RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1873].10.03-12. Drosera rotundifolia. CUL-DAR56.91-106. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Drosera rotundifolia
Oct 3d. at 10° 20' put 2 leaves in Urine & one in water
at 12° Both those in Urine had colour in all hairs wonderfully broken up — that in water no change. — Those in Urine with hairs somewhat inflected & long marginals a good deal curled curled, but not properly inflected as in growing growing leaf over fly. Leaves decidedly flaccid, far more than that in water
At 2°. 20' (ie 4 hours) hardly any effect on leaf in water— vast action in that in Urine
At. 4°. 35' (ie 6°. 15' hours) On sub-marginal in water spec. with broken end, & three inflected but leaf not flaccid; long- & round-headed marginal with end not broken.—
(These leaves were very pale coloured young leaves)
Oct 4th 7' before 10° A.m. Carb. of Amm. 3 gr to 1 oz
10°. 4' (ie in 11') lots of spheres formed — process of formation running runs down hairs saw this in every innumerable cases. I saw one larger sphere attract & suck in a small sphere — In 11 minutes action had proceeded down thrice length of Head (not a long-headed, but marginal round-shaped hair)
At first in homogenous fluid little spheres appear, only just under 1/4 object glass & those rapidly increase in size; & the action proceeds down the Hair—
in 2 1/2 hours action had proceeded fr 1/2 to 1/3 down each hair. At 4° (ie 4 hours) every hair down to roots had broken matter, probably took place much earlier
In 35 minutes no action in sugar of same strength as the C. of Ammonia (viz 3 gr to 1 oz) (except on that side on which there had been accident & some spilled.)
11'. 45' These 2 specimens (ie that in C. of Am. & that in the weak syrup) in same relative states.
11°. 50' (ie after 2 hours) put C. of Am. solution on the leaf which had been exposed to sugar— spec.
at 12° conspicuous change!!! Clear case.
Oct 4th Dark red leaves of D.
Barely 20' minutes to before 11°; in 3' close to the head shrinking plain from Carb. of Ammonia 3 gr. to 1 oz & incipient division into small spheres; in 5' process had proceeded more than length of Head. The hair watched was a marginal round-headed. This was dark red specimen— The change was different from last which was very light-red; in here this having is more red fluid in the cells, matter & instead of innumerable small spheres first appearing, & then a shrinking & then division into a few large masses or several smaller large oblong & spherical masses were formed & contents of cells shrink; & almost contemporaneous large masses divided minute spheres crowded together — there is change of colour from the C. of Ammonia, which changes red in brownish green; this change chiefly in upper part of curled Hair. It is quite evident long- & short-headed glands are absorbent as well as secretor like roots. The process is arrested at each cell-wall, & then when breaking up commences whole contents of each cell is broken up almost [illeg] — It is only upper part of hair close to gland which changes colour
In 24' change had proceeded more than 1/2 way down hair. In middle of hair only small spheres as in last specn. Change takes place slower in lower half of Hair. Long & round-headed equally affected in some same manner.
D. rotundifolia
Oct 4. 11˚ 28' 3 gr of sugar to 1 oz of distilled water dark red leaf put in solution of
11˚ 44; no change
12. 3 no change
12 33' no change or if any most slight
1. 20 no decided change if any. —
1. 55' hardly any change.
2. 18 do
2. 45 do
3. 44 no change
4˚ no change (ie 4 1/2 hours)
At 4˚ 3' 30' took away weak syrup & added the weak C. of Am. 3 gr to 1 oz, carbonate of Ammonia; in 5' the length of 1/2 head with spheres; in two hairs all broken up into spheres: in 10 minutes length of long-headed Head broken up.
Head of Long-head becomes green. —
In spec tried this moving change has worked down to very base
Long-head & round-headed Heads have the groups of spiral cells —within the Heads. Roots pink at tip, but no structure like in Hairs —
Long-headed secrete only on upper surface when gland exposed.
Oct. 5th Nitric Acid. 1 min to 1 oz.
9˚ 47' dark red Hair exposed for nearly 1/2 hour; I am not sure any effect.—
10˚ 30' another spec. in nitric acid 10˚. 55'. 25' no marked change.
11˚ 29' no change, at least marked, but base of all heads had colour somewhat broken
at 11˚ 29' put in C. of ammonia 3 gr to 1 oz. 11˚ 40' whole cushion of long-head turned dull purple; spheres increasing at its foot & in all cells at back of cushion.
11˚. 58' no marked effect 12˚. 47' [-] 11 29 [=] 1˚ 18 no effect
(C. of soda Soda 2 gr to 1 oz 10. 35 (pale leaf)
10. 55 no marked change —
11˚. 35' no marked change
12˚ 47' no marked change 11˚. 40' put in C. of ammonia in 4' length of head of round-headed broken up into cells. Heads all green.)
12. 50 put fresh C. of ammonia. — Heads turned green I see.
This new dose in 5' minutes produced strongest effect. So nitric acid greatly retards action of ammonia, b it seems to neutralise it. How does N. of ammonia act. —?
Oct 5. Put leaf in thin Gum (far thicker than the 3 oz of sugar to oz) at 1˚. 8'
no change or in colour by 2˚. 50' (=)
at 2. 53 [-] 1. 8 [-] 1. 45 put into solution of C. of amm.
3 gr to 1 oz.— in 5'. length of head all broken into spheres. —
Oct 5 put leaf in White of Egg which had been kept 2 days at 3˚: at 4. 25. (ie 1˚. 25' say 1 1/2 hour) no change or in colour
at 4˚ 27' put in C. of am. 3 gr to 1 oz in 5' conspicuous spheres from length of head of round-headed
I believe cells are left full of clear fluid it is the rapid aggregation of matter dissolved in fluid of cell. — it is curious to watch how the cells spheres swell & absorb each other.
I may be sure that cells are full of fluid from the cases of circulation of particles
Oct 6. — Leaf in Milk at 9˚ 27' in one hour the red masses were just decidedly a little more broken up, & a little more separate than before; only just perceptibly.
Oct 6. good red Leaf in fresh Urine Urine at 9˚. 30' in one hour: at 2˚. 15' — one hair hardly at all affected; perhaps trace of effect— the other slightly broken up. — At 5˚ (ie 7 1/2 hours) no decided effect; then added C. of am. (3 gr to 1 oz) & it took 15 minutes for decided effect in causing spheres to form; could this fresh, morning Urine have had much Uric acid? This same Urine kept for 53 hours, produced no effect in 1/2 hour. Nor was there any effect in 1˚. 30'.
Oct 6' Sherry wine. Leaf put in spoon-full at 11˚ 14; at 11˚ 28' I imagined a decided effect, but at 12˚ 50' (ie 1˚. 35') there was no sign of breaking up, but from endosmose, the signs were red was all uniform & unbroken in all the hairs Ø
The leaf was rendered nearly flaccid
Oct 7th took new leaf which had naturally caught fly & had broken red & put in glass of sherry sherry — some of Hairs opened naturally & all long but could be turned back quite easily — Colour all became quite uniform.— left in for 9˚. 10' to 11˚. 18' ie 2 hours.
Oct. 6th Carbonate of Ammonia (Eastbourne) Segregation
Whole Leaf put into weak solution.
(1˚) 1 gr to 1 oz distilled water
put in 10˚ 28'
― 32' (4') decided change, (ie always means formation of spheres)
― 37 (9') change extends length of round-head; & colour changed — observed in all Hairs
(Used for rate) C whole L
(2d) 1 gr to 4 oz water (N.B as I took 1/4 of Tea-spoon in each experiment, the solutions are really weaker)
put in 10˚ 41 say 20-30 m
10— 45' (4') change 3 spheres arose
10 47 (6') change in all hairs for length of round head
C whole L
(3) 1 gr to 7 oz
put in 10˚. 50'
― 55' little effect
11. 1 (11') decided change, in structure & colour in all hairs for nearly length of Head— N.B the spheres formed are very minute
C whole L
It is possible I may have blundered in adding to water, but I think not.—
[calculations not transcribed]
Put the remainder of leaf in glass of solution at 9˚ 43' — (too much torn to tell anything)
Put another fine red leaf in same glass of solution at 9˚ 50' 10˚ 18' all heads blackened & a few spheres formed everywhere; but I did not previously examine spec. ß
Oct 6th Carb. of Ammonia Eastbourne
1 gr. to 10 oz = (1 to 437.5 0 by weight)
put in 11˚. 7'
11˚. 12' (3') colour changed perhaps trace of breaking up into spheres.
Oct 7th Made solution of C. of Ammonia 1 gr to 12. oz. took pale red leaf; cut off 1 hair & put 9˚. 40' under slip, with 1/2 minim of pure water, (water) (a) Back 10˚ 26' no change ie in 46'
Cut off two hairs & put with 1/2 m. of the solution & put under slip. at 9˚. 42 —.
at 10˚ at 10˚ spheres increased slightly in number & size
at 10˚ 7' (25') severl spheres 10 or 12. there were originally 3.
10˚ 13' spheres decidedly larger
10˚. 27' (ie 45') spheres have certainly increased in size & now 10 or 12.
Heads not blackened or greened. (No use trying weaker)
(a) It is most singular that weight of glass did not cause movement segregation can water check the process? Is cause wing of glass
C. single Hair Segregation
Oct 7 same experiment as last with new leaf C. of ammonia 1 gr. to 12 oz, 1.2 minim taken
at 10˚. 38' put into the solution under slip of glass
10. 58 no decided effect
11. 26 no decided effect, except I think in Head, in which red masses now spherical
11˚. 35' spheres have now appeared under Head. (in 57') ((a) Back)
11. 48 (in 70') a dozen spheres & red-head— spheres larger; uppermost part of stalk part green.
12˚. 30' — (in nearly 2 hours) Breaking up has now run down to pink about length of head.
C Whole leaf
at 10˚. 38' put whole leaf into wine glass. with the solution.
11˚ 18' Heads blackened.
11 35. I have no doubt effect produced just below Heads. greened & rather spherical.
35 [-] 18 [=] 17
Water C. Single Hair
at 10˚. 34' put a hair into 1/2 minim of pure water under slip— no effect. exc
11. 53 except perhaps a few spheres in water but previously laterally to tip but No spheres in red heads. 12. 30
(Appearance of this utterly different from that of Ammonia now ie 12˚. 30' — (Head not so dark a purple.)—
(a) I am not absolutely certain whether this not due to incipient drying up.
It is impossible to doubt great change; whereas certainly no such change took place in 1˚. 16' in the 3 Hairs in plain water. ß
at 10˚. 22' (when I left off examination) red breaking up, spheres increasing & absorbing each other. —
Segregation Water
Oct 8' cut off 3 Hairs (of fresh arrived spec) fine red & put under plain water at 9˚— 9 at 9˚. 47 no change
at 10. 16 no change (ie 1˚. 16')
put single Hair C in sol. of Carb of ammonia 1 gr. to 10 oz; i.e the gland received 1/9600 of gr of C. of Am. put in at
at 9˚. 13' when put in trace on one or two minute obscure spheres under head
at 9. 43 (ie 30') fine spheres were conspicuous & one part of red was broken up in egg-shaped mass & the red of the head certainly more divided or reticular
10. 13 (ie 1˚)
9. 47
at 10. 13 (ie 1˚) there were 8 large spheres & several minute ones some way up stem: the red oval had become spherical & other part of red more broken up. Can even see spheres with 2/3 object glass & weak eye-piece. Head tesselated appearance.
C. Whole L
Put whole leaf fine red in tin Box in sol.. of 1 gr to 12 oz, put in at 9˚. 20'. The quantity of fluid afterwards measured was 5 minims say 6 to allow for evaporation. — at 10˚ in every spec. some spheres under Heads — Heads, I think, look browner. —
10˚ 21 (ie 1˚) 4 to 6 spheres can now be seen Ø
with 2/3 object & weak eye piece in every hair. At 1˚. 30' I do not think spheres increased in number. At. 2˚. 30, perhaps spheres decreased in number.—
The red in several Hairs in lower part is now broken up, but I did not notice this sufficiently.
80 hairs round borders, & at least 20, (certainly more) on disc. say 100 & all apparently affected. —
60 36
480 minims in oz
[calculations not transcribed]
According to this calculation each head could have got only 1/96,000 of a grain of carb. of ammonia. —
Oct. 9th — Cold day Segregation
Excellent fresh pale leaf carefully examined in water with 2/3 O.G. & weak eye p (Whole leaf) C. pink in stems uniform no spheres at base of Head— Heads maroon & not broken. — Put in Sol. of Carb of ammonia. 1 gr to 12 oz
at 9˚. 30 (error)
at 10. 35. Emma & self thought Heads redder & more transparent— internal structure more visible— base of head greener. In one or two hairs alone a few spheres (With stronger eye-piece I can see cells in many) 11˚ spheres plainer 11˚ 35' spheres not plain
12˚. 30' no change 2˚ no more effect — 2˚. 5' put with fresh solution of 1 gr to 12 oz see Back
at 9˚ 37' carefully examined another exactly similar leaf in same state & put in plain water (error)
10˚. 45' I can see quite as many cells in this on specimen; & I think Heads quite as clear!!! & green is plain at base!!
11. 15 spheres plain, quite as plain as in amm: spec
12. 30 in same state as ammonia spec 2˚ same state
at 2˚ 5' (ie. after 4 1/2 hours) put this leaf into C. of amm. 1 gr to 12 oz
see Back
at 2˚ 5' I doubted whether I really had put any sol. of C. of ammonia to this spec. so made fresh solution & put; at 2˚ 55' all the Heads are black & spheres more apparent; 3. 30 all the Heads jet black; even the long-headed, which were paler very pale dirty purple are now nearly black— Many of Hairs now have conspicuous spheres, 1˚. 35'
4˚. 5' Heads absolutely opake— Transparent borders of long-heads crowded with cells. Spheres larger & more numerous in all Hairs
Pink no where broken,—
5˚. 5 quite large spheres in almost all round heads, extending down for 1/2 length of head to almost Heads' length
In long-headed, elongated masses or ovals instead of spheres encroaching on what was pink
at 2˚. 5' (error) I also put the Hairs which had been in Water into the now weak carbonate (the same ie 1 gr to 12 oz) to the specimen which has been in water & this also 3˚ Heads conspicuously blackened.
3. 55. These Heads of both kinds now quite black; in some Hairs spheres far more conspicuous.—
4˚. 10'. long-heads bordered with crowded cells—
2˚. 5' Some Hairs (most in nearly same state) near stalk with numerous spheres. — Heads quite opake & black.
5˚. 15 The spheres in most of hairs less developed than in other spec. but in some quite as much & this leaf seem lately to have caught fly; pink was on this side spheres not so much developed.
I think C. of ammonia mostly act as a ferment & so transmit transmitted the process of change. 6° 10' The spheres are pink.—
I see in long-heads the red is broken up— The process has travelled some way down hairs; in some twice length of Head.
7° 30' Breaking up of red (as seen with stronger eye-piece) running very far down some of Hairs.
10° 10' P.m (I observe hairs on disc similarly affected as those near margin)— the breaking up of red has run down far in some Hairs Error
6° 15 Hairs which have changed are changed as much as above specimen: 7° 30' in nearly same state as above spec. — 10° 15 same state red breaking up down footstalk.— Error
It is impossible to doubt next day I made same blunder & perceived it with Acetate of ammonia that my suspicion was right that I put no C. of ammonia the first time: I might easily have forgotten, for I know I added water first to glass—
This only doubt in whether where leaf kept
in pure water for above 4 or 5 hours, whether the heads blacken; if not the case in these two specimens clear.
Wednesday 10th 9˚ In many Hairs segregation of pink stuff had run down 1/4 or 1/3 length of Hairs — Same with other specimen.—
10th 12˚ Keeps as black as ever in Heads breaking up has proceed far down long-headed Hairs
Each Head 11/2000 of an inch in diameter
The Heads on disc felt as large as those on margin — nearly all equal.— As Heads all oval; taking spheres will allow for allotment of footstalk — Heads about 15 or 16 / 2000 long
(Add to [illeg]) ä
[calculations not transcribed]
Oct 10th 10˚ 21'— Fine fresh leaf first examined in plain water with 2/3 & strong eye-piece & then put into Acetate of Ammonia about 3 gr to 1 oz. (a very few spheres at base very minute — back of long heads with no plain spheres— colour of Heads maroon red bright)
at 10˚. 21'
10. 31. (ie 10') many Heads blackened; I believe clear signs of breaking up some way down Hairs— Long-Heads pale purple
10˚ 36' (ie 15') breaking up clear has proceeded down length of Head — no cells yet back of long-heads— these not so dark except one or two
10˚. 55' (24') the breaking up of red matter has now proceeded far down stalks — not so many spheres formed as with carbonate of Amm. more contraction in red matter some way down stems — Heads I suspect not so much blackened.
The action seems to commence at base of spheres—
I see very little spheres oscillating about, as I have often seen before
11˚. 15' spheres forming back well formed on back of some long heads (in 54')
11. 35 all long heads now have spheres back 1˚ 11'
colour not so dark of Heads— The breaking up very distinct but does not proceed — I think any further
Oct 10th 3˚ 21' new Red Leaf in Acetate of Ammon Ammonia about 3 gr to 1 oz. — No cells blackened long-head— only two of breaking of red matter in some round-heads.
in 19' an undoubted great effect a long way down the hairs in breaking up of red matter & formation of many spheres— Heads darkened. Trace of cells forming at back of long-Heads. —
4˚ — Abundance of perfect spheres in common Hairs & some spheres in back of some long-heads. (39')
5˚ Tremendously broken up — spheres in back of all long-heads. —
1˚ 40'
5˚. 45' I think spheres have ceased to increase perhaps in long round-heads have decreased — Yet with high power spheres splendid
9˚ 40' the spheres. extent far down almost all Hairs
11th 9˚. 15 Hairs nearly all mostly colourless; with minute spheres down in most to base
Segregation Water
10th. 12˚ leaf in pure Water at terminal end some Heads dark. In very few Hairs faintest trace of breaking up & very few most minute spheres. — no spheres back of long-heads
2/3 & strong eye piece— Every Hair examined. — no change 2˚. 15' in any respect.
5˚. 45'. no change in either Heads
9˚ 40; (ie 9˚ 40') absolutely no change
11' 9˚. 20' Heads — Astonishing number of minute crystals on glass. (9 minims.) See p 16 for these spec. & am
8 minims in fine Box
10th. 12˚. 48' — old red leaf. Heads nearly black.— in long-headed Hairs much broken near Heads—
In round-headed trace of do, but not transparent.
Solution of 3 gr to 1 oz of Nitrate of ammonia
2/3 strong Eye-piece.—
1˚. 40' (52') In round-Headed, the red masses more separated ends more rounded with daylight seem between; & some large spheres formed— on left side back of long-headed without spheres. 2˚. 10' (ie 30') Plenty of true spheres formed p. 22 in almost all round-headed— In most of long-headed either spheres formed or forming in back part
3˚ immense spheres now 2˚ 12 just like in an ammonia specimen— Lots of spheres behind Long-headed-Hairs
Segregation whole leaf
Oct 11th. — Leaf which had been in water unaltered since 12. (ie nearly 21˚ 15' hours) was put into fresh solution of Carb. of Amm. 1 gr to 12 oz of water Strong Eye-Piece
at 9˚ 49' C.
at 10. 49 to 55'. Heads all black — in many Hairs splendid red spheres & ovals— Heaps of cells at back of all long-Heads.
11˚. 49' to 59' every single Hair with some spheres; in some few nearly down length of Head— generally only half head— many cells in back of every long-head. all Heads, including long-Heads pitchy Black. (B) (B)
See leaf A for Oct 11 — Fresh large red leaf examined in plain water Strong Eye-Piece
C. Whole L. C. (a) & then put into Sol. of Carb. of ammonia of 1 gr to 16 oz of water: no breaking up no cells behind long-Heads — colour of some dark red— in some so dark only trace of red cd be seen.
at. 10˚ 5'
11˚ Except in one long-Head no change— (Long-heads now dirty pale purple)
11˚ 35' traces of breaking up in some 6-9 round. Hairs no cells behind long heads
12˚. 20' in most of long-Heads some breaking up below Head.
1˚. 45' not much change. (in 3˚ 40' not much change)
3˚ 5 Hours. I can now with care see very minute spheres at base of almost all long-heads. — Heads, I think, darker. — (over)
(B) The fluid carefully measured was 6 minims say 7 for loss.— 146 Heads carefully counted. — see supplement page for grains
Oct 12' 9˚ 15. This leaf after 23 hours had all Heads, especially long-Heads blackened: in one or two Long Heads few cells behind Heads
In the Long-Heads, the parts beneath Heads minutely [illeg].
In the long & moderately long round-heads di pink matter segregated in all— & in lost of short I could see some trace of effect — From repeated trials with same leaf I fell sure that never above 5 minims of solution was in: for I flattened compressor down on this leaf 189 Hairs of which 81 long & all effected plainly; 108 short, but these examined with high power all showed signs of change in few spheres beneath Head & I believe darker coloured
(a) This spec. had very few long-heads; & I saw one in exactly intermediate state [sketch] between round-Headed & long-Headed.—
5˚. 15' P.m. continued — spheres not larger anywhere. I have no hesitation in asserting that pink more broken up do for full length of Heads down longer hairs, that than it was when first put in.
9˚. P.m. There can be no doubt about breaking up some way down of red matter in many leaves — no cells behind long-heads — no great change of colour in Heads X 1. to 16. oz.
16 Bis
[calculations not transcribed]
16 Bisv
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 May, 2023