RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1873.06.28. Huxley states that there is always a proto[illeg] layer. CUL-DAR55.149-150. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Jun 28 / 73/ Huxley states that there is always proto [illeg] layer (as I thought lining the cells) & this goes on travelling in waves round & round cells— throwing over protuberances & appearing to divide—
He believes that purple colour if the mass is due to the coloured fluid being enclosed in the bladders — & if so ultimately all the colour is thus sifted from the contents And this is probable as in shorter tent. of disk the protoplasm, which in water equally moves is green. — This wave-like travelling accounts for the particle which I saw flowing round & round cell.— He disputes that any protoplasm is dissolved or suspended in fluid of unaltered cell. — & think all the masses irregular masses are of protoplasm which undergo the movement described described by me, are still connected with the layer in the wall— I cannot but suspect that some are free— But I daresay all do proceed originally from the
Aggregation — Protoplasmic Currents
Say H. was much struck with the whole phenomenon.—
Chloroform acts on Protoplasm, on ciliæ Huxley
Look at pale & dark straight tentacles for current of Protoplasm for if, as I am nearly sure. this is the case, a touch only exaggerates what is always going on.—
lining layer I think that this may be so in old cells; but in young ones, as I remember the appearance is as if the whole contents of the fluid within cell cells first became cloudy; but if the inner layer of the lining mass, became throughout first granular & then the granule became united into larger masses this wd do equally well— It becomes more doubtful whether secretion can account for the changes segregation or aggregation which occur from organic & inorganic matter & from reflex action — He thinks I may there use the term of reflex. He agrees how wonderful that a touch, can produce such an effect — (no doubt it is utterly different from the molecular movement in nerves C.D)
(Aggregation wd be safer than segregation CD)
Jun 29th In a pale purple leaf, which had never been disturbed & had undergone no segregation, & cells filled with purple fluid, Frank & I saw several times distinctly a layer of moving protoplasm of on walls, moving very quickly, & very thin very narrow. This spec. put into C. of Amm 2 gr to 1 oz soon became aggregated into masses of spheres
Frank has seen circulation in cells in cells in which purple fluid (now discoloured) has aggregated into balls. — a ball in the very cell, in which (see drawing p. 4) there is a direct current — Layer of moving protoplasm very thin —(the balls of protoplasm must result from the conversion of purple fluid into protoplasm.—
The balls circulate & change form, but the dose, of C. of Ammonia wh I think much too strong. Frank saw the moving layer in cell in which there was a great lump of purple protoplasm.
Watch changes in weaker fresh C. of Ammon
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023