RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1873].10.19-11.03. Drosera rotundifolia, continued. CUL-DAR56.121-128. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Oct 19'
Round Heads consist of a set of polygonal cells surrounding the spiral cells, with narrow clear interspace & filled with homogenous pink fluid. This no doubt aggregates into the orbicular granules & I had better not speak of interspace becoming dark.— Ammon Ammonia first render the pink dark purple which aids in blackness — The rims of polygonal cells are thicker than on the footstalk, & some there is an abrupt abrupt of change of structure; at base of the Head.—
Pretty to see under slight pressure sph in compressor compressor how qu the spheres in course of 1/4 of Hour appear & increase all over Head & in upper part of footstalk. After an Hour or two the spheres became nearly opake, dark pink (with apparently a central nucleus? ??)
This is rather different to what generally takes place viz the formation of orbicular mass collection of granules. Near in footstalks another whole mass shrinks & then granulates or small separate spheres appear
Oct 19th from beneath the collar where whence the leaves spring under arise [ground] stems are a root was pushed out young. Examined young one tipped with fine pink, some little way up with a number of almost loose oval cells — The Put into C. of ammon 3 gr to 1 oz colour instantly discharged & contents coagulated contents of cells coagulated so as to look like a mezzatint messotint drawing. —
No change takes place in these terminal almost loos loose pink cells after the 1st. mezzatint mezzotint appearance; So it It seemed in roots itself start that spherical masses were formed.— No change in absorbent Hairs. — We see from this fact that of C. of Amm acts independently of movement — movement.
Single Hairs (Water) segregation
Oct 19th. 9˚. 45' — Fine fresh spec. cut off 3 Hairs (one long-headed & 2 round) & put under slip of glass— 2 or 3 minute spheres under round Heads with 2/3 object & strong Eye-piece)
11˚ no change — 11˚ 50 no change —12˚ 15 no change 12 45 do (ie in 3˚)
Also put 3 similar hairs under 1/2 minim of sol. of Carb. of Amm 1 gr to 12 oz of water. There were a very few, very minute spheres behind long-Heads — but none below round Heads
Kept the slip damp.—
I believe water got to amm. any how it does to show water has no effect.
Water — single Hairs
Oct 20th Put 3 Hairs under 1.2 minim of 1 gr to 12 oz of C. of ammonia & left them 2˚ 35 no clear effect produced; does g slip of glass press too hard? Kept 3 Hairs under pure water for 3˚ 6' no effect (this good as evidence of no change)
Also put 2 pale young leaves in 20 minims Sol. of C. of Am 1 gr to 16 oz & kept one in for nearly 2˚ no effect — the other in for 2˚ 40' no effect. These inflection C. of Ammonia leaves were, however, much inflected one in 2˚. 40' had every single Hair inflected. —
Oct 20th put leaf in common Salt 2 gr to 1 oz for 2˚. 5' no change whatever
Put leaf in Carb. of Potash 2 gr to 1 oz in 1˚ some decided effect produced in some considerable segregation of red matter under round-heads, for more than length of Heads — no cells behind long-heads; much inflection of marginal Hairs Ø
In 1˚. 43' In some few long-heads cells behind — Heads all blackened — Red below round-heads not more broken up. The contents of long Heads look very odd & brown as below
In 2˚ 30' Behind all long-heads many spheres. red much broken up under round-heads
In the long-heads the contents brown & aggregated into few spheres so heads unusually transparent.
In round-heads the upper or terminal parts transparent owing to excess of aggregation, different appearance to what I have ever noticed in other cases.
Oct 21. Carb. of Soda (pure) 2 gr to 1 oz put leaf in solution in 50', L.H. brownish with contents of cells aggregating — in 1˚. 40' — contents of L.H. almost disintegrated —R. H. becoming brown, with matter aggregation
In 2˚ 17' — L.H. in same brown state, some with no cells behind L.H. — R. Heads becoming brown & contents aggregating in like manner into brown spheres. It appears that matter passes almost certainly out of some cells into others. Starch in Hairs—
With respect to inflection of Leaves in Water, I have often seen leaves young dipped in water for a long time & no inflection, it is clearly owing to being cut off—
Oct 21. I flooded Plates so as to entirely cover half-a dozen leaves.—
in 2 1/2 hours no closing of leaf.
in 5 hours no closing
in 9. ― do —} good proof the closing effect of cutting off
24— hours not least tendency to close
Oct 21'. Nitrate of soda 2 gr to 1 oz. put in leaf in 2˚ no change, perhaps in one or two long-heads trace of cells forming behind
Oct 21' Nitrate of Lime 2 gr to 1 oz. put in leaf — examined it first in pure water, in 1˚. 37" no sort of effect
N. B. I examined some L. & R. Heads of pale leaf in dry state, & I could distinctly see the orbicular collection of granules so that Heads seem to exist in 2 states.
Oct 22d. Blade of Poa kept for several Hours in Sol. of C. of Am 3 gr to 1 oz. no great change — the cells still kept full of green matter — possibly some spheres formed
In leaf of Ho St Johns wort Wort (a bush), in leaf of small Euphorbia no certain change.
Perhaps trace of change in root of small Veronica — none clear in root of Poa
Perhaps trace of action in Hairs of Poppy none clear G in hairs of Horn Poppy or Blue Glass.—
In Lemna— I suspect change in root & almost certain in the leaf—
In the small Euphorbia — a cloud passed up whole length of root with wonderful rapidity; & this cloud of granules towards extremity of root became aggregated or broken into brown masses [sketch] & some of these became
It is now certain the C. of Ammonia. cause fluids in cells of roots & leaves to segregate into spherical atoms. ß
spherical this took place in 8' or 9'— The clouds in under 1'. — Afterwards no change — some cells were not affected.
Oct 23 Green sea-weed very doubtfully affected — Red fine pinnated seaweed — much affected by C. of Am. 3 gr to 1 oz.
Contents of cells aggregate into still pink broken rings, & these very slowly & slightly change form, central point within ring becoming cloudy with red matter
Nov 3d. Reexamined fresh Lemna with C. of Amm (3 gr to 1 oz) (1/4 object & weak E.P.): left in 1/2 to 3/4 hours green spheres appeared in all the cells of 2 out of 3 roots; & subsequently (as far as I could make out) in 1 1/2 to 2 hours in borders of leaves. There is no doubt about the borders. I will not be sure that action has first to run up root, but it appeared so.— Some of the spheres seemed in course of 2 to 3 hours to break up into minute atoms, which oscillated as in Drosera; anyhow I saw these oscillating atoms.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023