RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1874.11.21. Roridula / Hooker says lateral prolongation of leaves. CUL-DAR57.150. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Nov 21 / 74
Hooker says lateral prolongation of leaves, but the crowded mass are leaves from a common bud— (a crowd crowd of the c leaf linear leaves arising from a common bud.—)
The important point is gradation of tentacles d into division of a leaf leaves or lateral division of leaf.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 18 May, 2023