RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 2.1835. The position of the bones of Mastodon (?) at Port St Julian is of interest. CUL-DAR42.97-99. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed from the manuscript and edited by John van Wyhe, checked against the microfilm by Gordon Chancellor 7.2007, further editing by John van Wyhe 10.2011, 2024. RN11
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR42 contains notes for Darwin's book South America (1846).
This 1,300 word essay is written in brown ink on paper watermarked "COLLINS 1828"; the few pencil insertions are noted. The pages which are crossed out are crossed in pencil. Darwin added page numbers later in pencil. Interlineations are here given as superscript. There are faint left margin lines drawn in pencil on pages 1 and 2. There are string holes in the top left corner as usual with Darwin's Beagle manuscripts.
This document reveals that, in February 1835, Darwin still believed in special species creations but was speculating about the causes for extinctions. As the purported Mastodon (actually a Macrauchenia) seemed to have died in a stable environment, as oppossed to during a catastrophe, Darwin speculated that perhaps species had fixed lifetimes after which they went extinct. On p. 2 Darwin makes use of the phrase "the gradual birth & death of species", as used in Lyell 3: 33, thus revealing Darwin's early interest in the questions of the dissapearance and origins of species.
The first two pages of this manuscript were published in: M. J. S. Hodge. 1983. Darwin and the laws of the animate part of the terrestrial system (1835-1837); on the Lyellian origins of his zoonomical explanatory program. Studies in the History of Biology 6: 1-106, pp. 19-20. This document is also discussed in D. Kohn. 1980. Theories to work by: rejected theories, reproduction, and Darwin's path to natural selection. Studies in the History of Biology 4: 67-170.
This is the first time the text of this important Darwin manuscript has been published in its entirety.
John van Wyhe
(1. Feb. 1835:— The position of the bones of Mastodon (?)1 at Port St Julian is of interest, in as much as being subsequent to the remodelling into step of what at first most especially appear the grand (so called) diluvial covering of Patagonia.— It is almost certain that the animal existed subsequently to the shells, which now are found on the coast. I say certain because the 250 and 350 &c plains must have been elevated into dry lands when these bones were covered up & on both these plains abundant shells are found. We hence are limited in any conjectures respecting any great change of climate to account for its former subsistence & its present extirpation. 1 The bones were later identified by Richard Owen as Macrauchenia patachonica in Mammalia, pp. 35-56 and plates VIII-XV. Darwin seems to have added the question mark at a later date. seems] underlined in pencil. |
(a) |
(a) It may well be expected if the remains large quadrupeds found in so many places in the Americas were overwhelmed by Debacles, with their bones, immense quantities of trees (& stones, if such existed) would be found.— This is not the case in S. America as far as I have seen.— page crossed in pencil. |
(a) |
(2. With respect then to the death |
1 'the gradual birth and death of species', a phrase used in Lyell 1830-3 3: 33.
page crossed in pencil.
(a). The following analogy I am aware is a false one; but when I consider the enormous extension of life of an individual plant, seen in the grafting of an Apple tree. & that all these thousand trees are subject to the duration of life which one bud contained. I cannot see much difficulty in believing a similar duration might be propagated with true generation.— If page crossed in pencil. |
(3 the bones Is the animal of St Julian a Mastodon? Even if a change of climate could be granted it is scarcely possible to believe the plains of gravel ever could have supported a much more luxuriant vegetation The latitude 49°-50° is certainly high, (corresponding to North of France & to Germany in Northern Hemisphere) bottom of page excised. page crossed in pencil. |
(4 Reflection: on P. Buckland beautiful paper on the fossil remains of large Quadrupeds in NW Coast of America.— Appendix to Beechey1 In Southern part of S. America. We have seen in the recent period that the E & W coast have been elevated some hundred feet.— I can give very slight reason for the same fact in Basin of Oronoco & in Mexico.— Mr Conrad has proved the same thing in the United States.2 Is it not almost probable that the NW Coast has shared this grand & general elevation?— In Tierra del Fuego there are extensive depositions (of the recent period) composed of precisely similar materials as described in NW Coast & called diluvium. but which then is 2 Conrad 1835. E W] underlined in pencil. |
(b) |
(5 considerations in mind it is not odd that I am inclined to believe the low cliffs, which |
(a) |
I do not see the necessity of a diluvial debacle.— Many facts require a change of climate, but those drawn from shells not a sudden one.— It has not yet been proved that the animal in the ice of Siberia & these bones belong to the very same epoch.— with the above supposition they could not.— for are one of animated dying, when proved] underlined in pencil. |
(a) I only (b) I do not overlook that on coast of Patagonia new facts make me believe there has in that case been no great change of climate.— ؟ Would the Carcase of animal dried up as Horses & Mules are seen in the dry plains of S. American float or sink?— |
(6 For the animals in ice I must return to the not very satisfactory explanations which have often been offered.— viz a very continental climate.— migratory habits.— the chance that the animals did not require quite the temperature of the torrid zone. (mem: a before Tigers. of India; Puma; and even Jaguar of S. America) the possibility of rapid river in the winter season floating the carcass till it was enveloped in ice & so carried into an Arctic ocean deposited an a plain which subsequently has risen onto dry land.— &c &c I may notice that this class of cliffs in T. del Fuego has most frequently its form wet with trickling water often] added pencil. &c &c] added pencil. |
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 11 January, 2025