RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1832]. [Bahia / Buenos Ayres notes] Limestone with lead ore: Maldonado. CUL-DAR42.141. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, corrections and editing by John van Wyhe, corrections by Gordon Chancellor 3.2011. Corrections and editing John van Wyhe 1.2025. RN4
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR42 contains notes for Darwin's book South America (1846).
Limestone with lead ore: Maldonado. Mr Mawe1 P. 20. —
Gold ore: do: Falkner:2
At junction of Barriga Negra & Polanco limestone, dull thick colour &c &c. P 24. Mawe
Gypsum. in concretions on surface. & limestone &c &c &c Mawe. P 25.
Minas: Limestone (lead & silver?).
Saltpetre district runs from. Vuulcan & Cape St Antonio to Corrientes. — St Jago & Rioja. — with hills in centre, which produce fresh water. — Falkner P 37
No rock in Buenos Ayres. — but at Tandil Vuulcan, then any stone proper to the ground. Falkner. P 55
Fossil bones of various sorts at Parana & few leagues from the mouth of Carcaranna — P 55 Falkner.
In the cliffs, West of St Lucia there are peculiar flat stones. Cap: Paget:3 —
Teeth belonging probably to Mastodon found at Salto in Provincia de B. Ayres.
[Pencil compass bearings written over other entries "45 6="]
1 Mawe 1825.
2 Falkner 1774.
3 Charles Henry Paget (1806-1845), Commanded HMS Samarang, 1831-1835. He is mentioned several times in the Beagle diary between March and October 1832 in Bahia.
their teeth are now in possession (2 of them) of Manuel Esquenaga at Buenos Ayres:1
This is a rough outline of the one yet in possession of Sr Barboza2
[pencil sketch]
k k
This tooth was much smaller than the others.— the drawing represents the gnawing surface.— I should think (a) was the outer side.— it has been been much worn (k k) are the curved plate of enamel — the whole surface now flat. I should think was formerly composed of 3 hillocks. (perhaps double) if so agreeing with small tooth of Mastodon:— Get Mr Earl3 to make drawing:—
1 Manuel Esquenaga has not been identified. Presumably an error for Esquenazi.
2 Barboza has not been identified, see "Miss Barboza" on following page. A prominent local family for generations.
3 Augustus Earle (1793-1838), "Wandering artist of some distinction; visited all five continents. Draughtsman at start of 2d voyage of Beagle. CD 'Earle's eccentric character'. FitzRoy 'I engaged an £200 per year'. His original Beagle sketches are not known to survive although other material remains. Many of the Beagle sketches were engraved and published in Narrative….1832 Aug. Left Beagle in Montevideo owing to continuous ill-health. His illness was rheumatism. Replaced by Conrad Martens in Dec. 1833." Darwin: A Companion, 2021, pp. 242-3. Mentioned in Zoology notes, p. 72.
Salto is near either Rio Arrenco or Arrecife — perhaps it the upper part of the latter:— in possession of Miss Barboza at M. Video (Salto head Arrecife. Ignat: Nunez)1
What sort of case had the fabulous gran bestia ??
Oakley (joiner) found Megatherium for Mr Parish.—2 Monte Video
South of Rio Negro, cliffs of Tosca? Mr Parry3
Cliffs of limestone (burnt for lime) north of the Aroia del Palmar. Mr Parry
Viscaches post coitum, quasi canes inter se adnexi sunt4
Mr Patchley (good authority on the bank of Rio Salado, there occurs beautifully crystallized gypsum. Mr Oakley gave some to Mr Parish
Mr Flint an american merchant has a large tooth at B. Ayres:4
(Mr Oakley ?)
1 Ignacio Benito Nuñez (1792-1846). Nuñez 1825.
2 Oakley was the agent of Woodbine Parish (1796-1882), the British consular representative in Buenos Ayres. He is mentioned various times in the Beagle notebooks and the Geological diary, see here.
3 Mr Parry, a British merchant at Montevideo.
4 Latin for 'Viscaches after intercourse are connected to each other like dogs' Darwin later used this remark in his Beagle animal notes CUL-DAR29.1.A1-A49, in the Zoological diary, p. 180, and finally in Mammalia, p. 88.
4 Mr Flint, an American merchant at Buenos Ayres.
El gigante near Mondoza
name of hill 500 ft high
Page in pencil
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 20 January, 2025