RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1873.06.14-1874.07.27. Drosera. CUL-DAR55.5-32. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Drosera /73/ Down
June 14' 8˚ 50' — 3 nearly upright leaves (Red Sticks) Back of Leaves, I suppose with tentacles reflexed but not above right angles.— put on raw meat moistened with viscid secretion & in 2 cases a little saliva & under large bell-glass. (Whatever natural position of the leaves may be, the tentacles bend back or are reflexed, unless leaf lies flat on ground). (N. B Some tentacles naturally curled back more than ∟s, & when old curled in so as touch back of leaf.)
(Jun 15' 8˚ 30' no effect whatever— meat yet moist, & again moistened with saliva.)
(Jun 16th 8˚ 30' no effect whatever.— meat still still damp.)
(Jun 16 8˚ 30 put on 3 bits of roast meat with much viscid secretion on 3 new leaves.
June 17 8˚ 15'— one had dropped off the 2 others no effect (but I am a little doubtful about one)
Jun 18th 8˚ Am no effect. (bits of meat quite dry)
Jun 17th 9˚ 30 (3 Red sticks) 3 leaves incrusted with very thick syrup placed on back of leaves.— (18th 8˚ Am no effect)
Jun 19th 8˚ 45 no marked effect except one of the older tentacle which was already much curved back had become more so, & those which were immersed had undergone much segregation: perhaps disc had become rather flatten— Perhaps m. did produce some effect by a ball of viscid matter. I tried syrup, because Nitschke might have used quantity of viscid Secretion
(N. B. The quantity of water which the secretion of the glands render viscid is surprising — it rapidly diffuses.)
Down. Drosera. /73/ Nitschke (0)
June 14. 9˚. (yellow stick.)— Put on 2 longish & 2 short (on disk) bit of dead matches; in each case one longitudinal & one transverse.—
(Jun 15th 8˚ 30 One of the long & one of short sticks, had prduced no effect.
The other short stick placed longitudinally showed well no deflection caused by stick, except mechanically by slipping —
The other long stick placed transversely showed the same result but not so clear, because leaf lamina itself curved & tentacle had not reached stick — but no evidence whatever of deflection. F.
Jun 18th a bit of meat was placed at one distal corner, & certainly all many tentacles directed to the meat & not to centre of leaf— Even the short one on the disc was slightly bowed in this direction.—
Hardly bent
Jun 14' 9˚ 5' (yellow stick with black Head) cut off glands of 4 tentacles on upper side & did not touch gland itself.
(10˚ 50' 3 well curved in) (4˚ 50' much less curved.)
(Jun 15' 8˚ 15'; 2 of tentacles quite straight; the third almost straight again. 5˚. P.m. all 3 straight)
(16th? at 5˚ P.m. raw meat & saliva put on centre of leaf.)
(Jun 17th. 8˚ 30' Three of them not inflected, I cannot find the fourth.)
(18th 8˚none of 4 inflected: look healthy.)
(19th 8˚ 30' not inflected) look Healthy)
Down Drosera. Jun /73/ 73
June 14th 10˚ 55'. (Matches with Heads) 2 tentacles put atoms of raw meat with saliva on one side.
Not much secretion on glands & about equalon opposite sides.
(Jun 15' 8˚A.m. I think certainly many glands overhanging much & which had not yet touched meat were secreting much more copiously than those on the opposite side. In one of spec. in which meat was very near centre & perhaps saliva had overflowed, had tentacles contracted over beyond the medial line, & yet those on exactly opposite side were not inflected. 5˚ P.m. I was strongly of same opinion about secretion.)
(Jun 16th 8 Am I see some few tentacles contracted beyond medial line inflected: I think case will turn out merely not stimulus enough to cause all to contract & the nearest contract.) F
Drosera Down /73/ Acetic
(Smooth round sticks) June 15 9˚ Am. 5 leaves with 1/2 m. drop of diluted Acetic A. (viz. 5 measured minim to 1 oz of water)
(4˚. 45'. four of the leaves very largely & the fifth almost wholly inflected. but no laminæ.—)
This was infused Acetic A' at bottom of bottle — Try again (3 m. to 2 oz) with pure acetic acid, much water
June 16' 8˚m. All 5 immensely contracted & apparently much injured—
Jun 17th 8˚ 39. All killed.
So perhaps Hydrocyanic acid acts like mere acid. F
[calculations not transcribed] (Drops on disc)
Down 73/
Jun 15' 9˚ 15'. (Blue stick.) 1/2 minim drops of Digitalin 1 gr. to 1 oz of water to 5 leaves.
1˚ some inflection in some.— Look to old perfect MS In one lamina of leaf inflected.
5˚ P.m. Laminæ in 3 leaves inflected, as well as tentacles; the fourth with some few tentacles— the 5th (old & large) not affected.
(June 16' 8˚ Am — In same state as last night, but one of with inflected laminæ— less inflected.
(Jun 17. 8˚ 30' in nearly the same state.)
Jun 18th the glands in centre pale, (as I remember after Hydrocyanic acid) & leaves seem much injured.
(Jun 19th 9˚, some of leaves killed or very much injured; but bits of meat put yesterday on 2 leaves caused the marginal tentacles to be inflected; though centre seem much injured.
Jun 15'
10˚. 5 43' — minute drop to 3 glands. (not nearly all used) Digitalin 1 gr. to 1 oz.
5˚ P.m. all their tentacles inflected.
Jun 16th. 8˚Am. only 1 of these 3 tents. now sub-inflected.
[calculations not transcribed]
1873 Down
Jun 15. 11˚ 5. (Blue & Red stick) 1 atom of raw meat on 1 gland— as soon as much curved cut off gland— t. went on moving inwards. (another was cut off in the same manner, but I touched others) (5˚ P.m. none other have moved inwards.)
(Jun 16th 8 Am All the tentacles now nearly straight again; showing that can become straight again without possessing glands, after moving from meat.— No other tentacles had become inflected.)
Jun 17th 8˚ 30 Put raw meat on to see if tents. with cut off glands will bend.—
Jun 18th 8˚ 30. 3 with cut off heads are not in curved as much as their neighbours but whether these had previously been really straight I cannot remember do not yet touch the meat.
(19th 9˚ I can find only 2, & these so greatly curved that it is impossible to see that I cd ever have spoken of then as nearly straight: I have now 10˚. 30' found the 3d tentacle & it is immensely curved inwards, as much as any could be & as much as those with glands.— Those tentacles which had their heads cut off 4 days ago look healthy & are gre have contents of cells very slightly segregated, but far less so that than the tentacles with heads which had curved over the meat. —
Jun 16th 11˚ 20' (yellow sticks) 6 in number with narrow slips of roast meat to observe deflection of tentacles. (F)
Jun 17th 8˚ 5' Am I can perceive no evidence from these 6 leaves in favour of Nitschke's belief of directed movements. — Occasionally & exceptionally there is a little irregularity in position of tentacles & 2 adjoining tentacles have crossed each other. Of course the slips of wood or meat mechanically interfere with some of the tentacle being truly directed from circumference to centre.
There is another & potent cause of irregularity, which looks like directive force, viz the subsequent be inflection of edge of leaf with the marginal tentacles: thus I had a leaf with all the tentacles except the 2 outer rows directed to centre of leaf, across which a narrow strip of meat had been laid; & then the edge of leaf had curled in & the 2 outer row of tentacles which had subsequently become inflected, instead of pointing to centre were more nearly parallel by curving in of the 2 terminal sides of leaf & pointed to strip of meat & crossed the spike-like more central tentacles
June 17th /73/ (yellow sticks) 10˚ 50'
3 leaves with thin filament of roast meat to test curvature of tentacles. (Nitsch rule).
(Jun 18th 8˚ 30 I cd make out nothing certainly from these specimens only one left, — a transverse long strip.) (F)
July 1. After 26˚ 30 of immersion in C. of ammonia 2 gr. to 1. oz there was no inflection, apparently due to dose too strong, yet there was splendid segregation (ie spheres) in all the tentacles including those of disc, which had not become inflected. —
[in margin:] it is found that segregation has no relation to inflection.
I then put 2 leaves in sol. of 1 gr. to 2 oz of water & in 2˚ 15', as had many of sub-marginals, & the other all marginals, except the extreme well inflected. Here again the short tents. of disc quite vertical, but well segregated in spheres, as well as of course the longer inflected tentacles.
(Near the glands of the longer one tentacles which had been immersed in C. of ammonia for 2˚. 15' many cells with perfect purple spheres, often containing small spheres or vacuities — grand circulation in these cells; but irregular small spheres running up & down the same side with extreme irregularity & not passing all round the cells. — one often often passing ov over or under the other.
I watched 2, one larger & one smaller, & one was sometimes far in advance of the other & they reached round cell so irregularly & at such unequal distances, that I cannot doubt both were quite free— (I cannot doubt the oscillating infusoria-like appearance which I saw before, remaining at same spot was due to last trace of movement); now now they move for a long space irregularly up & down walls of cell— If it is lining layer of protoplasm, which produce the spheres, these thus become quite separate Ø
In the pale purple cells beneath those where any there was any aggregation — a wonderful narrowly narrow current of colourless protoplasm, with grains granules so minute as not to be distinguished, flowing rapidly up one side, slower at end, & flowing down the other side — In I never saw so wonderful a phenomenon. —
I have no doubt current increased by C. of ammonia— In other cells a trace higher up) close to where spheres had been formed, there were large plainly distinguishable spherical & elongated purple atoms traveling with the other granules. — These seem to increase in size, & attract as I believe the granules which are too small to be distinguished separately. My chief argument is that layer many layers cd could not supply protoplasm enough for the balls— as it the layers seems very narrow, I f before segregation has taken place. — I presume presume collect cohering matter during segregation aggregation, for the flowing current seems colourless.
(The above atoms as they flow round & round certainly increase in size, & no doubt become confluent & make the great oval & spherical balls, & ultimately they become almost stationary) (In the short central tentacles, green spheres & current currents were visible even where pretty good sized spheres existed but very little current where the largest spheres, & so it seemed like in the purple tentacles: no there is some circulation in short green tentacles of very small even close to gland in the green balls, close to gland, when the balls are of good size — within the larger balls, smaller ones, or vacuities appear.)
Jun 22. 10˚ 50'. Atropine
6 white sticks with red Heads.
1 gr. almost all dissolved in 1 dr of alcohol to 7 dr. of water
(12˚ 30' central glands blackened, perhaps a trace of inflection)
(4˚ 45 no contraction of marginal tentacles.)
(23d. 8˚ 15' no trace of inflection, but on all the leaves the glands on the disc seem injured & dark or pale, — Put meat on 3 of them (4˚ 45' a trace of inflection of sub-marginals in one leaf)
(24th 8˚All plants on the Plate unhealthy & case goes for nothing — no contraction over meat— glands on all the leaves dry.
June 17. 11˚. (Black sticks) Atropine
Dissolved 1 gr. of atropine to 1 oz of water; but all did not dissolve — placed 5 1/2 minim drops on 5 leaves.; & touched 4 sub-marginal glands with minute drop of do.—
(5˚ P.m. Hardly a trace of inflection — Is any atropine dissolved?)
18' 8˚ 30 no effect. (!!) put bit of meat on one side of one to see if injured.
19' 9˚ no effect whatever — look quite healthy — meat was put on 2 leaves yesterday & both these have a good many tentacles inflected but not so many as if nothing had been done to the specimen.
F. (over)
July 2d. chose a leaf almost colourless, one of palest I ever saw. — a tinge of green in some upper cells in some with a tinge of purple. which was a trace little plainer lower down the tentacle.— F. sketched cell a little below gland of a sub-marginal tentacle, & which w. had no purple tinge, & gave it a drop (whilst under covering glass) of C. of am. 1 gr. to 1 oz.
Before giving the amm: saw feeble current of protoplasm.
In 10' after C. of amm. I saw green atoms forming forming, I think near surface of cell. — These atoms increased in size & aggregated into irregular masses & irregular globules which changed their position & often were all crowded to one end of cell; but they never have in this cell (after 8˚) formed perfect spheres; But a little lower down tentacles some greenish spheres were formed, & still lower down some pale purple ones; & within the gland there were small darkish purple spheres. — In the lower cells, where perfect purple spheres had been formed there was still some circulation on walls; but after 8˚the green & purple spheres had become broken up into smaller ones & irregular masses. (This had better be given after what follows; shows the aggregation of greenish matter on same principle as purple)
The question now is are the little purple spheres when first formed, formed by aggregation of particles in the current, or in the purple centre, as indicated by colour?— Do the little spheres unite & form the great so-called bags of pale purple bags of protoplasm? This seems probable. These are not really bags, but stationary masses of protoplasm undergoing endless changes of form — (They fill up half or more of the cell sometimes??)
The aggregation is more gradual when meat is used
July 2d. I chose pale purple leaf & gave it C. of ammonia 1 gr. to 1 oz (afterwards ie. 2˚ afterwards gave it stronger dose 2. gr. to 1 oz) under under covering glass. — sketched 2d the second long cells from the gland.
There was previously plainly marked circulation of colourless protoplasm. After 13' the purple contents shrank a little from wall, especially at one end, but in 2' subsequently it crawled or glided extended to end of cell, & now whilst pointed atoms of the purple matter seemed to be separated from the apex, or at least form some part of the contained homogenious mass & these atoms circulated rapidly round the walls together with the colourless protoplasm. It was clear that purple matter was viscid & itself flowed & extended out into projections at this early period; it is impossible to know condition at first. The circulation or flowing was now wonderfully conspicuous & grand phenomenon; & I think had been increased by the ammonia. —
At this time (viz 15' after the ammonia given) I perceived for 5 minutes spheres appeared in the purple matter or on the following mass; & then or on the flowing mass
Plate with Blue stick — yellow sticks 5 Theine
June 18' 11˚ 10' 1/2 minim of Theine 1 gr. to 1 oz.
(2˚. 30' 2 of leaves show some inflection of tentacles) (F)
19' 9˚ 15' Hardly any effect.— 2 leaves as above stated had some tentacles at basal & distal end inflected & which now became partly straight again. —
Jun 21' 8˚ 47' (4.) yellow & red sticks 1.2 minim of sol. of Theine 3 gr. to 1 oz of water. (11˚. 47' little or no inflection) (4˚ 45, hardly any no effect). except 1' leaf, on which there seems to be a bit of meat) (Try again)
(22d 9˚ Am no effect put on meat on 2 of the leaves.) 4˚ 55' meat hardly at all clasped.)
23d 8˚ 30 no inflection; one with meat very slightly clasped, & the other, which is old & very large leaf not at all clasped. (F)
Theine perhaps produce short effect
Daturine perhaps slight poison (over)
Jun 22d. 11˚ Theine 3 gr to 1 oz. (1/2 minim) 4 yellow & red round sticks.)
23d 8˚ 40 no trace of inflection put meat on all 4 leaves. (4˚ 45' a slight inflection in neighbouring tentacles)
24th 8˚All the leaves on this Plate unhealthy — I can judge of nothing — on one leaf some inflection, the other leaves drying up.
continued for hours insensibly to increase in size & grow darker in their purple colour, the whole contents of the cells becoming paler. As they were whilst very small purple, I believe not formed on walls. There were two larger spheres & some smaller ones. After 1˚. 50' 2˚After 2˚ 30' the largest sphere was about 2/3 of diameter of whole cell; & this travelled very slowly & so as to change its position. The smaller spheres when travelling quickly, & sometimes, as observed at an earlier period quicker than the whole sheaf of protoplasm as if they were free, of which evidence has been given before, & as indeed almost follows from the small atoms of purple matter seen travelling 13' after ammonia first given— To return to biggest sphere, after 4˚ 25' the largest sphere was nearly equal in diameter to cell; & the 2d sphere
about 1/2 diameter of cell; There & 2 or 3 other minute spheres; the whole contents of cell had now become very pale purple & the spheres very dark purple.
After 1˚. 50' (always counting from time when amm given) the purple matter was dingy & almost filled cell, so that only a vestige of the flowing sheaf of colourless protoplasm cd be seen. This I believe had been absorbed into the purple mass.
(In the cells nearer the gland similar phenomena had preceded what here took place, & lower down tentacle at a later period.) After 4˚ 30' the very pale purple matter was now in same absolute close contact with the walls of cells.
After 5˚ the very pale purple contents of cell seemed slightly breaking up; ie there were irregular white lines in crossing in various irregular directions.
After 6˚ cell almost colouless, I cd see no
trace of flowing protoplasm, though I looked most carefully, yet the smaller spheres were travelling very slowly, so that there was a current current, & yet but not distinguishable as all the atoms of colourless protoplasm had been absorbed.
(I infer some cause must make current independently of protoplasm). There were also clear traces of slow & slight movement in the very pale almost homogenious yet breaking up purple purple matter still filling portions of the of cell.
After 8˚ 35' there was still faintest purple tint at upper & less at lower end of cell: At the upper end six 4 most minute new spheres have just appeared; but there is none was none at upper the lower end in the cloud of palest palest purple. —
Next morning, after 22˚, a small purple sphere had appeared at lower end, & 6 spheres had formed at upper end (besides the 2 old great spheres) & 2 other old small ones): there was also some greenish
matter only partially aggregated. In some adjoining cells there were, however, some very pale greenish spheres. — Cell now filled with absolutely colouless fluid— There was no trace of current of protoplasm on wall, which had been so conspicuous, but there was still a slight current for the little purple spheres changed their position slightly & most slowly; & single minute spheres in some adjoining cells, continually oscillated like an infusorian animal; other near minute spheres were stationary. It was clear all the protoplasmic granules had aggregated into the spheres; as this take place the purple matter approaches, & at last touches or com clos to walls of cells.
I very gently pressed covering glass & the larger spheres split into radiating, clear & defined fissures: in the centre of all the larger ones there was a defined darker & more opake & tougher centre which rarely split, but in some it had not only
split, but had become divided into quite separate fragments.
The smaller spheres, last aggregated, had no such centre, & resembled the outer envelope of the larger spheres. Probably Probably the darker centres show the aggregation f purple pulp matter at first, before they had become mingled remained, which wd then have lost lose much of the purple matter colouring & before it had become mingled with the colourless protoplasm of walls. After this mingling had occurred the purple would of course be paler. Anyhow we positively know that the spheres are not hollow not hollow bladder, but are masses masses of semi-solid matter.
When under the influence of infusion of raw meat meat or all any intentional stimuli mechanical stimulus appeared only difference is that the purple fluid does not aggregate so completely & remain as as a thick pulpy matter mass & probably does not absorb the flowing colourless protoplasm & which does not so completely absorb the flowing colourless protoplasm. In every every case it is aggregation of the coloured protoplasm; (the purple matter having greater tendency to aggregate than the green)
Jun 21. 9˚ 12'. (6 Red sticks with white heads)
1/2 minim of curare 1 gr to 1 oz of water (infusion coloured but as much sediment less than 1 gr.) (11˚ 45' a good deal of inflection in all except one) (4˚. 30' do. many of the sub-marginals inflected: lamina of one leaf inflected) (How odd that Forsters curare did not act last year: did I allow it stand long enough so as to dissolve; it cd hardly have been too strong, as meat acted afterwards.)
22d. 8˚ 32' — four of leaves with moderate inflection of the longer tentacles on edge of disc, but not of the long marginal & sub-marginals — certainly some action — lamina of one leaf inflected — 2 of leaves h not at all affected but these poor & old Put on meat on 3 of leaves.
(23d 9˚ the 3 leaves with meat now splendidly clasped showing that curare has not poisoned them: the 3 others with hardly a trace of inflection)
Could undissolved particle have acted?? (Filter) F.
Try again /over
June 22. 11˚ 30'. Plate with yellow stick 5 sticks red with white Heads
Curare 1 gr. to 1 oz of water 1/2 minim.
4˚ 50 the sub-marginals of the disk sub-inflected.
(23d 8˚ 15' a trace of inflection but doubtful. — glands of disc do not seem injured — look rather pink. —
Put meat on all 4 of them. (4˚ 45' a trace of inflection 2 of the leaves with meat.)
(24th 8 of these 4 leaves, with meat on alone had undergone a moderate amount of inflection & had certainly not been much injured; the 3 others had undergone & the glands of disc were dry, as were those of the 5th leaf) even the marginal glands were did not secrete copiously.) I do not think the last experiment goes for anything for plant on the plate not healthy!!!]
June 15 74 Curare 2 gr to 1 oz left for 24˚ & filtered
1/2 minim drops 8˚ 10' on 6 leaves (1˚, no action —) (3˚, 0) (5˚, 0)
16th 8˚ no inflection — glands on disc not blackened.
17' 8˚ no inflection do do do
Very good leaves
Jun 15'
8˚ 10' 3 leaves in 90 minims of do —(6˚ 50' 0) ( 9˚ 40' 0) (11˚, 45' ie aft 3h 30m to upright)
12˚ 10' same old leaf a little inflected ie after 4h.
1˚ the inflection is chiefly of outer discals
(3˚ glands very dark or all almost black; on leaf not at all inflected; 2 others not sub-marg (& no marginals) much inflected & lam. of one.)
5˚ 10' P.m (ie after 9h) 1 not at all inflected; the others with sub-marg & marg (over
Much mucus secreted
rather upright & lam somewhat inflected, the 3d leaf in the same state except that lam not inflected. Colour of glands show that poison substance absorbed — Placed at 5˚ 10' this 3d leaf after washing in pure water 16' 7˚ 45' greatly expanded glands not so dark — The 2 left in the sol. the one more perhaps less inflected — the other not at all inflected — hardly more the 3 which were inflected more than sometimes occur in water — I now put the 2 in water in these 2 spec. — Only a trace of aggregation ie some spheres close under gland — could see no movement: I am sure no movement — glands excessively black─
The little points seen to have absorbed
16th (2˚ 30' This leaf almost completely reexpanded; the other considerably) This same leaf 4˚ 40' almost fully reexpanded)
(17th 8˚Am the third leaf considerably expanded — glands are black as ever.)
(18th 7˚ 45' on all 5 leaves glands on disc not discoloured, but drying, as if injured)
belongs to other side of page
Jun 21' 11˚ Nicotine. (White stick with paper Heads)
put on minute drop with pin Head on several glands, instantly blackened them, & in a few minutes became inflected. (F)
21' 11˚ 30 put on 1/2 m. drops on 6 leaves, consisting of 2 minim or 3 dropped drops to 1 oz. of water.—
(11˚ 55' much inflection of all sub central glands, & glands blackened)
(4˚ 45' do— the inflection (except in 1 leaf) is confined almost to glands of disc; no there are some sub-marginals inflected.)
(22d 8˚ 50' no true inflection, except those which have been actually immersed & these seem all poisoned & half-killed. — Put bit of meat on centre of 3 leaves; 2 of the most injured, & one of least injured. (4˚ 45' some slight inflection on the meat—; the other in the same state; inflection seem slower than usual for nest (!?)
(Jun 23d 8˚no more true inflection; the 3 with meat with very moderately number of tentacles corners inflected over it & with many of gland killed— in most of the leaves many of the glands on disc seem injured.
Nicotine is very rather poisonous. & does not cause reflex inflection. F
[numbers not transcribed]
July 4th Took old very red leaf. — there was some breaking up of purple matter Restored cells in cells near gland, as often occurs in old leaves, whether form having been before before inflected or from age I know not: The lower cells seemed under highest powers quite homogenious & very dark-coloured — put on small covering glass & pressed hard & many cells burst— Much pulpy matter exuded through the fissures, & this did not diffuse or mingle in the least in the surrounding water, but consisted of pale purple pulp flocculant matter almost composed of granules of all sizes & shapes; the longer ones distinctly purple & the whole mass of pale purple tints., with a tranche of pulpy green matter. (N.B In broken or aggregated part near cells near gland, there were some perfect spheres of purple matter, like those produced by C. of amm.)—
Also took a very pale purple leaf, & here here the ruptured matter was just the same, but excessively purpl pale & mixed with some greenish flocculent matter — examined under highest power. I saw no circulation after after fissure. Therefore the central are not fluid but pulpy matter. No doubt granules are protoplasm, which cohere.
July 27 Crushed cells It show well how vital an action the aggregation is that I put single red tentacle under small slip of covering glass & pressed it hard, so that I squashed most of cells.— I then
The exuded purplish matter form burst cells was pale purplish, flocculent & granular matter which did not diffuse. — I then added a drop of col. of C. of ammonia 4 gr. to 1 oz & left for 45' to 60'. I now found all the few glands cells in glands & pedicel which were not squashed with good spheres of dirty purple matter; but no trace of usual action in the burst burst cells, yet I do not suppose that all protoplasm cd have been squeezed quite out of all the other cells: it did not appear to be so; but the rupturing of the cell caused its death. or in the exuded matter, which, however, had lost purple tinge.— In the perfect cells, the spheres were still aggregating & becoming confluent. — ie vital ie not simply chemical action.
Case shows how independent vitality of each cell is. — (over)
[repeat of p. 20]
I feel sure that the squashing did not empty nearly all the cells, for before I added the Carbonate of A the tentacle looked purple for its whole length; whereas after the carbonate — only part & there was then a cell with the dull purple spheres — Therefore the bursting or complete flattening of the cells stopped the process of aggregation. —
June 24 /73/
Selected a very pale leaf & put atom of cinder on, it very soon became inflected after 22' could see no difference in segregation. —
Selected another pale leaf & put on 2 atoms of blue glass; & after they soon became inflected; & after 28' & 38' could see no difference, compared with adjoining glands, in their segregation —
The red-matter in all was rather mulberry like.
Try again with redder leaf at the same time when I try whether hair above or below act (I saw one such case with one glass which accidentally got on under side & no movement followed — (with clipped Hair 2 cases supported & one opposed, apparently to necessity of touching gland)
Cinders not causing aggregation in in 28 & 38'
June 24th. 11˚ 15' Atropine 1 gr. to 1 dr. alcohol & 7 of water
(6 yellow sticks on Plate with ink mark.)
(Try meat tomorrow) (4˚ 30' no effect)
Jun 25' 8˚ Am. no effect (put on meat)
― 26 8˚ 15'— All the leaves fairly well clasped over meat— — so atropine in sp weak spirits not at all injurious.—
(19 (22
Jun 24th 9˚ 30' Curare 1 gr to 1 dr. of Alcohol & 7 dr. of Water
(6 yellow & red sticks— try tomorrow with meat)
(4˚ 30' no effect)
(25th 8˚ 10' no effect (put on meat) except som in 2 leaves sub-marginal of disk a little inflected.
(1˚ some little inflection in all the leaves)
Jun 26' 8˚ 15' Every one well inflected over meat, so curare in spirits not in the least injurious.
Jun 27. 9˚ 15. (7 yellow & red sticks) Veratria
1/2 minim of Veratria 1 gr to 1 oz of water.—
28th 11˚ 3 of the 7 had some of the extreme tent of the disc somewhat inflected. but not the strictly marginals.—
Put on meat on all seven leaves
29th 8˚ 30' all 7 leaves well inflected—
Veratria in all respects powerless F
Jun 27th 10˚ 55' Red Stick with 1 pin (3)
1/2 minim of Carbolic A. 1 gr. of cryst. rather damp to 1 oz of water
28th. 11˚ 15. no sort of effect, but all 3 rather large & old leaves — 11˚ 30 put on meat on all 3
29th 8˚ 30'. 1 leaf splendidly inflected with lamina do: one 2d moderately inflected, yet considerably; the 2d with only a few tentacles inflected.
27. 10 55. Red Stick with 2 pins (3)
1/2. m. of Carbolic. A. 2 gr. (rather damp) to 1 oz of w.
28th 11˚ 15 glands on disc rather pale & dry & no inflection
11˚ 30' put on meat on all 3.
29th 8˚ 30' 2 of leaves with all glands of disc dry & no inflection — the 3d well inflected & lamina, but the glands in middle of disc under meat, pale & apparently killed.
27th 11˚. 3'— Carbolic a. 2 gr to 1 oz on 3 leaves & after. square stick with pins
11˚ 33' put on meat
28th 11˚— two of leaves with the exterior one of disc well inflected — 2d leaf with many sub-marginals well inflected — 3d leaf large old leaf, with only 2 or 3 tentacles near pedicel inflected — in 2 of leaves gland on disc very pale, not so in the 3d leaf.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 1 September, 2023