RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1873].09.18-23. Chloride of Gold. CUL-DAR56.79-80. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Sept 18th at 9˚ 5 put 4 fine red leaves into 2 dr. of Chloride of Gold (1 gr to 1 oz of water) At 10˚ all 4 leaves leaves most closely inflected. At 12˚ fluid fine purple with distinct particles of floating g metallic gold, which I lifted out in paper & there cd be no doubt of reaction. — At 2˚ 30' reexamined them, the few floating particles had not increased. Hence I do not believe that the atoms aggregate in the fluid, but there were many yellow iridescent films at surface, which I have no doubt were film of excessively fine gold.— The glands had all a bronzed appearance. — on one common leaf closely examined there were so many particles of gold on disc at base that portions were gilded, as could be seen when leaf was dried, & lying on the glands.
The purple colour of fluid appears due to action of the diffused secretion; but the reduction of the Chlorides into metallic particles.
I believe takes place on the surface of the glands, the Chlor & Muriatic acid being absorbed probably, — The mucus I presume floats to the surface carries with it the metallic particles. There are as seem only to be produced only where the decomposition goes on most actively on the surface of the gland.
Chloride of Gold
Sept 22
2 Leaves dipped in boiling water & then put into chloride of gold 1 gr to 1 oz 1 drachm. — (glands soon became white. no; no, from Boiling water) beneath white black a short space black.—
The little cellular points on tentacles, peduncle & lamina are blackened showing absorption independent of life.— 23d 8˚ last evening I noticed particles of gold & this morning, but not nearly so much as with the living leaves — I suppose secretion aids the action
Two pale leaves put in at 8˚ & examined at 10˚ 40' — there is a trace of yellowish or purplish band filming the tracheæ — glands & & cellular points intensely blackened.
Sept 23d after long immersion in Chloride of Gold & the glands are twisted though curled over large exterior cells are coloured more purple than the inner layer, the contents of which are brown & are therefore differently coloured — I could see segregation spiral fibre of central large spiral cells— the tracheæ on peduncle blackened probably dark purple all down the mast of the tentacles—
I conclude that it must be specially the secretion which decompose the gold, but that the whole dead leaf can effect it
The gluten & fibrin put on yesterday ie 21st with Ch. of Gold, has this morning coloured fluid purple. 23' I can see a very few particles of gold!! Therefore it is an organic action & not necessarily oxalic acid
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023