RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].08.04-09.08 [Drosera?]. CUL-DAR55.124-133. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
On 124v there is a partial thumb print.
Aug 4th
8° 59'. 1 leaf ([illeg]) in 30 m of sol. of sugar 2' to 1 oz. — (9° 3' added 30 minim of C. of Amm 2 gr to 1 oz) 9° 5' gland blackened
(9° 10' strong inflection) (Thus even 2 gr of sugar to 1 oz does not prevent action of C. of Ammonia 2 gr. to 1 oz)
(C. of Ammonia)
[Draft of Expression, published, p. 100.]
Aug 4th — put on at 10° 39' minute drop of sol. of sugar (2 gr to 1 oz) on 7 glands— added particles of meat & glass at 10° 59' (ie after 20')
11° 3' 2 meat meats & 1 blue-glass have curved well in)
12° 3 other glands with meat & 1 with blue glass have not curved in; as leaf is so active, I think this retardation must be due to sugar.
2° 5' At last 2 latter glands with meat, & 1 with blue glass have curved in a little, but not the one last with meat: I remember that I put a good deal of the sol of sugar on these 4 latter glands, & the sol. certainly delays delays action.
(Also put on other glands on same leaf particles of meat & glass at (leaf very active for 4 or 5 other glands soon acted) with glass & meat.)
Minute drop of sugar
4. 8° 19' 4 leaves in 2 dr of sol. of sugar (1 gr to 1 oz) (but kept in for 10')
8° 29' added 2 dr of Ph. of Amm (1 gr to 20 oz)
(11° 30' beginning to inflect)
(2° 10', consid. inflection in 2 leaves, & a little in 2 others, but hardly more in latter than water sometimes causes)
(4° 30', 2 leaves with laminæ inflected, consider inflect in other two leaves
I am not quite sure that I did not blundered in quantities
Aug 4
Aug 4 2 leaves (plain cup) with 1 dr. of sol. of Sugar (2) (2 gr to oz) at 8° 45'.
8° 50' added 1 dr of Phos of Amm (1 gr to 20 oz)
((9° 37 put on a fresh leaf with long stalk; so that this leaf had not been previously exposed to the sugar sol & at 10° 30' was slightly inflected;) but not so much as might have been expected)
(11° 5; one of other the 2 leaves now moderately inflected.
(11° 30', the other a little inflect) (2° 10' both leaves now much inflected, one greatly & the laminæ of both) This certainly look as looks as if morphia caused more retardation than sugar, & we observe one gr of salt of Potash causes no delay)
(I am not quite sure that I did not blunder in quantities)
Aug 3d
8° 18' 3 leaves immersed in sol of Sulphate of Potassium (1 gr t 1 oz) not washed, taken out & soon dusted at 8° 55' to 8° 58' ie .39' — I merely merely drained off the potash & stood leaves upright — (9° 2' meat meat acted on some 2 or 3 tents.)
9° 15', some inflection from glass, & from meat in all 3 leaves, about equal from glass & meat) (9° 35', the inflection is not as yet much (10° 25' plenty of inflection in all 3 leaves from both meat & glass)
(11° inflection from glass & meat nearly equal — in 1 leaf enormous, & in the other 2 tent very strongly marked on both sides)
Aug 25th 11° 6' put in 4 leaves in 2 dr of sol. of sugar 2 gr to 1 oz. Leaves rather old)
at 26' ie aft 20' added 2 dr. of sol. of Ph of Amm 1 gr to 20 oz
For some time no action at 3° great inflection in one & some in others.
3° not so much action as below, but now considerable inflection for some have previously no action, not so great as in cases below)
do in pure water at 11° 10'
at 11° 26' added 2 dr of [illeg] Ph of Amm 1 gr. to 20 oz.
Also put in 2 leaves (with pins through stems)
11° 33' some action — (at 3° great inflection in 2 leaves; some on other 2)
Ph. of am 2 dr. (1 gr. to 20 oz) & 2 dr. of sugar. simultaneously 2 gr. to 1 oz at. 11° 28'. — 11° 23' some action — (3° great action in 1 leaf some in other
Leaves not good enough to form final pigment, but I certainly think sugar delayed action of the Ph. of Amm.
Try dusting with glass on one side & with meat on the other for this ought not to delay action of pressure, after 20' in sol. of sugar.)
(Aug. 26th 9° 30; It is certain that sugar mixed with the Phosphate does not stop the most energetic action; & as 2 of the leaves which were first put int sugar & then into the Phosphate are now well inflected with the laminæ, & the 2 others fairly inflected, & as they did not become so soon, I believe that sugar does delay action of Ph. of Amm. — These 4 leaves are now about as well inflected as those which were first immersed in water for 20' & then given the Phosphate)
2 leaves 2 dr. of sols. of sugar & Phos. of Amm. together as above at 8° 27' — 8° 32' some inflection in one leaf — (8° 34' decided) 8° 45' both leaves moderately well contracted
Sept 8th p. 17
2 leaves in plain water for 20' & then Ph. of Ammonia for comparison at 8 28' — added Ph. of Amm at 8° 47'
8° 58' decided, but very slight inflection — 9° 10', & 10°. 10' still very slight inflection 11° 40' fairly well inflected. 1° strongly inflected & lamina of one leaf. (over)
Sept. 7th. 8° 25' — to 32'. for all following sols.
3 leaves in 4 dr. of sugar 2 gr to 1 oz water
(At 8° 47 50', to 55' (ie. after full 20') added 4 dr. of Phosphate of Ammonia & the same to all the others; having first washed them in water.
9° 20' a trace of inflection — (9° 30' do, chiefly long-Headed) (9° 40', sugar-sol more effect acted on, than in the Potash dish) (10° there certainly is more inflection than in the C of Potash specimens) (11° 20' no more inflection & there is extremely little) 12° 25' inflection more pronounced in 2 of leaves
(2°— one L with lamina & all tents inflected; 2d leaf with most tent inflected; 3d with a few inflected)
3 leaves in do of gum 9°. 2' some inflection in all 3 leaves
9° 5' decided action (9° 15' fairly inflected) (11° 20' there ga are rather more inflected than the water specs)
2° all tents well inflected)
(4° 45' closely inflected) like those in water)
3 leaves in do of Cab. of Potash
12° 25' a trace of inflection, chiefly in one leaf
3° one leaf with lamina & all tents inflected; 2d leaf with most tents inflected; 3d leaf with a few
(2° all 3 leaves with almost all tentacles fairly well inflected
(4° 45' now well inflected
Sept 8th
3 leaves in sol. of sugar. 2 gr. to 1 oz for 20'
put in at 8° 24' & after 20' given C. of Ammon 2 gr. to 1 oz. (old sol.) — added C. of Am at 8° 45' Glands all blackened in 2 or 3 minutes — at 8° 52' [-] 45 [=] 7 considerable inflection of tentacles 8° 55' great inflection.
C. of Ammonia
8° 25 Sept 8th
3 leaves in Alcohol (1 dr. of to 7 dr. of water) for 20' & then at 8° 25' given Phosphate of Amm 1 gr. to 20 oz
added Phosphate Amm at 8° 45'. At 11° 5' one leaf with perhaps a trace of inflection — kept in nearly same state 2°. 15', when more inflected & a 2d leaf had just begun to contract. At 4° the lamina of first leaf was inflected & many of the tentacles of the 2d leaf inflected. The third leaf not inflected at 5°. — (6° 45' the 3d leaf very slightly affected)
It is clear this weak alcohol delays inflection.
Sept 7th 8° 45' put 3 leaves in distilled water & no inflection occurred
Sept 8th 8° 35 added plenty of Phosphate of Ammonia (1 gr. t 20 oz) & left for 48° & no inflection occurred, except on second day, slight in 1 leaf. — Thus immersion for 24° in pure water stops action of Phosphate of Ammonia
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023