RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1872.09.11-.28. [Drosera continued]. CUL-DAR54.107-141. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Down Sept. 11. / 10º 57' 4 leaves in 40 minims of 1 gr N. of amm to 24 oz of water (first dipped in water) some of leaves young & colourless red mark considerable inflection
I believe 2 g to 2 oz taken by mistake
Down Sept 11th. 10º 7': 1 leaf with 5 minims of N. amm 1 gr to 24 oz of water + 12 minims of pure water first dipped very slight inflection
Down. Sept 11. 11º 25' 2 leaves in 14 minims of sol of N. of ammonia 1 gr to 24 oz (+ 28 minims of water added) (under glass covered with wine glass)
12º 50 some inflection, specially in the young leaf - the other old (Hence the sol. consisted of 1 gr to 24 x 3 = 72 = or 1 gr to 72 oz water) of which very weak solution 14 + 28 = 42 minims.)
small & young leaf 2º 45- 15 round-Heads & 10 long-Heads inflected - small leaf
5º - only about 11 do & 8 long-Heads & these retreating.
2º 45. big-leaf 14 round-Heads & 1 long-Head - leaf old 2 long Heads dead
5º --- about 12 --- 1 do
Sept 12th 8 A.m. The small leaf now with all tents' fully reexpanded, but the old leaf with the sub-marginal tentacle sub-inflected all round the leaf; too many to count at least 50 or 60 inflected. I put into watch glass (with black mark) with some pure water to see if will reexpand. (at 5º P.m on same day almost every tent, on big almost fully rexpanded- some of submarginal near footstalk still show trace of inflection - All in small leaf quite fully reexpanded.)
[illeg] Result
Sept 11
An atom of meat put on single tent. after its inflection, many others become so on each side of it, but not all round leaf, as far as I have observed: the stimulus, from time required, is sent not through cellular tissue laterally, but from centre of leaf, after the glands there have absorbed animal matter.
(Sept 10' I put 4 leaves with long footstalks into saucer of water, footstalks projecting out bit kept rather damp - After 47º no very strong inflection, but glands all blackened, there was in fact only very slight inflection)
Down. Sept 9th. 1872 As in previous experiments the Large H. because so many of them inflected when leaves put in distilled water, I thought they might have touched the base of shallow saucer: So at 10º 14' I placed 3 leaves, first dipping them as before, into deeper vessel of distilled water, & in 45' several Long. H. became inflected. In 1º 15' some had gone back, so that there were none inflected on one leaf, & four on the other two leaves. After 4º, 35', one leaf that had 4 long. H inflected; whilst on the other leaf there were only 2 inflected & these rising up perpendicularly. After 6º 45' none on the 3 leaves; but on one they could be seen standing up perpendicularly.
[in margin:] I infer only Long-Heads
Footstalks of Leaves in all cases cut off rather close to Leaf, not so as not to injure any of tentacles.
Long Heads - inflection in water
Down Sept. 12th.- 8º 27'- 2 leaves dipped in 20 minims of 1 gr to 24 oz of N. of ammonia - Big Blue glass
(10º 44 - 1 leaf with almost all inflected - the others with a great many)
(2º 30' larger leaf with all except 10 long-headed
― smaller with all ― 18 chiefly long-Headed} Count the tentacles
5º 15' larger leaf all inflected except 8 Sept 13th 8' Am. do.
smaller leaf all inflected except 7. Sept 13' 8º all inflected except 3.
(I counted these & found 147 & 130 tentacles, subtracting 15, we have left only 262 tentacles from both leaves ie averge of both of only 131 which contracted.) (This case hardly worth giving)
Sept 12th. 8º 35' 2 large leaves dipped in 15 minims (+15 of pure water) of N. ammonia 1 gr to 24 oz Big yellow glass
10º 45' - one with a large number- the other with a few chiefly long-Headed (2º 30 same state)
5º 15' - all in small leaf fully rexpanded.
most rexpanded in larger leaf.
Sept 13th 8' Am do - larger leaf almost perfectly rexpanded.
[illeg] result
Sept 12th 8º 40' 1 leaf in 10 minims of 1 gr to 24 oz N. of Am (+5 of pure water) small glass red
(10º 45' several inflected, both long & short-headed inflected?
(2º 30' a few long-H & 2 round-Headed inflected)
(5º 15' fully or almost fully reexpanded)
Sept 12th - 8º 45 1 leaf (dipped as before) in 10 m of 1 gr to 24 oz N. of amm small glass blue
(10º 46' with all strongly & closely inflected, except 13 of the longest which seemed too old Concentration seem efficient)
(2º 30' a great deal of inflection but not all) [in margin:] Count
(5º 15 a great many reexpanded, but many still inflected.)
(Sept 13' 8 A. m. do do.)
Down Sept 12 8º 50' 1 leaf dipped in 10 minims (+ 10 pure water) of N. Amm 1 gr to 24 oz - small glass yellow
(10º 50' a mod. no of long & round Headed inflected)
(2º 35) a few with just a trace of inflection)
(5º 15' fully reexpanded)
Sept 13 10º 30. 1 leaf in 10 m. (without dipping or any water) of N. amm 1 gr to 24 oz. (Little glass red)
10º 45' all except 9 inflected. / 11º 54' all except 5 /
5º now all inflected except 4. all long-Headed.
(I find this leaf had 147 glands so that less 4, 143 were affected
Sept 13' 10º 43' 3 leaves dipped in 30 m. of N. ammonia. 1 gr to 24 oz. (large saucer red.)
10º 48' I can see rapid contraction going on in all
11º 55. (1) most closely inflected all except 10, chiefly long-Head - all
2º 30 all except 9.
(2) smaller. 1º all except 15, 13, 2º 30 all except 9
(3) largest a great many inflected & many not so
2º 30 all except 7 chiefly long-Headed
5º (1) all except 4
(2)--- 1
(3)--- 4. }apparently old or injured at 5º - I spilt some of fluid
(1), all
(2) except 2
(3) except 3. (I find these 3 leaves had respectively 139, 173, & 175 tentacles, making 487 & subtracting 5 leaving 482, ie average of 160.)
Down Sept. 13th. I exposed a plate of plants under shallow glass for some hours to hot sun, killed most of the plants: after 2º rest, I tried to few survivors & another plate exposed to a good deal of sun-shine during this very hot day. My object was to see whether more sensitive to touch, repeated with needle; some were sensitive, but many were not I can only say capricious - apparently rather more sensitive than on cold day. Try earlier in year.
Sept 13. 2º 55 pricked 2 leaves (match s with ink lines) 2 or 3 times in very centre, after this very warm day. - No effect at 5º P.m.
Sept 14 8º no effect; & then pricked these & another at junction of pedicel & leaf. Red & black stick
Sept 15 8º A m. no inflection N.B. on Sept 8 I twice pricked well 3 leaves, touch g some central glands, but no inflection followed.
Carbonic Acid
Down Sept 13th I tried yesterday immersing a plant for a few minutes in water, & immediately afterwards meat acted well on tentacles. To day I passed a plant in saucer into jar with carbonic acid, for 2º hours, but during latter part a little air was absorbed, owing to the Carbonic A. being absorbed. I then put atoms of raw meat which acts quickest of all things on gland on 1 leaf & on 4 on other leaf. One tentacle, appeared to begin to move, in 1º 32': in 20' ie 1º 50 movement almost certain: in 30' more plainly inflexed; i.e. in 2º 22': in 3º 22' from time when meat put on the gland had reach d the centre of leaf. – On the same leaf I was not sure of movement of the 3 other atoms, until 2º 20' had elapsed: in 3º 22', all had reached centre.
On other leaf, which was old I first suspected movement in 1º 52' in 2º 22' had certainly slightly moved, in 3º 27' all had reached centre, excepting one. Movements wonderfully slow; after all very great experience I never saw anything nearly so slow: it is
certain that Carbonic A. either stops absorption of animal matter, or stops power of movement, which is more probable - the plant like an animal is asphyxiated. Oxygen is necessary for vital movements. The stimulus cannot travel from gland to base of tentacle; but after an interval of from 1º to 3º or 4º quite recovers its power. (I forgot to add that 1 leaf was partly submerged & became completely submerged by sucking in of water, in which vessel stood; & when I poured out water & put atom of meat on the tentacles, then in 2' 30' became inflected I was astonished till it occurred to me that this one leaf had been protected by the submergence from the action of the Carbonic A.) or obtained oxygen from it.
Down. Sept 14th. filled another vessel with Carbonic A. sliding off bottom put in plant without wetting it: after 2º of action, put on meat. In 13' I found in one leaf all the submarginal tentacles inflected, & those with meat not more than the others! On a second leaf, which was old & poor, the tentacles with meat were also inflected, but not all the others.
A third leaf, on which no meat was put all closely inflected & I believe (??) this was fully expanded when put into the Carbonic A. (Sept. 15th 8º This third leaf was fully expanded again: hence I do not doubt had closed from air after C. acid)
I cut off & put in minute leaf which had been exposed to the carbonic A. into sol. of Carb. of amm, (3 gr to 4 oz of water) The glands were instantly blackened, showing absorption, but to my great surprise no segregation for 3º; in 4º 15' there were a very few minute spheres under the round-heads, & rather more (yet very few) under long-Heads. Even after 5º 30' the seg. did not run down nearly length of the glands.
Sept 15 8º 30' segregation more but not great.
Sept. 15 8º A.m. The above 2 leaves with bits of meat are now firmly closed & quite naturally over meat)
Down Sept 15. put 2 saucer in Carbonic Acid (some air let in by double removal) & removed 1 saucer in 45', I then put on 4 atoms of meat, no movement in 1º 40; but after 50' additional much inflection & carried almost to centre of leaf, & quite to centre in additional 30'. Movement certainly far slower than on ordinary occasions.
(No spontaneous inflection when first taken out of the Carbonic)
(I also put one of the leaves in rather strong sol. of C. of Ammonia, & at the same time an ordinary leaf, in the course of an 1º or so, segregation in both, but certainly most in the ordinary leaf.)
Down. Sept 15. took out the 2d saucer after immersion in Carbonic Acid for 2º 25' (No spont. inflection except, as I believe a very few specially long-Heads) I put on 4 or 5 atoms of meat in 45' no sure movement; in 1º 5' several had moved, & in 1º 50' all in centre.
(I put 3 atoms on another leaf; in 53' no certain movement; in 1º 38' on tentacle in centre, & the 2 others much inflected; & in 10' more minutes almost close to centre.) I also put one of the leafs, & a plain leaf in some rather strong sol. of C. of Ammonia, in 13' some segregation in both; but the plain spec. had most of tent in the 13' strongly inflected l whilst the leaf which had been in Carbonic had no tentacles, (except, 2 long-Heads) inflected; nor was there any inflection for 24º subsequently; in fact leaf was completely paralysed.
N. B the large vessel used for Carbonic Acid holds exactly 122 oz imperial measure 20 oz to imperial Pint
Down Carbonic
Sept. 16 put some selected plants into Carbonic at 8º 20 & left in for 2º to 10º 20'. I then kept them in open air for 20'. Within 12' after being taken out almost all the leaves had moved their tentacles to an almost vertical or sub-inflected position, but none closely clasping the centre: the inflection was very irregular some moving on one side & some on other, so leaves had lost their symmetrical appearance. After 24º these leaves fully expanded & appeared quite regular: to test their vitality, one was put in sol. of C. of ammonia (1 gr to 1 oz) & after 9º had almost all submarginal much though not closely inflected. This show that it had recovered power, but movement s slower than in ordinary leaf.-
Two leaves were put into N. of amm (1 gr to 1 oz) as well as two plain leaves, & after 24º the latter were more inflected, than those which had been in Carbonic, yet these latter had their sub-marginals slightly inflected; they had been exposed for 20' to pure air I was surprised at no greater difference between plain & the Carbonic leaves, so poured away the sol of N. of
& put them in sol. of C. of ammonia (1 gr to 1 oz). After 9º the plain leaves were considerably more inflected than the carbonic leaves, yet tentacles of these were a good deal inflected; yet we must remember that they were exposed for 20' to air before being immersed in the fluid.
Sept 16 On one leaf put on at 10º 23' 3 atoms of meat, one of the tentacles in 12' inflected, but not more than the adjoining ones which had spont. inflected. After interval of 2º 20' the 3 tentacles rather more inflected than adjoining ones. Next morning after 22º all the tentacles near meat closely clasped over it, but those on opposite side of leaf which had become considerably inflected spontaneously, now fully reexpanded. (The whole part which had been exposed to the Carbonic A. had on 18th flies put on 3 leaves, & now Sept 19th these leaves have closely clasped them; showing plant no way injured.
Down Carbonic
Sept. 16th At 10º 50' put ordinary leaf into C. of Ammon 1 gr to 1 oz. & examined with 2/3 & middle eye piece;
in 3' no spherical aggregation
in 15' good spheres under Long H. & some under round H.
in 25' splendid spheres, extending down the full length or nearly full length of Heads in all the tents.
― 35 ― extending down the greater length these Heads-
― 65 ― extending down 4 or 5 or more length of Heads
― 3º ― to 1/3 or half length of whole tent
Used for segregation
At the same time placed one of leaves which had been exposed to Carbonic, for 2º after first been exposed to air for 20'
In 65' After repeated looking, I detected half a dozen spheres in 2 or 3 of the longest tentacles.
In 1º 35' In a moderate number of tentacles sphere extending down about 1/4 of length of Heads
In 2º In most of tents'. spheres extending down 1/2 or whole length of Heads.
In 3º In only a few tent. spheres extending down length of Heads.
In 6º 35 much spherical aggregation but not nearly so much as in the above plain spec.
Carbonic A.
There can be no doubt from action of meat & carb. of ammonia that C. A. reduces vital powers, & one wd be tempted to call the occasional slight & irregular (on one case alone regular) contraction of tentacles, a kind of contraction from the sudden stimulus of the fresh air.
The differences in acts of segregation of the fluid contents of cells of tentacles, (for the glands absorb immediately as shown by blackening) is still more remarkable, it shows that the absence of oxygen or poison of the Carb. A alter temporarily the chemical quantities of the fluid contents of cells - We are surprised at being able to behold this though with animals we know well how soon the blood is altered as shown by its effects on the Brain.
(p 37
Down Sept 15 Little glass - very fine leaf
at 8º 51' (say 9º) put in 10 m. of N. ammonia 1 gr to 24 oz
9º 30' all inflected except many long-Heads.
11º 10'. except young chiefly long-Heads.
2 50 all except 7 almost all long-Heads.
5º all except 4 which seemed injured
199 is number, carefully counted
4 subtract from not being inflected.
[=] 195
This was very fine leaf.- not dipped.
I selected leaf with great care to get fine, young & sensitive. Each tentacle of 195 cd have got only 1/224,640 of gr of the Nitrate. This may possibly be slightly too little: we may feel sure as the great mass of glands all changed colour & bent inwards so quickly & simultaneously, that all absorbed, except about 17 long-Headed & old ones, which became inflected much slower, & these might have possibly been acted on by sympathy with the absorption of central ones, as in case of meat; but as their tint of colour was affected not very probably, or only aided in their action.
[124] leaf get 1/1152 of gr of Nitrate of am
[calculation not transcribed]
As we know positively how "the minute drop" (viz 1/ of grain) causes tent to inflected, it wd be a gratuitous view to assume that the central glands absorb, & cause the marginals to be inflected
Down. Sept. 17th 11º 4. 4 leaves (yellow sticks) with acetate of the extract of Colchicum (2 gr to 1 oz water) 1/2 minim placed on 4 leaves. No effect 3º P.m. nor at 5º P.m. (Sept 18th 8º A.m. no effect.) (Sept 19th no effect.)
(It is all nonsense about long - & round-headed being differently affected)
Down. Sept. 18th Acetate of Morphia 2 gr to 1 oz at 8º 19' put on the minute drop on 3 glands.
8º 25' put (so that the Morphia was on 6') (Red Stick) on atom of meat on the 3, (& immediately after atoms on 2 other undoctored glands; these latter at centre 8º 30'.) The doctored not moved.
9º no movement in any glands in this paper.) (9º 10' do) (9º 15' no) (9º 25' no) (9º 34' no) (9º 48' no) (10º 25' no) (11º 50' one of the 3 has moved but not reached centre)
(12º 50' 2 have curved but none have reached centre)
(3º do) 5º P.m (one has nearly reached the centre)
8º 28' on same leaf put on drops on 3 2 other glands - at 8º 34' put on atoms of meat. Also 8. 35' on 2 undoctored glands, these were torpid & did not move so put on meat on 2 others & these moved at 8º 44'. (11º 50' 2 have moved, but not reached centre) (12º 50' all 3 have reached centre)
(See Back for Abstract of all these experiment on Morphia
Abstract. Morphia
First lot of 3 gland, no movement of atoms of meat in 2º; when I looked again in 3º 35' from time meat put on, one tentacle had moved but had not reached centre; in 8º 35' from do one tent, had nearly reached centre, the 2 others greatly inflexed.
Second lot of 3 glands no movement of atom in 1º 51' from time of putting on; in 3º 16' from do, two tent. have curved, but not reach d centre; in 4º 16' from do all have reached centre
Third lot of 2 glands in 1º 39' from time of putting on no movement; in 4º 16' from do all two have reached centre.
Eight glands tried; as they curved in ultimately it is certain that the Morphia checks movement. No doubt some tents. fail altogether to act, & some move at first & then stop or mov excessively slowly; but I have never known that they stood motionless for an hour & then moved.
flat red stick
11º 52 put on 3 other atoms. - The leaves with Strych n not quite flat: 3º all but one has reached centre (& that 5º see it
Sept 18 acetate of Morphia Blue stick
8º 40' on 2 other glands
at 8º 46' atoms of meat put on
(atoms put on adjoining gland began to move in about 1' the other moved. (11º 45' the 2 have reached centre)
Sept 18' Acetate of Strychnine 1 gr to 1 oz (minute drops) (10º 40' about) (marked these with blue on under side to see if killed)
After clearly in movement from atoms of meat put on the Strychnine red stick 1 not get to centre & other to centre (meat removed & marked with black)
(no use)
White stick 2 considerably incurved, but little more than perpendicular (1º more perpendicular (3º has reached centre) (meat removed & marked with blue)
Next morning some have recovered position & none appear injured (This is certain)
Stick with Red. 1 reached centre, 3 considerably curved
1º same position (3º 2 reached centre, 2 much curved)
But I put on 4 atom on other leaf & none have reached centre, though they have curved much; but they ultimately reached centre.
(a few tentacles arise on pedicel close to where it joins disc of leaf, & these are often the longest of any, in adaptation that they may when inflected reach centre of leaf.)
Sept 19 Down. Pot 1/2 minim of A. of Strychnine on 6 leaves 1 gr to 1 oz 9º 30' A.m. (Blue Sticks)
11º 50' some inflection - Glands in many parts blackened so that there is absorption & some effect.
Sept. 20 8 A.m. There is no more inflection than yesterday & this only in certain leaves & on one side alone [insertion:] Some of the inflected tentacles have not blackened Heads- no true inflection
The central glands on disc much blackened - All the leaves seen drying up as if poisoned.
Sept 21 8º 15' - The glands on disc all seem killed & leaves much injured, but there is now no inflection - the poison does not seem to spread, or spread very little.
Sept 22d 8º the glands in centre killed - all except one leaf, but only the marginal & sub-marginal tentacles all now well recovered. So poison does not spread.
Sept 19th from 8º to 9º A m/ put 2 atoms of meat on one side of leaf, & 2 opposite side, & as soon as latter began to move, held them for some seconds in minute drop of A. of Strychnine 1 gr to 1 oz. Repeated this several times (I can form no judgment whether movement is arrested.)
1/2 minim & poison - does not spread yet causes inflection.
When placed on glands cause inflection. 1 g to 1 oz. [insertion:] could not be more than one in 1/3600.
Poison does not act quickly, for 2 gr to 1 oz.
1 1/2 gr in 15' now put on & touching
2 g. to 1 oz. blacken glands small spheres yet afterward moved with extreme strength. p. 4 [illeg]
Stry. solution acts, however, arrest movement
Sept 19th at 8º 28' put some plants under Receiver holding (largest one with square top) 1/2 gr of Carbonate of Ammonia; (but this was not nearly all evaporated) with damp air - Examined plants (in 2º) at 10º 35 almost all the leaves more or less affected, with some tents inflected & glands blackened; but none of leaves had all tents inflected. On the same leaf, even on disc, some glands blackened & some not - Some marginal immensely inflected, & much spherical segregation - many - but some that were inflected showed no segregation. The difference of contraction very great in very closely adjoining glands. this is the most curious point. & the fact that vapour of C. of amm is absorbed
Certainly some inflected with no segregation & no apparent change of Colour
(11º 45' All leaves not yet inflected) - (3º do)
(Sept 20 8º A.m. no difference from yesterday; one healthy leaf on same plant hardly at all affected, perhaps the red a shade darker, no inflection: the other leaves with inflected tentacles on one side alone)
Vapour of C. of Ammonia
Down Sept 19th. 11º 10'- 15'. Put on minute drops of Prussic Acid ([Sihedè strength] 6 per cent) on several glands, (beyond - gold-leaf - yellow sticks.)
11º 50; no inflection - in 40' viscid matter & glands very bright red
2º 35' (3º 15) some inflection in 2 out of the 3 groups of glands tried.
Sept 20 8º 15 tent. are still inflected & red
Sept 21 - do do & appear killed.
Sept 20 11º 35' put large drop of weak Prussic A. of [Phomose] 2 per cent on 5 leaves (in middle of most) Red & Black stick.) (1º glands much reddened)
(2º 45' the shorter tents, fairly incurved or have been bathed are all inflected)
Sept 21 8º 15 Almost every tentacle of all 5 leaves closely inflected, pale bright red, & evidently leaf killed, (but not the whole plant killed- other leaves look healthy)
Sept 20 Plant 2 drops Chloroform for 2'- again for 2' - again the 3 drops for 3' – [insertion:] (small flat-topped garden receiver) no spont. movement;
(put on atoms of raw: meat on 13 glands 9º 11' - (9º 20' no) (9º 30' no) (9º 41' no) (This meat acted on some few glands of 2 very old & poor leaves) (9º 51' movement in 1 tentacle) (10º 5' 2 more curved on same leaf)
(10º 21' - a trace of movement in the other leaf) (10º 35' no more movement in first leaf.)
10 35', do
11º 10' a great deal of inflection on both leaves but not near centre. (Abstract: In one leaf, in 40' one tentacle moved; in 54' (from time meat put on) 2 other tents moved, - In second leaf, in 1º 11' trace of movement in some tents. In 2º from time of putting, much inflection in both leaves, but none of tentacles had reached centre. As 13 glands were tried this shows that the leaves were anaesthetised.
Another plant first for 2' 30" to 3 drops & then for 4' to 4 drops no action.)
(Chloroform) (19B)
Another plant for 1' 15' to 2 drops, some tentacles were inflected but I am not sure whether they had not been first touched
Another plant 1 drop for 1' 30" no action
Another plant 4 drops for 5' no action
(Could the cold day have caused this torpidity?)
Chloroform placed in glands & bases of tentacles does not cause inflection
Down Sept 21 10º 51' (Red & Black stick)
5 leaves with large drops of pure N. of Soda 1 gr to 1 oz.
12º 15' some inflection, & one solid leaf a little inflected
3º considerable do - several leaves somewhat inflected.
Sept 22d 8º 5'- Four leaves with edges greatly inflected, either laterally or at apex with nearly all tentacles inflected; the 5th leaf only slightly inflected with tentacles less strongly inflected. The N. of Soda appears to have special tendency to cause inflection of solid leaf
Sept 23d 8º m. 4 of the leaves themselves wonderfully inflected; the 5th reopening
Sept 24th, 9º 15: two reexpanded - 1 partly reexpanded, 2 yet quite closed.
Sept 25' 2 quite recovered & expanded - 1 partially do
2 quite inflected & apparently much injured.
(Chloroform on Back)
Down Sept 26th at 8º 5' put plant under same 19 oz Receiver with 8 drops of Chloroform for 30'; & when I removed the plant, I found the two leaves with most, but not all, of their tentacles much incurved, though not actually reaching centre. At 8º 35 put on atoms of raw meat on many glands, chiefly on the few tentacles which remained upright, & some on the semi-inflected tentacles
In 2º 30' no trace of movement & glands blackened & much injured - No movements after 5º
(Sept 27 8º 45 All the leaves almost dead)
Infusion of Raw meat
Down Sept 21 at 9º 11' examined leaf in water, no segregation; then added cold filtered infusion of raw meat. In 2º 20' after putting on I strongly suspect some segregation, but not spherical. In 2º 35' from do. I feel sure of this. In 3º 5' from do. the elongated masses of protoplasm are becoming beaded & some few small spheres have certainly formed; & these keep on slowly altering their shapes.
In 3º 40' from do several spheres in several tentacles; but nothing like the number from even a very weak dose of C. of ammonia; but exactly the same in appearance, purple & in slow movements. The time required probably indicate that the soluble content of raw meat, have to be altered into a state apparently in nature C. of ammonia, or perhaps other salts of ammonia.
Sept 23d I have now exposed 2 leaves to strong infusion of Raw meat for 24º All tentacles inflected & managed
to effect this under thin glass - prodigious segregation even almost to bases of tentacles - Some spherical aggregations, but they generally differ from those caused by C. of ammonia by being elongated oval - tentacles now have curious mottled appearance.
N. B. In one of specimen, there was some segregation with white interposes after immersion for 1º 20' - in other leaf almost spherical aggregation 1º 50
Down Sept 21'- Sulphuric Ether
At 10º 37' put plant in same receiver with 30 minims & took out at 11º 7' - (ie for 30' exposed) No spont. movement. At 11º-10' put on several atoms of raw meat - The glands look pale, but not dry. At 5º no movement of meat, & leaves look very ill; those of the disc dry, & the others have secreted very little (Plant surrounded by yellow sticks) Sept 22d 8º A The 2 leaves I think will recover; but many of the tentacles are dead, & all those on which the raw meat was put & which of course have not moved.
(Sept 23d 8º Leves dreadfully injured, but not yet dead)
(Sept 24 not quite dead - very red, 8º 15 put on atoms of meat to see if will move) - Sept 25 Plant dead
Sept 26 At 11º 3' put another plant under same 19 oz Receive with about 40 m. of S. Ether for 15'. One very minute, young, tender, colourless leaf had tentacles inflected & seemed much injured. At 11º 20' put many atoms of raw meat on several glands on 2 leaves- no movement in 6º, & those glands seemed dry & injured by the meat, whilst the other glands seemed quite uninjured & secreting.
(Sept 27 8º 45' leaves seem recovering & all the tentacles except three with the meat are secreting (which have never moved), except 1 slightly.
Sept. 29 8º 30' not dead, but very much injured.
Down Sept 22d 9º 5' Sulphate of Quinine 1 gr to 1 oz (concentrated for not all dissolved, so less) large drops on 6 leaves (Blue stick by pedicels) (10º 30' no effect)
Sept 23d 8º A.m. one leaf closely inflected; 2 with some few tents inflected, 3 unaffected
Sept 24' 9º 15' 3 of leaves with small central glands much injured nut external tentacles not injured
1 leaf closely inflected, with central glands injured
2 leaves with many tentacles inflected & central glands injured
Sept 25 8' Am do do do do
Spirits of Wine
Sept 22 Down At 10º 18 placed plant with 3 leaves under same receiver 1 drach of Alcohol - in w. glass & wetting inside, left in for 25' - at 10 44'-47 put on very many atoms of meat, chiefly on the uninjured glands
(No spont. movement, many of glands rendered quite pale, others not altered, all scattered about without order - some few blackened & shrivelled)
11º 15' no movement
11º 24 do
11 36' do
― 47' do
12 10' do
12. 50' do glands seem drying up (ie at 2º)
1 45 do do
2 30/ do
Sept 23d 8' A. M all 3 leaves almost dead & tents dry; one leaf alone has been partly inflected.
The vessel used in all these experiments (except the Carbonic Acid) & vapor of C. of ammonia hold 19 oz fluid
Down Sept 22d Nitrous Ether put 10 minim in watch glass (Red Glass) (did nearly all evaporate) with same receiver & exposed plant for 6'- no spont. movement & no apparent effect produced:
11º 11' – 13' put on many atoms of meat
11 25' no movement
11 36' do
11º 48 [-] 12 [=] in first leaf no inflection viz of tentacle 12º 10' all tentacles of all kind near centre
36' in second leaf tents decidedly inflected slightly tentacles of all kind near centre
12 10 first leaf no inflection
12 50' - ie 1º 40' do - glands drying up
1 45 - do
2º 30' do do
Sept 23d. 8º first leaf much injured & many tents inflected
Sept 25 At 11º 21' exposed plant with 2 leaves for 4' to 6 drops of N. Ether (not all evaporated) in the same 19 oz Receiver.
At 11. 27' put on 4 atoms of meat touch ng 7 glands
Upper leaf after interval of 1º 23' one tent. inflected. After 2º 3' from putting on atoms several well inflected, half way to centre: After 3º 3' all the tents, with meat well inflected. After 5º 18' the other were all bending from sympathy to centre. Clearly this leaf was anaesthetised.
Lower leaf on same plant - 3 atoms of meat, touching 5 glands, put on at 11º 29'
After interval of 28', 3 submarginal slightly inflected
After - of 41' 4 or 5 tents slightly inflected
After - of 1º 21' 1 reached centre, the other 3 or 4 slightly inflected
After interval of 2º 1' in same state
After - 3º 1' all much inflected but only one has reached centre
After 5º 16' all have not yet reached centre
This leaf less affected than the precious one, yet certainly movements slower than normal
Sept. 26 8 most of tentacles closely inflected in both leaves round the meat - yet not quite regularly.
Sept. 27 8º leaves still inflected & look healthy - a young leaf expanding healthily
Sept 28 8º 30' One leaf recovering (young leaf quite healthy) the other old leaf almost killed.
48 [-] 24 [=] 22
Plain water Segregation & Filtration
1872 Sept 23d Down Put 6 leaves to float in doubly distilled water at 9º 20'
It look as if excess of Water caused inflection—
After 1º 20' one leaf pretty closely inflected, & 2 or 3 others has a very few round-Headed & several long-Headed inflected At 5º 15' (ie after 8º, this one leaf had partially expanded again, & in all the other 5 leaves only some long-Headed still inflected - Next morning after 23º, all leaves fully expanded, except the one, & this very nearly fully.
Examined 2 of these leaves under Compound M. with 2/3 & middle Eye. Near glands, some slight segregation in all the tentacles; but no approach to spherical or oval aggregation.
Sep 24 at 8º 15 put 6 fresh leaves to float at 9º 10' plenty of long-H. inflected: at 11º 15' in two leaves a few round-Headed inflected & several long-Headed in almost all leaves: at 2º 40' all long-H. reexpanded, & in 3 of the leaves a few of the sub-marginals slightly sub-inflected.
Examined 2 of the leaves under Compound M. - In all the tentacles in both leaves, much segregation, in several spherical, extending down tentacle from twice length of glands to 4 or 5 times their length; so that in the shorter sub-central, almost reach ing basis. -
Sept 25 At 8º 10' put 6 leaves in Tank Water to see if its impurity wd cause inflection; but most of the leaves were unfortunately old
At 3º oclock no long-Heads inflected but one of the young leaves had several round- heads inflected. Next morning at 8º 10 No inflection & all fully expanded.
(As the viscid matter does not soften chitin, I presume they feed by exosmose from the body of the insect which could follow from its immersion in the very viscid secretion
Down Sept. 23d At 9º 15-20 put atoms of cork & blue glass on 2 leaves, several moved on one, & only one on the 2d & old leaf - In 1º after several inflected - After inflection in 35' cut off one tent, & examined under compound M. No segregation. In 7º after inflection examined several & now much elongated segregation, not only in the tents bearing the atoms, but in adjoining ones which had become inflected from sympathy; also in the short, purple sub-central ones which were not at all inflected. The degree of segregation bears some relation to the degree of inflection. Examined others next morning which had inflected from sympathy for the cut leaf still growing on the plant with the same result, especially the straight sub-central - On the 2d leaf examined the one tent which had become a little inflected with the same result. There certainly is a relation betwen degree of segregation & inflection & it certainly follows from sympathetic inflection. Inflection due normally to flies; increases secretion & I suspect segregation follows from sympathy. Segregation is in no way cause of movement, but the result. Also directly due to absorbed nitrogenous
Compounds. In this latter case (& in all cases) commences close under & in glands & spreads down; whereas the inflection is at the base.) (I further believe the purple getting darker on convex side, sometime after inflection, is not cause, but a result of inflection, & not necessarily connected with segregation.
Sugar Segregation
Sept. 24 9º Am put on atoms of sugar on 4 5 glands, caused much secretion; after some hours one became inflected, due I believe to undissolved portion; & in 24º this had travelled to another; after 24º examined these tentacles under compound M. & certainly some considerable segregation even within which had not been inflected especially the one which had become inflected. some of the short tentacles in front, inwardly of these, also showed segregation.
(I feel quite convinced that sugar causes segregation without inflection)
Down Sept 24. 11º 30' Yellow sticks 6 leaves
Sulphate of Soda 1 gr to 1 oz
5º P.m considerable inflection in 2 leaves, & one leaf itself inflected, slight inflection of tentacles in the other 3 leaves.
Sept 25 8º 15 moderate inflection in 3 of leaves - slight in 2 & none in one - inflection less than yesterday
Sept 26 8º 15. No trace of inflection - Leaves fully rexpanded & appear perfectly healthy
S. of Potash
Sept 24 11º 30' Matches with Heads 6 leaves Sulphate of Potass. 1 gr t 1 oz.
5º P.m no effect (Sept 25 8º 15 no effect)
Sept 26 8º 15' no effect perhaps 2 do not appear quite healthy; 1 seems killed & inflected, 3 appear not affected.
(Sept 27 8º 30' all seem recovering) the inflected spe. reexpanded.
(Sept 28 8º 10' - all perfectly recovered.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2022