RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1873.06.27-07.29. [Drosera continued] [application of olive oil, atropine, valerianate. CUL-DAR55.33-68. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Jun 27 11˚. 13' Olive oil on Pin Head to glands on 3 leaves one stick with needle & iron p peg.
12˚ 25' several of the tentacles inflected, & I am sure I did not touch them — Try again
28th 11˚13' — these seem all to have become reexpanded again.
(29th 9˚ 9' with pin Head (horizntal stick) 2 glands when cut off— one on opposite side (& longest on pedicel, an old one) — 9˚ 45 & is certain that oil causes inflection— when placed on single glands in a few some r minutes time)
Olive Oil (Used)
29th 9˚ 6 yellow & red sticks. Drop of Olive oil on disc of 6 leaves. — (30 8˚ 10' — not inflected, except one which had a few, perhaps had been touched by some object — Put on meat on. 4) July 1 8˚ 3 of 4 leaves with meat splendidly inflected, laminæ & tentacles; one with only a few tent. inflected: the other 2 without meat in the same state.)
2 leaves put in saucer with do (29th. 9˚ 5') (30th 8˚. 15' with almost all tentacles well inflected — I presume exosmose or some such action— account for action on gland separate tentacle — This inflection takes a long time, for last night no inflection.— There is much segregation in tentacles.
July 1 no change in the oil — still well inflected.
July 6' 11˚30 (7 Red sticks
Oxalate of Sodium 1 gr. to 1 oz.
(5˚ P.m. most potent effect; laminæ of most deeply inflected)
July 7. 9˚ 30' all seven leaves with not only tentacles but in all laminæ doubled up so that in movement to distal part almost touched the base of pedicel— I never before saw so potent an effect..)
July 6 11˚40'. (7 Blue sticks) Oxalate of Potassium 1 gr. to 1 oz} poor leaves.
(5˚. P.m., seems to have had no effect on 5 leaves; but 2 with some tentacles inflected, I suspect touched by some accident)
July 7th 10 40' — 2 leaves with many tent. inflected & the glands on one blackened. — 3 with a trace of inflection, & 2 with no inflection. put meat on these 5 leaves.
July 8th 10˚15 meat splendidly inflected by 3 leaves (lamina of one inflected); slightly inflected over the other 2 leaves.—
See Back for a second course of experiments
Third course. 5 fine leaves, round black stick 1 gr. of the oxalate of Potassium to 1 oz
July 12th.— 8˚ 25' (11˚ 25' no distinct inflection) (2˚ 30', 0)
July 13th 8˚ 45' (a trace of inflection in 2 leaves; the 4 others not all affected, & apparently glands hardly at all discoloured.)
(July 14' 8˚ 15' besides the 2 leaves with some central inflection; a few sub-margin sub-inflected on 2 or 3 other leaves: fluid absorbed— do not appear injured.) (15th 9˚ do not appear at all injured, except the 2 which were partly inflected & now reexpanding, but irregularly with some tentacles crooked.)
(16th 8˚ 45' look healthy except 1 of those which had become much inflected; but the glands on the disc do not secrete properly (over)
Fresh experiment
July 7 10˚50' (4 round black sticks)
1/2 m. drops of Oxalate of Potassium on 4 leaves, good leaves. —
(4˚ 45' 2 of them with laminæ of leaves well inflected.)
July 8th 10˚15' 2 leaves with laminæ affected — very slight inflection of 3d leaf— the 4th not affected.—
Will they be poisoned? July 11th one completely dead & withered.—
(July 9th 10˚ 50' — not the least effect.)
July 12th 8˚ Am. Two other leaves now shrivelled & 1/2 dead. The 4th leaf lost.─
July 7th 11˚15 (5 yellow & red sticks) New Atropine 1 gr. to 1 oz, but not all dissolved.)
July 8th 10˚22' no effect on any
July 7th 11˚25' (6 white sticks with red Heads) Valerianate of Atropine 1 gr. to 1 oz.—
July 8th 10 25' no effect except that gland on disc slightly discolored.
July 16th marked 2 glands & put on small drop of sol. of Theine (4 gr. to 1 oz) & in 30' minute put on atoms of meat— One moved in 6' to centre, so cd not have acted as narcotic — The other did not move for a long time, but I think this enough to show that Theine is not a narcotic.)
(Omit all that I have said in old M. S.)
July 8th 11˚ (6 yellow & Red sticks)
Colchicine 1 gr. to 1 oz. —
(July 9th 10˚50' not the least effect)
July 9th 11˚1/4 Put on 3 atoms of Blue glass on glands; the one last put on alone moved & I saw that this touched gland: the other 2 were put on under side & did not touch the gland
3 4 6
(The second about 1˚ ie 1 3/4 of h. by capillary attraction was drawn into content & has now moved) (Afterwards (in about 3˚) ie 2. 30' the 3d bent & this was manifestly in contact with the gland: the viscid fluid seems less, I imagine spread over greater surface dries rather quicker.) Four "— (Four 4 bit of Hairs put on at before the blue-glass—, not one bent;— never bent I suppose leaf not sensitive enough. —)
July 10th put on 6 more atoms of blue glass— but I find it hardly possible, except by chance to fell sure that atoms put on the lower side of viscid drop do not touch— All those that moved & they took several minutes were in contact with glands — 2 that did not move certainly were not in contact.— 6 more tried 3 moved over /Used/
(It is certainly true that after 2˚ to 2˚ 1/2 the viscid matter seems dry & one of the other tentacles has become a trifle curved.—)
(I think more of capillary attraction drawing out viscid secretion than of drying, though this certainly seem to come in when an atom does not excite movement for a few hours, as sometimes occurs.)
(I may rest contented that atoms always touch gland, & this will acct for atom often causing movement at once & often will for some time.—)
5 moved soon.
6 more move
July 9th 9˚ Square stick with 1 pin. Cube of Albumen 1/10 of [inch]
― 2 round sticks with 1 pin Cubes of albumen 1/10' of inch — ie hard boiled eggs.
Digestion (Drosera)
― 2 sticks with 2 pins, squares of thin sheets of pure gelatine 1/10' of inch square.
(Put album & gelatine on damp wet moss in green house) at same time.— 4 sq. of gelatine 1/10th of inch) & 2 cubes of albumen, the largest above 1/10' cube, under watch glass.)
July 11. 10˚ 40' I can see only vestige of gelatine on one leaf with fluid & none on other — much segregation in pedicels. (The gelatine & albumen not at all affected on wet-moss, similarly exposed, not at all affected; evry angle sharp; content but gelatine much thickened; as the sheets of gelatine were very thin.)
(The sq cube of albumen 4/20' of an inch. (now 11˚on the 11th (of July, ie 2 & 2 hours) is surrounded by transparent glassy fluid, with the glands embedded deeply in it (& with immense segregation in tentacles) in the centre alone quite rounded in white, with reflected light, & with transmitted light is of the peculiar striated brownish colour which is seen in a very thin sti slice of unaltered egg. This rounded position is rather under 3/20th of an inch in diameter. /over
The 2d spec. with cube of albumen 1/20th of inch square now showed only a drop of slightly viscid fluid on centre of disc, which was very strongly acid— but when this was gently scraped off & seen by reflected light there were traces of white streaks. This viscid fluid was not nearly so cohesive as fresh albumen of egg.
Boiled white of egg is not acid — much segregation —
The laminæ of 2 of 3 leaves inflected over the albumen. —
The 3rd. specn. In exactly the same state, but the white streaks in scraped off viscid fluid hardly distinguishable.
Stick with 2 pins. July 11th 11˚30' the gelatine not so much affected but the sheet had swollen (as on the damp moss,) & all angles taken off, so that it now consisted of a disk nearly 1/10' of inch in diameter, & surrounded by viscid fluid, acid.— Wonderful contrast with spec. on moss—
July 12th. 8˚ 15'— The second spec. left till today, very fine leaf, every trace of the gelatine gone, solely a large drop of viscid very acid fluid on disc, not a trac of anything solid
July 12th 11˚. Standard spec. on bit of gelatine square: one with angles much rounded— & the third a drop of viscid matter ü The 2 cubes of albumen with angles a little rounded, (& filament of fungus) Control Control
(Albumen & Gelatine on Water)
July 13th 8˚ Am. One square of gelatine perfect one a 2d a rounded mass — (Put on at same time viz July 9th as on Drosera leaves) & (Albumen, reduced in size, angles almost corroded away, yellowish colour, but not surrounded by transparent fluid, like the cubes on Drosera leaves.— (Control)
14th Squares 6 albumen & 1 1 gelatine still quite cubical though angles corroded.
15' albumen much reduced in size, much discoloured, angles all gone.
16th. do do do do
17th 9˚ Am examined carefully the gelatine & albumen) on moss.— Of the gelatine only a trace left— Of the albumen the 2 lumps with rounded angles quite large & dark brown & disintegrated externally; but internally pure white & opake nearly like fresh egg.
July 17th 9˚ Am Put 3 fresh cube 1/20' of inch square on moss of fresh albumen & cheese.
July 18 8˚ 40' Casein in little glass cup with water
21st all disintegrated & floating but still looks white. 23d. 10˚40 disintegrated white granules or yellowish.)
July 19th 12˚ The bits of cheese on moss have corners rounded & white surface disintegrated— Certainly juice of Drosera is antiseptic.)—
(July 21st, 8˚ the cheese 3 cube of cheese now consist of subsided white dabs, the cubes of albumen still angular & white.)
(23d. 10˚ 30' cheese in same state, 3 white rounded square dabs.) (over)
(do. do.— 2 cubes of albumen pale purple, a little rounded, the 2d much rounded & surrounded by transparent matter
July 25 8˚ 30' — Cheese in nearly same state: of the 3 cube of albumen, 1 still square & white though reduced; the 2d sub-rounded, but still with much white; the 3d with more trace of opake white in the centre. — The albumen was placed on moss on the 17th weather very hot,— kept in greenhouse.)
((Casein flocculant white rounded at base of cup.)
Jul 14th. 11˚. 12' Citrate of Sodium
(6 red— sticks)
15' 9˚ the laminæ in 4 inflected, in one greatly inflected the inner marginals & outer discals greatly inflected in all; but not the outer marginals, as if effect very local. One of the leaves oldish not much affected in any way.
(16th 9˚, the laminæ of all almost fully expanded, here & there a very few tentacles still inflected
(It is very curious this difference between so the same salts of sodium & Potassium, viz the inflection of the laminæ; yet fluids of exactly the same strength.
July 14 11˚16' Citrate of Potassium
(6 Blue sticks.)
(15th 9˚, no trace of effect on any f the 6 leaves.)
(16th 8˚ 50' do do do. do
July 15. Put 2 leaves for 30' in boiling water — rendered flaccid with the tentacles bowed backwards, from being killed & agrees with reflexion of old dying leaves. — Tentacles rather pale purple, with numerous granules in cells Close beneath glands rendered colourless, but the green matter tinge always seen beneath glands rendered brighter. But the oddest change is that all the glands instantly rendered snow white & opake, apparently from coagulation of their contents.
[Left margin:] → No protoplasmic current of course not, killed.
[Right margin:] Perhaps introduce when in Preliminary remarks
This shows that contents of gland differ from those of the cells if the pedicels, & the green matter; how much deflection of structure there is in these tentacles. — This ch. agrees with the extreme blackening from C. of ammonia — Shows cells of glands not only differ structurally & functionally, but chemically.— The purple being discharged from short space beneath glands show these cells also differ slightly from those lower down.—
aggregation (a) Back
Placed the second boiled leaf at 10˚48' in sol. of Carb. of ammonia 2 gr to 1 oz. (11˚ 20' I think purple colour discharged some way down & perhaps speck in still pale purple cells larger & more regular, as if aggregation was going on.—)
(July 16th. 9˚ no changes from the C. of Ammonia— all purple discharged: the little spherical atoms or globules in the same state)
[in margin:] change in glands contents rate of Pepsin (over)
As boiling water made white the contents reflect light & not at all granular— From C. of Amm. they merely shut off light—
Several cases at 145°-150° of puncture appear & of slight reflexion of tentacles at 150°
July 15 Put atoms of raw meat on 3 marginal glands in pairs, & as soon as one with of pair began to move added minute drop of Citrate of Strychnia 4 gr to 1 oz. & this seemed to delay the movement, but not more than could be accounted for by the dilation: ultimately all 3 reached the centre & were as much inflected as those which had no strychnine—
(Citrate of Strychnia)
So strike out what I have said about the acetate assisting movement if a moving tentacle. —
July 16th repeated experiment with this difference that I put on atoms of solid Citrate of Strychnia, after the glands with meat had begun to move; they were not stopped; perhaps delayed & the glands were darkened. —
(Also put on atoms of the Citrate on 6 glands (10˚55') without any meat. — 2 of these moved some way & then became fixed, 3 others curved a long way towards centre & became fixed, & one reached the centre of leaf—) (over
July 25' — I put same minute drop of C. of Stry. (4 gr to 1 oz) on 4 glands on 2 leaves, one of these had 2 of the glands decidedly blackened with no secretion, after an interval of 5˚. —
Try putting leaf in the sol.
July 26th 9˚ 12'/ (six sticks with red Heads) Citrate of Strych, 1 gr to 1 oz 1/2 minim on disc of leaves
(27th 8˚ 20', only a trace of inflection in 2 of the leaves— glands not blackened— perhaps rather redder. Put on meat on 3 leaves
(28th, 10˚35' some slight & irregular inflection over meat, in one alone of these glands seem injured on disc. — Of the 3 other leaves one seems not injured; the other 2 have glands on disc almost dry & injured
July 26' 9˚ 14' 2 leaves in watch-glasses (1 & 2) 30 minim of Cit. of St. (1 gr. to 1 oz).— (9˚. 27' several marginals inflected) (10˚ 20', glass. (1). 16 marginals infected — glands black, mottled with white glass (2) 23 marginals inflected — glands in same state) (11˚ 15' rather more inflected glands oddly discoloured & mottled.) (2˚ 30' the glands now look opake whitish like porcelain — (glass (1) about 15 closely inflected; & many sub-inflected glass (2) about 30 inflected & many sub-inflected.) July 27' 8 glands all discolored, most tentacles flaccid)
Citrate of Strychnia
July 28' Little cup with red.
Young red leaf in [illeg] Citrates of Strychnia (1 gr. to 1 oz). 10˚ 52' —
12˚47. glands blackened & I can see some seg. The seg looks very like that from C. of amm, black small spheres — outer discals & inner marginals, but not outer marginals inflected
At 12˚ 55 gave it Carb. of amm 2 gr. 1 oz.
(2˚. 30' all except single row of exterior marginals inflected: so not poisoned.) (4˚. 50' do.) (29th 10˚ 30', same state of inflection, immense segregation)
10˚ 56' — little cup with blue do with N Citrate of Strychnia 2 gr. to 1 oz. (12˚ 50' gland like pink porcelain except some which stuck out of fluid— Hardly any inflection, but much seg. the pink along whole tentacles more or less seg. & under glands black spheres, as if carbonate of am. had been given.
Gave it the Carbonate of A. at 1˚.
(2˚ 35', I do not think any more inflection)
(4˚ 50' about 23 or 25 inflected) so not poisoned.
(29th 10˚ 30' same state)
July 16th 11˚ 15. (6 red sticks)
Iodide of Sodium 1 gr to 1 oz (1/2 minim
July 17th 10˚45' in 4 leaves out of 6 lamina much inflected, with nearly all or many or some tentacles inflected; in the 2 others many of the m sub-marginals & discals well inflected; but in the greater number of the 6 leaves, the outer marginals not much inflected.
July 18th 8˚ 30' nearly all tent & laminæ reexpanded, but outer tentacles of disc still more or less inflected.
July 16 11˚ 15 (7 Blue sticks)
Iodide of Potassium 1 gr. to 1 oz (1/2 minim)
(17th 11˚45' — in one lamina inflected; in some the sub-marginals & discals moderately inflected; in 3 of them very little effect, yet a few sub-marginals & discals slightly inflected.)
July 18' 8˚ 30' Seem all recovering & reexpanded, except in 2 in which a few sub-marginals still inflected. In one leaf, an aphis had been caught & there was considerable inflection over it on one side.
July 17. 1873 8˚ 45.'- 9˚— 3 sticks with 1 pin cube of albumen & 3 sticks with 2 pins cube of cheese, cubes 1/20' of inch square.— (July 18th 8˚ 30' it is clear that cheese excites more inflection than albumen.)
(July 18th 8˚ 40', 2 little irregular lumps of pure caseine also 1/10' of inch in diameter —(Sticks with pin & red band))
(July 19th 10˚30' the 3 leaves with albumen are now expanding: in one old leaf which seems drying up, there is a minute crumb of absolutely transparent albumen left: in the 2d spec. there are transparent threads cementing some of the reexpanding glands, which are either the viscid secretion or remnants of albumen; in the 3d spec. (now large red leaf there is a little viscid transparent fluid in middle of disc which is probably in part albumen & in part viscid secretion.)
(July 19. 10˚30' lump of caseine not yet embraced !!) 20th I moistened casein with little saliva & 21st was partly now embraced.
(do. Cheese far less digestible than albumen laminæ inflected in 2 of leaves— fluid very acid — much segregation; examined one cube, (& cut away leaf angles still perfect, but lower side which rested on disc rather decreased in size & corroded.)
(July 21 8˚ albumen brown still with a little liquid in centre. — 2 Cheese not much digested but not rounded, yet & infinitely better preserved therefore the cheese on moss; the cheese leaves are reexpanding; much segregation in their tentacles.)
(Drosera) /over
July 21. 8˚ 15 Stick with 1 & 2 rings.— little spheres of soft, Bread. (July 23d. 9˚ 15', one leaf with lamin well inflected over bread; the other with all sub-marginal & on discals well inflected over it & outer, bread rendered transparent.—) 25th 8˚ 15', bread very soft, coloured pink from secretion; on one leaf, mouldy; tentacles reexpanded; with only 1 of the glands dropped off: no conspicuous seg; evidently bread does not suit Drosera.) yet acts much more energetically than an inorganic substance.)
July 23d 9˚ the 3 leaves with albumen, one all absorbed; the 2d with a trace of transparent liquid on disc; the 3d all absorbed & had caught an ant.
July 23d 9˚ (stick with pin & red band) too strong had blackened some of glands & killed others caseine on disc. but mostly absorbed by one large leaf (25th, tentacles now rexpanded, but many injured & blackened; apparently a good deal dissolved, by the larger leaf, but some left, & quite a large mass left by swollen leaf— appear too strong a substance like raw meat.
July 23d 9˚ 15 leaves with cheese, leaves expanded many some gland blackened & injured; one cube with angles perfect, the other rounded & apparently somewhat absorbed
July 18th. I placed 7 leaves in saucer with water & heated it till it rose to 110 Fah. & took out one at 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110 & placed in cold water. — It is certain that all these degree of heat caused some tentacles to be spontaneously inflected, but irregularly in all the leaves. — Put bits of roast meat on all a little before 11˚ — The temp of 110 did not whiten any glands—
Even after 110° glands contract contracted in 1/4 about 15' over the meat. — (In 1˚ from time of putting a vast number (of the 110° temp.) inflected.) Perhaps the inflection is due solely to temperature & not to meat.) in 2˚ from time every tentacle inflected!!!) The 105° Fah. leaf with very many many inflected; so with the 2 leaves at 100°); so with all the other above temperatures, but none none hardly so completely inflected as that exposed to 110°.) (4˚ 30' P m. the laminæ of the one of 110°F a little inflected, & those at 105° & 100° greatly inflected; as well as that at 80° & some of others: all tentacles inflected.)
Put in 118°
As soon as temp rise to 110° blow out lamp —
Do not put much water & stir up water with rod
Try again & first heat water & then dip in leaf & put into cold water see whether it acted
Temperature Temperature
July 19th. I chose too too old leaves; none sensitive, for 1 which had not been put in hot water & was placed in saucer with 1.2 dr. of N. of amm (1 gr to 20 oz) did not contract much.— The 3 others were exposed to 111—112°F. & certainly were not killed— Two were exposed to heat gradually beginning at 80°-90° & the third suddenly, but this seemed to make no difference. One in the Nitrate as above added to the water, had all its outer discals & marginals well contract in 5˚-6˚ & some contraction very soon. I put a bit of meat on one, which had been already exposed for 1˚ 45' to the nitrate & the meat, in 3˚ 45' was certainly clasped to certain extent.
Aggregation → plenty of segregation: it is clear 111°-112° is not in the least injurious.
It does not appear that leaves are more sensitive owing to heat than thus.
One was taken out of the hot water & placed in cooled distilled water very quickly it had outer discal forming a ring, but not more than often occurs in plain water. (July 20' 8˚ I put meat on all 3 leaves last evening & all are now energetically clasped over it
July 20th Put 3 fine dark red oldish leaves into water & when temp was 115°-116° they became greatly inflected, & in some minutes afterwards they had every tentacles closely inflected, & I never saw leaves more grandly perfectly inflected. The tentacles were covered with minutest bubble that with very weak lens they looked aggregated. (When examined under compound very little aggregation was visible probably not more than generally occur in old leaves. This purple aggregated matter certainly changed shapes, so the leaf was not killed, Frank & I saw such changes of size but slower than usual. — I could see no well protoplasmic current on walls; but this is always difficult to see when there is little aggregation, nor could F. — Certainly leaf not killed by temp of 115° 116°. Thermometer did not touch base, as water cooled I put in another old redd red leaf at 111° & this was in a minute or 2 considerable inflection inflected; about 20 tents. closely inflected. — I put this leaf at 10˚40' in N. of amm. (1 gr to 20 oz) but at 11˚20' gave it some meat, & left it in a little of the Nitrate to see if the tent. will move yet in 3˚ 30 lamina & many tent. well inflected over meat. (over)
I also put this leaf into a sol. of C. of ammonia (rather strong) & in an hour or two some one tentacle, but not some others showed very decided aggregation. — I looked again after an interval of 5˚ hrs & there, then was a little aggregation beneath the glands & the purple colour a little discoloured, but hardly any aggregation in most of them.
I think too dead to answer to this stimulus.— Two other leaves left in plain water for about 20˚ reexpanded fully; but when meat was given them, & they were left in the water, they were not capable of again reinflecting.
No, some chance the sol. not strong enough
I also put young paler leaf in the water when cooling to 109°F, & this soon underwent much inflection in 2 or 3 minutes & soon [illeg] every tentacle (except 2 or 3 3 or 4 marginals) became inflected, but not closely inflected: (These had the bubble of air. I put them in the Nitrate — then gave it meat as with the other; & after same interval lamina of leaf & all the tentacles closely inflected.
[Also in the hand of Emma Darwin]
Temperature (see Back)
July 21 very hot day 1873. In following expers. leaves all fine red were put in suddenly at given temp. & moved about, & left for some minutes whilst water cooled a trifle, then put in watch-glass with cold water, left for stated times to see if any change, & then put in Sol. of Carb. of Ammon. 4 gr to 1 oz
(1) Leaf put in at 8h 32m in water at 119° & left till water rose to 121°: at 8˚ 35 put in cold water; 10˚ 40 no change; 11˚ 40 glands a little blackened, this is like what occurs with ordinary specimens after about 20h in water; at 2˚ 45 a little inflection abo of outer discals; not put in C. of amm.
The lamina of leaf became inflected.
3 oz of distilled w. was placed in porcelain cup evaporating Dish. with new clinical Therm from Elliott with long bulb placed obliquely, not touching bottom, & heated by spirit lamp. — Leaf when first put in, always waved about & gen always put in before the water attained its full heat, & left in for some minutes, as water began to fall in temp owing to lamp being removed.— Considering thinness of tentacles there can be no doubt were fully heated. Actual precision of degres impossible, as leaves differ slightly from age or constitution in their sensitiveness. —
[Also in the hand of Emma Darwin]
(2) July 21. 1873 (2) Put in at 110° & raised to 120°; inflection began immediately, & continued; every tent. except 1 inflected;
8°. 40— put in the C. of. A. 4 gr. to 1 oz 8. 50 glands intensely black. 10. 40 ie 2h plenty of seg.
(3) Put in at 120°, large but young leaf in 2' or 3' — consid. inflect; tents became vertical & whilst kept in water did not become more inflected; 9˚. 45 put in C. of Am. 10. 40 glands intensely black, 55m plenty of seg.; 2. 45 ie in 2h. almost every tent well inflected but not closely.
(4) A splendid young red leaf. Put in at 130 rose to 131. No trace of inflection; 8.55 put in cold water; 9. 45 no inflection, then put in C. of A.; 10. 40 consid. inflect., glands
[Also in the hand of Emma Darwin]
black, 131°F. plenty of seg.; 12. 45, all put 6 or 7 tents inflected; 2. 50— good seg. but spheres rather small; 4˚ 30', under compound, splendid purple spheres, cells almost colourless, but spheres very much smaller than in ordinary not heated specs. & seg. does not extend so far down tent.
(5) Put in 130°— 11˚. 9'. put in cold water, no inflect. but glands look redder; 11˚ 30' in C. of Am 11˚. 45' glands black, some seg; 2˚ 40 inflect of all inner marginals, glands excessively black; seg. running some way down tents; but spheres much smaller than in not heated specs. under Compound, spheres perfect & purple, rest of cells transparent — no protoplasmic current.
July 22d. put on minute drop of Extract of Hyosciamus 6 gr to 1 oz. on 4 glands & left for 1/4 of Hour & some moved immediately when meat was put on, but am not sure whether any mistake 1873
July 23d 11˚. A. m. 6 white sticks with red Heads
3 gr. of extract of Hyosciam to 1 oz of water— allowed to subside — about clear natural fluid used.
(July 24' 11˚15' no effect — put on meat on 4 leaves)
I believe there was a little inflection, of which yesterday evening of which I can now see traces.) (July 25 9˚, the 4 with meat have tentacles & laminæ gr excellently inflected: one of the others with tentacles now finely inflected; the other rather dry, but apparently not injured.) —
July 24th 11˚30' 5 red sticks 1/2. m. of Hyosciamus extract 1 1/2 gr to 1 oz of water (1˚ 15' outer discals a little inflected, more than can be accounted for by drying & stickiness.)
(4˚ in one leaf some inflection of lamina; in a 2d leaf perhaps a trace of do & inner marginals sub-inflected.) (25' 9˚, in one leaf great inflection of all tent. in 2d some inflection; the 3 others seem quite fresh, & uninjured. I conclude that this extract contained some albumen— I must say nothing about action as a narcotic.)
July 23d. 11˚10' Daturine, concent. sol. but less than a grain to 1 oz (apparently)
(6 Blue sticks very good leaves)
(July 24' 11 20' no effect, except perhaps glands on disc look rather dry & perhaps outer tentacles unnaturally reflexed — Put on meat with a little saliva on 4 3 glands.)
(A grain grain does not all dissolve in 1 oz of water)
(July 25th, the 3 with meat, have a good many sub-marginals well inflected on it; 2 of other seem injured, but then a good many leaves in this plate are getting old & dying, the third seems fresh & well — even the 2 leaves with the outer marginals reflexed & dying, yet have glands on centre not in appearance injured so that Daturine, if at all injurious, is so very slightly,— I think I may say not injurious.— No the 3 with meat ought to have been much more inflected, judging by the Hyosciamus spec. — Say in some degree is poisonous.
July 25' 9˚ 23' (6 white stick with red Head)
Citrate of ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz.
(10˚23' glands blackened on disc. a little inflection in some leaves of outer discals.)
(11˚15 sub-marg. more inflected)
(12˚ 48', 1 with lamina a little inflected, none with outer marginals inflected—.)
(2˚ 15' nearly same state)
(4˚ 30' in some of leaves a good many sub-marginals well inflected.
July 26th 8˚ 20': 3 young & pale leaves with laminæ somewhat inflected & most of the sub-marginals: 3 older leaves with sub-marginals pretty well inflected; but in none of the six leaves, are the 2 or 3 or 4 outer rows of marginals inflected. — This very odd. — Can the dose be too strong? The glands on the disc look very pale.
26th 9˚ (4 sticks with lines.) Citrate of ammon 1 gr. to 3 oz. (11˚ 18' glands on disc very dark which I called before black)
27' 8˚ 15 slight inflection in 2 of the leaves; none in the others — dose too weak.
Agg C. of Ammon /over
July 26th Put 2 leaves in a little Carb. & Citrate of Amm 4 gr. to 1 oz to observe segregation. — In the Carbonate glands blackened in under 2' — glands in the Citrate after 1˚ 45' did not blacken, but became darker red. — After 1˚ 45' the seg. masses in the Carbonate were spherical & black & extended down for 1/2 to 1/3 of the less long tentacles; whereas the seg. masses in the Citrate were pink & elongated, not at all spherical & did not extend down above 1/4 or 1/5 of length of tentacles. —
I shd say that in after 30' from immersion there was some a good deal of seg. in the Citrate spec.' though less than in the Carbonate spec'.
July 26. 10˚33'. Bromide of Sodium
(6 sticks with pins) 1 gr to 1 oz (1/2 minim on disc)
(5˚ 15' some inflection)
(27th 8˚ 30' — 3 leaves with laminæ inflected & with most of tentacles well inflected; a 4th with a few sub-marginals inflected; 5th & 6th leaves hardly at all inflected or affected.)
July 26. 10˚40' Bromide of Sodium 1 gr to 2 oz
1/2 drach in 3 watch-glasses
(3) very pale leaf— (11˚15' a very few inflected) (12˚. 40' immense inflect of lamina.) (2˚ 30', all tent closely inflect. as well as lamina)
(4) (10˚50' some inflect.) (11˚15' a great no' inflect)
(12˚ 40' all tents, except extreme marginals) (2˚ 30' all, but 5 inflected closely
(5) 10˚50' some inflect (11˚15 a consid. no' inflected)
(12˚40', almost all the tents.) (2˚ 30', all but 5 closely inflected, & lamina a little.)
10. 40 2˚ 30'
(2˚ 35' put all 3 leaves in pure water)
(27th 8˚, two of leaves almost completely expanded, the third a little so.)
July 26th 10˚30 Bromide of Potash 1 gr. to 1 oz. 6 Blue sticks. 1/2 minim drops.
(July 27th 8˚ 30' 5 leaves in no way affected; the 6th with laminæ & most many tentacles inflected — Put on meat on 3 of these.)
July 28th 9˚ 30' the 3 with meat with laminæ & tentacle well inflected— the other three seem quite uninjured — no evidence of poison.
July 26th 10˚45' Bromide of Potassium 1 gr. to 2. oz
1/2 drac in 3 watch-glasses
(11˚ 16' none in the 3 glasses inflected)
(6) (12˚43' none) inflected.)
(2˚. 30' no. inflect.)
(5˚ — do. do.
(6) (27' 8˚ no inflection — glands look pale
July 27th 8˚ 45. Chloride of Potassium 1 dr. to 2 oz.
1/2 dr. given to each leaf
(Watch-glasses) 10˚35', 0
(1) 5˚ 15 a slight inflection, but none at 1˚ or 2˚ 10'
(2) (5˚ 15', 0)
(3) (5˚ 15', 0) (28th. 10˚20' no sort of effect)
put in C. of Amm 2 gr. to 1 oz: glands immediately blackened, in 1˚ some inflection & plenty of aggregation. — This also applies to the Nitrate of Potash & the Sulphate
I doubt whether any are really poisonous.
Chloride of Sodium, do. (8 45') 18th
Common salt) 10˚35'
(4) 10˚37' a good del of inflec
(5) 10˚37 some do
(6.) 10 37' some do
(5˚ 15' lamina & every tentacle immensely inflected; there was strongest inflection at 1˚)
July 27 Nitrate of Potash 1 gr. to 2 oz. 1/2 drach given 8˚ 55' (10'. 38', 0 all 3 leaves).
watch glasses
(7) (5˚ 15', 0) (28', 10˚ 15' no sort of effect)
(8) (5˚. 15, 0). (28' 10˚15', a slight inflection of sub-marginals such as sometimes occurs in plain water spec.)
(9.) (5˚ 15', 0) (28th, 10˚15' no sort of effect)
Nitrate of Sodium (do.) (9˚)
(10) 10˚38' great inflect
(11) pale leaf
(12) 10˚38 some inflec
(5˚. 15', laminæ & every tentacle of all 3 leaves immensely inflected; & there was great inflection at 1˚)
July 27' 9˚ 8' 10 Sulphate of Potassium. 1 gr to 2. oz 1/2 dr. 10˚40', 0)
(13), (5˚ 20', 0) (28th. 10˚ 15', no sort of effect)
(14) (5˚ 20', 0)
(15) (5˚ 20', 0)
N.B. the Chloride, Nitrate & Sulphate of Potassium, do not from colour of glands & appearance of leaves appear to have been injurious.— after 1˚) At 1˚ the contrast was enormous between the 3 salts of Soda & Potash in inflection.
Sulphate of Sodium. (do) 9˚ 12'
(16) — 10˚40' great inflect
(1) 10˚40' some inflec
(11.) 10˚40' a little inflec
(5˚ 20, laminæ & every tentacle of al 3 leaves enormously inflected — there was vast inflection at— 1˚)
July 28th Citrate of Potash 1 gr to 2 oz, 1/2 dr in watch glasses 8°
(1) (8° 45'. 0)
(2° 45, 0)
(5° do)
Carbonate of Soda do 8°
(4) (8° 40 much inflect
(2° 45, every tent inflected & lamina of one immensely)
[calculations not transcribed]
July 28th Citrate of Potash 1 gr to 2 oz, 1/2 dr in watch glasses 8° 5
(7) (8° 45'. 0)
(2° 45, 0)
(5° do)
Citrate of Soda do 8°
(10) (8° sol
(8° 35 much inflection in all 3 leaves
(2° 45, almost every single spec tentac but not laminæ
July 28th Oxalate of Potash 1 gr to 2 oz, 1/2 dr in watch glasses 8° 12'
(13) (8° 45'. 0)
(2° 45, 0)
(5° do)
Oxalate of Soa do. 8˚ 14'
(16) (8° 45' consid. inflec)
(2° 48, laminæ of 2 [illeg] inflected & all tentacle of all 3 leaves)
July 28 11˚ 14'
Nicotine 2 dropped drops to 2 oz of water
2 leaves in bigger cup.
12° 50' [-] 15 [=] 35 glands of old red leaf extremely black, & a large number inflected (2° 37 abut 21 closely or much inflected), say dark-coloured aggregation in all tentacles)
2° 43' gave both leaves C. of amm 2 gr to 1 oz} washed leaves first
(4° 50' 23 or 24 inflected & some certainly closer than before.
(4° 55' about 29 inflected.)
(29th, 10° 30' same state
12° 50'
Smaller & younger younger & pale leaf — glands much darker, brownish black
(2° 40', 5 or 6 sub-inflected: I can see segregation, dark coloured aggregation.— gave it C. of Am. 2 gr to 1 oz
(4° 50 (4° 55' about 20 or 30 tents sub-inflected.
(29th, 10° 30' same state)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 May, 2023