RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1860.10.12. Dionaea from Kew. CUL-DAR54.2-3. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Oct 12th Dionæa from Kew 1860
Leaf cut off & sent closed & damp.
Marginal Hairs alternate (what use? can they digest fly?) 2 or 3 spiral vessels run into Hair & unite & one runs to the apex: they have stomata surrounded by cells. Hence homologous with Hairs of Drosera but probably rudimentary. Upper surface of leaf white & transparent - lower part thick & green. The sensitive Hairs are pointed & short -They consist of elongated cells spirally arranged: I can see no spiral vessels or stomata - a sort of joint at base?? or change in nature of external cells I can see in cells some oval & spherical masses like in Drosera. Sensitive Hairs are pink & generally bifid & pointed. The cells were probably once all filled with pink liquid; at least many of the cells now are. I cut off one & put in water; the pink matter filled some cells & formed spheres & elongated masses. I saw them break up & change form & coalesce. I
[in margin:] Marginal Hairs do not curve
Looking at slides I infer that tortoise sh have very short footstalk like stems. [sketch] The base have a sort of prolongation behind cells of Plant These petaloids thin like those on Deutzia
then put (3 gr to 1 oz) C. of ammonia & changes proceeded more rapidly. I saw whole pink cell break up into numerus spheres – Pink Colour disappeared - process took place from base upwards. There were pink spheres at very root which also changed. No doubt analogous with Drosera. Like disc of leaf there are innumerable pink minute dots which consist of a hemispherical shield with compartments like a lantern back, which consist of cells with pink fluid which with C. of Am. aggregated became colourless & went through similar movements & changes. These are analogous to Hairs of Drosera & probably secrete & absorb. They [illeg], by short footstalk, the apparent orifices like stomata are not there many cells?? [sketch]. These become rarer towards margin; & here & on marginal hairs, on their upper sides, (but some on lower side of leaf) there are star-like or petaloid bodies also pink or brown. The brown stars abound on upper side of marginal Hairs. I shd think these brown petaloid but sometimes pink stars
were a modification of the lantern like bodies, they have footstalk & overlie stomata Whether function same I cannot say - I believe stars on Hairs are reddish brown. The redd Brown stars are outside Marginal Hairs! they are moreover all over outside, especially at base of marginal Hairs - Inside only tortoise-shell, which are infinitely more numerous, but become rare towards margin of leaf - do not abound [illeg] sensitive Hairs. C. of Amm seemed to produce no effect on these stars.
The stomata in Drosera project & have light brown matter within them or round them. The plant must have some means to know when it has digested the caught flies (I saw contraction in Tortoises from C. of
The tortoise-shells are seen laterally to be like buttons with lateral compartments say thick orbicular shields, made of cells so as to resemble a tortoise. There was pretty clear appearance of contraction of green matter in layer of cells beneath the tortoises but I am not sure; for there was nearly similar appearance on lower side.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022