RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1872.08.23-.09.10. Drosera. CUL-DAR54.80-99. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Drosera Augt 23 /72/ Down
Placed sharp needle under Lens so as to touch under surface of viscid drop & it drew it out, but then after 23' no effect; yet gland good for moved instantly with egg-particle.
- Repeated experiment & no effect
2 glands touched by yolk of egg, boiled hard, touched with nothing except steel tools, dipped in boiling water, moved quickly & strongly. So human contact not necessary.
[in margin:] (See old notes for Length of Thread & Hair)
N. B I see glands very near top of viscid fluid smaller by weight & upper surface of gland almost naked not quite almost naked not so when glands are horizontal oval drop like gland [sketch]
Boiled Blotting with same precaution as above paper wet caused no movement, but when dry, one bit did cause great movement not a second piece, a 3d & 4th & 5th piece dry did not act. (a)
One bit of boiled & then dried Thread clearly acted. Two other bits acted splendidly - A 4th bit, well carried to centre of leaf - all 4 bits thus caused the action.
(a) Boiled Blotting paper, after about 4º I found 2 other hairs with bits of blotting paper well turned in; but the others, not so
Sept 9th the longest long-Headed tentacles very nearly 1/4 of inch in length
Fragments of glass certainly seem to have very little power to cause movement.
Aug 23 Needle-point placed so as to draw out laterally & a little upwards a fine thread of viscid matter in 15' no effect, but then accidentally disturbed.
Aug 25 Raw Meat on upper surface of pedicels of 4 tentacles - no effect in 9 1/2º - Nor in 24º next morning; i.e 24º but then the atoms of meat dry soon; perhaps one tentacle had curved a little. (See back for an old experiment not included hitherto)
Aug. 25' Scratched with blunt needle for some time backs of 3 leaves, produced no effect in 24º, then ie Aug 26th put on raw & cooked meat, & in 9º no effect; nor any effects after 24º
Aug 26 put 3 splinters of thin glass on 3 Hairs, & produced in 9º no effect, either apparently in secretion or in movement, nor after 24º
Aug 28 Put on 6 minut portions of white & 6 of blue glass on glands & of these 12 only 4 moved viz 2 whites & 2 blues, & I suspect, I touched the glands in putting on the white glass.
Novemb 1862
Put 2 atoms of meat on upper side of pedicels of glandular Hairs - produced no action but I am not sure these leaves were good
Down 1871 Aug 27th - At 8º 50' touched 6 tents. 3 each on separate plants, with the minute drop of C. of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz; but did not hold the drop long, at 5º P.m. no effect.
Aug 28th 8º 20' held the minute drop of do to the same 6 glands for longer time.- but produced no effect whatsoever.
see next Page
Aug 27 8º 30' Put 2 plants after squeezing wet moss round roots into 1/2 oz of Sol. of C. of Ammonia 2 gr to 1 oz & produced no effect in 24º on 3 good leaves.
28 10º 47' Put same 2 plants & a 3d Plant with several fine leaves under large Bell-glass-folding (see forth on with 4 gr of dry Carb. of Ammonia in watch glass & produced in 6 1/4 hours no effect:- but next morning after 20º from first, all the carbonate not evaporated, but all leaves much discoloured - green dark, no red, & in most, but not all leaves tentacles much reflected & much secretion.
(Plants all died)
Aug 28 10º 25' Put large drops (full 1/2 minim) of Sulp. of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz of water on 7 leaves & in 1º several of the tentacles (& margin of one leaf) in 5/7 leaves had plainly moved & inflected to centre & [whole brush under]
Aug 29 8º 35' Put on minut drops of C. of Ammonia 2 gr to 1 oz on the Heads tried before with 1 gr to 1 oz with no effect, but the upper leaf then grown old. Also on 3 new Heads on lower leaf & on 3 other Heads, but these were too close & Heads of adjoining hairs received some & other Heads got coloured with indigo. (9º I see all glands blackened & 1 old tentacle moved)
11º 25', 3 of the new Hairs touched by same minut drop have now inflected well, ie in 2º 40' - so that 1/43,200 of gr. has acted on these glands - some of the other new tents. viz 2 out of 3 have also inflected - (next morning several of them returned to old places)
1 Sulphate
2 Chloro
3 Tartrate
4 Oxalate - & Segregation p 44
5 Acetate & [illeg]
6 Citrate
7 Carbon
8 [nitrate]
9 Phosphate
Down Aug 29th put crushed flies on back of 4 leaves - none acted in the least after 24º no effect after another 24º = 48º
Down Aug 30th put minutest atom with very fine [illeg] of solid C. of Ammonia on 4 glands; this instantly blackened head & certainly caused increased secretion - but caused no movement in 2 1/2 hours - In 5 1/2 hours one had moved a little, but whole length of tentacle blackened & killed.
Aug 30 used the minute drops of sol. of C. of Ammonia 1 1/2 gr. to 1 oz & put on 12 glands in sets of 3 each. - some experiment failed from all the viscid matter withdrawn - in most of the cases the glands were rendered darker, in a few minutes but no movement in 6 1/2 hours! (never) & Heads recovered redness
Aug 31 30 8º 42' repeated above experiment on 12 heads in sets of 3 with above strength.
10º 40' no movement (except 1 single tentacle, perhaps touched) 12º do 2º 40' no movement. 5º 30' no movement
(It is clear oscillation of viscid fluid does not cause movement.)
We may conclude that under these circumstances, neither 1 1/2 or nor 1 gr of C. of Ammon to 1. oz causes inflection.
Calculate proportion
Down Aug 31. Sulph. of Magnesia 1 gr to 1 oz at 8º 55' put on 6 leaves (Red & black sticks) 10 40' no movement, 12º do - 2º 40'. no action except perhaps in one leaf - 5º 30; no movement - 23º no movement no movement in 48º
Aug 31' 9º 8 Nitrate of Potash 1 gr to 1 oz on 6 leaves (yellow sticks)
10º 40' no movement 12º do - 2º 40' no action except perhaps in one leaf - 5º 30' no more movement in 23º no movement – no movement in 48º
Sept I. 8 37 Phosphate of Soda 1 gr to 1 oz on 6 leaves (Matches with Heads.) 8º 45' strong contractions of many tentacles. 10 30' do - At 2º 30' all 6 leaves greatly inflected - in two of then margin of leaf much turned in - in 24º continued great action 3 leaves inflected margin in 48º all leaves open again
Sept I. 8º 40' Alum common of [illeg] 1 gr to 1 oz 6. Leaves (plain matches) doubtful - I think one - 2º 30' in two of leaves perhaps some effect, perhaps mere dripping of water. in 24º no action - after 48º no trace of action
Sept I 8 57' common salt 1. gr to 1 oz 6 Leaves (Pins) 10º 30' some inflection 11º 45 certainly some effect 2º 30' certainly considerable effect, but not at all equal to phosphate of Soda
Sept 2d. 8º 15' all effect gone
Down Sept 2d. Breathed with mouth close for 1' on fine plant. in 2º no effect & then breathed for another 1' no effect after 8º yet my breath must contain organic matter - Ziegler - no effect after 24º used in foot-note
Sept 1 Routed 4 or 5 glands, with fragment of thin transparent glass did not clean glass, 3 tents moved.
a second set did not move (same glass), then after 1º routed with fingered glass & some tentacle moved. perhaps effect of second routing.
a third did not move (same glass)- routed then after 1' with fingered glass did not move.
a fourth set, routed with fingered glass, moved almost instantly altogether at end 4 tentacles moved.
a fifth set routed with fingered needle, did not move
a sixth set routed with splinter of glass, after boiling water, inflection occurred.
(N. B. anyhow glass will act, though it seems very badly)
Sept. 2d. 8º 35' Routed well with point of glass paced in boiling water 5 lots of tentacles 4 or 5 glands in each lot - I could see no certain effect at 2º 45'. Then, ie at 2º 45' I routed some of then again with the point of glass, again placed in boiling water; at 3º 12 one leaf had 2 tentacles well inflected: at 5º 30' another leaf had 2 tentacles inflected. At 5º 30' one of the leaves which was routed by the fingered
glass had one tent inflected. These facts show how torpid the leaves are, but they demonstrate that clean point of thin & very transparent glass will cause inflection. The day was muggy & warm, & I suspect that leaves ought, to be highly sensitive, to be exposed to sunshine. Action very capricious now; but anyhow there is evidence that touching several times does suffice
Down Sept 2d 9º 20. Had cinders taken out of red-Hot fire. Cork, & thread & gold-leaf all placed in Boiling water- all instrument dipped in do. & placed particles on 5 leaves. - Day muggy & warm, but no sunshine & previous day rather cold.
Leaf (1) old leaf 5 particles - at 2º 30, & next morning none inflected
(2) old - 4 - at 2º 30' & next morning non inflected
(3) very young leaf (7 particles put on) at 11º 45' 1 bit of cork & 1 bit of gold-leaf moved; next morning at 8º 5 I find there are 1 cork, 2 gold-leafs, & I consider all inflected: (this looks as if movement in the dark)
(4) (4 particles) at 2º 30', 1 cork moved: next morning at 8º 5, 1 cork (& 1 cinder & 1 gold-[leaf] a little but certainly inflected)
(5) (6 particles) none inflected in 24º
So that 26 particles were put on the 5 leaves & only 7 of them caused inflection. But this demonstration that matter not touched by human hands (especially cinders taken out of red-hot fire) case inflection. – I suspect leaves require sun-shine.
Down. Sept 4th 8º 22' 30' Tartrate of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz on 5 leaves (Blue sticks)
8º 32' no certain effect (8º 41' do) 8º 55' [-] 23 [=] 32' I think some effect on young leaves
9º 25' moderate action
10º 35; do.- -
12º 50' very moderate action
(5º - less inflection) ie in 8º 30'
Sept 5 8º 15 all the leaves now probably open except partially one.
Sept 6th 8º do
Sept 4th 8º 30' Ammonium chloride of 1 gr to 1 oz 6 leaves (Red & black sticks)
8º 55' decided affect p 25)
9º 25' stronger action than the tartrate of Ammonia (10º 35' do) (12º 50 same remark as before)
(5º Pm ie after 8º 30' I think less inflection than before)
Sept 5 8º 15 two out of 6 yet show only slight signs of inflection; the other 4 completely expanded.
Down Sept 4 8º 39' Carb. of Potash 1 gr to 1 oz on 6 leaves (Matches with Heads)
9º 30' very slight action, doubtful if any
10º 38' no action (12. 55' do)
(5º Pm no action)
Sept 5 8º 15 no trace of action.
Sept 6 8º A.m. It is very odd some of the leaves now have inflected tentacles - the leaf itself in one is much inflected - some of the leaves much injured & seem dying
Sept 7 9º 30' - 3 killed; 1 much injured; 2 with some tent apparently permanently inflected & injured, but leaf recovering.
Down Sept 4 8º 50. Carb. of Soda pure 1 gr to 1 oz. (6 leaves) (Matches with no heads) 9º 27' very strong action, leaves of some inflected, stronger than chloride of ammonia (10º 35' do) (12º 55' do)
5º P.m. 2 leaves with edges inflected, very considerable inflection of all tentacles, more than in the Tartrate or Chloride of Ammonia.
Sept 5th 8º 15' leaves almost rexpanded two still show traces of inflection of leaf itself Sept 7' now all rexpanded
Down Sept 5' at 5º 5' P.m. put leaf into 20 m. of dist. water - examined carefully under 2/3 & middle eye-piece all tent. on each side of footstalk no inflection no segregation
[insertion:] (concave microscope glasses used)
On Sept 6 8º 15'- 30' I found great segregation in all tents: & several of the sub-central ones considerably inflected, but not the marginal ones (ie after 15º)
Sept 5th at 5º 15' P.m. at the same time put fine leaf (say 150 tent.) into 20 m. of N. of Amm. 1' gr to 12 oz of water - leaf not at inflected & no segregation in tents round footstalk when put in: on Sept 6th 8º 15'- 30' after 15º all the tentacles grandly inflected & leaf itself inflected; but there was not so much, or hardly so much, segregation as in the leaf in pure water (ie 15º)
[in margin:] (See Back (a) N. of Amm
N. B. It is certain that the purple tint extends further down & is darker in the two posterior & inferior sides of tentacles in the leaves which have been as above put for 15º in dist. water & in the above sol. of N. of Ammonia - This occurred in the water specn. both in the long marginal, tentacles, which were not inflected, & in the sub-central inflected tentacles.
(a) The leaf gets 1/288 gr of the Nitrate & if there were 15; tentacles each get 1/43,200 of grain
(a) Back
12 oz [x] 8 [=] 96 dram [x] 6 [=] 576 1/6 of a dram or 10 minim so leaf get 1/576 of gr of N. of Ammon if 155 tentacles (excluding 5) as all equally & simultaneously acted on, each get 1/86,400 of gr.
Count the tentacles
(Could I formerly have left the footstalk out of water when I tried single leaves?)
(B) In this water spec. Sept 7. 8º 10' after 23º less inflection than last night, in fact hardly any – no very extreme amount of segregation, except close under glands - no ovals or spheres. I put this leaf into some neat C. of Ammonia, for about 1 3/4: & there then was a marked degree of segregation; many of aggregations being spherical & extending down about 1/10 of length of tentacles.
(A cut off slice with incurved tentacles from the corresponding leaf, which had been placed for 24º in sol. of Nitrate of Ammon Segregation N of Amm 1 gr to 12 oz of water & which had undergone much less segregation than the corresponding water specimen, now showed astonishing amount of segregation; the purple matter almost all forming spheres. & extending down 1/2 length of all the tentacles. This shows that the Carbonate of A. now absorbed by the glands; I afterwards traced spheres forming lower down & changing form & the greater absorption than by corresponding water spec. probably depends on that in water having been weakened & injured. - We thus, also, learn that segregation by Carb. of Am. is not cause of movement. I can give good reason why I test small quantities of the Nitrate by inflection & not by segregation
Down Sept 6 at 9º 7' put leaf into 10 minims of pure water in watch glass (black) mark leaving it upside down so as to wet it well & then touching some of tentacles at 10º 40 no inflection except a few at base of footstalk & no segregation except in few of longish tentacles, but did not examine this specimen before submerging it. (2º 35' only 7 tent & those all marginal now inflected: I looked at all 2º 45' with 2/3 & middle eyepiece; no spherical segregation, but close beneath glands, especially of longer tentacles, the purple matter a little aggregated showing white lines between squarish masses.)
(5º I do not think so many as 7 now inflected; a few sub-central are slightly inflected. Now a good deal of segregation below Heads of most; specially near footstalk; but run down low along pedicle in very few – quadrangular masses of purple in this latter case: in most purple masses (B)
Sept 6th at 9º 11 Also put leaf into 10 m. of N. Ammon. 1 gr to 12 oz. At 10º 24' ie after 1º 13' all tent, with glands darkened & strongly inflected except 5 long ones, some of which appeared injured & (a) some projected out of fluid - no segregation at 1 13' in any marked degree. (with 2/3 & middle eye-piece)
2º 35' every single tentacle (except 1) now clearly inflected) (2º 50; no marked segregation, not more than in corresponding specs. in plain water - hardly so much segregation after 5º 40' only 24º
N of Am
Down Sept 6th at 11º 14' put leaf, with no tent inflected into 10 m. of pure water (watch-glass 12º 5'a few inflected) 12º 57' about 18 tents & somewhat inflected more especially the long-headed marginal ones
(2º 34', only 20 tent inflected & almost all these marginal & only a little more than vertical; ditto 4º 50')
(at 5º some segregate beneath most of Heads, specially longer tentacles: in some few of shorter some segregation has run far down, (a) Back
at 11º 17' 13put leaf with no tent; inflected into 10 m. of sol. of N. of Amm 1 gr to 18 oz of water (watch-glass with paper) look at 12º 17' [2 lines crossed]
(12º 5' a good many inflected) (12º 57' 37 tentacles more or less inflected; all the glands manifestly darker)
(2º 30' All the tents (except some of marginal ones only partly inflected) strongly inflected with heads towards centre of leaf all round the leaf; blackened.
Sept 7 8º A m. leaf in same state. all inflected, except the marginal tentacles only semi-inflected. (The tentacles of the leaf not so closely inflected, by much as that in last page in sol. of 1 gr to 12 oz of water)
N. of Amm 18 oz
(a) Sept. 7. 8º 10' A m. In this water spec. after 21º immersion Even less inflection than last night. A great deal of segregation - in many run down nearly whole length - in several tent purple matter aggregated into oval-balls.
Down Sept 7. 8º 40' - 55' N. of Amm
5 leaves in plain water - no tent. inflected. The leaves were first turned upside down to wet them. [in margin:] In all cases the leaves put in the same 2d distilled water as that used for dissolving the N of Ammonia
1 - 10º 50' 4 long-head inflected, 1 exterior slightly inflected
2 do, 4 tent near footstalk
3 [illeg] do. 10 long-headed inflect
4 do. 4 long-headed sub-marginal
5 do 7 long-headed inflect
It is clear long-headed most sensitive to water & solution; but die soonest
12º 55 no change
5º do do
Sept 8 8º A m. All the tentacles straight except in 2 leaves, in one of which about a dozen & in the other about 1/2 dozen of sub-marginals sub-inflected. - The long-headed, wh. yesterday at 11º were well inflected & now all reflexed to back of leaf
Sept 7. 8º 50'-55' - 5 leaves (none inflected) put in Bottle with 30 m. of sol. of N. of Ammonia 1 gr to 18 oz.
(10º 48' very marked inflect. in 2 leaves; moderate in 2. & hardly any in one leaf but then this one not well covered with the fluid; excepting the latter all central glands blackened. (Now in 15', after putting drop on centre of this latter leaf, say 4º 3' p m all much inflection & central glands blackened)
1 - 12º 50' – about 20 inflected by footstalk 5 pm 1 all tent. closely inflected
2 do all inflected all new leaf do all moderately inflected
3 do only about 14 inflect, some only a little do about 30 had inflected; chiefly submarginal old leaf
4 do only about 38 inflected all mod. inflected
5 do about 27 inflected all moderately inflected
Sept 8 8º 15' The description at 5º P.m. yesterday is still applicable; but the old leaf [illeg] has about 34 tent inflected
See Back of p 15
Down. Sept. 7 11º 25' put 4 leaves in saucer glass with pure water (counted glands on one not longest 195) (another smallish 134) - red mark) (2 of then put in before those below & 2 after them) (say 11º 40' for both lots)
1º a good deal of inflection chiefly long-headed, but not exclusively on all 4 leaves!!! central Glands red I must not turn upside down. (dip in water) or pour water pipette
At 5º P.m (1) young leaf with of long-headed, a little inflected almost up
2, 3, 4 all none inflected
5th with one long headed & 2 or 3 round-H a little inflected
[in margin:] ie 6º 10
at 5º 15'. (1) large tent with 5 long-headed inflected: 2d with about 10 long-Heads inflected: 3d leaf, with 9 or 10 long- & round-Headed inflected: 4th leaf, small, with yet 12 near footstalk inflected: certainly at 1º much more inflection.
Sept. 8th 8º 30' - On the long-Headed now reflexed; in 2 of leaves some sub-marginal slightly inflexed.
Sept 7th 11º 40' put 4 leaves in plain watch-glass with sol 1 gr nitrate of Amm to 14 oz with 40 minims.
At 1º a good deal of inflection in all. - central glands blackened
At 5º P.m. (1) all tent closely inflected
do (2) with about 30 mod. inflected, chiefly sub-marginal leaf old
(3) all moderately inflected
(4) nearly all submarginal inflected
At 5º 10' P.m. ie after 5º 30' two leaves with tent closely inflected; a 3d with all except extreme long-headed; the 4th with a good many great effect produced - (Sept 8. 8º 30, all 4 leaves with all tentacles closely inflected.) N. of Amm (p. 26) 137
Sept 9th 8º A.m. These 4 leaves (on p 15) were left for another 24º in water & now no more contracted; the 4 left in the N. of Ammonia 1 gr to 24 oz have now the far greater number of tentacles almost perfectly rexpanded; one leaf less fully expanded than the others.
The 5 leaves on page (p. 14) likewise left in water for another 24º all fully expanded, but glands blackened, as indeed were many yesterday (the 5 leaves which had been N. of amm 1 gr to 18 oz were put into water together with the remaining of the solution, so solution very weak, & almost all the tentacles now fully rexpanded.)
each leaf got 1/ 1152 of gr
[calculation not transcribed]
So each gland got 1/184,320 of gr.
Down Sept 9th. 8º 20' put 5 good leaves into saucer of water first dipping them & then below in distilled water so as to wet them. (9º 20' - almost all with few long-headed inflected; one with some few round-Headed near footstalk inflected) (10º 30' no marked change)
(1) 2º 40. none inflected
(2) -- 6 long-H. do
(3) -- 4 - do
(4) -- 2 do
(5) -- 4 - do} Sept 10th. 8º 30' none inflected N of Am
Sept 9 8º 25. put 5 good leaves into 30 minim of
[insertion:] so that each got say 6 m N. of Ammonia 1 gr to 24 oz.; first dipping then, & as some water adhered, of course this made sol. more diluted.
9º 20 (1) with almost all inflected, three other with very many; the 5th with only 2 or 3 near footstalk. (10º 30' no marked change)
2º 40' (1) with all except some long-H. inflect.
(2) with about 22 long & round. inflect.
(3) - 23 - do.
(4) - say 7 round & long-H. inflect
(5) - 27. do do} Sept. 10th 8º 30' one remains closely inflected the others fully expanded except perhaps one or two submarginal
1/307,200 of a gram each gland
[illeg] result
whole leaf 1/1920
[calculations not transcribed]
Down Sept 9 10' 44 5 leaves in water, (dipping them first) red mark saucer.
2º 45' (1) 2 long Head, 3 round-Head in grip by black spot inflected
― (2) 2 inflect
(3) none
(4) none
Small leaf not fully expanded (5) - 2 long-Head & several sub-marginals (not fully grown?)
5º only 3 long-Headed altogether now inflected (Sept. 10 8º 30' all now fully expanded, except the young leaf. no 5. & this nearly.)
1/2400 1/384,000
Down Sept 9 10 40' 5 leaves, dipping them first & putting all together into the N. of Amm) into 30 minim of N. of Amm 1 gr to 30 oz of water. – Bottom, red (11º 45' much inflection in 2 of leaves) after 4º
2º 45 (1) almost all inflected v
(2) none - yet central glands blackened
(3) 3 long-Heads & several sub-marginals sub-inflected v
(4) all long-Head & many sub-marginals v
(5) about 7 inflected: there is fly in tents on footstalk
5º 5' P.m. (None with all inflected): 2 with all expanded: 3d small leaf with many Long-H. & 2 or 3 round H. inflect: 4th with caterpillar, near footstalk several inflected, & several sub-marginals: 5th, with 6 or 7 tent still inflected. (Sept 10' 8º 30' a little inflection still in two alone of the leaves)
30 oz
Down Sept 7th. I cut off single tent, & put it in water & it spont. became inflected, I added atom of meat & convex side more aggregated & mor purple than concave side. I watched it for some time, & I think certainly the purple extended further down on convex side & retreated on concave side; but at the same time the curvature of tent. did not increase.
Sept 10th I took oldish dark red leaf: the purple equal on both sides down to very base of the unbent tents. - I put atom of dry meat on Gland, before leaf cut off, & it bent very rapidly; I then examined it under compd. m. with all powers; no trace of difference of tint in the much bent part; no aggregation there; spiral vessel not closer there; but the concave side certainly seemed flatter; no trace of wrinkling: must be contraction. How instantly stimulus is sent down to base; for whole upper part kept quite straight, bending confined to near base: base parallel to whole distal end. [sketch]
Sept 12 Repeated this observation with a bit of meat & finely coloured tent, with same result: certainly no difference in colour on convex & concave side. (over) (aB)
(aB) Sept 12 This tentacle was curved so long straight part very nearly parallel to divergent basal part; yet not quite. I managed to cut off a line of the central spiral vessel, the whole convex side of the hoop or bent part; & immediately the inflection continued until the long part came into contact with extreme basal protuberance, so that the basal part of tent. formed a circle. This demonstrates that convex side resists & is not cause of curvature; this power lying in the concave side. I think it must be contraction of the tissues, for I could not see a trace of wrinkling on the concave side - No it may possibly be the passage out of fluid. Anyhow we now know that the cause lies near base in upper & when bent concave half; (which beam flattened) of the tentacle. & the resistance in the convex or lower side, which when contraction cease elevates & straightens the tentacle again
Sept 10 Down. I formerly counted tentacles on some leaves & now I have counted more taking only ordinary-sized leaves, such as I have used in my experiments. - The largest number counted was 213 235 & the least 134 selected for appearing to have very few; the others were picked out from appearing to have average number of glands. As it was tedious to tear up under microscope & cut, I then used this average, but in order to be safe & allow a few glands not to have absorbed, I use the number of in each case.
[calculations not transcribed]
(Subsequent enumeration to be added & this will lower average)
[calculations not transcribed]
Say average 165 1/2
May 25 1874
[calculations not transcribed]
Final average
Maximum 252
Minimum 130
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 September, 2022