RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1872-1873. Index to experimental observations / Proof sheets of Expression with corrections. CUL-DAR56.152-154. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
minute fly instantly caught
p. 65 case of fragment of fly with time exactly 1/2 to — opposite near affected & 1/2 laminae inflected 1 0 lam
p. 66. meat medial near pedicel, which proceeded up both edge of leaf 1 after 8˚ distal more affected than lateral — after 23˚ meat clasped all round, except by extreme lateral t. 1
p. 66. — meat medial at distal end— just reverse — except extreme laterals. 2
p. 67. raw meat on one side middle, after 24˚ — all on one 2 side inflected — 30' inflect action exactly 1/2 — remained = 3 so for 4 days & began to open. 0
p. 67. exact 1/2 for 6 days & 1/2 blade inflected 4 0 lam
p. 67 do. for 4 days 5 0
(p. 69 raw meat in centre — incipient inflection on all side, but chiefly poles omit note
p. 3. bit of meat on 2 glands on one side — few t. beyond * medial line. 6
p 15. meat meat on one side — opposite inflected but very slowly, but doubtful, as I think secretion flowed. doubtful — omit 7
p. 15 15 15 3 cases — meat on one side.— laminæ & t. inflected only 10 on one side. — after 4 days.— but in 1 case 0 0 0 after on 4th day, some on opposite side of disk, but than I gave a little saliva
p. 18 6 cases (3 failed (bits too very small) at polar ends, in 3 of these t. at opposite polar end inflected — at polar 15 ends of 3 others no effect. 8
[Proof sheet of Expression with corrections, p. 25.]
p 30 bit of meat on one side — some few to beyond medial line 11 chiefly at both polar ends inflected, & next day on disk
p 30. bit of meat on one side (& added fresh bits certainly all the t on disc on opposite side inflected 12
p. 30 — bit of meat on one side, a very few at distal end beyond medial line inflected 13
p. 30 p. 30} 2 more cases no inflection beyond medial line 15 0 0
p. 32 — meat at polar ends — next day inflection at opposite pole
p 32 ― do
p 32 ― do
p 32 ― do
― 32 ― do. but very few
p 33. 8 exper. with larger cubes. of meat, after 30° certainly some inflection on opposite side, bit very slight in 1 case after 2 days all except 2 outermost row inflected 19 on one side
(wonderful contrast with polars)
35 36 35 leaves tried — 18 19 18 on one side & 17 at either polar end. —
Of the 17 polars — 14 much more, or exclusively affected at opposite pole, than on either side — 3 caused only moderate adjoining t to be inflected to very short distance, but did not affect the lateral more than outer
Of the 18 leaves with bit of meat on one side — 8 had the t not in the least affected on opposite side, & lam; in 4 case of same sides inflected. — the other 10 very slight & always slower — p. 33.
[Proof sheet of Expression with corrections, p. 33.]
p 2 4 t. glands cut off in 1˚ 45' 3 of them well inflected after 7˚ 45' inflection reversed — after 23˚ 2 of them quite reexpanded & the 3d nearly so & became quite so after 20˚ addition next day in evening put on raw meat & saliva — none inflected
p. 6 4 t (?) treated same way — after 24˚ after meat placed on disc 3 of them as well closely inflected as neighbour & look healthy — have contents of cell aggregated but far less than t. with head which have curved over meat. —(due no doubt to the cutting)
p 10— 2 failed. to move after meat put on.
p. 10 several (shall I say 6?) — some became inflected began to reexpand in 8˚— after 21˚ perfectly reexpanded—
after 26˚ from time meat put on disc — 3 found closely inflected — (In these 3 cases & in 2 alone some aggregation but not nearly so much as in those which had touched gland)
p. 10 A. 3 leaves — 2 hardly one became inflected from meat on disc — removed disc & washed leaf, & one of the more reexpand for 2d time — one of them took 5 days
p. 10 AA. Exper varied 4 glands cut off & [illeg] put on meat, all became inflected. & this must have been due to cutting off & not to meat. — removed meat again 15" — (this tells nothing) except this hardly can reexpand
p 10 AA — several cut off & glass on disc reexpanded (this tells nothing) do
(Headless tentacles healthy after 10 days.)
z after I find by my touch in few headless these t. some reexpand generally reexpand with the glands not closing off after became inflected & again & then looked healthy after 10 days after operation [illeg] when observed afterwards.
19 leaves tried after inflection with meat on disc.
According I cut off the glands from above 25 [illeg] at different time & on different leaves. (Aggregation)
[Proof sheet of Expression with corrections, p. 17.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023