RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [1878-1908]. Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: [General] (addenda). CUL-DAR252.4. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by Christine Chua and John van Wyhe 11.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. Typed entries are given in this transcription in all capitals.

See also Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of pamphlets & journals. With index of abstracts of quarto and octavo pamphlets. CUL-DAR75


1970 Acton, E Hamilton. Formation of sugars in…Narcissus

[On the formation of sugars in the septal glands of Narcissus, 1888.]

1986 Acton, E. Hamilton. Assimilation of Carbon by green plants from certain organic compounds. London, 1889.

2227 Acton, E Hamilton. Changes in the revenue materials of wheat. Cambridge, 1893.

2270 Allbutt, T Clifford. Standards and methods in Medical Teaching. London, 1892.

2037 Artari, Alexander. Protæcesideen. Moskau, 1892.

1994 Arthur, J. C. The distinction between animals and plants. 1895.

1995 --- Deviation in development due to the rise of unripe seeds. 1895.


2004 Arthur, J. C. The special senses of Plants. (President's Address Indiana Acad. of Sci. S. Indianapolis, 1893.

2046 Arthur, J. C. Development of Vegetable Physiology. Salem 1895.

2011 Arthur, J. C. Delayed germination of Cocklebur. Springfield, 1895.


2094 Bachmann, Johann. Einfluss den äusseren Bedingugen auf die Sporenbildung von Thamnidium elegans Linse. Basel, 1895.

2286 Ball, W. Platt. Neuter Insects and Lamarckism. Nos 1 & 2. London, 1893-4.

2299 Bassett-Smith, P. W. China Sea. Report on---dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank. 1888-93. London, 1894.

2033 Bateson, Anna. Turgescent Pith in Water. Cambridge, 1889.

2149 Bateson, William. Colour of Cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris, &c. London, 1892.

2154 Bateson, W. Numerical variation in teeth. London, 1892.

2218 Bateson, W and Anna Bateson. Variations in floral symmetry. London [1891]

2143 Beal, W. J. & C. F. Wheeler. Michigan Flora. Michigan, 1892

2132 Bennett, Alfred W. Growth of the female flower stalk of Vallisneria. London. 1875.


2219 Bennett, Alfred W. On vegetable growth as no evidence of the purity or impurity of water. London. 1892.

2297 Bennett, Alfred W. Growth of the flower-stalk of the Hyacinth. London, 1876.

2296 Benson, Margaret. Embryology of the Amentiferæ. Part 1. London, 1894.

2109 Blackman, F. Frost. Vegetable assimilation and respiration. No. ii. Paths of gaseous exchanges. London, 1895.

2106 Blackman, F. Frost. Vegetable assimilation and respiration. No. i. Carbonic acid exchanges. London, 1895.

2264 Blomefield, Leonard. Distribution and Movements of British Animals and Plants. Bath, 1892.

2260 Boehm, Josef. Un [illeg] des aufsteigenden Saftstranes. Berlin, 1890.

2210 Boehm, Josef. Unsache der Wasserbewegung in transpirineden Pflanzen. Wien, 1890. –

2211 [do] do 1890.

2112 Boehm, Josef. Von C. Wilhelm. 1893.


84 Agassiz, Alex Embryology of Echinoderms

219 Agassiz A. Hist of Balanoglossus

39 Agassiz – Contributions of N. History of Acalephoe of N. America

225 Agassiz, A. Embryology of Clenophoroe

349 Albrecht, P -- Torsion Theorie des Humerus

6 Alcide d Orbigny – On Distribution of Passeres

58 Allman Genetic Succession Zooids in the Hydroida

[?? Ascherson, Paul F. A.] [Die Geographische] Verbreitung der Seegräser


184 Ascherson Cleistogene Juncus w. ref. to Vandelle

138 Askenasy E. Einfluss a. Wachithum med. Planz.


234 Baer (vK) Larve der Einfachu Ascidien

64 Baillon Movement der Org. sexual des Plantes

136 Barkly Sintt. & Col. Piko Fauna of Round I

278 Batalin Periodic movements of Blattorgane

210 Bavary Nouveau mode de reprod. chez. grenouilles Rev. Scient.

337 Bauke Pycriden

34 Berg Bericht on transportation of Grasses

275 Behrens W. Bestaubungstheorie (history)

281 Bianconi Tendrils

152 Bischoff L. W. Gross hirnwindungen d. Menschen

267 Blecker curomides marins


21 Bonaparte – Notes L' Ornithologiques

24 Bonaparte – Catalogue des Genres et Sous-Genes D'Oiseaux Contenus Dans le

340A Bower Leaf Morphology

352 Bower [illeg] Apospory


318 Breitenbach Primula elatior

[Darwin cited this in Forms of flowers, p. 272, n: "Herr Breitenbach found many specimens of Primula elatior growing in a state of nature with some flowers on the same plant long-styled, others short-styled and others equal-styled; and the long-styled form greatly preponderated in number; there being 61 of this form to 9 of the short-styled and 15 of the equal-styled."]

141 Brigham W. T. Eruption of [Hawaii] Volcano

323 Briosi – Frill to radicle of Eucal globulus

9 Buckland – Connection of Geology with Religion

351 Buenos Ayres – Zoology Report '81


361 Canestrini Coral Reefs in Italian

246 – Campana – Respiration in birds. Evolution

305 Carl L. Skulls of Domestic Pigeons

220 Caspary R Nuphar

[Darwin abstracted this in CUL-DAR75.98: 220 Caspary on nuphar p. 40 – cases of bad pollen]

70 Caspary on Aldoranda

66 Caspary on Hydrilla

67 [do] on Populus


221 = Chalmas-Munier = Developpment of Cephalopods -Ammorites – Spirula &c

341 Ciencowki – Morph Bacterieen 341

11 Claperede on Oligochates (a worm)

69 Claperede on Spiders

156 Claus Cypris – ahuleche Larve. Cirripedien

293 Claus Polyphemiden

124 Claus C. Dr Leptodera Appendiculata


95 Claus Copepoden Fauna von Nizza

[Claus, C. 1866. Die Copepoden-Fauna von Nizza. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Formen und deren Abanderungen 'im Sinne Darwin's'. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der Gesmmten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Supplemment 1: 1-34. Pls. 1-5.]

206 Claus Metamorphose der Squilliden

302 Coan, Decay of the Polynesian

68. Crocker, on Ficaria not seeding

349 w Cohn F Volvox '75

[Cohn, F. J. 1875. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gattung Volvox. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 1: 93-115.]

95 Cope, E.D. Vertebrate Paleontology

336 Cramer C - ♀les reproduction of fern prothallus


363 Darwin F [Stem] of Cabbage

360 Delpino Piaute Mi….coph

325 de Bary Œcidium abutinum

328 Deherain Origine d'Azote


312 Delboeuf On Grant Allen on Colour

335 De Saussure on Clapèrede

326 De Vries Contraction of Roots

356 DeVries Plasmolyen

341A Drude Monotropa 1873


[Drude, O. 1873. Die biologie von Monotropa Hypopitys, L., und Neottia Nidus-Avis, L. Goett. 4°.]



283 Darwin G Geolog Changes – earth's axis of rotation

111 Daubreé on meteorites


357 DeCandolle C Cyclumece monotre

63 Davy Gen, organs of Cart. Fishes

307 Candolle de C Anatomie Comparée des Feuilles

240 -- De Candolle, Alph.--- Temperature & Plants.

183 Delpino on Fert. of Cereals


239 --- Derby Earl of. --- Address to Edinburgh University 1874.

332 Detlefsen – Excentric growth

100 Dohrn Fossil Eugezeon

105 Dohrn insecten of old formations

294 Dominicis De S. La Pedagogia e il Darwinismo

[Dominicis, Saverio Fausto De. 1874. Bari.]

235 Dunken & Zittel. Paloeontigraphica


359 Fairy Rings

[Gilbert, Joseph Henry. 1875. Note on the occurrence of 'fairy-rings'. [Read 3 June 1875.] Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 15 (1877): 17-24.]

65 Falconer on Gamoplexis, a orchid

[Falconer, Hugh. 1847. Account of Gamoplexis, an undescribed genus of orchideous plants. Richard and John E. Taylor, 4pp.]

282 Fanzago Miniapodi cavernoidi

334 Flower W H "Horse"


333} d-d

209} Edwards Butterflies of N. America.

317 Edwards on Moults of moths

48 Egerton, Sir Philip – Extinct Sturionidæ.

11 Egerton – On peculiarities in Cervical Vertebræ of Ichthyosaurus

155 Ehrenberg C. G. Bacillarien in California

230 Eimer Lacerta murali cerulea of Capri

61 Engel Prop. Medical des Plantes

130 Engler a. Dr Bewegung der Staubblätten Saxifraga


314 Ecker A. Ueber bleibsel embryonales Formen Menschen

306 Ecker A. Vertex coccygeus, glabella coccygea of human embryos

354 Elfring Transpir[ation]

233 Erdmann Darwin's Erklärung pathognomischer Erscheinungen.

[Erdmann, [J. E.] 1873. [Review of Expression]. Darwin's Erklärung pathognomischer Erscheinungen. Halle: H. W. Schmidt. 12pp. in Darwin Online.]

139 Ercolani G. B. surla placenta des Mamm

280 Ercolani Cuscuta

310 Ettingshausen – VC Phylogenie der Pflanzenarten

50 - Evans – flint Implements


"F" comes before "E" in this book

33 Galleria Gli Agruni (oranges)

343w Gardnier Protoplasm '83

132 Gaudry Lecture on Evolution Revue des Cour.

92 Gaudry Animaux Fossiles de Pikermi

[Gaudry, Albert. 1866. Considérations générales sur les animaux fossiles de Pikermi.]

217 Gaudry A. Paleontologies Rev. Scient.

207 Gaudry Fossiles du Le'benon

106 Gaudry on a fossil reptile.

330 Geddes Insectiv Plants

22 Girard – Researches on Nemerteans and Planarians

[Girard, Charles. 1854. Researches upon Nemerteans and Planarians. Philadelphia.]

96 Göppert Ueber A phyllostachys


345w Goldsmith S. Fibrorasal – (Dicot) '76

40 Gosse Rotifera of

38 Gould Aug. Introduct. Conchology Antarctic Expedition


45 Gray Asa – Flora of Japan

115 Gray J. A. Plates of Lizards N. Zealand

353 Green Proterds & Germination

86 Grisebach Pflanzen Westindiens


79 Haast New Zealand

169 Hackel, Mensch

216 Haeckel progrès & objet de la zoologie Rev. Scient.

226 Heer, O. Fossile Flora den Bäreu Insel [1871]

247 -- Heer. O. --- Fossile Pflanzen von Sumatra. [1874]

116 Heer Os. Kriede – Flora

4 Henslow– On Examination of Hybrid Digitalis

14 Henslow – On a Monstrosity of Common Migniouelle.

110 Henry, I. Anderson on hybridism


147 Hildebrand F. Botan. Zeitung V Pith Gall in Sept


104 Hildebrand On Delpino on Dychogamy

148 Hildebrand F. Schimm blätter o. Marsilea

179 see Hildebrand Trimorphism of Oxalis See below

180 Influence of buds on variegated stocks

181 182} Dichogamy water-plants

161 Hildebrand, Bestanbungs verhetnisse

160 Hildebrand F. Delpino Beobacht Dichogamie

215 Hildebrand F. Verbreitungs mittel Gramineen - Frünze

144 Hildebrand F. Geschlicht verhält. a. Compositen


103 Hildebrand on asclepias

117 Hildebrand Graft-Hybrids

197 Hildebrand Verbreitungs mittel Compositæ

203 Hildebrand on Hairs on seeds

42 Hill R. Fishes of Jamaica

172 His Theorien der Geschlecht. Zeugung

303 Hofmann H. Culturersuche

162 Hoffmann ueber Bacterien.

237 – Hoffmann, H. ---Cultur-versuche.

252 [do] ditto

177 Hoffmann H. Period of Fert. affect. sex



98 Hoffmann Bodenkunde die Vegetation

212 Hoffmann Merkwurdige Var.

201 Hoffmann Ueber Raphanus Fruche

202 [do] [Ueber] Variation

164 Hoffmann Ueber Berunkraitung. (Struggle of weeds)

319, 320 do Variation Experiments

176 Hohenbühel – Heufler Linné & Descent Theorie

39 Hope Entomology of Himalaya

43 Hooker Introduction New Zealand with M.S.

44 Hooker [Introduction] Tasmanian Flora

35 Hooker Flora of Galapagos


5 Hooker – Botanical Illustrations

242 – Huschke, A. Mimices et physiognomices.

25 Huxley – On Morphology of Cephalous Mollusca

20 Huxley – On Archetype of Mollusca

127 Hyatt A. Parallelism between stages of life & groups.

248 – Hyatt, A. – N. American Poriferæ.

289 Hyatt, A. N. American Poriferæ.


178 Jäger Dr. Theirgeograph. Stationen

10 Jenyns – On Ornithology of Cambridgeshire

75 Jones on Gryphæa

238 – Jones, Matthew --- Flight of Butterflies

196 JauvéDuval I. Comparaesone Histotaxiques

231 = Jauve Duval = I. Cyperus de France – Etude Histoxique


316 Klebs G. Deomidiaceen

348w Klein Dorsiventral Poly pods '81

339 Kihlman Ascomycetes

359 Kihlman Period [illeg] in Finland


142 Kerner A. d. Stamina Tubocytisus

[Darwin wrote to J. D. Hooker on 19 November 1869 "I am now reading a German thick pamphlet by Kerner on Tubocytisus; if you come across it, look at the map of the distribution of the eighteen quasi-species, and at the genealogical tree. If the latter, as the author says, was constructed solely from the affinities of the forms, then the distribution is wonderfully interesting; we may see the very steps of the formation of a species."ML 1: 317.]

175 Kerner on Tubocytisus – Review.

296 Kerschner L. Zwei neue Notodelphyiden

27 Koninck – Description des Animaux Fossiles

189 Köppen Verbreitung des Wanderheuschschrecke

227 Kovalevsky W Anchitherium Aurelianense

154 Kovalevsky A. Entwickel. d. Ascidien

168 Kovalevsky on Loxosoma, Rippen-quallen, Entwicklung

52 Krohn Pteropoden & Heteropoden Development of

[Krohn, August David. 1860. Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pteropoden und Heteropoden. Leipzig.]


291 292} Lawes & Gilbert Field Experiment

321 do do Mixed Herbage

322 do do Field experiments


151 Lartet on Propagation of Brain

118 Lauder Lindsay New Zealand Botany

41 Lawes & Gilbert. ---- Field Experiments

271 ditto & ditto ditto 1876

185 On a grass like Leersia

53 Leidy various Palæont. memoirs

54 do on Extinct Sloths

18 Leidy Flora and Fauna within Living Animals

57 Leidy on Nebraska fossils

58 do on various fossils

59 do do do

126 Lesquereux L. Fossil Plants

83 Lesquereux on American Mosses

46 Lilljeborg – Liriope Peltogaster


51 Lilljeborg on Cirripede-like Crustaceans.

170 Lindström Anthozoa Perforata

277 Lindstrom Actinology of Atlantic

8 Londsdale – One Age of Limestones of South Devonshire

125 Lohmen Merino Stammshäferei

vol A. R. T. Lowe Fauna & Flora Madiera [sic] 1831

171 Lucæ Skull of [Maskenschacein]

82 Lubbock on Development of Ephemora

49 Lubbock – Muscles of Larva

62 Lubbock Gen. organs of an nubosa. Phil Trans.

56 Lubbock on Oceanic Entomostraca

[Lubbock, John. 1856. On some entomostraca collected by Dr. Sutherland, in the Atlantic Ocean. Read 7 January 1856. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 4: 8.]

288 Ludwig R Fossile crocodiliden

362 Lundström Anpasurge…. Thiere

2 Lyell – Proofs of rising of Land in banks of Sweden


76 M'Donnell – Lateral Line in Fishes

17 Mac-Leary – On Structure of Tarsus in Tetramerous & Trimerous Coleoptera

186 Malm Flat Fishes

1 Mallet – Dynamics of Earthquakes

153 Mann Horace Notes on Hesperomannia

90 Marcusen Anatomie du Branchiostoma

308 Marsh O. C. History of Palæontolog: Discovery

157 Marshall Scansorial Barbets

187 Masters C. d'hivèr Montpellier

286. Martins Ch Arbres – (Paleontology)

193 Martins C Origine glacierè des Tourbierès

113 Martins on Jussiæ


315 Möbius K. "Leben ist die schönste Erfindung" &c [Kiel, 1879.]


213 Maximouwiczinfluence du Pollen etranger sur le fruit St Peters. Bull. du Sc.

[Maximouwicz, C. J. 1872. Einfluss fremden Pollens auf die Form der erzeugten Frucht. Bulletin del' Académie des sciences de Saint-Pétersburg 17: 275-285.]

218 Mayer K. Versteinerungen des Helvetian

165 Mayer, Synchronism Table of Tert. Formation of [illeg]

324 Meehan Sex & odor in flowers

173 Miklucho-Maclay Morphologie der Spongen

352 Millardet Mimosæ

97 Milne Edwards Alf. On Fossil Birds


223 Moggridge J. J. Ophrys insectifera

159 Mohl von H. Linne zun Descendenztheorie

149 Morgan Systems of consanguinity

224 Moore. Embryology of Terebratula

295 Morse E. Shell Mounds Japan

3 Morton – On new living Species of Hippopotamus in N. Africa

347w Moseley Stylesteridae '78



101 Müller Fritz On Wood of Climbing Plants

135 Müller F. on Monstrous Begonia & Self-fert. Orchis

120 Müller F. Bot. Zeitung Begonia & orchids

102 Müller Fritz Befruchtung der Martha

29 Müller – Uber die Larven und die Metamorphose der Echinodermens.

7 Murchison & Strickland – On Upper Formations of New Red Sandstone.




140 Napier Groom Var. of eggs of birds

78 Naudin Cucurbitaceæ

242 – Naudin, Ch. – Variation of Hybrid Plants

91 Naudin L'hybridité cause de variabilité

346w Newton Ornithology – Eucgc Brit

211 Nicholls Do animals think Quart. Mag.


55 Oliver on Sycopsis

327 Olivier – Root teguments

31. Owen – On development & Homologies of Molar Teeth of the Wart-Hogs

28 Owen – On Anatomy of Indian Rhinoceros

13 Owen – On Teeth of Species of Genus Labyrinthodon / Mastodonsaurus of Jaerger

12 Owen – Of an extinct Lacertian Reptile, Rhynchosaurus Articeps

37 Owen on Chimpanzee, Dinornis & Antecter of


114 Pasquale on Eterofillia

208 Pasquale Monstruoso Opuntia

119 Peel Lonk Sheep

131 Pennethorne Man acc. to the Darwin Theory-

298 Perrier E Modified Individuals (L'Anociation &c)

290 Peyritsch J. Pelonic Flowers

304 Piana G. Rudiments Canine Teeth in endr Cows & Sheep

41 Piorrz Heredeté dans les Maladies

85 Planchon Flore de Montpelier

190 Pouchet G Systemè nerveue des poissons


134 Quatrefages lectures on Anthrop. Rev. des Cours 10

87 Quatrefages Distrib. Geol. des Annelides

88 [do] Classific. des Annelides

214 Quetelet Tables de Mortalité


16 Raffles – Descriptive Catalogue of a Zoological Collection, in Island of [Sumatra] [1821]

344w Rees. Botanik in Franken '84

276 Riemann Hybrid canaries

vol A Richardson J. Notices of Fishes with Botan Appendix

133 Robin lecture. Revue des Cours

279 Rodier Movements of Ceratophyllum

109 Rohrbach on epipogium

285 Rostafinski & Woronin – Botrydium

150 Rütimeyer L. Thal-und. See- Bilding

167 Rütimeyer Nat. Gesilltes der Ruides

273 Rütimeyer Du Rinder der Tertiar Epoch

93 Rütimeyer Zehmen Europ. Rindes

73 Rütimeyer on Eocene Mammalia

166 Rütimeyer Herkunft Theirwelt [1867]


[209] SALVIN, O. AVIFAUNA [illeg]

108 Saporta plantes fossiles Coumi

223 Saporta [illeg]

228 Saporta Plante [illeg] de Koumi (Eubœa)

232 Saporta (& Marion). Vegetation Cretaceous

274 Sars. G. O. Brisinga

309 Saussure de H. Spicilizia Entomologica

145 Scudder S. H. Fossorial crickets

107 Scudder on fossil neuropterous insects

188 Settegast Thierzucht

23 Selys-Longchamps – on Phénoménes Périodiques du règne Animal

245 – Sewerzow, N. --- Thian: Schan mountains [1875]

244. do do do do do

[Nikolai Severtsov visited Down on 13 September 1875.]


174 Sharpe Monograph of Alcenidæ

339 A Shaw [Evaporation] instruments


72 Siebold on Parthenogenesis

342w Sollas Freshwater fauna

47 Spence Bate. C – Development of Crustacea

329 Stahl E – Light & Chlorophyll bodies

77 Steenstrup on Cattle, Danish

26 Steenstrup – Rhizochilus antipathum Stp.

250 – Steindachner, F. – Snaked & Lizards, Galapagos

32 Studer – Mémoir Géologique sur La' Masse Des Montagnes

vol A. Stutchbury S. Growth of Corals 1830


340 Taugl – Cyanophyceen

350w Taugl Hemerocallis pollen '82

128 Thiel H Über landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaften

674 Zouteveen Prehistoric man in America

80 Treviranus Bot. Zeitung Primula orchids

81 do do Linum


89 Turner Variability in Human Structure


338 Unger Crystals in Plants


163 Virchow, on northern skulls

356 Vries H de Plasmolyris


327A Weismann A. Dauer des lebens


313 Wagner M. Distribution


137 Wallace A. R. measuremt of Geolog. Time Nature

236 – Wallace, A. R. – Acclimatisation

112 Wallace on disguises

143 Walsh American Entomologist

121 Walsh American Entomologist

122 do. Do Do

[?3] do. Do Do

99 Walsh spreading of Europ. Insects in U. States

146 Walsh American Entomologist

355 Ward HM. Roots of Vicia

358 Entyloma rannuculi

19 Waterhouse – On distribution in Physica Atlas

74 Weddell on Cynomorium

299 Welcker H. Feet of Chinese women

300 Welcker H. Haut und Haere bei Bradypus

192 White F. B. Dr Lepidoptera of Perth




204 Wilckens [Martin] uber den Magen Wiederkauenden. [1872]

[CUL-DAR75.98: 204 Wilckens on gradation in form of stomach leading to Ruminants]

94 Wilder Morphology of limbs of mammalia

297 Wilson Kubauka & Saxonka Wheat

195 Winkler T.C. Belonostomus Pygmoeus

191 Wood I. Muscles of human neck

205 Wright Chauncey on Phyllotaxy

311 Wright P. Griffithsia & Polysiphonia

301 Wright L. Origin of Fowls


674 Zootveen [Zouteveen] Prehistoric man in America

229 Ziegler. Drosera

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 29 August, 2023