RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1873].10.11-18. Drosera rotundifolia. CUL-DAR56.108-118. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Continued from CUL-DAR56.91-106.
Eastbourne Oct 11th
Inflection Segregation (C.) Whole L
Examined nine fresh leaf pretty carefully with weak eye piece — Heads fine bright red — not broken no cells behind long Heads. To see if inflected in solution of 1 gr to 16 oz put in at 9 10˚. 27'
11. 3'. some inflection in 36'
11. 43' - 1˚. 16' vast incurvature all long-heads all ∟ several round-headed quite inflected — Every hair moved considerably. — Heads blackened about a dram of the fluid. — (100 minims of fluid)
1˚ 45 all the Hairs except one 2 or 3 splendidly inflected but not touching disc
3. 15. (ie 5˚) splendidly inflected all round— well inflected almost touching disc— all long-headed more inflected — colour of all heads darker.— Plenty of cells in back of long Heads— minute spheres (as in last spec. at 3˚) beneath heads in round-heads.
This shows not pressure
Positively the convex side is darker
[sketch] lighter— darker!
(saw this a 4th time)
[sketch] lighter—darker
There must have been transverse pressure from one side to other.—
The blackening of all the Heads in my experiments & the result on aggregation being the same seems to preclude idea that ammonia absorbed by some & action spreads by sympathy.
Water Segregation
Oct 12th — I kept a very green & pale leaf with bright red Heads for near 24 16 1/2 hours in live-Box in water — no signs of breaking up of matter with 2/3 object & strong E. P. — no cells at back of long-heads — After the 24 16 1/2 hours in the water examined it & all Heads much blackened; even long heads black muddy purple; no cells behind long Heads — no breaking up beneath them; but beneath the longer round-heads, 2 or 3 very minute spheres, in several Hairs I looked carefully with strong eye-P. only at longer Heads.— Segregation C.
Segregate after water
Put all in solution of 1 gr of C. of Am. to 16 oz water
at 10˚. 18'
at 11. 55. (ie 1˚. 37'— The long-heads were darker, with plenty of cells spheres behind. And there were many spheres under all the round Heads. I measured quantity of solution it was exactly 10 minims; the leaf was previously wet, as was measuring glass 1 minim for loss wd be plenty so say 11. minim. There were 166 Hairs but many of them were small. — /over
9680 minims in 16 oz with 1 grain
This quantity included 1/880 of grain of C. of ammonia: 1/968 & as it acted on 166 glands
Each gland could only have got
[calculations not transcribed] This is wrong
Each Head could have got only this fraction of grain.—
Oct 12th. 4˚. 15' P.m. Examined 2 leaves, very dark red — took it out of water several times & pressed it rather hard. Originally it had 6 or 7 Hairs with broken matter Segregation W.; kept in water for 41 hours. The broken matter was much increased; some few spheres had appeared behind long-heads.
Then put the leaf for 2 hours in 7 minims of sol. of C. of Ammonia. 1 gr to 16 oz but no effect was produced. (Could the Amm. have become weak no it caused a leaf to be inflected.)
(Another pale leaf, with few very minute spheres beneath round Heads, no cells behind long heads, but beneath thus matter rather broken. — matter not broken beneath round-heads.— Kept for 41 17 hours in water, Water segregation some 6 of round-heads showed were became a little broken up — no cells spheres at back of long-heads. Kept for 24 hours more in water (ie for 41 hours), the Hairs have become almost white, & red matter much broken up, even a few spheres have appeared behind long Heads. Then put for 2 hours in 7 minim sol. of C. of ammonia 1 gr to 16 oz as above no change produced.—
These case prove that water ocasionlly in 17 Ø
hours & markedly in 41 hours causes segregation of red matter. So no experiments in which change does not take place promptly can be trusted.
Oct 14th. Put old dark red leaf in a little sol. of C. of amm. 3 gr to 1 oz. in 15' minutes no plain change; put another pale young leaf in do solution & change began beneath Heads in 2 or 3 minutes— opake masses of small cells being formed. no marked change in colour of Heads— Shows difference of age.
Oct. 14th. Segregation C. Whole leaf nice pale fresh leaf— with trace of minutest spheres beneath round-heads. At 9˚. 47 put 1/2 minim of sol. of C. of am 1 gr to 16 oz on damp leaf under damp compressor, which I did not close down (& kept damp by blotting paper round) at 11˚. 40' (ie 1˚. 13') examined again no change, except spheres rather larger under Heads.— But al nearly all the round-heads were well inflected on Many of the inflected Hairs (I examined with various powers with Hairs in various position) were certainly then coloured: viz they [sketch] pink—colourless
15th. observed again
[in margin:] [illeg]
they were quite colourless on concave or upper side, & slightly pink on convex or lower side.— This agrees admirably with more rapid segregation on the concave or contracted side & less on convex side.— The viscid matter often becoming nearly colourless.—
This only shows difference of action & we must hypothetically suppose more water excreted from contracted side.— But then certainly facts are just reverse in the 1/2 withered leaf of D. longifolia. — In this species perhaps the red fluid passes out into
Inflection Water
15th I put 3 leaves in wine-glass of pure water & all three became in 2 hours much considerably inflected — one which was fine red & had colouring matter a little broken became extremely inflected — one pale one was not touched or put in compressor & became in 1 3/4 hour with many Hairs inflected
So inflection goes for nothing. —
And the contraction in water implies some change in structure. —
Inflection Pure Water
Oct 15th Eastbourne Inflection Water
Put 4 leaves in pure water havng first Examined then all in compressor in pure water; in 3 hours all inflected considerably. In two spec. there were minute spheres under round-heads I think decidedly larger than what they were— I could not well see the many inflected Hairs; but I cut up one of the four, & could see no plain breaking up in the inflected Hairs.— There were no spheres behind round Heads. — I then put those 3 remaining leaves into saucer of sol. of C. of ammonia 1 gr to 12 oz & left then for about 1 3/4 of hour; then examined them; but had to cut them up from inflection; there was not much change under round heads, but many cells behind long Heads. —
Put leaf in old compressor in pure water for 2˚. 40' no change then put in the saucer
[calculations not transcribed]
C. of amm. (1 gr to 12 oz) for 1°. 35 no change but accidentally I had only few drops of solution at. 2°. 45' added fresh solution & examined
This new dose for 1. 1/4 made lots of spheres appear behind long-heads.
In new compressor same results— in about same time, but there were 4 or 5 drops of solution — The second dose caused so much inflection that I had not patience to cut up & see whether cells behind long-heads.—
Rate of Quickness by C. of ammonia {Oct 17th — Put leaf (with 2/3 ob. & strong eye-piece) in C. of ammonia. (3 gr to 1 oz) in under 2' all heads blackened completely — behind long-heads opake with fine cells — groups of cells under round-heads [sketch]
{In 5' the change had proceeded more than full length of Head. (Watching the groups of spheres already formed I noticed aggregation & changes of forms, but less marked than with red-specimen, which had naturally caught flies) In 10' change had run down 3 or 4 times length of Head; in 20' had run down more than 1/2 length of Hairs
The blackness is caused by rapid formation of spheres in liquid matter betwen the red polygonal masses in the glands. The C. of Amm in itself tends to change discharge the pink
In another spec. which I put in same solution, Emma holding watch the heads became decidedly black in 13"— The first change is in colour of Head, showing this is absorption absorbing surface; & then behind long-Heads or below round Heads
In 1' spheres began to form plainly & in 2' whole clouds of spheres under each Head.—
Oct 17' Oxalate of Ammonia 3 gr. to 1 oz in 24' no marked change; but in 47' abundance of cells behind long-heads & many spheres exten below round Heads extending down about length of Head— about equal effect with 2' minutes of C. of Ammonia.—
I watched examined the long Heads, they consist of orbicular groups of reddish or purple granules with clear interspace betwen the groups, all within a sack or membrane. The back of Long Heads, much of the internal & external cells of footstalks [illeg] up ie the gland come out on one side instead of apex. The above granules, when action commence, approach & even coalesce, & the interstice becomes opake from formation of spheres.—
In this specimen I saw innumerable transition betwen long- round-headed — some of latter with a collar [sketch]
Oct 17' Nitrate of ammonia 3 gr. to 1 oz no marked change in 3 hours! probably poor specimen—
Oct 17' Saliva no marked change in 2˚. 30' — then put C. of ammonia 3 gr to 1 oz & in 10' great change prduced of all the kinds.
Oct 18th. Citrate of ammonia about 3 gr to 1 oz put fine fresh He leaf in the solution at 9. 24 —
In 36' no change. In 56' from (immersion) trace of spheres under Round Heads. In 1˚. 23' — Some undoubted change, under & back long-heads, but slight — The action proceeded very slow. In 2˚ 20', it was plainly marked, with plenty of cells everywhere, but not dense — not so much as with carbonate ammonia in 5' minutes of same strength.
Oct. 18th C. of Ammonia.— Chose with great care 8 lately opened pale leaves— took great care not to touch them, put 4 into on 1 dr of distilled water & other 4 into 1 dram of sol. of Carb. of Ammonia take order by strength 1 gr to 12 oz of same water — covered up & exposed in exactly same way — The first I examined alternately those in water & C. of amm; the one in C. of ammonia had been exposed 2˚. 40' which was least time exposed, was exposed for 2˚. 40' — that longest exposed was for 3˚. 50' ie examination took 1˚. 10'
Inflection & aggregation Water
Examined with weak power viz 2/3 object & middle eye-piece —The 4 in water had the marginal Hairs more or were more or less inflected; in two specimens, about half inflected, in others a fewer number.
The Heads were all pin red. In one spec. a trace of spheres behind long-heads, & a very few minute ones beneath round Heads.— In 3 others not a trace of action. —
inflection & aggregation C.
In the 4 exposed to C. of ammonia, there was much more inflection; 2 had almost every Hair inflected; a third had about 1/2 marginals inflected; the
It is interesting to behold take place what must take place in contagious diseases — a ferment—
This case of utmost importance as it allows me to believe my former experiments—
à This made with 2/3 & middle Eye Piece
had only 8 long- barely a third inflected — All the heads were black & opake. — One spec. was rather less affected than the other 3. (though all the hairs were affected) in the other three, the back of long-heads were semi-opake with number of spheres & the spheres & elongated red masses extended some way down to Hairs — So it was in all the round Heads, even in many half down to Hairs, & the spheres of all sizes most conspicuous. — All the short Hairs on disc were effected — The 4 leaves were nearly the same size: I chose average & it had 167 Hairs & glands. — Now the 4 leaves were exposed to 60 drops of the solution; so each had on averge 15 drops — The mixture contained 5760 minim with 1 grain: so that 15 drops contained 1/384; but as all glands were acted on; each could only have got 1/167 of 1/384 = 64,128, so that each could have got only 1/64,128 of a grain. Nor do I know water was exhausted.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023