RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1835]. Geological specimens and descriptions, sketch maps of Uspallata valley. CUL-DAR39.147. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022, corrections and additions by John van Wyhe 2025. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. Watermarked 'RYE MILL 1830'
50 690. Fine grained. like Sandstone. Alumno ferruginous rock, perhaps wh 2657 2653 but much fewer grained slightly granular like Sandstone
51 691 Light brown compact Sandstone, where particles are not all siliceous
52 692 Blasted rock
53 693 Whitish Feldspathic rock with crystals of do.—
54 695 Like (655) without extraneous patches & crystals more developed
55 695 Pitchstone in which rounded hilt appear imbedded in a hard sedimentary rock.— seen by wetting specimen
56 696 Black Crys rock yellow crystal?
57 697 Carb of Lime
58 698 Compact fine grained greenish grey Sandstone minute broken crystals
59. 699 Nearly similar to 2690
60 700 Very compact & fine grained purplish Sandstone
61 701 Allied to 2699 but curiously amygdaloid
702 Sandstone which had touched the Tree
703 Silicified wood
704 a △ shin which shows external surface. different tree.
705: 06: 07: 08: Fragments from near centre of ore of the trees
709. Carb of Lime. replacing wood
710 do. dung lined with minute crystals of quartz
62 711 pale crown much indurated calcareous mactra replacing tree.
712 Copper ore from a mine not far from the Hornilllos. I believe same formation.—
63 713 Blasted rock
64 714 Black cryst augitic? rock
65 715 Jet Black laminated very compact non calc. Clay-slate with vegetable compression on one surface.
66 716 Brick red, hard crumbling faction, sandstone unequal rounded particles imbedded in a fine base, perhaps volcanic ashes? Melt in Blow pipe?
W [pencil sketch map] E
N | Perhaps old volcano | Line of section | Line dykes | to the Hornillos
Valley of Uspallata | Agua del Quanaco | Confused stratification | ? Mines of Uspallata +?
[pencil sketch map, fair copy of the watercoloured map in CUL-DAR36.527A]
N | Cleavage N & S | Pass of Cañota | NE 50-60° | Valley of Uspallata | Silver mine | Slate | Cleavage NE & SW | SSW | R. Luxan | (E)
y. 2630 Lilia Porph- with black crystals
n. 631. Laminated siliceous micaceous grey sandstone
1 632 granular quartz rock with specks of black mica
2 633 Large red cr of F & quartz. plates of Talc?
3 634 Flesh red Euritic rock
4 635 Greens do?
5 636 [illeg] rock containing quartz [sketch or doodle?]
6 637 Black do. compact passing into clay-slate with contorted layer of Qz
7 638 Black micaceous rock passing into Clay-Slate
8 639 Pale horn. Feldspathic base: conch frat: crystals of F & grains of Q.—
9 640 Blackish Feld. rock crystalline
10 641 Chesnut brown ferruginous do — do.—
11 642 Greystone Lava harden with much olivine
12 643 do. curious in veins with do. & speck of black mica circular crystal of glass F.—
13 644 Blackish do— wad olivine & Zeolite?
14 645 Fine cellular red Scoria.—
15 646 White light friable aluminous stone.—
16 647 greenish grey greenwacke quartz & bits of slate
17 648 True laminated micaceous blue Clay Slate
18 649 Compact hard Conglom greens of quartz & Feldspar pebble of Porphyry cement Calcareous—
19 650 Very compact purplish Porph with red Cry. of Fr.—
20 651 Fine grained sandstone ferruginous white lines, particles blacked closely united by some cement.
21 652 Pale purple sandstone grains not generally siliceous
22 653 White earthy hardish slightly calcareous substance like decomposed Feldspar strong aluminous small.—
23 654 Harder more compact & homogeneous faint green do.—
23 655 do — imbedding grains of quartz & extraneous fragments & assuming a granular-crystalline structure.—
2598 A a white earthy decomposing Feldspathic with obscure tendency to crystallize in parts & bits of chlorite — corner rubbery fracture
2599 B greenish Feldspathic base compact, with few little crystals of do.—
2600 C Pale light green base cementing together very common equal sided crystal of white feldspar
2601 D Closely allied to (598) imbedded crystals much more distinct
2602 E Brownish Porph— obscure Breccia structure few large white crystals of F., unequal fracture
2603 F white foliated F. [illeg] green Hornblende & Chlorite
2604 G Heavy blackish green Hornblendic rock uneven fracture
2605 H Compact dark purplish compact finely-crystalline structure
2606 J Fine grained granite with numerous parts of small Cry of Hornblende??
2607 K White Feldspar black mica one or two grains of quartz: granite
2608 L Compact heavy purplish red fine grained Sandstone
2609 M Gypsum saccharine fracture with black water lines: containing a little Carb of Lime chiefly in these lines.
2610 N. Black hard laminated Conch. fracture Limestone Calcareous Clay-Slate
2611 12. 13. 14 Shells is less [lamented] do: 615: 16: 17 Gyphæa
2618 Bivalve (619) Ammonite.—
2620 O VV snow white gypsum with crystals of black Carb of Lime in patches
2621 P V V very soft dry impure Aluminous Gypsum
2622 Q V Hard. Compact crystalline gypsum
2623 R V. Black grey coarse (hard) crystalline gypsum!?? partly transparent scratch with knife.
2624 S Greenish grey mass of small imperfect Cr' of F. with little green sandstone imbedded specks of Pyrites
2625 T do with yellow powder in do & in [illeg] lines
2626 W do — do & much Epidote [illeg].—
2627 V Compact blackish-carb fracture Limestone
2628 W Black calcareous apparently carbonaras slaty rock
2629 Conglomerate calcareous cement chiefly small pebble of quartz & Limestone &c &c
Slate same.—
Porph Lavas different—
Worl appear probable that some have error — M. Cordilleras
Remember however some position to departure
Upheaval & parts of altenation owing to granite
25 2626 Hard pale grey (scratch glass) siliceo-Feldspathic alumino earthy base, with imbedded grains & apparently amygdaloid with Chlorite??—
26 2657 numerous little pebbles of quartz cemented together by ferrugin aluminous base, with little (concretionary balls?) of white Alumin substance like (2654)
27 2658 Grey crystalline Feldspathic rock. crystall of Feldspar with fine Hornblende? in the interstices.
28 2659 Pitchstone very unequal fracture
29 660 Black Hornblende? crystalline rock
30 661 do do
31 662 Probably same nature with (2653) but much harder & more crystalline
32 663 White foliated F. black mica brittle Hornblende apparently no quartz /
33 664 Half specimen blackish siliceous rock other half fine crystallized feldspar with very numerous rounded grains minute of Quartz?
34 665 Imperfect-green Cryst F. ferruginous
35 666 The width of gia of ferruginous gold ore
36 667 Compact Conch fr. white siliceo-feldspath rock??
37 668 Rather less hard & harsh than 2662
38 39 40. 41 — 669-72— Gold ores. (38 669 said to be Phospart of Lime). (670 contains copper). 672 like Yaquil in slate of earth.—
Green Brown {673 679} various curious crystalline rocks (677 like Toadstone)
do 680 imbedded mass of Carb of Lime
do 42} 681 682} I am nearly certain belong to the same crystalline bad, cannot describe nature
43 683 Lowest part of bed by junction indescribable.
44 684 45 685} Compact blue grey rock perhaps same nature as 2654 with impression of vegetables.—
46 686 Blackened rock
47 687 486 88} white rocks such as the above blasted & blackened
49 689 Much the same as (2657)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 January, 2025