. Carpenter. (Extr.) 8vo. London.] 1876

Jenyns, L.

26 [Observations in] Natural History 12º 1846.

26 [Observations in] Meteorology 12º 1858.

--- Fish. Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle. Ed. by C. Darwin. Part 4 4to London, 1841.

See White, Gilbert.

--- Memoir of the Rev. J. S. Henslow. 8o London. 1862.

24 Jevons, W. S [Stanley]. Elem. Lessons in Logic. New ed. 8o Edinb. 1816 Lond., 1881.

121 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Boswell's Life of Johnson. 12th thous. Vol. 1 8o London, 1859.

25 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Dictionary 2 vol 8o Edinb. 1816 1770

Do Do. Abridged 8o London, 1826.

Johnston, G. Botany of the Eastern Borders. 8o 1853.

24 Johnston, R. Civil Service Guide. 13th ed. 8o London, 1893.

Johnson How Crops grow


25 Jones, J. &c. Naturalist in Bermuda. 8o 1859.

[Jones (John Matthew). The Naturalist in Bermuda. By J. M. J. . . . assisted by Maj. J. W. Wedderburn and J. L. Hurdis. 8vo. London.]

119 Jones W. A. Reconnaissance in Wyoming

Jones, Wharton. Evolution &c from Apes 1876

55 Jordan, A. Diagnosis d' Espèces d'arbres fruitiers, &c. (Mem. de l'acad. de Lyon.) 8vo Lyon, 1852.

[Jordan (Alexis). De l'origine des diverses variétés ou espèces d'arbres fruitiers, &c. See Mém. de l'acad. Lyon. Classe des sciences. (Nouv. sér.) Tome 2ème.]


117 Journal of Agriculture.

Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. (Humphry and Turner.) 8o 1869, 1881

71B Second series (vol 3 pt. 2, to vol 8, pt. 2, and vol 11 to vol 16 pt. 1.)


Journal of the Horticultural Society 8o 1847. &c. {9 85

of R. Microscop Soc

78 Journal of Horticulture

27- Journal of the Proc. of the Linnean Society. 8vo.

71B Journal of Physiology


31 Journal of Science (Quarterly). (Samuelson, &c.) 8° 1867.

46 Journal of Science (Silliman's American) (3 odd nos.)


15 Journal of Travel (A. Murray.) 8o 1868

[Journal of Travel and Natural History. Ed. by Andrew Murray. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1868-69.]


40 Jouvencel, P. de. La Vie. 8o Paris, 1859.

[Jouvencel (Paul de). Genèse selon la Science. La Vie.]

95 Juan & Ulloa Voyage 1806

[Juan (George). A voyage to South G. Juan and A. de Ulloa, Captains of the Spanish Navy. Transl. by John Adams. 4th ed. Vol. 1. 8vo. London.]

6 Judd- Volcanoes

[Judd (John W.). Volcanoes, what they are and what they teach. 8vo. London, 1881.]

Jukes, J. B [Beete].

92 Newfoundland. 8o 1843

99 Staffordshire Coal Fields 8o 1853.

50 Students' Manual of Geology. 12º Edin, 1857.

50 Do. New ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862.


Jung, A. See Darwin, Charles

71 B Just. Bot. Jahr.



65 Karsten. Abbildungen zur Deutschen Flora H. Karsten's Hrog. von. R. Friedländer & Sohn. 4to Berlin, 1891.

Kaspary J. Natural Laws 1876

[Kaspary (Joachim). Natural Laws; or the Infallible Criterion. 8vo. London, 1876. New ed. 8vo. Edinburgh.]

Kater, H. and D. Lardner. Mechanics (Cab. Cyclo.) 8o 1830.

[Kater (Capt. Henry). A treatise on Mechanics. By Capt. H. K., and Rev. D. Lardner. (Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.) 8vo. London.]

Keir, J. Correspondence. 8o 1859.


62 Kerner, A. Alpenflanzen. 8o Innsb. 1864.

59 --- Flowers & their unbidden guests 1878

[Flowers and their unbidden guests. The transl. rev. and ed. by W. Ogle. 8vo. London. Darwin received this late November-December 1878. Correspondence vol. 26, p. 489.]

55 --- Pflanzenleben. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888, 1891.

62 Kew. Wanderings through the Conservatoires at Kew 8vo London.

Nc Report Committee on Botanical Work, 11 Mar. 1901.

Nc Minutes of Evidence do. 11 March, 1901

4 Keyserling, A. Petschora-land 4º St. Peters. 1846.

[Keyserling, Alexander Graf von. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843. (Hrsg. von Alex. Graf Keyserling.)]

60 Kickx, J-J. See Strasburger, Ed. Des Cellules. 8vo. Jena, 1876.

[Kickx, Jean Jacques. See Strasburger (Ed.). Sur la formation...des Cellules.]

127 Kidd, W. The Canary. 8o [Kidd, William. The Canary. Cheap ed. 8vo. London, n.d.]

37 Kihlman, A. O. Pflanzenb. Studien aus Russisch. Lappland 8vo. Helsingfors. 1890.

12 Kind, Das Tagebuch eines Vaters 1876

Kirby, W. [Kirby, Rev. William]

95 Monographia Apum Angliæ. 2 vols. 8° Ipswich, 1802.

112 (and W. Spence). Entomology. 4 vols. 8° 1818-26.

[An introduction to Entomology. By Rev. W. K., and Wm. Spence. Vol. 1, 3rd ed.; vol. 2, 2d ed.; vols. 3 and 4, 1st ed. 8vo. London.]






108 Kirchhof, F. Ganze der Landwirthschaft. [Hrsg. von F. K. 13tes Heft: Die Schweine- und Geflügelzucht.] 8° Leipzig, 1835.

62 Kirchner, O. Flora von Stuttgart und Umgeburg. 8vo Stuttgart, 1888.

47 Keels-S, G. Die Bedingungen der Fortpflanzung 8° Jena, 1896.

47 Willkurlühe Entwickelungsänderungen 1903

Klein, E. Lymphatic System. 2 vols. 8° 1873-5.

[The Anatomy of the Lymphatic System. 1. The Serous Membranes. 2. The Lungs. 4to. London.]

See Brunton

56 Knight, Th. A. Sechs pflanzenphys: Abhandl. Leipzig, 1895.

37 Knuth, Paul. Handbuch der Blütenbiologie II Band, 2 Teil. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899.

117 Kobell, Franz von. [Grundzüge der] Mineralogie. 8vo Nürnberg, 1838.

Ne Kölliker, A. Alcyonarien, 4° Frank. a M. 1870 [Darwin received this from Kölliker in June 1870. Correspondence vol. 18, p. 164.]

[Anaton isch-systematische Beschreibung der Alcyonarien. 1te Abt. Die Pennatuliden. 1te Hälfte.]

56 Kölreuter. See Darwin, C. Abstracts

61. Kölreuter, J. Geschlecht der Pflanzen. 8° Leip. 1761.

[Kölreuter, J. G. 1761-6. Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen und Beobachtungen. 4 pts. Leipzig.]

37. Kohl, F. G. kalksalze u. kieselsäure in der Pflanze. 8° Marburg, 89. [1889]

47 --- Die Transpiration der Pflanzen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1886. & see p. 226.


Koninck, L. de. et H. Le Hon.

N.e Crinoïdes. 4° Brux. 1854.

[Recherches sur les Crinoïdes du terrain carbonifère de la Belgique, &c.]

12 Körner, F. Thierseele und Menschengeist. 8° Leipzig, 1872.

37 Kohl, F. G. D. Mechanik d. Reizkrümmungen. 8° Marburg, 1894. {& see p. 225

105 Kohlrausch, F. Leitfaden d. prakt. Physik. 3te Aufl. 8° Leipzig, 1877.

21 'Kosmos'

103 Krause, E. Charles Darwin u. sein Verhältnis zu Deutschland. Leipzig, 1885.

103 Do gesammelte Kleinere Schriften von C. Darwin. 8° Leipzig, 1887.

74 Kowalevsky, W. Anthracotherium. 4° Cassel, 1873.

[Kowalevsky (Waldemar). Monographie der Gattung Anthracotherium Cuv., &c. 1er Th.]

37 Kraus, G. Physiologie des Gerbstoffs. 8vo. Leipzig, 1889.

112, 40 Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880.

112 Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin. 8vo. London, 1879 (2 copies)

113 Do. Hermann Müller von Lippstadt. 8vo Lippstadt, 1884.

Krönig, Prof. Das Dasein Gottes 1874

39 Kuhl Descendenzlehre 1879

[Kuhl, Joseph. Die Descendenzlehre und der neue Glaube. 8vo. München.]

59 Kühne W. Das Protoplasma 8° 1864 Leipzig

[Untersuchungen über das Protoplasma und die Contractilität.]

40 --- H. Anpassung gesetz – Therapie

[Die Bedeutung des Anpassungsgesetzes für die Therapie. (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 3.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1878.]

15* Kuntze, Otto. Um die Erde. 8vo Leipzig, 1881.

62 Kurr, J. Bedeutung der Nektarien. 8° Stutt. 1833.

NF Kunkel, A. J. Toxikologie. 1te Hälfte, 8vo. Jena, 1899.

N.c * Kuntze, Otto. Methodik der Speciesbesbreibung, &c 4to Leipzig, 1879.

Kurtz – see Munk. [Die elektrischen und Bewegungs-Erscheinungen am Blatte der Dionaea muscipula. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876.]



15 La Billardière, le C. Voyage à la Recherche de La Perouse. 2 vols. 8° Paris, an viii.

118 Lacepède, le Cte. [Histoire naturelle des] Cetacées. 12° Paris, 1809.

 70 Laing, S. Darwinism Refuted. 8° 1871.


39 Laird, J, Darwinian Theory. 8° 1873.

[Laird (James L.). See Wagner (Moritz). The Darwinian Theory, &c. Transl. 8vo. London.]

Lamarck, J.

50 [Histoire naturelle des] Animaux sans Vertèbres. 7 vols. 8° Paris, 1815-22.

50 --- 2e èdit. 11 --- 1835-45.

112 Philosophie Zoologique vol. 1 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1830

112 Nouv. èdit. (C. Martins.) --- 1873.

24 Lamb, Charles. Works. Ed. by Sir T. N. Talfourd. New ed. 8vo. London, 1869.

28 Lambert, C. Le Système du Monde Moral. 8° Paris, 1862.

28 L' Immortalité selon le Christ. 8° Paris, 1865.

30 Lanessan Lutte pour l' Existence 1881

[Étude sur la doctrine de Darwin. La Lutte pour l' Existence, &c. 8vo. Paris]

38 Lange, C. Ueber – Gemütsbewegungen. Trans. by H. Kurella. 8° Leipzig, 1887.

13 * Lankester, Ray Degeneration. [8vo. London, 1880]


Lambertye, L. de. Le Fraisier. Gemütsbewegungen Paris, 1864.

Lamont, J. Season with Seahorses. 8° 1861.

Lamouroux, J. [Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre] Des Polypiers. 4° Paris, 1821.

Lanciano, R. L' Universo, l' Astro e l' Individuo. 8° Napoli, 1872.

Lanessan Protoplasm Vég. [4to. Paris] 1876

Lankester, E. Ray. Comparative Longevity 1870 see also under Häckel.


14 Latham, P. W. The Harveian Oration. Oct. 18, 1888. 8° Cambr., 1888

114 Latham, R. Man and his Migrations. 8° 1851.

95 Latreille, P. [Histoire naturelle] Des Fourmis 8° Paris, 1802.

Laugel, A.

30 Science et Philosophie. 12° Paris, 1863.

30 Problèmes de la Nature. 12° Paris, 1864.

90 Problèmes de la Vie. 12° Paris, 1867.

38 Lavater, G. La Physionomie. 10 vols. 8° Paris, 1820.

[Lavater, Gaspard. L'art de connaître les Hommes par la Physionomie.]

88 Lawes, J. Growth of Barley. 8° 1873.

N.c Lawes, J. B & J. H. Gilbert. Permanent Meadow. Part 1. 4to London, 1880.


118 Lawrence, J. The Horse. 12° 1829.

[Lawrence, John. The Horse in all his varieties and uses.]

115 Lawrence, W. Physiology 8° 1822.

[Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man. 8vo. London.]

Lawson & Son. Lists of Seeds, Plants, &c. 4to Edinb., 1851.

114 Lafton, W. Builders' Price Book for 1895. 78th ed. 8° Lond.

114 Laycock, T. Mind and Brain. 2 vols. 8° Edin. 1860.

76 Layman A Scientific – Old & New Faith

[New (The) Truth and the Old Faith. By a Scientific Layman. 8vo. London, 1880.]

128 Le Brun Conference of Painting &c 1701

[Le Brun, Charles. The Conference of Monsieur Le Brun...upon Expression. Transl. from the French. 8vo. London.]

104 Lecky, W. European Morals. 2 vols. 8° 1869.


Lecoq, H.

62 La Fécondation. 12° Paris, 1845, 1862

[Lecoq, Henri. De la Fécondation...des Végétaux et de l'Hybridation. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 59

do. 2ème éd.]


60 Géographie Botanique. 9 vols. 8° Paris, 1854-8.

[Études sur la Géographie botanique de l'Europe.]

49 Le Couteur, J. Wheat. 8° Jersey, 1836.

49 2d edit 8° 1872.

128 Lees. Elements of Acoustics, Light &c

[Lees, William. Elements of Acoustics, Light, and Heat. 8vo. London, 1877.]

37 Lefebure, Ch. Mes étapes d' alpinisme. 8° Bruxelles, 1900

45 (14) Lehmann, J. G. C. Novarum et minus cognitarum stirpium. 4to Hamburg, 1834.

124 Le Hon, H. L' Homme fossile. 8° Brux. 1868.

See Koninck.


Na. Leidy, J [Joseph]. Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. 4° Wash. 1853.

74 Extinct Vertebrate Fauna. 4° Wash. 1873.

[Contributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. (U. S. Geological Survey.)]

101 Leifchild, J. Ministry of Nature. 8° 1872.

Leighton, W.

101 Angiocarpous Lichen. (Ray Soc.) 8° 1851.

62 Lichen-flora. 12° Shrewsbury, 1872.

[Leighton, Rev. W. A. The Lichen-Flora of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. 2d ed.]


Le Maout, E. and J. Decaisne.

45 System of Botany. Translated by Mrs. Hooker and J. D. Hooker. 4° 1873.

Nc --- in French

28 Lemoine, A. De la Physionomie et de parole. 12° Paris, 1865.

75 Lemoine, V. Oiseaux fossiles. 8vo. Reims, 1878.

[Lemoine, Victor. Recherches sur les Oiseaux fossiles des terrains tertiaires inférieurs des environs de Reims.]

28 Lepelletier de la Sarthe, A. Physiognomonie 8° Paris, 1864.

41 Leroy, C. Des Animaux. 8° Paris, 1802.


52 Lesquereux, L. Geological Survey of Arkansas. 8°

119 --- Cretaceous Flora. U. S. Geolog Survey

Lesson, R.

Mammalogie. 12° Paris, 1827.

[Lesson, René-Primevère. Manuel de Mammalogie.]

118 Ornithologie 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1828.

Letourneau, C. Des Passions. 12° Paris, 1868.

47 Lewins, J. Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde. 3te Aufl. Hrso. von A. B. Frank. Bde 1-3. 8vo. Hannover, 1885-6

Lewes, G. H. Physical Basics of Mind 1877

115 Do History of Philosophy. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1867

Do Physiology of Common Life. vol. 2. 8° Edinb., 1860.

Leybold, F. Escursion a las Pampas Arjentinas. 8° Santiago, 1873.

101 Liancourt, Count de Goddes & F. Puicott} & Laws of Language


108 Library of Useful Knowledge 8°

14 Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. (Title-page lost)

24 Liebig, J. Organic Chemistry. Ed. by L. Playfair. 8° 1840.

[Liebig, Justus von. Organic Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology. Ed... by Lyon Playfair. 8vo. London.]

123 --- The Life-work of Liebig. By W. H. Hofmann. 8° Lond., 1876.

Lincei R. Acad. see Transactions Rome

61 Lindemuth, H. Vegetative Bastarderzeugung durch Impfung. 8vo. Berlin, 1878.

Lindley, J.

45 (5) Double flowers. 4to. London, 1826.

61 --- System of Botany 8° 1836.

36 Vegetable Kingdom 8° 1853.

61 School Botany [and Vegetable Physiology. New ed.] 8° 1856.

61 Do New ed. 8° London 1862.

61 --- See Donn, J. Hortus Cantabrigiensis [James Donn. Cambridge, 1796]

106 Lindsay, B. Introduction to [the study of] zoology. 8vo. London, 1895.


3 Link, H. Die Urwelt [und das Alterthum, erläutert durch die Naturkunde. 1er Th.] 8° Berlin, 1821.

Nc Linné, Carl von. A general view of the writings of Linnæus. By Richard Putteney. 2d ed. Ed. by W. G. Maton. 4to London, 1805

Linné Syst Nat

--- Philos Bot

--- Syst. vegetab. A. Pearson. 8vo. Gottingen, 1797.

15 Linsbauer (K & S ete) Wiesner und Seine Schule 8vo Wien, 1903

24 Lippert Die Religionen der… Culturvolke 1881

[Lippert (Julius). Die Religionen der Europäischen Culturvö ihrem geschichtlichen Ursprunge. 8vo. Berlin.]

49 Lisle, E. Husbandry. 2 vols. 8° 1757.

[Lisle (Edward). Observations in Husbandry. 2 vols. 2d ed. 8vo. London.]

11 Litchfield – Tom Wedgwood [1903]

117 Liverpool Medical Report.

101 Lloyd, F. Prussia's Representative Man 1875

NF Locard, A. Études sur les variations malacologiques. 2 vols. 8° Lyon, 1880-1.

[Locard, Arnould. Études sur les variations malacologiques d'après la faune vivante et fossile de la partie centrale du bassin du Rhone.]

104 Locke, John. Human Understanding. 2 vols. 1824.

Loeb, Comp Phys [1900]

Loew, E. Blütenbiologie. 8vo. Berlin, 1895.


59 Loiseleur – Deslongchamps, M. [Considérations sur] Les Céréales. 8° Paris, 1842-3.

N.e Lombardini, [Luigi] Sui Cammelli [4to. Pisa.] 1879

36 Loudon, J. Encyclopædia of Plants. 8° 1841.

See Gardener's Magazine.

36 Loudon, J. Encyclopædia of Gardening

24 Louvre. Notice des Tableaux. Par le vte Bolh de Tauzia. 8° Paris 1883

74 Lovén S. Echinöides - 4° 1874.

[Études sur les Échinoïdées. Texte avec Planches. (Extr.) 4to. Stockholm.]

118 Low. Domesticated Animals

[Low, David. On the Domesticated Animals of the British Islands. 8vo. London, 1845.]

48 Lowe. British Ferns. 8vo. London, 1891.

102 Lowne, T. The Blow-Fly. 8° 1870.

[Lowne, Benjamin Thompson. The anatomy and physiology of the Blow-fly. 8vo. London.]

29 Philosophy of Evolution. 12° 1873.






Lubbock, Sir John, Bart.

Ne Ova & pseudova of Insects. 4to Dec., 1858.

114 Prehistoric Times [as illustrated by ancient remains, &c.] 8° 1865, 1869. [Darwin received the 1865 edition in May 1865. Correspondence vol. 13, p. 160.]

124 Origin of Civilisation 8° 1870.

[Monograph of the] Collembola and Thysanura. (Ray Soc.) 8° 1873.

102 Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. (Nature Series.) 8° 1874.

67 Brit Wild Flowers 1875

40 Scientific Lectures 1879

40 Addresses Political &c

26 Chapters on Popular Natural History. 8vo. Lond., 1882

30 Ants, Bees, & Wasps. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1882.

30 Flowers, Fruits & leaves. 8vo. London, 1888.

Senses, &c. of Animals. 8vo. London, 1888.

See Wilson.

--- Daphinia. 4to London, 1857.

--- Seedlings. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1892.

--- Seedlings. Popular ed. 8vo. London, 1896.

--- On Buds or Stipules. 8vo. [London, 1899.

Lucae, J C. G. Der Fuchs-affe u. das Faulthier. 4to Frankfurt am Main, 1882.

[Der Fuchs-Affe und das ihrem Knocken- und Muskelskelet. (Herrn Geh. Dr Ludwig W. T. v. Bischoff...fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubiläums.)]

Lucae, J. C. G. Zur Statik und Mechanik der Quadrupeden. 4to Frankfurt am Main 1881.

[Zur Statik und Mechanik der Quadrupeden (Felis und Lemur). (Herrn Geh. Sanitätsrath Dr Georg Varrentrapp...fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubiläums.)]

Lucas, P. [Traité philosophique et physiologique de] L' Hérédité Naturelle. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1847-50.

Ludwig, F. Biologie der Pflanzen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1895.

Luerssen Haubuch der Botanik 1879, 1882

Lunze G. Hundezucht. 1877

Lupton, S. Numerical Tables, &c. 8vo. London, 1892


93 Lux e Tenebris. 8° 1874.

123 Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart. Life, Letters and Journals. Ed. by his sister-in-law, Mrs Lyell. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1881.

Lyell, Sir Charles.

25 Travels in North America. 2 vols. 12° 1845.

25 Second Visit to the United States. 2 vols. 12° 1849.

113 Manual of Elementary Geology. 8° 1855, &c. (Various editions.)

113 Elements of Geology 8° 1865, Vc. (Various editions.)

103+112 Principles of Geology. 8° 1830-1872, &c. (Various editions.)

113 Antiquity of Man 8° 1863, 1873, (Various editions.)

113 Student's Elements of Geology. 12° 1871 & 1874.


Lyell, J Fancy Pigeons

Lyman, T. See Harvard College





72 McAlpine, B. Botanical Atlas. Part. 1. Edinburgh, 1882.

(Ne) McAlpine Biolog: Atlas 1880, 81

McAulay Vivisection

[Macaulay (James). Vivisection...Prize Essays. By J. M., Rev. B. Grant, and A. Wall. 8vo. London, 1881.]

58 McClelland, J, Indian Cyprinidæ. 4° Calcutta, 1839.

41 McClintock, F. L. Fate of Franklin. 8vo. London, 1859.

[MacClintock (Sir F. L.). The voyage of the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas. A Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin, &c.]

119 McCoy Geolog Survey of Victoria 1875

37 Macculloch, J. Geology. 8° 1821. [MacCulloch (John). A Geological Classification of Rocks. 8vo. London.]

Macgillivray, W. [William]

117 [A history of] British Birds. 5 vols. 8° 1837-52.

Dee Side. Ed. by E. Lankester. 8° 1855.

[The Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar. Ed. by E. Lankester. (Pr. pr.) 8vo. London.]


Mackintosh, Sir J.

128 vol. 1 History of England. (C. C.) 8° 1830.

12 [Dissertation on the progress of] Ethical Philosophy. Preface by Rev. W. Whewell. 8° Edinb. 1837.

72 McIntosh, W. [A Monograph of the] British Annelids. (Ray Soc.) 2 parts folio 1873-4.

89 MacIvor, J. Religious Progress. 8° 1871.

111 Mackail, J. W. See Morris, Wm.

101 Maclaren, C. Geology of Fife. 12° Edin. 1839.

29 Maclaren, J. Darwinism. 8° 1876

12 --- Nat Theology 8° 1878

23 --- Chemical Difficulties of Evolution 1877




74 M'Clelland, J. Indian Cyprinidæ. 4to Calcutta, 1839.

38 MacLeod, J. De Pyreneeënblomen. 8vo Gent, 1891


14 M'Lennan, J. Primitive Marriage. 8° Edinb. 1865.

114 Studies in Ancient History} 1876

Primitive marriage &c}

143 McMaster Loxolophodon &c

117 Macmillan's Magazine

7 Macmillan Conway. Minnesota Plant Life 8vo. Saint Paul, Minna., 1899.

62 McNab W. Botany Elementary

Botany outlines

106 Macquart, J. Facultés Intérieures des Animaux Invertébrés. 8° Lille, 1850.

90 Magallanes 4° Madrid, 1768.


43 Magazine of Natural History. (J. Loudon.) vols 1 to 9 8° 1829, &c.

17a Do N. S. (Ed. Charlesworth) vols 1to 4 8vo. Lond., 1837-

N.F Magazine of Zoology and Botany. (Sir W. Jardine, &c) 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1837-8.

[Conducted by Sir W. Jardine, Bart., P. J. Selby and Dr Johnson.]

111 Mahan, Capt A. T. The influence of sea power upon history 1660-1783. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1889.


23 Maillet, M. Telliamed. 8° 1750.

[Maillet, Benoît de. Telliamed: or discourses...on the diminution of the Sea...Transl. from the French. 8vo. London.]

75 Mallery Sign Language (America) 1880, 1881

[Mallery, Garrick. Introduction to the study of Sign Language among the North American Indians. 4to. Washington.]

75 Gesture Languages ---

[A collection of Gesture-signs and Signals of the North American Indians. (Distributed only to Collaborators.) 4to. Washington, 1880.]

NF Malm, A. W. Göteborgs Fauna 1877 [Göteborgs och Bohusläns Fauna, Ryggradsdjuren.]

Malpighi, Marcellus. {Anatomie Plantarum. Fol. Lond., 1675.

{De ovo incubato. --- ---

Malte-Brun. See Atlas. [de la Géographic. Fol. Paris, 1837.]

79 Malthus, T. Population. 2 vols. 8° 1826.

[Malthus, Rev. T. R. An Essay on the principle of Population. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. (2 copies.)]

79 Do. Do. (2nd copy) --- ---

12 Manual – The Admiralty

25 Mantegazza, P. Rio del la Plata [e Tenerife.] 8° Milano, 1867.

Fisiologia del Piacere. 8° Milano, 1870.

Stud: Etnogratici N. Guinea [Studii antropologici ed etnografici sulla Nuova Guinea. 8vo. Firenze, 1877.]

Il terzo Molare &c [nelle razze umane. 8vo. (Firenze, 1878)]

La Physionomie [et l'expression des sentiments.] 8vo. Paris, 1885.

Fisonomia e minica. Ed. E. Ximenes 8vo. Milano, 1881



25 Marchand, E [Étienne]. Voyage autour du Monde. 5 vols. 8° Paris, an vi-viii.

NF Marey, E-J. Le vol des Oiseaux. 8vo. Paris, 1890.

47 Marey, J. La Méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales 8° Paris, 1885.

106 Marshall, A. M. The frog. 8vo. Manchester, 1882.

Marshall, Mr.

NF Agriculture. 4° 1778.

49 Reports on Agriculture. 8° York, 1808.

124 Marshall, W. [A Phrenologist amongst] The Todas. 8° 1873.


112 Marsham, T. Coleoptera Britannica 8o Lond. 1802




118 Martin, W. The Horse. 12° 1845.

118 The Dog 12° 1845.

N.e Martin-Saint-Ange, G. [Mémoire sur I' organisation des] Cirripèdes. 4° Paris, 1835.

45 (17) Martins, De la partie botanique des Oeuvres de Goethe. 4to 1838.

Martius See Spix.

45 (18) Martius, C. F. P. von. Palmen in der alten Welt. 4to München, 1839.


28 Marx, K. Das Kapital. 8° Hamburg, 1872.

12 Masaryk T. Selbstmord 1881

57 Massee, G. Plant Diseases. 8vo. London, 1899.

58 Massart, Jean. Un voyage botanique au Sahara. 8vo. Gand, 1898.

Massachusetts. – Board of Health. 8° Boston, 1871.

38 Massart, Jean, Un Botaniste en Malaisie. 8vo. Gand, 1895.

17 Masters, Maxwell T. Vegetable Teratology. 8vo. London, 1869.

38 Matter & Molecular Morphology. See Sketch of a Philosophy. Part. 2.

Mathematical Tables. Barlow, & Chambers Logs &c

12 Matthes, B. Seelenleben der Thier. 8vo. Dresden, 1861.

[Matthes, Benno. Betrachtungen über Wirbelthiere, deren Seelenleben und die Stellung derselben zum Menschen.]

49 Matthew, P. Naval Timber [and Arboriculture] 8° Edinb. 1831.

59 Mathews W Flora of Algeria 1880

22 Maudsley, H. Physiology of Mind. 8° 1868

22 ditto --- 8° 1876

22 Body and Mind. 8° 1870, 1873.


Mawe, J. Brazil. 8° 1825.

[Mawe, John. Travels in the gold and diamond districts of Brazil. New ed. 8vo. London.]

24 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. 8vo. London, 1882.

Mayer, A. Die Ernährung d. Grünen Gewächse. 4te Aufl. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1895.

90 Mayer, C. Fossiles des Terrains Tertiaires. 8° Zürich, 1867-70

113 Mazaroz La Genève des Societes Modernes 1877

Meadows, A. The Prescriber's Companion. 2nd ed. 8° Lond., 1867.

107 Mechanics Journal. 4° 1862.

85 Medico-Chirurgical Review. 8° 1861, &c.

Medlicott & Blandford Geology of India 1879

[Medlicott, H. B. A Manual of the Geology of India. 2 Parts. 2 vols. (and Map dated 1877). Compiled by H. B. M., and W. T. Blanford. 8vo. Calcutta]


44 Meehan. Native Wild Flowers of U. S. A 2 vols.

[Meehan, Thomas. The native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. 2 vols. 4to. Boston, 1878–79.]

62 Meetekerke Guests of Flowers

39 Meitzen, E. Bhawani Die 8° Köln, 1872.

29 Melia, P. Origin of Man. 8° 1872.

[Melia, Pius, D.D. Hints and facts on the Origin of Man, &c. 8vo. London.]

12 Mental Functions. 8° Edinb.

48 Merck's Manual of the materia Medica. 8vo. 1899.

102 Merriam – Birds of Connecticut 8° 1877

[Merriam, C. Hart. A review of the Birds of Connecticut. 8vo. New Haven.]


Memoria de la Souedad "Anatomie Alzate" Room 27

Toms 25, No. 2. 5-8-12, 1907-8, 1909

--- 26 --- 1-3 1907.

--- 27 --- 1-3, 4-10 1908-9.




Meteorology. – Bollettino Meteorologico, Torino. 1873.

Metzger, J.

9 Kultivirten Kohlarten. 8° Heidel. 1833.

Die Getreidearten. 8° Heidel. 1841.

Meyen, F.

N.e Beiträge zur Zoologie. 4° Breslau, 1834.

[Meyen, F. J. F. Beiträge zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, und W. Erichson's und H. Burmeister's Beschreibungen und Abbildungen der...Insekten. 4to. Breslau, 1834. (Extr.)]

Geography of Plants. Transl. by Mary Johnston. (Ray Soc.) 8° 1846.

Meyen Pflanzenphysiologie 3er Bd. 1839


108 Meyer, F. Hausthiere. 8° Göttingen, 1792.

[Meyer, F. A. A. Versuch einer vollständigen Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere, im Grundrisse.]

122 Miall, L. C. See Darwin, Charles.

48 --- Aquatic Insects. 8vo. London, 1895.

17a Michael, A. D. British Oribatidæ. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1884-8.

50 Michell, J. Earthquakes. 4to London, 1760.

[Michell, Rev. John. Conjectures concerning the cause...of Earthquakes.]

31 Miers, J. Travels in Chile 2 vols. 8° 1826.

49 Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism. 8° 1864.


Miller, Hugh. Footprints of the Creator. 8° 1849.

49 Miller, P. The Gardeners Dictionary. 3rd ed. 3 vols. 8° Lond., 1748

Miller, S. H. & S. B. J. Skertchly. The Fenland. 8vo. Wisbeach, 1878.

Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry. Part 2 3rd ed. 8° Lond., 1864

2 Milne, D. Parallel Roads of Lochaber. 4° Edin. 1847.

Milne-Edwards. See Edwards.

[Milne-Edwards, H. Introduction à la Zoologie générale. 1ère Partie. 8vo. Paris, 1851.]


1 'Mind' – Quarterly Journal

9 Minding, J. Vertheilung der Säugethiere. 4° Berlin, 1829.

60 Miguel, A. Plantarum Regne Batavi. 8° Lg. Bot. 1837.

[Miquel, Fred. A. G. Disquisitio geographico-botanica de Plantarum Regni Batavi distributione. 8vo. Lugd.-Batav.]

Nc Milner, Th. See Atlas of Astronomy. 4to Lond., 1853.

49 Minnesota Botanical Studies. 2nd Ser. Parts ii, v, vi. 1899, 1901, 1902.

Nd Mitchell, S. Venom of the Rattlesnake. 4° Wash. 1860.

[Mitchell, S. Weir. Researches upon the venom of the Rattlesnake.]

97 Mojsisovics von Mojsvar Dolomit Riffe

[Mojsisovics von Mojsvár, Edmund. Die Dolomit-Riffe von Südtirol und Venetien. 8vo. Wien, 1879.]

R3 Do. Geologische Uebersichtskarte. Beilage zu Do. [Blatt 1. Fol. Wien, 1878.]


Mivart, St. G.

74 Appendicular Skeleton of the Primates. (Phil. Trans.) 4° 1867.

Genesis of Species. 8° 1st & 2d edits. 1871.

Man and Apes 8° 1873

Elementary Anatomy. 8° 1873.

102 Moggridge, J. Harvesting ants 8° 1873.

102 --- Supplement – Trap Door Spiders 8° 1874

Nc Mohl J. Etudes Orientales

[Mohl, Jules. Vingt-sept ans d'histoire des études orientales. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1879–80.]

Mohl, H. von. Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts. 4to Tübingen, 1845.

44 Mohl, H. Ranken und Schlingpflanzen 4° Tübingen, 1827.

[Mohl, Hugo von. Ueber den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen.]

122 Vegetable Cell. 8° 1852.

[Principles of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell. Transl. by A. Henfrey. 8vo. London.]


105 Moleschott, J. Der Kreislauf des Lebens ser Bd. 8° Mainz, 1877.

30 Moleschott, J. La Circulation de la Vie (E. Cazelles.) [2 tomes. 8vo. Paris, 1866.]

105 Moleschott & Fubini – Luce Mista a Cromatica (exhaln of CO2) [8vo. Torino, 1879.]

3 Molina, Don. Reyno de Chile. 2 vols. 8° Madrid, 1788.

[Molina, Juan Ignacio. Compendio de la Historia Geografica...del Reyno de Chile, escrito en Italiano. 1a Parte... Trad. en Español por Domingo Joseph.]

38 Molisch, Hans. Die Pflanzen in ihren beziehungen zum Eisen 8vo Jena, 1892.

108 Moll, L. Du Boeuf. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1860.

[La connaissance générale du Bœuf...Publiée...sous la direction de L. Moll et Eug. Gayot. Avec un Atlas. 2 vols.]

Moniez R Monographie sur les Cysticerques

N.e. --- Mémoires sur les cestodes. Iére Partie. 4to Paris, 1881.

62 Mons, J. van. Arbres Fruitiers. 2 vols. Louvein, 1835-6.


Mojsvar, Mojsisovich von.

72 Molluscan Fauna &c der

72 Hallistaffer Schichten 1873, 5

72 --- Die Triadischen Pelecypoden 1874

[Ueber die triadischen Pelecypoden-Gattungen Daonella und Halobia. (Extr.) 4to. Wien.]




Moore, D., and A. More. Cybele Hibernica 8° Dublin, 1866.

[More (Alex. G.). See Moore (D.). Contributions towards a Cybele Hibernica. 8vo. Dublin, 1866.]

Moore F. Indian Lepidoptera 1879

[Moore (Frederic). Descriptions of New Indian Lepidopterous Insects...Rhopalocera, by W. C.

Hewitson...Heterocera by Fr. Moore. 4to. Calcutta.]

Moore, G. The First Man. 8° 1866.

[Moore, George. The first Man and his place in Creation. 8vo. London.]

Moore, Norman. Foundation of St. Bartholomew's Church in London. 8vo. 1886.

--- [The distribution and duration of] Visceral new growths. 8vo. Aug. 19, 1889.

--- Pathological Anatomy of Diseases. [Student's Guide Series] 8° Lond., 1889.

--- Visceral new growths. 8° Edinburgh, 1889.

57 Moquin-Tandon, A. Tératologie Végétale. 8° Paris, 1841.

More, Alexander Goodman. Life and Letters Ed. by C. B. Moffat. [With a Preface by Frances M. More.] 8vo. Dublin, 1898.

Moore N Harveian Oration 1901

--- Visceral New Growths 8° 1889


118 Morgan, L. American Beaver. 8° Philad. 1868.

72 Consanguinity of Human Family. 4° Wash. 1871.

[Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family.]

76 Ancient Society

45 (19) Morren, Ch. Sur le Goldfussia Anisophylla. 4to. Bruxelles, 1839.

37 Morren, Ed. Actes du Congrès de botanique horticole, 1876

107 Morris, J. British Fossils. 8° 1854.

111 Morris, William. The life of W. M. By J. W. Mackail. New improv. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1899

101 Morse -E. First Book of Zoology

48 Morthier, P. Flore analytique de la Suisse. 8° Neuchatel, 1870.

N.e Moseley, H. Peripatus capensis. 4° 1874.

31 Moseley, H. N. Oregon. 8° London, 1878.

115 Mosso A Kreislauf des Blutes in Gehirn 1881

[Ueber den Kreislauf des Blutes im menschlichen Gebirn. 8vo. Leipzig.]

22 Do La Peur. [Etude psycho-physiologique. Trad. par Félix Hément.] 8vo. Paris, 1886.


Moubray. Poultry. 12° 1834.

[Moubray, Bonington. A practical treatise on breeding...Poultry, Pigeons, and Rabbits. 7th ed. 8vo. London.]

Müller, Aug. Ueber d. erste. Entstehung organischer Wesen [und deren Spaltung in Arten.] 8vo. Berlin, 1881.

Mueller, F. de. Fragmenta Phytographiæ Australiæ. 8° Melbourne, 1869-71.

--- Select Extra-Tropical Plants. 7th ed. 8° Melbourne, 1888.

Müller, Hermann. See Krause, E.

Müller H. Die Befruchtung (Engl Tr) 47 Eng. ed.

[Müller, Hermann. Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten und die gegenseitigen Anpassungen beider. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873.]

Alpen Blumen 1880

[Alpenblunien, ihre Befruchtung durch Insekten und ihre Anpassungen an dieselben. 8vo. Leipzig.]

Müller, F.

Facts and Arguments for Darwin. (W. S. Dallas.) 8° 1869.

Ethnographie 8° Wien, 1873

Für Darwin. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864.

--- Ethnographie. (Reise des Novara). 4to Wien, 1868.


Müller, J. Physiology. (W. Baly.) 8° 1838-48.

[Müller, Johannes. Elements of Physiology. Transl. by Wm. Baly. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838–42.]

N.e Gattungen der Seeigellarven. 4° Berlin, 1855.

58 Echinodermen 4° Berlin, 1857.

8 Gedächtnissrede auf. von. E. du Bois-Reymond. 4° Berlin, 1860.

48 Müller, Karl. Das Buch der Pflanzenwelt. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Leipzig, 1857.

38 Müller, P. E. Studien u. d. natürlichen Humusfarmen. 8° Berlin, 1887.

48 Muir, M. M. Pattison & C. Slater. Elementary Chemistry. 1887.

101 Mullinger, J. B. University of Cambridge. 2 vols. 8° Cambridge, 1873-84.

122 Munk, Hermann (& P. Kurtz) Elektrische Bewegungs Erscheinungen – Dionaea 1876

[Die elektrischen und Bewegungs-Erscheinungen am Blatte der Dionaea muscipula. Von H. M., mit der anatomischen Untersuchungen des Dionaea-Blattes, von F. Kurtz. (Extr.) 8vo. Leipzig.]

Murchison, C. See Falconer.

[Murchison (Charles). See Falconer (Hugh). Palæontological Memoirs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868.]


72 Murchison, Sir R. J. Silurian System. 3 vols. 4° & Map in case. 1839.

[Murchison, Sir Roderick I. Bart. The Silurian Region and adjacent Counties of England and Wales Geologically Illustrated...during the years 1831–38 (Map in 3 Sections).]

--- The Silurian system. From the Edinb. Rev. Apr. 1841.

31 Murphy, J. Habit and Intelligence. 2 vols. 8° 1869. 2nd edit 1879 [Darwin received this from Murphy in January 1877. Correspondence vol. 25, p. 58.]

Murray, A. Geographical Distribution of Mammals 2 copies 4° 1866.

See Journal of Travel.

Murray, George. Seeweeds. 8vo London, 1895.

Do Phycological Memoirs Ed. by G. M. 8° Lond., 1892-5.

Bennett & M Crypti


16 Murray, Lindley. English Grammar. 2 vols. 8° [York] 1824.

7 Museum of Practical Geology (School of Mines). Records 8° 1853.

See Catalogues.

Museum of Zoology Harvard see "Traunss" & "Catalogue"

120 Mutilated Sects 2 in Russian Qto



Nc Nägeli, C. und C. Cramer. Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen. 1 Heft, 1855; 2 Heft, 1858; 3 Heft, 1855; 4 Heft, 1857.

Nägeli, C. Botanische Mitteilungen. 8° München, 1866.

Das Mikroskop

55 Die Niederen Pilze 1877

[Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen zu den Infectionskrankheiten und der Gesundheitspflege. 8vo. München.]

57 Gärung 1879 [Theorie der Gärung. 8vo. München.]

57 --- [Mechanisch-physiologische] Theorie der Abstammungslehre. 8vo. München' 84

Napier (of Merchiston), C.

89 Book of Nature. 8° 1870

Na. Naples. Fauna & Flora des Golfes von Neapel 4 parts 4to Leipzig. 1880-81

Nash, Wallis. Oregon [there and back in 1877]. 8vo. London, 1878.


Nathusius, H. von. 75 Schweineschædel. 8° Berlin, 1864.

[Nathusius, Hermann von. Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunächst am Schweineschädel. Mit cinem Atlas. (Obl.)]

Na Atlas.

108 {Schafzucht 1880

108 {Viehzucht und Rassen-Kenntniss. 8° 1872.

[Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntniss. Th. 1–3. 8vo. Berlin.]

26 Natural History (A volume of plates 8° ("Vauthier" on the plates.)

26 Do Plates by C. H. Smith. 1824-

116 Natural History Review. 8° 1861-5.






Naturalists' History (Sir W. Jardine.)

Mammalia 4 vols. 8° Edinb. 1839-41.

Birds. 2 vols. 8°

101 Natural Philosophy, Conversation on. 12° 1820

Natural Science, Religious Creeds, &c. 8° Edinb. 1870.

See Reid, D.


N.c Naudin, C. Hybridité dans les Végétaux. 4° 1862.

Nebraska. See Pound, R.

45 (15) Nees ab Esenbeck. Solano Wightii. 4to. 1836

45 (21) --- De Kamptzia 4to. 1840

14 Nautical Tables 8° 1802.

45 (10) Nees ab Esenbeck, C. G. Plantarum Laurinarium 4to Vratislaviae, 1833.

De Kamptzia

45 (3) Nees ab Esenbeck. Plantarum 4to. Bonnae, 1824

45 (7) Nestler. Sur le sedum repens. 4to

40 Netter L' Intuition

[Netter (A.). De l' Intuition dans les Découvertes et Inventions. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1879.]

Na Neumayr & Paul – Congerien u. Paludinenschichten Slavoniens - 4° Wien 1875

[Die Congerein- und Paludinenschichten Slavoniens und deren Faunen. Von M. N., und C. M. Paul. (Extr.)]

Na Neumayr Fauna des Untersten Lias 1879

[Zur Kenntniss der Fauna des untersten Lias in den Nordalpen. (Extr.) 4to. Wien]

127 Neumeister, G. Ganze der Taubenzucht oblong Weismar, 1837.

62 Newell, Jane H. Outline of Lessons in Botany. 8° Boston, 2 parts. USA, 1889.

9 Newberry Dinichtyes – Columbus 1875

106 New York 18th Report… Commissioners of fisheries [of the State of New York...Feb. 10, 1890. 8vo. Albany] 1890

New York. – Report on Cabinet of Natural History. 8° Albany, 1868.

96 Newton A. Manual of Zoology [Manuals of Element. Science. 8vo. London, 1874.]


Nĕmec, Reizleitung---bei d. Pfl. 1901 1 vol

92 Nichol, J. Architecture of the Heavens. 8° Edin. 1838


Nicholson, E. Indian Snakes. 8° Madras, 1874.

[Nicholson, Edward. Indian Snakes. An elementary treatise on Ophiology. 2d ed. 8vo.]

101 Nicols A The Puzzle of Life. London 1877

Niemeyer, F. von. Practical medicine. Transl. by Humphreys & Hackley. Rev. ed. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1871.

Nilsson, Sven. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. Edited by Sir J. Lubbock, Bt. 8° 1868.


72 Nitzsch's Pterylography. (P. Sclater.) (Ray Soc.) 4° 1867

[Nitzsch (Christian L.). Nitzsch's Pterylography. Transl. from the German. Ed. by P. L. Sclater. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London.]

38 Nobbe F, Handbuch der Samenkunde 1876

22 Noiré, L. Die Welt als Entwicklung des Geistes. 8° Leipzig, 1874.

101 Zeitgenmässen Philosophie 8° 1875

24 Arsprung der Sprache 1877

23 Werkzeng 1880

15 Nordenkiöld, A. E. Voyage of the Vega. [Transl. by Alex. Leslie.] Vol. 2. 8° London, 1881

111 North, Marianne. Recollections of a happy life. 2 vols. 8° London, 1892.

111 Nott, J., and G. Gliddon. Types of Mankind. [8vo. Philadelphia, 1854.]

NF Norway. Official Publ. for the Paris Exhibitn, 1900 8° Philad. 1854.

72 Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition. 1876-78 3 parts Folio. Christiania 1880-1

67 Novara, Reise der österreich. Fregatte. 4° Wien, 1864, &v.

(Geolog. Th. 2Bd; Anthrop. Th. 1,2,3 Abth.)

 --- --- 1bd ste Th.


60 Nusbaum, Josef. L' embryologie de mysis Chameleo. [(Thompson). (Extr.) 8vo. Varsovie.]

Do. L' organogenèse des Hirudinées. 8° Paris, 1886





59 Odart, le Cte. Ampélographie [universelle ou Traité des Cépages. 2e éd. 8vo.] Paris, 1849.

59 Oels, W. Pflanzenphysiologische Versuche. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1893.

104 Ogle, J. W. The Harveian Oration, 1880. 8vo. Lond. ,'81.

31 Ogle W see Kerner (Unbidden Guests)

84 --- Tr of Aristotle

Oken, L. Physiophilosophy. (A. Tulk.) (Ray Soc.) 8° 1847.

Oliver, Joseph W. Elementary Botany 3rd ed. 8° London, 1892.

22 O'Neill – Refut of Darwinism 3rd ed. 8° London, 1892.

49 Ontario. Agricultural Report 1873

Oppert Classification of Languages 1879

93 Ord. W. M. Influence of Colloids upon crystalline form. 8° Lond., 1879

101 "Order" 12° 1876

Ordinaire, C. Des Volcans 8° Paris, 1802.

Ordinances of the University of Cambridge. 8° Camb: 1888


29 Ormathwaite, Lord. Astronomy and Geology compared. 8° 1872.

25 Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. 8° N. York, 1870. [Darwin received this from Orton in February 1870. Correspondence vol. 18, p. 48.]

3rd edit.

118 Osborne J Horsebreeders' Handbook. [Ed. by J. O. ("Beacon") 8vo. London, 1881.]

29 Our blood relations [or, the Darwinian Theory.] 8° London, 1872.

26 Ovington, J. Voyage to Suratt [in the year 1689.] 8° 1696.






51 Owen, D. D. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, &c. 2 vols. 4° Philad. 1852.

107 Geological Survey in Kentucky. 4° Frankfurt, Ky. 1861.

24 Owen, John P. The fair Haven (2 copies) [By the late J. P. O. Ed. by W. B. Owen.] 8vo. London, 1873

Owen, R.

N.a Mylodon robustus. 4° 1842.

[Description of the Skeleton of an extinct gigantic Sloth, Mylodon robustus, Owen.]

115 (1855) Invertebrate Animals. (Hunterian Lectures.) 8° 1843, 1855 91

91 Vertebrate Animals. 8° 1846


Owen, R. – continued.

107 Fossil Mammals and Birds 8o 1846.

94 Nature of Limbs. 8o 1849.

94 Parthenogenesis. (2 copies) 8o 1849.

Fossil Chelonian Reptiles 4º 1853.

Classification of the Mammalia 8o 1859.

126 Palæontology 8o Edinb. 1860.

126 Do 2nd ed. [Edinb] 1861

115 Anatomy of Vertebrates 3 vols. 8o 1866-8.

67 Fossil Mammalia. Zoology of the Voyage of the H. M. S. Beagle. Ed. by C. Darwin. part 1. 4to London, 1840.

See Hunter, J.







 102 Packard, A. Study of Insects. 8° Salem, 1868-9

--- Mongraph of the Geometric Moths

119 United States Geolog. Survey vol X 1876

Packard, A. S. Insects injurious to…Trees. 8° Washington, 1881

--- & Thomas. See U. S. Entomolo. Commission.

Page, D. [David] Man: where, whence, and whither? 8° Edinb. 1867.

Paget, Sir J. Surgical Pathology. 8° 1853. 3rd edit. (W. Turner.) 8° 1870.

86 Clinical Lectures (H. Marsh.) 8° 1875.


78-79 Palæontographical Society. Memoirs. 4° 56 vols and parts. 1848-81

12 Paley's Natural Theology. Edited by Lord Brougham 2 vol. s 8° 1839.

[Brougham (Henry Lord). Dissertations on subjects of Science connected with Natural Theology...Paley's Work.]

62 Palm, L. Winden der Pflanzen. 8° Tübingen, 1826.

[Palm, Ludwig H. Ueber das Winden der Pflanzen. Dissertation.]

{91-92 99-101-109-111} Pamphlets 8vo. 73+NB… ditto 4to

106 Paolucci, L. Canto degli Uccelli (2 copies)

[Paolucci (Luigi). H canto degli Uccelli. 8vo. Milano, 1878.]

104 Paris, J. Medical Chemistry. 8° 1825.

93 --- Pharmacologia 2 vols. 8° 1825.


Parker, W. K. Shoulder-girdle. (Ray Soc.) 4° 1868

[A Monograph on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata.]

92 Parkes, E. A. Practical Hygiene 4th ed. 8° London, 1873

Parkinson, J. Oryctology. 12° 1822.

[An introduction to the study of Fossil Organic Remains.]

Paterson's Roads… in England & Wales. By E. Mogg. 18th ed. 8° Lond.

57 Pauchon Role de la Lumiere sans lo Germin[ation]. 1880

Peabody Museum 1878.

Peckham, G. W. & E. G. [George W. and Elizabeth G. On the instincts and habits of the] Solitary Wasps. 8° Madison, Wis. 1898

Pennant, T. Quadrupeds 2 vols 4° 1792.

Pennsylvania University Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory. Vol. II, No. 1

53 Penny Cyclopædia. 29 vols. 1833, &c.


31 Pernety, Dom. Iles Malouïnes. 2 vols. 8° Berlin, 1769

[Journal historique d'un voyage fait aux Îles Malouïnes en 1763–64.]

NF Perrier, Edmond, Les colonies animals [et la formation des organismes.] 8vo Paris, 1881.

62 Persoon, C. Synopsis Plantarum. 2 vols. 8° Par. Lut. [Parisiis Lutetiorum] 1805-7.

61 --- See Linné. Syst Veg.

111 Pertz, George Henry. Autobiography and Letters. Ed. by his wife. 8vo. London. [1894]

2 Petermann, A. see [Milner, Rev. Th. A descriptive] Atlas of Astronomy. 4° Lond., 1853

Ne. Pettigrew, J, Physiology of Wings. 4° Edin. 1871.

125 Physiology of Circuln. [8vo. Edinburgh] 1873

89 Peyssonnel, J. Le Corail 12° 1756.

56 (2) Pfeffer, W. Periodischen Bewegungen de Blattorgane - 8° 1875


Pfeffer W. Physiologische Untersuchungen 8° 1873

--- Osmotische Untersuchungen 8° 1877

--- Untersuchungen – Tübingen

--- Pflanzenphysiologie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881

--- Do 2te Aufl. 1er Bd 8vo. Leipzig, 1897.

--- Oxydationsvorgänge in lebenden Zellen. 1889

--- i. Ub. Aufnalhme u. Ausgabe Ungelösten Körper.} 1890

--- ii. zur Rantniss d. Plasmahaut, &c.

--- zur Energetik der Pflanze. 8vo. Leipzig, 1892.

--- Druck-u Arbeitsleistung d. wachrende Pflanzen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893.

Pflüger, E. Physiolog. Verbrennung in den lebendigen Organismen. 8vo. Bonn. [1875]


37 Philippi, F. Catalogus plantarum vascularium Chilensium 8vo Santiago de Chile, 1881.


Phillips, J.

Geology. (Cab. Cyclo.) 2 vols. 8° 1837-9.

[A treatise on Geology. 2 vols. (Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.) 8vo. London.]

104 Rivers, &c. of Yorkshire. 1855.

[The Rivers, Mountains and Sea-Coast of Yorkshire. 2d ed. 8vo. London.]

Life on the Earth. 8° Camb. 1860.

Vesuvius. 8° Oxford, 1869.

Geology of Oxford 8° Oxford, 1871.

Phillips, W. Mineralogy. 8° 1823. Augmented by R. Allan. 12° 1837.

See Conybeare

Philosophical Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo.
--- 2 vols 4to [illeg]

33 D Physiological Lab Univ College


FD's room Phytologist, the. 8° 1845 9

--- (The New) vol. 1 in 10 nos, vol 2 Nos 1 to 7 1912-3

Vol. 2, Nos 8-10, 1903

---3, --- 1-10, 1904

--- 4 --- 1-4, 7-10, 1905

--- 5 --- 1-8 1906

--- 6 --- 15 3-5 1907

124 Pickering, C., and J. Hall. Races of Men. [New ed. Bohn's illustr. Library.] 8° 1850.

126 vols 1 & 3 Pictet, F. Paléontologie. 4 vols. 8° Genève, 1844-6.

126 [Traité de Paléontologie. 2de éd. Tomes 1–4] édit --- Paris, 1853-7

74 [Traité de Paléontologie. Atlas. 4to. Paris, 1853–57.] Atlas

113 Pictet, Francois-Jules. Notice biographique par J-L Soret 8vo Genève, 1872.

93 Picton, J. Mystery of Matter. 8° 1873.


Piderit, T. [Theodor. Wissenschaftliches System der] Mimik und Physiognomik. 8° Detmold, 1867.

Pierce, Newton B. Peach leaf curl. 8vo. Washington, 1900.

Pincott – see Liancourt.

101 Piola, A. L' Utilité Progressive 8° 1875

Pistor, C. Feld-und Hoftaubenzucht. 8° Hanau, 1831.

Pizzetta, J. Galerie des naturalistes. 8vo. Paris, 1891.

Planck, K. Seele und Geist. 8° Leipzig, 1871.

Wahrheit und Flachheit des Darwinismus. 8° Nördl. 1872.

74 Plans. See Huron, Like.

Plates (Miscellaneous).


90 Playfair, J. Huttonian Theory. 8° Edinb. 1802.

Playfair, L. See Liebig. [Organic chemistry. 8vo. London, 1840.]

101 Plumtre, C. J. Elocution 8° 1876

62 Poiteau, A. Le Bon Jardinier. 12° Paris, 1827.

Na Pompper, H. Die Säugethiere, Vogel u. Amphibien. 4to Leipzig, 1841.

[Pompper (Hermann). Die Säugethiere, Vögel und Amphibien nach ihrer geographischen Verbreitung tabellarisch zusammengestellt.]

62 (Porcher, F.) Du Fuchsia. 12° Paris, 1844.


Portanova, G. Errori e Delirii del Darwinismo. 8° Napoli, 1872.

Postnett, H. M. The Historical method in Ethics, &c. 8° Lond. 1882.

Post Office London, Directory, 1899.

Potter, M. C. see Warming, E. System Botany.

Potts, R. Euclid's elements of Geometry. School ed. 8vo. Lond. ,'64

Pouchet, G. Plurality of the Human Race. (H. Bevan.) 8° 1864.

Poulson, V. Microchemica Vegetale

Poulton, Edw. B. See Darwin, Charles.

--- do on Huxley in QR [The Quarterly Review. No. 385. Jan., 1901.]

102 Poultry Chronicle 4° 1854, &c.

Pound, R [Roscoe] x Clements, F. E. The Phytogeography of Nebraska. 1900


3 Pourtalès, L. de. See Harvard College.

74 Powell J.

{Geolog of Utah 161

[Introduction to the study of] Indian Languages. 2nd ed. (2 copies)

Exploration of R. Colorado (Washington 1875)

Atlas of Geology 1876 – USA-

Geology of Henry Mountains 1877

N.e Pozzi Du Crane 1879

57 Prantl, K. Elem Text-Book of Botany. Transl. Ed. by S. H. Vines 8° Lond., 1880.

33 Prel K. du. Der Kampf ums Dassein am Himmel 8° Berlin, 1874.

29 Prel du Kampf ums Dassein am Himmel 1874.

29 --- Do 2te Aufl 8° Berlin, 1876.

40 --- Psychologie der Lyrik

40 Planeten bewohner

115 Preyer, W. Die Blausäure. [Physiologisch Untersucht.] 8° Bonn, 1870.

115 --- Das myophysische Gesetz. 8vo. Jena, 1874

115 --- Die Bluthrystalle 8° Jena, 1871.

23 --- Naturwiss: Thatsachen und Probleme [Populäre Vorträge.] 8° Berlin, 1880

47 --- Die Seele des Kinder. 8vo Leipzig, 1882

122 --- see Darwin, Charles


Price, J. Old Price's Remains. 8° 1863-4.

Prichard, J, C. Physical History of Mankind.

3rd edit 5 vols. 8° 1837-47

4th 2 --- 1851.

33D Princetown Scientist Exped 1870

Principles of organic Life 8vo. London, 1868

Pringle, B. A. Indian Music. 8vo. Bombay, 1898 2nd ed

Prior, R. C. A. Popular names of British Plants, 3rd ed. 8° London, 1879.

Pritchard, C. Annals of our School Life. 8vo. Oxford 1886

Pro Finlandia 1899

Proceedings of the Royal Society. 8vo

91 Proctor, R. The Andes. 8° 1825.

---RA Pleasant ways in Science 1879


12 Psychological Inquiries 8° 1864.

8 Pugin, A. Welby. Contrasts. 4to London, 1841

45 (6) Purkinje, J. E. De Cellulis antherarum fibriosis, &c. Vratislaviae, 1830

127 Putsche, C. Taubenkatechismus 8° Leip. 1830

60 Puvis De La Degeneration et de l' extinction des Varietés de Végétaux. [8vo. Paris, 1837.]



Quadri, A. Teoria Darwiniana. 8° Bologna, 1869.

Quatrefages, A. de.

--- see Vogt, C. Microcéphales

Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste. 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1854.

Physiologie comparée. (Rev. Deux Mondes.) 8° 1855.

Unité de l'Espèce Humaine. 8° Paris, 1861.

Métamorphoses de l' Homme et des Animaux. 12° Paris, 1862.

Ne A la mémoire de J-L-A. de Q. 1810-92. 4to.


Quatrefages, A. de – continued.

112 Des Annelés. (Suites à Buffon.) 3 vols. & Atlas. 8° Paris, 1865.

Ne Maladies actuelles du ver à Soie. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1859-60.

39 Charles Darwin et ses Précurseurs Français 8° Paris, 1870. [Darwin received this from Quatrefages in May 1870. Correspondence vol. 18, p. 141.]

122 Review of "Origin, &c." – Revue des deux Mondes 15 Dec, 1868.

117 Quarterly German Magazine

40 Quarterly Journal of Science

34 --- Microscopical Science

89 Quarterly Review 8° 1867, &c.

39 Quetelet, A. Sur l' homme [et le développement de ses Facultés.] 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1835.



Rabbit Book 8°

Rabenhorst's pocket dictionary of the German & English Languages. London, 1829.

92 Radcliffe, C. Nerve and Muscle. 8° 1871

Radenhausen, C. Osiris [Weltgesetze in der Erdgeschichte.] 2 vols 8° 1875

3rd 1876

Ram, J. Philosophy of War [8vo. London, 1878.]

Rames, J. La Creation d'après la géologie [et la Philosophie naturelle. (rère Partie.)] 8° Paris, 1869.


107 Ramsay, A. C. Physical Geology. 8° 1863 & 1872

107 5th Edit

118 Rang, Sander. Mollusques 12° Paris, 1829.


125 Ranke J Physiologie des Menschen [8vo. Leipzig] 1875

17 Ray, John Correspondence and Memorials of. By. Dr. Derham. Edited by E. Lankester (Ray Soc. 2 vols. 8° 1846-8

7 & 7a Ray Society Publications. See under Darwin, Huxley, &c, &c.

128 Ray, John. The Wisdom of God, &c. 1692






Reade Mellard Chemical Denudation [in relation to Geological Time. 8vo. London, 1879.]

Reade, Winwood.

Martyrdom of Man 8° 1872.

African Sketch-Book 2 vols. 8° 1873

Ready, Reckoner. By J. Thompson. Gainsborough, 1805.

24 Reé. Ursprung d moral Emphindungen [8vo. Chemnitz.] 1877

124 Reeve, Lovell. Voluta 4°

Land and Freshwater Mollusks [indigenous to, or naturalized in, the British Isles. 8vo. London.] 8° 1863.

88 Registrar-General's Report, 1866. 8° 1868.

88 --- --- Supplement 8° 1875

Reichenau Nester und Eier

[Reichenau (Wilhelm von). Die Nester und Eier der Vögel. (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 9.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1880.]


92 Reid, D. Law of History 8° Edinb. 1874.

Natural Science, Religious Creeds, and Scripture Truth. 8° 1874.

See natural Science

61 Reinke 'Quellung' 1879

[Reinke (Johannes). Untersuchungen über die Quellung einiger vegetabilischer Substanzen. 8vo. Bonn.]

48 Remsen, Ira. Compounds of Carbon. 8vo. London, 1888.

30 Rendu, V. L' Intelligence des Bêtes 12° Paris, 1863.

44 Rengade, J. La Creation naturelle [et les êtres vivants.] 4to Paris, 1883

118 Rengger, J. [Naturgeschichte der] Saeugethiere von Paraguay. 8° Basel, 1830.

Report see Ontario

95 Report of the Med: Officer of Health to Privy Council 8° 1874 & 1875

85 Report. See U. S. Entomol. Commission

N.a Report of the Royal Commission on Vivisection Folio 1876 120

133 Report on Wild Birds Protection 23 July 1873 Folio

6 6th Report of Rivers Pollution Comms 1874

88 Reports. Experimental Farms. For 1897. 8vo. Ottawa, 1898


Retzius, G. Das Gehörorgan der Wirbelthiere. I. Fo. Stockholm 1881.

Retzius, G. Anatomische Untersuchungen [Das Gehörlabyrinth der Knochenfische.] 4° 1872

do Finska Krànier 4° 1878

Reuss, G. Pflanzenblätter in Naturdruck. fol. Stutt.

44 Review, natural History. 1861-65

117 Revue des Cours Scientifiques. – Paris.

117 Revue des Deux Mondes.

117 Revue Françcaise.


91 Reynier, L. L' Économie publique. 8° Genève, 1818.

124 Rialle G de Mythologie Comparée. [Tome 1er. 8vo. Paris] 1878

N.e Ribeiro Estudias Prehistoricos Portugal 1878

[Ribeiro (Carlos). Noticia de algumas estações e monumentos prehistoricos. (Com a traducção em francez.) 4to. Lisboa.]

13 Ribot, Th: Heredity 8° 1875. [From the French of Th. R. 8vo. London.]

13 --- L' Héredité psychologique. 8vo Paris, 1882

62 Richard, L. -C. Demonstrations Botaniques. 8vo. Paris, 1808.

118 Richardson, H. Pigs. 8° Dublin, 1847.

45 (1) Richardson, J. Botanical Appendix to Capt. Franklin's Narrative. 4to London, 1823

75 Richardson, J. Fauna Boreali Americana 3 vols. 4° 1829-36.

Ne Ichthyology (Cyclo.) 4°

22 Richet, Charles. Psychologiè générale. 8° Paris, 1887.

48 Richter, V. von. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. Transl. from the 4th ed. 8° Philad., 1886


Riedel, W. [Wilhelm. Die vorzüglichst bekannten] Feinde der Tauben. 8° Ulm, 1824.

Die Taubenzucht. 8° Ulm, 1824.

Riley, C. Noxious Insects. 2 vols. 8° Jeff. City, 1871-4.

Do. 1875-77.

[3rd to 9th Annual Reports on the noxious, beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Missouri. 8vo. Jefferson City.]

102 Locust Plaque [in the United States. 8vo. Chicago.] 1877

102 Reports of Insects of the State of Missouri 1871-8

102 Cotton Worm [See U. S. Entomological Commission. Bulletin, No. 3. 8vo. Washington, 1880.]

102 Report on Cotton Insects 8° 1879

102 Rock Mountain Locust 1880

8 Riley, J. Tombuctoo. 4° 1817.

Rimpau, W. Landwirthschaftliche Kulturpflanzen. 8°. [1891]

Ritchie, A. The Creation 8° 1874.


59 Rivers, T. Miniature Fruit Garden 4° 1848.

16 Roberts, G. Lofthouse & its neighbourhood. 2 vols. 8° London, 1882-5

95 Robinet. Vers à Soie. 12° Paris, 1848.

57 Robinson, W. The English Flower-Garden. 8vo. London, 1883.

147 Roemer, F. Lethaea geognostica, oder Beschreibung &c der für die Gebirgs-Formationen bz. Versteinerungen. Stuttgart 1876

Nd = Atlas

24 Rouestoo, R. S. The Flute. 8vo. London, 1890.

116 Rolleston, G. Forms of Animal Life. (2 copies) 8° Oxf. 1870.

see Greenwell [W. British Barrows. 8vo. Oxford, 1877.]

40 Rolph, W. H. Biologische Probleme [zugleich als Versuch einer Rationellen Ethik.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1882.

12 Romanes G (Anonymous) Candid Exam of Theism

[A candid examination of Theism. By Physicus. 8vo. London, 1878.]

47 Do. Mental Evolution in man. 8vo. London, 1888.

38 Do. Darwin, and after Darwin. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1892-5

23 Do. An exam. of Weismannism. 8vo. Lond., 1893.

123 Do. The Life and Letters of G. J. Romanes. By his wife. 8vo. London, 1896.

74 Do. & J. C. Ewart. Locomotor system of Echinodermata. 4to Lond. '81

122 Mental Evol Animals with CD's Essay


Roscoe, H. E. Elementary Chemistry. 6th thous. 8° Lond, 1868

Rosenbusch – Mikroskopische Physiographic [der massigen Gesteine. 8vo. Stuttgart] 1877

93 Ross, J. Graft Theory of Disease. 8° 1872.

93 Protoplasm 8° 1874.

Rossi, D. Le Darwinisme [et les générations spontanées.] 12° Paris, 1870.

33D Rottenburg Begriff des Staates 1878

57 Roux Kamp d Theile im Organismus


Royal Society. See Catalogues.

--- Transactions – London.

--- Proceedings.

13 Royer, Mme. Origine de l' Homme [et des sociétés.] 8° Paris, 1870.

114 Rudolphi, D. Anthropologie. 8° Berlin, 1812.

[Rudolphi, Karl Asmund. Beiträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte.]

120 Russian Mutilated Secti? Qto Russian






101 Rugby School Report 8° Rugby, 1874.

Rütimeyer, L.

N.e. Fauna der Pfahlbauten [der Schweiz.] 4° Basel, 1861.

[Beiträge zur] Kenntniss der fossilen Pferde. 8° Basel, 1863.

MS extracts – Translations}

Grenzen der Thierwelt} 8° Basel, 1868.

74 Die Rinder der Tetiär-Epoche [4to. Zürich] 1878





Sabatier, A. Le Cœur. 4° Paris, 1873

Sabatier (Armand). Études sur le Cœur et la Circulation centrale dans la série des Vertébrés. 4to. Montpellier.]

Sachs, Julius von. History of Botany (1530-1860). Transl by H. E. F. Garnsey. 8vo. Oxford, 1890.

Sachs, J. Physiologie

58 Botanik. 2te, 3te, Aufl. 8° Leipzig, 1870. 1873.

--- Gesamm. Abhandlungen über Pflanzenphysiologie. 2v. 1892-3

58 Traité de Botanique [conforme à l'état présent de la science...Traduit de l'allemand sur la 3e édition et annoté par Ph. Van Tieghem.] 8° Paris, 1874.

--- Vorlesungen üb. Pflanzenphysiologie. 8vo Leipzig, 1882

--- Do. 2te Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887.

--- Text-Book of Botany. (Bennett & Dyer.)

--- Do Do 8° Oxford, 1875.

--- Geschichte der Botanik. 8° 1875

--- Arbeiten des Bot Instituts 3 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1874-88.


37 Sachsse R. Farbstoffe &c 8° 1877 Leipzig

49 Sageret, M. [Mémoire sur] Les Cucurbitacées. 8° Paris, 1826.

49 Pomologie [physiologique.] 8° Paris, 1830.

92 St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. [Ed. by J. Andrew and T. Smith.] Vol. XI 8° Lond., 1875

29 Saint Clair, G. Darwinism and Design. 8° 1873.

Saint-Hiliare, A. de.

122 Leçons de Botanique. 8° Paris, 1841.

31 Voyage dans la Province de Goyaz. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1847-8.


Saint-Hiliare, Geoffroy.

112 [Principes de] Philosophie Zoologique. 8° Paris, 1830

Vie Travaux, &c. de. (J. G. Saint-Hiliare.) 12° Paris, 1847.

Saint-Hiliare, I. Geoffroy.

Anomalies de l' Organisation. 4v. 8° Paris, 1832-7.}

--- Atlas & Table gén. desmatières.

112 Zoologie générale. (Suites à Buffon.) 8° Paris, 1841.

Histoire Naturelle [générale des règnes organiques.] 3 vols. 8° Paris, 1854-62.


16 Saint John, C. The Highlands. 8° 1846.

16 Do. Do. [Illustrated] 8° Lond., 1878

25 Tour in Sutherlandshire. 2 vols. 12° 1849.

62 * Salter, J. The Chrysanthemum. 8° 1865.

Nc Saporta, G. de. Sur Nœggerathia 4to Paris. 1878.

[Observations sur la nature des végétaux réunis dans le groupe des Noeggerathia.]

Nc Saporta, G. de. Sur Dolerophyllum. 4to Paris, 1878.

[Sur le nouveau groupe paléozoïque des Dolérophyllées. (Extr.)]

Q1 Saporta Vegetaux Fossiles 1876

[Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux. Par G. de S., et A. F. Marion. Précédées d'une introduction stratigraphique par Albert Falsan. (Extr.) 4to. Lyon.]

57 --- Evolution due R Vég

[L'évolution du règne végétal. Les cryptogames. Par G. de S., et A. F. Marion. 8vo. Paris, 1881.]

56 --- Le Monde des Plantes avant [l' apparition] de l' homme. 8° Paris, 1879

N.c --- & Marion. La Flore Heersienne de Gelinden. 4to Brux., 1878.

[Révision de la Flore Heersienne de Gelinden....Par le comte G. de S., et A. F. Marion. (Extr.)]

97 * Salter, J. W., and H. Woodward. Chart of Fossil Crustacea. 1865.

25 Sarmiento Le Gambóa, P. [Pedro] Viage de Magellanes. [Por el Capitan P. S. de G. en los años de 1579 y 1580.] 8° Madrid, 1768

58 Saussure Recherches chimiques


112 Samouelle, G. Entomologist's Compendium. 8° 1819.

92 Samuelson, J. Earthworm and Housefly. 12° 1860.

Samuelson, J. See Journal.

33 D Sanderson Burdon. Collected Papers Univ. Coll. II III

Savage Religion of Evolution Boston 1876

*Sehenk, A. Handbuch der Botanik. III i. 8° Breslau, 1884.

Schacht, H. Madeira und Teneriffe 8vo. Berlin, 1859.

Schacht, H. Microscope. (F. Currey.) 12° 1855.

----------------------Der Baum

Schenk, H. Wassergewachse 8vo. Bonn, 1886.

Scherzer C. La Province de Smyrne 8° 1873

109 do Karl Dr. Voyage of the Novara 3 vol 8° 1863

do Natur u Völker leben uber in Trop: Amerika Leipzig 1864


125 Schiff, M. La Digestion. 2 vols. 8° Florence, 1867.

[Leçons sur la physiologie de la Digestion...Rédigées par É. Levier.]

47 Schimper, A. F. W. Botanische Mittheiliungen aus den Tropan. Heft 1,2. 8vo Jena, 1888.

37 do Pflanzen geographie 1898 2 vols = 1 really

106 Schlegel, H. Physiognomy of Serpents. (T. Traill.) 8° Edinb. 1843.

[Essay on the Physiognomy of Serpents. Transl. by Thomas S. Traill.]

29 Schleicher, A. Darwinism tested by Language. (A. Bikkers.) 8° 1869.

[Schleicher, August. Darwinism tested by the Science of Language. Alex. V. W. Bikkers. 8vo. London.]

37 Schleiden Grundzüge der Botanik


Schlich, W. A manual of forestry. Vol. 1 8° London, 1889.




Schmid, Rudolf Darwin'schen Theorien [und ihre Stellung zur Philosophie, &c. 8vo. Stuttgart] 1876

Schmidt, O. Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus. 8° Leipzig, 1879.

Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. [8vo. London, 1875.]

Schimper, A. F. W. Pflanzen-Geographie 8° 1875.

Schnieder Der Thierische Wille. [8vo. Leipzig, 1880. Darwin was sent this from Schneider in April 1880. Correspondence vol. 28, p. 534.]

33D Schomburgk. R. Cat of Pl in Bot Garden Adelaide – 1878

School of Mines. See Museum of Practical Geology.

13 Schopenhauer, A. See Busch, Otto.


48 Schouw, J. and F. von. Kobell. Earth, Plants, and Man. (A. Henfry.) 8° 1852.

N.c. Schübeler, F. C. Pflanzenwelt Norwegens 4to [Christiania] 1873-1875

85 Shuckard, W. Fossorial Hymenoptera. 8° 1837.

39 Schultze, Fritz. Kant u Darwin 8° [Jena] 1875

40 --- Die Sprache des Kinders

47 Schwarz, F. Die morpholog. u. chem. zussamensetzung & Protoplasmas. 8° Breslau,' 87.

55 Schwendener – Das mechanische Princip &c

55 Ditto Blattstillung

123 Schwann Liber Memorials 1879 Mannifestation en l' honneur

[Manifestation en l'honneur de M. le Professeur Th. Schwann. Liége, 23 juin 1878. Liber Memorialis. 8vo. Düsseldorf, 1879.]

40 Scientific memoirs. Edited by R. Taylor. 8° 1837.

14 Scientific and Learned Societies. Year Book. 2nd Ann. Issue. 8° Lond. 1885.


Sclater. See Nitzsch.

[Sclater (Philip L.). See Nitzsch (C. L.). Pterylography. (Ray Soc. Publ.) Fol. London, 1867.]

Scoresby, W. [An account of the] Arctic Regions. 2 vols. 8° Edin. 1820.

Scott, D. H. An introdn. to Structural Botany. 8° Lond., 1894

Scott, J. See Douglas. [The British Hemiptera. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1865.]

N.c Scott John – Report on Exp: Poppy Gardens 1874 & 76, 78

Report on the experimental culture of the Opium Poppy...for the season ending 15th April, 1874. Fol. Calcutta.

Manual of Opium Husbandry [8vo. Calcutta, 1877.]

Scott, W. R. Deaf and Dumb. 8° 1870.


89 Scrope, G.P. [Considerations on] Volcanos 8° 1825.

104 Scudder, J. [John M.] Specific Diagnosis 12° Cincin. 1874.

95 Scudder S. H. Hist: Sketch of Generic names of Butterflies

[Scudder, Samuel H. Historical sketch of the generic names proposed for Butterflies. (Extr.) 8vo. Salem, 1875.]

102 Butterflies [8vo. New York, 1881.]

18 --- Catalogue of Scientific Serials. 1633-1876.

14 Sedgwick, A. [Rev. Adam. Woodwardian Prof. A discourse on the] Studies of the University of Cambridge. 8° 1850.

113 Cowgill Chapel Memorial. 8° Camb. 1870 (Supplement)

98 --- Geology of the Lake District. 8vo. Kendal, 1853.

NG Sedgwick, Adam. Studies from the morphological Laboratories in… Cambridge. vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1886.

24 Seebohm, Fr. The English Village Community. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1883.

71J Seebohm Siberia in Europe.


Seeley, H. Ornithosauria. 8° Camb. 1870.

--- Index to the Fossil remains of Aves, &c. 8° Camb., 1869

[Seeley, Harry Govier. Index to the fossil remains of Aves, Ornithosauria, and Reptilia, from the Secondary System of Strata... With a Prefatory Notice by the Rev. Adam Sedgwick. 8vo. Cambridge, 1869.]

Nc Seemann, B. Flora Vitiensis. [Fiji Islands] 4° 1873

Seguenza, G, Cirrepedi Terziarii 2 parts. 4° Naples 1874

[Ricerche paleontologiche intorno ai Cirripedi terziarii della Provincia di Messina.]

ditto --- 1876

Seidlitz, G. Die Darwin'sche Theorie. [Elf Vorlesungen.] 8° Dorpat, 1871. 1875.

Descendenz Theorie 1876 [Beiträge zur Descendenz-Theorie. 8vo. Leipzig.]

Semper, K. Die Palau. Inseln im Stillen Oceans. 8° Leipzig, 1873.

Arbeiten a/d Zool: Inst Würzburg 1876

Animal Life

[The natural conditions of existence as they affect Animal Life. 8vo. London, 1881.]


104 Semple, C. E. A Materia Medico & Therapeutics. 8vo. London, 1892.

NF. Settegast, H. Die Thierzucht. 8° Breslau, 1868.

123 Seward – Life of Dr Darwin

58 Do. A. C. Fossil Plants. 8vo London, 1892.

58 Do Fossil Plants (Cant. Nat. Sci. Manuals). Vol. 1. 1898

118 Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of. Characteristics [of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times.] 3 vols. 1749

11 Sharpe, R. List of Birds 4°

29 Sharpe, W. Man a Special Creation. 8° 1873.

113 Shaw, J. See Wallace, R.

108 Sheep. See Library of useful knowledge. 8vo. London, 1837.


Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The life of P. B. S. By Edward Dowden. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1886

Shirreff, P. The Cereals 8° Edinb. 1873.

[Shirreff, Patrick. Improvement of the Cereals and an Essay on the Wheat-Fly. (Pr. pr.)]

102 Shuckard, W. E. [Essay on the indigenous] Indig Fossorial Hymenoptera. 8° Lond., 1837

96 Shufeldt Tetraridæ

109 Siciliani – Filosfia – zoologia 1876 [La critica nella filosofia zoologica del XIX secolo (Critique of zoological philosophy in the nineteenth century; Darwin received this from Siciliani in January 1877. Correspondence vol. 25, p. 68.)

Sidgwick, H. [Henry. The Methods of] Ethics. 8° 1874.

Supplement [to the first edition of the Methods of Ethics. 8vo. London.] 1877

Siebold, C. de. Anatomie comparée. (Manuels-Roret.) (2 in 3) 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1850.

[Nouveau Manuel d'Anatomie comparée. Par C. T. de S., et H. Stannius. Trad. par A. Spring et Th. Lacordaire. 2 tomes (in 3).]

Siebold, C. von. Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees. (W. S. Dallas.) 8° 1857.

--- [Beiträge zur] Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden 8° Leipzig, 1871.


29 Siegwart, K. Alter des Menschengeschlechts. 8° Berlin, 1873.

Silliman's Journal. See Journal.

Simms, J. Nature Revelations of Character. 8° 1873.

95 Simon – Report of Med. Officer of Health. 1874 & 1875

Skeat, W. W. An etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 2nd ed. 4to Oxford, 1884.


22 do Fenland 1878

52 Skertchley Geology of Finland 1877

Physical System of Universe

122 Sketch of a Philosophy. Part 2.

8 Smellie, W. Philosophy of Natural History. 4° Edinb. 1790.

Smith, A. Philosophy of Morals. 2 vols. 8° 1835.

Smith, A. Zoology of South Africa. 4vols. 4° 1849.

114 Smith, C. The Human Species. 8° Edinb. 1852.


Smith, F. See Catalogues.

Smith, Sir J. E.

48 Introduction to Botany. 8° 1819.

61 Grammar of Botany. 8° 1821.

61 English Flora. 4 vols. 8° 1824-8.

45 Supplt to the English Botany of Sir J. E. Smith & Mr. Sowerby. See Hooker, W. J.


Smith, J. Toulmin. Ventriculidæ. 8° 1848.

Smith, Wm. Knowing and Feeling. 8vo. 1874

119 Smyth, R. Brough. Geolog: Survey of Victoria

111 Smithsonian Institution Reports. 8° Wash. 1861-9.


29 Snell, Schöpfung des Menschen. 8o Leip. 1863

28 Sole, Su la Sensazione. 8vo Napoli, 1882

28 --- II Positivismo 8vo --- 1881

25 Solis, A. de Mexico 4º Madrid, 1790.

[Solis y Rivadeneyra (Antonio de). Historia de la Conquista de Mexico.]

3 Solms-Laubach, Graf zu. See Naples. Fauna & Flora [des Golfes von Neapel. 4. Monographie: Corallina.] Leipzig, 1881. 4to

26 Somerville, Mrs. Connexion of the Physical Sciences 8o 1884.

106 Somerville, Mary. On molecular and microscopic science 2 vols 8vo London, 1869

56 Sorauer, P Physiology of Plants. Trans. by F. E. Weiss 8o Lond., 1895.

South, J. Household Surgery 8o 1859 41


Sowerby, John E. British Poisonous Plants 2nd ed. 8vo London, 1861.

[Illustr. by J. E. S. Described by Ch. Johnson and C. P. Johnson.]

Spallanzani, Abbé. Natural History. 2 vols. 8o 1784. 92

Spencer See Kirby.

Spencer Herbert

Do Data of Ethics 1879 31

Do Education 8vo. London, 1861.

Do. The Factors of Organic Evolution. (Reprint) 8vo London, 1887.

Do. Classification of the Sciences 3rd ed. 8vo London, 1871

Spencer, Herbert

Principles of Biology 1863

Psychology 8o 1855.

--- 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8o 1870

Essays 2 vols. 8o 1858-68

F. P. 1855

First Principles 8o 1860-2 + (1902)

Do 3rd ed. 8o 1870

Principles of Sociology 1876

Study of Sociology 8vo London, 1873 Do 6th ed. 8o Lond., 1877

Grundlagen der Philosophie. (B. Vetter) 8o Stuttgart, 1875.

Description Sociology folio 1873


29 Spengel, J. Fortschritte des Darwinismus 8o Cöln, 1874.

15 Spix, J. von und C. von Martius. Travels in Brazil 2 vols. 8o 1824.

Spratt (Capt) Travels in Crete 102

44 Sprengel, C. Entdeckte Geheimniss der natur 4º Berlin, 1793

[Sprengel, Christian Konrad. Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen.]

104 Squire, B. Diseases of the skin. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond. 1885.


Stah Pflanzen u Schnecken 1888 1 vol

102 Stainton, H. Butterflies and Moths. 2 vols. 12º 1857-9.

Statistics, Medical & Anthropological of the Provost Marshall-Generals b…. U. S. A. 2 vols 4º Washington 1875

Stebbing, Essays on Darwinism 8o 1871. [Darwin received this from in March 1869. Correspondence vol. 17, p. 108.]

Steenstrup, J.

Alternation of Generations (G. Busk.) (Ray Soc.) 8o 1845.

Ne Hectocotyldannelsen 4º Kjøb. 1856.

[Hectocotyldannelsen hos Octopodslægterne Argonauta og Tremoctopus. (Extr.) 4to. Kjöbenhavn.]

Ne (and C. Lütken) Snyltekrebsene 4º Kjøb 1861

[og Chr. Fred. Lütken. Bidrag til Kundskab om det aabne Havs Snyltekrebs og Lernæer samt om. . . parasitiske Copepoder. (Extr.) 4to. Copenhagen.]


22 Stephen, Leslie. Freethinking & Plainspeaking. 8o Lond. 1873

102 Stephens, J. British Insects. 2 vols. 8o 1829.

[A systematic catalogue of British Insects. 2 Parts (in 2 vols., interleaved).]

102 British Coleoptera 12º 1839.

102 Brit. Entomology 8o 3 vols (i…iv)

[Stephens, James F. Illustrations of British Entomology. . . . Haustellata. 4 vols. (Bd. in 3.) 8vo. London, 1828–34.]

26 Sterne Carus Werden und Vergehen 1876

Do. Do. 2te Aufl 8vo Berlin, 1880

24 Sterne, L. Tristram Shandy 8vo. London, 1870.

34 Steudel – Nomenclature.

111 Stevenson, Robert Louis. The letters of R. L. S. Edited by Sydney Colvin. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1899.

48 Stewart, B & Haldane Gee. Elan. Practical Physics. 2 vols. 8o Lond., 1885-7

108 "Stonehenge." The Dog 8o 1867.

[Stonehenge. Pseud., = John Henry Walsh. The Dog. 8vo. London.]

Storer Wild White Cattle 31

45 Strasburger, E. Lehrbuch L. Botanik + Hochschuler. 8vo Jena, 1894

60 Strasburger, E. Des Cellules. Trad. par J-J. Kickx. 8vo Jena, 1876.

[Sur la formation et la division des Cellules. Éd. revue et corr. Trad. de l'Allemand par J. J. Kickx.]

22 Strasburger, E. Histologische Beiträge, I, II 8vo, Jena 1888, 1889

37 Strasburger, E. Dan Botanische Practicum 8vo. Jena, 1884

8 --- Handbook of Practical Botany. Ed. by W. Hillhouse. 2nd ed. 8o Lond., 1889.

37 Strasburger, E. Zellhäute. 8vo. Jena, 1882.

47 --- Leutungsafrnen 8vo. Jena, 1891.

122 Strasburger, E. Zellbildung - 8o Jena, 1891.

122 --- Zellbildung u Z. theilung 1880

57 --- A Text-Book of Botany. Transl. by H. C. Porter. 8vo. London, 1898.

12 Strauss, Alte und neue Glaube. 8o Leip. 1872.

115 Stricker, S. Handbuch d. Lehre von den Geweben. 8vo Leipzig, 1868-72.


Strickland, W. W. Epicurean Essays. 8vo. London, 1898

Do. Segnius Irritant. 8vo. London, 1896.

Do. South Slavonic Folk-Lore Stories. 8vo. london, 1899.

Struthers, Humpback Whale. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889.

Strzelecki, V. New South Wales 8o 1845.

[Strzelecki, P. E. de. Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. London, 1845. 25]

Sturm, H. Landwirthsch. Hausthiere. 8o Elberfeld, 1825.

[Sturm, K. Ch. G. Ueber Raçen. . . der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere. Hrsg. von K. Ch. G. S. 8vo. Eberfeld, 1825. 108]

Suess. E. die Entstehung der Alpen 8o 1875 101

Sun Pictures 4to London, 1872.

Sully, J. Sensation and Intuition 8o 1874.

Supernatural (The) in Nature. 8vo. London, 1878.

Supernatural Religion 2 vols. 2nd ed. 8vo London, 1874

Survival The see Anonymous

Swainson, W. Animals (Cab. Cyclo.) 8o 1835.

Birds --- 2 vols. 8o 1836-7.

Swank, J. M. See U. S. 10th Census


Swinhoe, R.

15 North China Campaign 8o 1861.

Birds of China 8o 1863. 17

16 Island of Formosa 8o 1863.

[Swinhoe, Robert. Narrative of the North China Campaign of 1860. 8vo. London, 1861. 15

Notes on the Island of Formosa. [Extracts from various Periodicals.] 8vo. Newcastle and London.]

111 Symonds, Mrs. J. A. See North, Marianne



Tait, P. G. Properties of matter. 8vo. Edinb., 1885.

Tamburini Fisiologica del linguaggio 1876 109

Tatler (The) in Cambridge. 4to Cambridge, 1871-2.

Taxidermy made easy. 2nd ed, 8vo. London, 1858.

Tayler, J. J. Christianity: what is it? [and what has it done?] 8o London, 1868.

Taylor, R. see Scientific Memoirs.

[Taylor, Richard. Scientific Memoirs, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science, &c. Ed. by R. T. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1837. 40]

Taylor, Hugh Morality of nations. 8o London. 1888

Taylor J. Flowers 1878

Taylor's Builders price Book. 8vo.


14 Teale, T. P. Dangers to Health. 8vo. London, 1878.

Tegetmeier, W.

127 Profitable Poultry. 4º 1854.

75 Poultry Book 4º

Homing or Carrier Pigeon 8o 1871. 65

74 Pheasants 4º 1873

NF Cranes 1881 [See Blyth (Edw.). The Natural History of the Cranes.]

111 Tennyson, Alfred Lord. A memoir. By his son, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1897.

Teuton see Girand

Thayer see Wright (letters of)

48 Therapeutic Notes. 2nd ed. 8o Bristol, 1894.

74 Thomas, C. Acrididae of America. 4º Wash. 1873.

[Thomas, Cyrus. Synopsis of the Acrididae of North America. [U.S. Geological Survey.] 4to. Washington.]

57 Thomé botany- translated by A. Bennett 1877


Thompson, E. Passions of Animals 8o 1851. 42

Thompson J. Ready Reckoner 12vo [Gainsborough] 1805 118

Thompson, W. Natural History of Ireland. – Birds. 3 vols. 8o 1849-51.

Thomson, D. The Flower-Garden. 2nd ed. 8o Edinb., 1871.

Thomson, J. A. The study of Animal Life. 8vo London, 1892.

Thomson, R. British Annual 12º 1838. 25


Thomson, See Hooker, J. D. [Flora Indica. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1855. 59]

Thomson J A Science of Life ND 59 [1890s]

48 Thorpe, T E & Pattison Muir. Qualit: Chemical Analysis 5th ed 8o London, 1887.

Ne Thorell, T. European Spiders 4º Upsala, 1869-70.

6 N.e 8o

106 Etude Scorpiologiques 1877

24 Thorndale

74 Tietze Devonischen Schichten von Ebersdorf [4to. Cassel] 1870

24 Tiarks, J. G. Grammar of the German Language. 17th ed. 8o Lond., 1869.

23 Timiriazeff C Essay on Theories of Darwin Russian [8vo. St Petersburg, 1865.]

"Times The" Register of Events 1880

NG 7 Todd [Robert B]. See Cyclopædia [(The) of Anatomy and Physiology. 5 vols. 8vo]

14 Todhunter, J. Plane Trigonometry. 3rd ed. 8o Cambridge, 1864

14 Tollenache, L. A. Stones of stumbling. 3rd ed. 8o London, 1887.

105 Tollens, B. [Kurzes Handbuch der] Kohlentydrate. 8vo. Breslau, 1888.

2 Tornøe, Chemistry. (Norwegian N. Atlantic Expedition 1876-78.)


Transactions of Learned Societies.

Abbeville. – Mémoires de la Soc. Imp. d' Émulation 8o 1861 98

Amsterdam – Verhand. K. Akad. van Wetenschappen. 4º 1872, &c 159

Versl. en Meded. K. Akad. v. Weten 71d

Annales des Sciences Naturelles ed. by Milne Edwards &c

Asiatic Society vol 19 pt 2 4to Calcutta – see also McCleland 1839 74

Belgium Soc Geol 71C


Transactions – continued.

Berlin – Gesellschaft für Anthropologie 134

Boston – American Association – Proceedings. 117

NG American Academy – Proceedings. {vols 1 to 3, odd parts of vols 6 & 7, & New Series vols 1 to 6, and 8 8vo 1848-81

103 Society of Natural History Proceedings 1869-75

Ne --- Memoirs 4º 143






Transactions – continued.

79 Bruxelles. – Acad. Roy. de Belgique. – Bulletin, &c for 1870-79 in 20 vols 8vo

Buenes Ayres (Museo Publico)

117 Calcutta. – Asiatic Society of Bengal. – Journal, &c

--- Do Transactions

143 Cambridge Mass – Bulletin Museum see Binney

R47 Cambridge Physiolog. Laboratory

103 Cambridge Philosophical society – Proceedings 41 var parts of vols 4 to 7 1883-1903

71B Copenhagen Acad Royale

71 B California –


Transactions – continued.

117 Dresden. – Sitzungsb. nat. Heilkunde.

117 Dublin – Royal Irish Acad. – Proceedings

128 4º Trans






Transactions – continued.

Edinburgh. – Royal Society. – Transactions. vols 24 pt. II 25 pt II. and 26 to 30 pt. 1 4º 1865-81

117 ------ Proceedings 8vo 1865-6 – 1880-1 Bot Soc


Transactions – continued.

117 Florence­ – Bolletino R. Com. Geol. d' Italia.

Geneva. See Archives

117 Frankfurt a. M. Bericht Senckenberg. Natur. Gesells

57 Harlem Maatschappij der Wet

Harlem – Archives néerlandaises 33C

103 Harvard – Bulletin of Museum of Zoology

--- Memoirs


Transactions – continued.

134 Hermannstadt – (Sibenbürgischen Verein)


Transactions – continued.

71C Liége – Soc Geol


Transactions – continued.


117 Botanical Society

British Association. 1834, &c.


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

Ethnological Society {8 71A

do 55

Ethnological Society 117


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

Nc. Geological Society Transactions 2 parts of 1835-43

35 Quarterly Journal No 101 to 149 8o 1870-82


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

43 Linnean Society. – Journal, Zoology No 30 (vol 8) to No 187 (vol 29) (a few nos. missing) 1865-1903

[?] and 27 ---- ----- Botany No 1(vol 1) to No 251 (vol 36) (a few nos missing) 1857-1903

----- ----- Proceedings for 1869-71 & 1875-1902 in parts

------ ----- Lists, Catalogue &c

------ ---- Transactions –

- First Series vol 21 pts 3 & 4. & 22 to 30, 4to 1854-75

- Second Series – Botany vols 1 to 6 pt 6 – 1876-1903

- --- Zoological vols 1 to 9, pt. 2. 1879-1903 (some parts wanting)


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

17 & 17a Ray Society Publications 8vo folio

72 (also under their various authors)


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

Royal Geographical Society. – Journal, &c {94 102

Royal Society – Proceedings

53 & 63 68 to 71A and 76-77} Philosophical Transactions to the end of the year 1700, abridged by J Lowshorp, 3 vols [illeg] 4to 1705, vol 66, [illeg] 4to 1776 and vols 78 to 200, 4to 1788-1903


Transactions – continued.

London – continued.

64 {Zoological Society. – Transactions 4to vol 5 to 11 pt 6 (not complete) 1863-80

Proceedings 70, 34

N. H J + K {from 1830 – 1841, 1848 to 1881, and Sundry odd parts


Transactions – continued.

Lyons. – Mém. Acad. de Lyon. Soc Bot de Lyon 1873 36

Manchester. – Lit. and Phil. Society. – Memoirs. 117

Mauritius. – Royal Society. 117


Transactions – continued.

Milan. – Atti della Soc. Ital. di Sci. natur. 33C

Modena. Annuario della Società dei naturalistic. 117

Moscow. – Bulletin Soc. Imp. Natur. 719 {135 Quarto

Munich 155


Transactions – continued.

Naples – Zool St 155 see Emery

Neuchatel. – Bulletin Soc. Sci. nature. 117


Transactions – continued.


Ne Académie des Science. (Memoir by Bronn.) Compte Rendus.

Soc Bot Bulletin T23 1876

Société Entomologique de France. – Annales 117


Transactions – continued.

Paris – continued.

- Société Géologique de France. – Bulletin. 122 & 155

Société Impér. Zoologique d' Acclimatation. – Bulletin. 28


Transactions – continued.

56 Pennsylvania. Univ Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory. Vol. II., No. 1.

116 Philadelphia. – American Philosophical Society. – Proceedings. Nos. 83 to 89, 92 to 101

107 to 109 1870-81

Princetown – Museum New Jersey 143

Rio – Archivors Museu Nacional 4º 149

Rome – R Acad Luicei 4º {143 161


Transactions – continued.

18 St. Petersburg. – Acad. Impér. des Sciences. – Bulletin folio Memoires see Bareuctzky

San Francisco. – California Academy. – Proceedings. 117

Sieben bürgischen Verein 134

Sydney R. Soc, N. S Wales 39


Transactions – continued.

Tokio Mem Sc Dept (Saké Brewing) 88

Turin. - R. Accad. delle Scienze

Atti {153 117

Memorie 149

Upsala. – R. Soc. Scient Upsaliensis. – Nova Acta.

44 Third Series vols 1. 2. 3. 6 to 10, and extra vol for 1877 4to Upsala 1855-79






Transactions – continued.


Akad. der Wissenschaften. -

Sitzungsberichte. 130

Almanach. 130

Denkschriften 161

Wellington. New Zealand Institute. Transactions & Proceedings 141


30 Trémaux, P. De l' Homme. 8o Paris, 1866 2 copies}

NC Tre

Treub Embryogenie de quelques Orchidees 1879

45 (16) Trevelyan, W. C. Vegetation &c of the Faroe Islands 4to Florence, 1837

57 Treveranus Physiologie der Gewächse. 2 vols. 8o Bonn 1835-38.

62 Trimen, H., and W. Dyer. Flora of Middlesex. 8o 1869.

25 Tschudi, F. von. Nature in the Alps. 8o 1856.


Tuke, D. Influence of Mind upon Body. 8o 1872. 63

Turner, E. Chemistry 8o 1837. 91

Turner, See Journal of Anatomy


106 Turton, W. British Fauna 12º Swansea, 1807.

[British Fauna. . . arranged according to the Linnean System.]

29 Tuttle, H. Origin of Physical Man. 8o Boston, 1866.

[Tuttle, Hudson. The origin and antiquity of Physical Man scientifically considered.]

Tylor, E. B.

124 Early History of Mankind. 8o 1865.

[Tylor, Edward Burnet. Researches into the early history of Mankind.]

124 --- 8o 1870.

114 Primitive Culture. 2 vols. 8o 1871.

114 Anthropology 1881


Tyndall, Imagination in Science. 8o 1870.

[Essays on the use and limit of the Imagination in Science.]

Do Address before Brit. Assocn at Belfast 8o Ln'74

74 Do Glaciers 4to. Lond. 1858.

[On the Physical Phenomena of Glaciers. Part I. (Extr.)]

Twining, T Science for the people. 8o 1870.

Two (The) spheres of Truth. By T. E. S. T. 8o Lond, 1892.

Two (The) kinds of Truth. 8o Lond, 1890.






Uhlworm Bot Centralblatt 33C

Ulloa Voyage in S America

Unger, F. Pflanzenwelt. 8o Wien, 1852.

--- Botanische Briefe 8o --- 1852

United States.

Geological Survey. Vol 1 4to Washington, 1873

Naval Astronomical Expedition B. J. Gilliss. 52 2 vols. 4º Wash. 1855.

Entomological Commission. 2nd Report. 1878-9 8vo. Washington, 1880.

10th Census 4to. Washington, 1881.

Year Book of Agriculture for 1895. 8vo Washington 1896


Unseen Universe 8o 1875 104



Na Vacek M Osterreichische Mastodonten 1877

Varigny, H. de. Experimental Evolution 8vo. London, 1892.

Varigny, Henry de. see Darwin, Charles

104 Vance, R. Diseases of Rectum

150 Vasseur, Les Terrains Tertiaires. Iere partie. Bretagne 8o Paris, 1881.

[Recherches géologiques sur les Terrains tertiaires de la France occidentale. Stratigraphie. Ière Partie: Bretagne.]

Vaucher, J. [Histoire physiologique des] Plantes d' Europe. 4 vols. 8o Paris, 1841.

Van Beneden, P-J. Mémoires sur les Verd intestnant 4to Paris, 1861.

Van Deventer, Ch. M. Physical Chemistry for Beginners. Transl. 8vo London, 1897.

58 Van Tieghem, Ph. Traité de Botanique. Fasc. 1-4 8o Paris.

Do Do 2éme ed. 2 Parts. 8o Paris, 1891.

Varrentrapp, J. G. Fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubelfeier 4to Frankfurt am Main, 1881

Veitch, J. H. A traveller's notes. Fol. Chelsea, 1896.

Veith, J. Haussaügethiere. 8o Wien, 1856.

Versuch Station 1871 (Kali) 71

Verity, K. Changes in Nervous System by Civilization 8o 1839.

57 Verlot Varietés &c 1865

[Sur la production et la fixation des variétés dans les plantes d'ornement. (Extr.) 8vo. Paris]

Verreau R. Le Bassin dans les Sexes et dans bis Races 8o 1875

Versammlung deutscher, Aertzte 1877


57 Vernon, Max. Allgemeine Physiologie. 2te Aufl. 8o Jena, 1897.

30 Vestiges of the natural History of Creation. 12º 1847.

30 Do. 12th ed. Introd. by A. Ireland. 1884.

28 Viardot, L. Libre Examen 8o Paris, 1871.

28 --- 8o Paris, 1872. 12º Paris, 1874.

28 8o 5th Ed 1877

28 6th ed 1881

Vignoli Animal Intelligence Italian

101 Villari, P. Florentine History. Transl. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1894-5

26 Vincent, C. W. see year-Book --- Science, &c. 1875.

56 Vines, S. H. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886.

56 Do. A Students Text-Book of Botany 1,2 half. 8vo. London, 1894

102 Virchow, R. Cellular Pathology 8o 1860

Ne --- Niederer Menschen raisen… Schädel 4º

24 Virgilius Opera Ed. J. Carey. 8vo Londini, 1817

Vivisection Prize Essays 75


22 Vöchting – Melastomeen, Rhipsalideen

[Der Bau und die Entwicklung des Stammes der Melastomeen.]

[Beiträge zur Morphologie und Anatomie der Rhipsalideen.]

Vöchting Organ bildung 1878-1884.

Do Bewegungen & Blüthen u. Früchte. 8vo Bonn, 1882.

Vogt, C.

Les Microcéphales. 4º Genève, 1867. [Mémoire sur les Microcéphales ou Hommes-Singes.]

Lectures on man. (J. Hunt) 8o 1864.

Lettres Physiologiques. [Ière éd. française de l'auteur. 8vo. Paris] 8o 1875

Voisins, J. d' Aub. de. Géognosie. 2v. 8o Strasb. 1819.

Voluta Plates, &c

57 Volz, K. Kulturgeschichte 8o Leip. 1852.

[Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte. Der Einfluss des Menschen auf die Verbreitung der Hausthiere und der Kulturpflanzen.]


Voyage en Amerique Plates 8o 54

15 Voyage à l' Isle de France, &c. 8o Neuchatel, 1773.

22 Voysey, Ch. Theism as a science. 8vo. London, 1895.

94 Vulpian, A. Lecons sur l'appareil vaso-moteur ea. par H. C. Carville. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875



Wagner, Henn. Illustrierte Deutsche Flora. 2te Aufl. Bearb. von August Garcke. 8vo Stuttgart, 1882

Wagner, R. Comparative Anatomy. (A. Tulk.) 8o 1845.

[Elements of the comparative anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals. Ed. from the German by A. Tulk.]

Zoolog. -anthropol. Unstersuchungen. I 4º Göttingen, 1861.

Waitz, T. Anthropology. (J. Collingwood.) 8o 1863.


22 Wake, C. S. Chapters on man. 8o 1868.

29 Do Do (Another copy)

Evolution of Morality 2 vols. 8o 1878 76

Na Waldner Deutschlands Farne '79, '80

29 Walker, A. Intermarriage. 12º 1838.

96 Walker, F. Monographia Chalciditum. 8o 1839.

Q2 Walker, J & C. see Atlas [England and Wales]

Walker, W. Cyclical Deluges. 12º 1871. 93


Walker-Arnott, G. A. Pugillus plantarum Indiae orientalis. 4to 1836.

Wallace, A. R. Natural Selection. 8o 1870, 1871.

--- Geographical Distribution. 2 vols 1876

--- Malay Archipelago

--- Island Life [Darwin received this from Wallace in October 1880. Correspondence vol. 28, p. 333]

--- Tropical Nature 8vo. London, 1878.

--- Darwinism 8vo. London, 1889.

Wallace, Robert. A country schoolmaster, James Shaw. 8vo Edinburgh, 1899 113

Wallich, C. C. Eminent men of the day, Photograph. [By G. C. W. Scientific Series.] London, 1870.

Walterhausen, W. von.

N.e. Klimat der Gegenwart. 4º Haarlem, 1865.

Walther, A., [Alexander] and L. Molendo. Die Laubmoose Oberfrankens. 8o Leipzig, 1868.


118 Walter, F. Der Hund. 8o Giessen, 1817.

108 Das Rindvieh 8o Giessen, 1817.

48 Ward, H. Marshall. The Oak. 8vo. London, 1892.

57 Do Timber & some of its diseases. 8vo. London, 1889.

58 Do Disease in Plants 8vo London, 1901.

57 Do Grasses, 8vo Cambridge, 1901.

38 do Trees pt l 1904

58 Ward, James. Naturalism and Agnosticism. 2 vols. 8o London, 1899.

24 Ward, R. Investments. 12º 1852.

37 Warming, Eug. Lehrbuch d. ökologischen Pflanzengeographie. Deutsche Aug. Von c. … 8o Berlin, 1896. (2 copies)

37 Warming, Eug. Handbuch d. systematische Botanik. Deutsche Aug. Von c. … 8o Berlin, 1890.

30 Warner, F. Physical Expression 8vo. London, 1885.

118 Waterhouse, G. Mammalia 8o 1845.

67 Waterhouse, G. R. Mammalia. Zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. Ed. by C. Darwin. Part. 2. 4to London, 1839.


118 Waterton, Ch. Essays on Natural History. 2nd ed. 8o Lond. 1838.

105 Watts Chem Dict

[Watts, Henry. See Dictionary (Chemistry). 5 vols. and Supplement. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1871-72.]


- Part 1

Watson, H. British Plants. 8o 1843.

[Watson, Hewett C. The geographical distribution of British Plants. 3rd ed. Part 1. 8vo. London.]

Cybele Britannica. 8o 1847-70.

93 Watson, T. Principles & Practice of Physic 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1857

Webb, H. Dogs. 8o

[Webb, Henry. Dogs; their points, &c. Ed. by H. W. 8vo. London, 1876]

Webb Iles Canaries 1840 108

Weber C Vegetation – Hochmoor 1902

Weber, C. Leitfaden…landwirtschafts lieben Chamie 2te Aufl. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1891.

Weber, C. Leitfaden der Pflanzenkunde. 8vo Stuttgart, 1892.

Weber, D. Der Taubenfreund. 8o Quedl. 1850

Weber, J. C. Die Alpen-pflanzen Deutschlands u. d. Shweiz. 3 vols. München.

Webster, A. D. British Orchids. 8vo. Bangor, 1886.


31 Weddell, H. [A. Voyage dans le] Nord de la Bolivie. 8o Paris, 1853

Wedgwood, Hensleigh.

28 Development of the Understanding. 12º. 1848.

14 Origin of Language. 8o 1866.

12 English Etymology. 8o 1872.

8 Weights, Measures, &c. By W. Woolhouse. 12º 1859.

72 Weinland, D. F. Meteoriten entdeckten Thierreste. 4to. Esslingen a/N., 1882.

67 Weisbach, A. Körpermessungen. (Reise der [österreichischen Fregatte] Novara 4to. Wien, 1867.


{& see p. 407

Wiesner Julius Technische Mikroskopie 8o Vienna 1867

Do Heliotrop. Monograph 86B

Do Elemente & anat. u. Physiologie & Pflanzen 8o Wien, 1881-5.

Do Die Elementar structur…d. Lebenden Substanz, [8o Wien] 1892.

Weismann, A. Studies on Theory of Descent

Einfluss der Isolirung auf die Artbildung. 8o Leipzig, 1872.

Ueber d. Darwin'schen Theorie. 8o 1868.

Descendenz-Theorie. 8o. Leipzig, 1875.

--- II 8o [Leipzig] 1876

Daphnoiden. 8vo. 1877.

59 duplicate The Germ-Plasm 8o London, 1893.

[The Germ-Plasm: a theory of Heredity. Transl. by W. Newton Parker and Harriet Rönnfeldt.]

Essays upon Heredity, &c. 8vo. Oxford, 1889.

[Essays upon Heredity, &c. Author. Transl. Ed. by E. B. Poulton, S. Schönland and Arthur E. Shipley.]

Wells, Wm. Ch. Two Essays. 8vo London, 1818.

[Wells, William Charles. Two Essays: one upon single vision with two eyes; the other on Dew: &c.]

24 Werner's Nomenclature of Colours By P. Syme 8o Edinb 1821.

[Syme, Patrick. See Werner's Nomenclature of Colours. 2d ed.]

41 Westminster Review 8o 1852


104 West Riding Lunatic Asylum. Reports.

[West Riding Lunatic Asylum. Medical Reports. Ed. by J. Crichton Browne. Vols. 1, 2 and 5. 8vo. London, 1871, 1872, 1875.]

102 Westwood, J. Insects. 2 vols. 8o 1839-40.

[Westwood, J. O. Address on the recent progress. . . of Entomology. 8vo. London, 1835. (Philos. Tracts, i. 12.)]

96 Weyenbergh, H. Periódico zoológico [Organo de la sociedad zoológica Argentina.] III, 4. 8vo. Cordoba, 1881.

119 Wheeler, G. M. Geograph Survey W of 100th Merid, 1875

118 Wheeler, G. M. Geograph Exploration in California &c 1875

Whewell, W. See Mackintosh.

[See Mackintosh, Sir James. Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy. Preface by the Rev. W. W. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837.]

40 Do History of the inductive sciences. 3 vols. 1837.

Whitaker Guide to Geology of London 1880 79


White CA, & Nicholson Bibliography of N American Invert Paleontology 1878 33A

White, Gilbert. Natural History of Selbourne 8o 1825.

New edit. by L. Jenyns 8o 1843.

[White, Rev. Gilbert. The Natural History of Selborne. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 10

do. New ed. with Notes by the Rev. Leonard Jenyns. 8vo. London, 1843. 10]

Whitney, J. See Hall.

[Whitney, J. D. The auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. (Extr.) 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1879. 74]

Whitney, W. D. Oriental Studies. 8o N. York, 1873. +

[Whitney, Wm. Dwight. Oriental and Linguistic Studies.]

--- Life & Growth of Language 8o 1875


44 Wichura, Max. Bastardbefruchtung im Pflanzenreich. 4to. Breslau, 1865.

57 Wiegmann, A. F. Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche. 4º [Braunschweig] 1828.

57 Wiesner, J. Biologie der Pflanzen. 8vo. Wien, 1889.

{& see p. 403 Wiesner, J. Technische Mikroskopie 71. D

37 --- Die Entstehung des Chlorophylls

38 Bewegungsvermögen & Pfl 1881 (2 copies)

[Das Bewegungsvermögen der Pflanzen. 8vo. Wien, 1881.]

Nc Monograph Heliotr. 4to. 1878-80

[Wiesner, Julius. Die heliotropischen Erscheinungen im Pflanzenreiche. 1, 2 Th. (Extr.) 4to. Wien.]

39 Wigand, A. Der Darwinismus. 8o Braunsch. 1874.

[Wigand, Albert. Der Darwinismus und die Naturforschung Newtons und Cuviers. 2 Bde. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1874–77. (2 copies.)]

39 --- 3 vols 1876


Na Wild Birds' Protection. – Report Fol. 1873.

[Wild Birds Protection. Report from the Select Committee. . . Minutes of Evidence, &c. Fol. London.]

Wilckens Hausthiere 1880

[Grundzüge der Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere. 8vo. Dresden.]

Wilckens M. Landwirth. Hausthiere 1878

[Form und Leben der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere. 8vo. Wien.]

Wilckens. Rinder Rassen 8vo 1876

[Wilckens, Martin. Die Rinderrassen Mittel-Europas. 8vo. Wien.]

69 Williams, E. Vegetable Teratology. (Ray Soc.) 8o 1869.

92 Williams, W. M. Fuel of the Sun 8o 1870


72 Williamson, W. Recent Foraminifera. 2 parts folio (Ray Soc.) 4º 1858.

116 --- W. C. Microscopical objects 4º 1858

--- in mud of the Levant. 8vo. Manchester, 1847.

[Williamson, William C. On some of the microscopical objects found in the mud of the Levant, &c. (Extr.)]

58 Willis, J. C. Flowering Plants & Ferns. (Cambr. N. S. Manuals) Vol. 1. 8vo Cambridge, 1897. (2 copies)

42 --- Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens Peradinga vol 1 parts 1 to 3, 8, 1911-2.

42 --- Podoslenacæ of Ceylon & India 8vo 1902

49 Wilson, British Farming 8o Edinb. 1862.

NF Wilson O. Larvæ of Br Lepidt 1877

[Wilson, Owen S. The Larvæ of the British Lepidoptera and their food plants. 8vo. London.]


Winkler, T

N.e Poissons Fossiles 4º Haarlem, 1861.

75 Tortues Fossiles. 4º Haarlem, 1869.

[Winkler, T. C. Description de quelques nouvelles espèces de Poissons fossiles des calcaires d'eau douce d'Oeningen. 4to. Harlem, 1861.

Des Tortues fossiles conservées dans le Musée Teyler et dans quelques autres Musées. 8vo.]

See Darwin, C. (Translations.)

Withering, W. A system. ant. of British Plants. Edited by W. Macgillivray. 3rd ed. 8o London. 1835.

Witrock Hort Beriani Acta 1903

Wollaston, T. V.

74 Insecta Maderensia. 4º 1854.

Variation of Species. 12º 1856.

See Catalogues.

[See British Museum. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira. 8vo. London, 1857. 102]


29 Wolstein, J. G. U. d. Paaren u. Verpaaren a. Menschen u. d. Thiere. 3te Augl. 8o Altona, 1836

[Wolstein, Johann G. Ueber das Paaren und Verpaaren der Menschen und der Thiere.]

93 Wood, W. Chronos. – Mother Earth's Biography. 8o 1873.

122 Woodall, Edw. See Darwin, Charles

Woodward, H. See Salter.

117 Woodward, S. P. Mollusca. 12º 1851-6.

[Woodward, S. P. A manual of the Mollusca. Parts 1–3. 8vo. London.]


Wright, Chauncey. Darwinism. 8o 1871.

[Wright, Chauncey. Darwinism (Repr.). 8vo. London.]

--- Philosophical Discussions 8o 1877 N. York

[Philosophical Discussions. With a biographical sketch of the Author by Charles E. Norton.]

Letters of

76 Wünsche, Otto. Schulflora von Deutschland. 2te Aufl. 8o. Leipzig, 1877.

Wundt Physiologische Psycologie 1880

--- Physiologie humaine 8vo. Paris, 1872.

[Wundt, Wilhelm. Nouveaux éléments de Physiologie humaine. Trad. par le Dr Bouchard.]

Würtenberger L. Ammoniten Stammesgeschichte (2 copies)

[Würtenberger, Leopold. Studien über die Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 5.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1880. (2 copies.)]





106 Yarrell, W. British Fishes. 2 vols. 8o 1836.

[Yarrell, William. A History of British Fishes. 2 vols. 8vo. London.]

127 vol. 1 British Birds. 8o 1839.

[A History of British Birds. Vol. 1. 8vo. London.]

Year-Book of Facts in Science, &c. For 1875. Ed. C. W. Vincent. 8o Lond.

[Year-Book (The) of facts in Science and the Arts for 1875. Ed. by Charles W. Vincent. 8vo. London, 1876.]

Yellowstone Country see Jones W. A

Yorkshire Naturalists Union Memorial to C. D. Aug., 1880. Folio [The naturalist 6 (65) (December): 65-68. F1969]

118 Youatt, W. The Dog 8o 1845.

118 The Pig 8o 1860

83 The Sheep 1838

83 Cattle 1834

[Youatt, W. Cattle: their breeds, &c. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. London, 1834.

Sheep: their breeds, &c. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. London, 1837.

The Dog. 8vo. London, 1845.

The Pig. Enlarged and re-written by Samuel Sidney. 8vo. London, 1860.]


8 Young, T. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols 4º 1807.

[Young, Thomas. A course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts.]



Zacharias, Otto. Die Tier-und Pflazenwelt der Süsswassers. Bd. 1 8o Leipzig, 1891.

Zerffi – Development of Art 1876

[Zerffi, G. G. A manual of the historical development of Art. 8vo. London.]

106 Ziegler, M. Atomicité et Zoïcité 12º Paris, 1873.

Zimmermann, A. Die Botanische Mikrotechnik. 8o Tübingen, 1892.

Do. Pflanzenzelle. 8vo. Breslau, 1887.


155 Zoologischen Station zu Neapel Mittheil aus der

134 Zoologische Garten

51 Zoological Record. vols 1 to 19, 8o 1864 &c 82

17 Zoology Reports on. Trans. by G. Busk, &c. (Ray Soc.) 8o. 1841-7.


ZuckerKandl, E. Cranien der Novara-Sammlung. 4to Wien, 1875.

[Zuckerkandl, E. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara. . . 1857–59. Anthropologischer Theil, Ite Abth., Cranien der Novara-Sammlung. Darwin received this in December 1876. Correspondence vol. 24, p. 401.]



















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