RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1874.05.31-07.10. Pinguicula. CUL-DAR59.1.34-44. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Dionaea muscipula is the Venus flytrap. These notes are for Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray. (F1217)
May 31. 74.
Pinguicula.from N. Wales
Leaves thickly covered with minute drops of viscid fluid not acid — Horace & Marshall says catches insects.
8° 40'. put on atoms of albumen, fibrin, meat, & casein on same leaf & bit of glass
9° some inflection
9° 40' acid under Casein (Casein self acid) not under glass.
10 30' I feel sure secretion has incurved round all (acid?)
(width from edge to edge between good 2 lots ⊙ ⊙)
12° I am sure secretion increased; not acid round albumen; acid round meat, but then I find the meat is acid. —
Much incurved round casein — not much or at all under glass— but acid
2° 30' secretion has spread widely round & below albumen & meat less so round casein & fibrin
9° 30 i.e. after 8h. the viscid secretion, which can be drawn out in threads has now now run down
3/40th of an inch below the end of bit of albumen, the leaf here sloping, & so round meat, but more laterally — the involuted edge wd be very valuable if secretion copious— I think lower end of albumen certainly rounded. — rather less round casein & fibrin; & none has run from glass. — Secretion round albumen I think not acid, but am not positive there is not a shade of pink. —
June 1st
8° 45' ends of albumen rounded — secretion is found by the inverted edge into which it has run. — Albumen broke by a touch; ends of upper portion now square. Very doubtfully acid & so with less secretion round fibrin
no secretion from glass — Fibrin much disintegrated(?)
Jun 3d 8° 30' not all the meat, albumen casein or fibrin dissolved, but they were small atoms — much of albumen dissolved; all dry except lower bit of albumen.
(9° 5' put small drop of skimmed milk where blue glass stood.)
(9°, 9' put large fly on old leaf. red stick.) 7° P.m much secretion.—
(12° milk & fly excite secretion) — (I think milk curdled.)
7° milk certainly curdled (Jun 3d 8° A.m. almost all the curds dissolved & what little is left seem to consist chiefly of oil globules
1st 2° 30' 4 atoms of albumen & 3 of fibrin on old leaf stick with pin, (7° have both caused much secretion.)
Jun 2d. 8° The bit of meat excessively softened, cannot be touched with needle without separating. —
Albumen rendered very transparent, excessively softened— rounded — the lower bit almost dissolved.— The secretion round albumen very doubtfully acid.
(The secretion rather drying up round the fibrin)
I now feel certain that secretion round albumen is fully acid— having dipped tip of the litmus twice into it, after drying first time
Jun 2d. 8° Am (put on June 1. 12°) The fully killed fly has excited very much secretion, more than other objects, & is distinctly acid.
—Jun 2d 8° still secretion much round fly.) 4th 8 Am. beginning to dry, secretion still acid: 5th secretion almost dry.
(I have tried the 4 bits of albumen with litmus paper & certainly acid.)
2d 8° 35 — on the same leaf (upper border) with the 4 bits of albumen, a bit of wood — dry starch — & white sugar.
(9° 45' sugar deliquesced & made very large drop which run down into marginal furrow, exosmose.) (12° the fluid has now run far down furrow, not at all acid.)
(2d 2° no secretion from wood or starch. (2° secretionfrom sugar now drying up & certainly not acid.)
Jun 2d 8° 35. on leaf opposite to fly by pin a parallelogram of moistened pure gelatine (leaf touched with indigo.)
(2° has excited very little secretion)— later, excited some, & now Jun 3d. 8° Am all liquefied & secretion acid: is gelatine acid? (yes slightly) Certainly gelatine is not liquefied so quickly by water
Jun 2d 12° Meat & fibrin now dry— albumen less secretion.
― 2d 2° of the 4 bits of albumen (about 1/50 & 1/60 cubes) 2 have quite disappeared. The glands are now dry around the dried bits of nutriment — (put on Jun 1' 2° 30)
June 3d. a rather large bit of dry starch put on yesterday & it did not for 5° 30; cause any secretion, but after an additional 2 hours or three, I saw a good deal, & this morning it has run down lateral furrow in quantity for nearly 3/4 of inch— I have never seen so much secretion: certainly not in the least acid. Some of the starch seems to have been dissolved. (Probably some gluten in starch)
June 3d. 8° 30' the 4 bits of albumen placed on leaf (p. 2) on Jun 1st at 2° 30' have now disappeared & all the secretion absorbed; of the 3 bits of fibrin can still be seen but consist of brown pulp.
I think this overlooked
Jun 2d 24° [+] 12 [+] 6 [=] 42
Jun 3d 9° A.m.
Leaf with pin — on upper part 3 bits of starch (dry)
(10° 15' one bit of starch has excited secretion) (2° 2 others have do
6° 45' — atom of starch with festooned margin —
(4th 8° 30 the atoms of starch, & the bits of rice & pea are still wet I suspect a trace of albumen in starch or coloring matter.
Jun 5' 8° the bit of Pea still moist.)
do 9° — towards end of leaf 2 bits square of boiled rice.
2° some secretion excited.
6° 45' look very wet & transparent (4th. 8° 30' still wet
(4th. 9°. 30' I can perceive no difference under C. m. between the one of these slices & a slice kept for same time in water.) (Jun 5' 8°, the other bit of starch still wet.
Starch. 4th 8° 35' put 3 put atom of dry starch on glands close to head of pin — very minute. (5th. 8° not in the least dissolved.)
(I judge from water acid that common starch probably contains some gluten.)
(I am nearly sure minute glands hard to see secrete)
(Jun 5 I am certain minute minute glands secrete glands with very short footstalks secrete whole surface thicky covered with them)
June 3d. 9° 10' leaf with red stick at end
Towards base slices of Pea soaked for 1° (2° some secretion)
6° 45' both bits look very wet (4th 8° 30' still wet) (& s. acid)
I have now compared one of little slice with slice from pea kept for same time in water: the only difference is that latter with a multitude of fine granules, making water white & muddy, whereas in spec.from the leaf, whole slide far clearer & brighter, & granules of starch clearing, as if the granular matter had been absorbed or had become aggregated which some appearances furrowed; no there are larger aggregated masses in the water spec.— I think this is dissolution of the fine granular matter by Pinguicula, but not of starch—
Jun 3d. 9° 10'
Towards tip — seed of lettuce, cabbage & Cassia.—
6° 45 a good deal of secretion round cabbage seed. Jun 4th 8° Am so much secretion round cabbage that seed has flowed rolled off & is caught by involuted margin & secretion has flowed down edge of leaf in the channel: the secretion has flowed from place where seed first placed .35 of inch — Sec. so acid that in removing litmus paper I drew out thread at least 18 inches long— secretion acid — it may be albumen which is destroyed (Jun 5th still secretion
(Lettuce no secretion; cassia mimosoides some; but look so very thick & hard I am not surprised action slow— I changed its position.
Rice & Seeds
Jun 4th 8° 45' Seeds soaked for 1h.
Trifolium pannonicum— Canary grass— Atriplex hortensis put little amt [illeg] on leaf with pin — 2 of each kind.
(4° 45' no secretion from any seed, or from Cassia)
Jun 5th 8° no secretionfrom any of above— Cabbage seed still most copious secretion
(Jun 7th 8° 15. 1 of clover seed has now excited secretion!
(Seeds) & Glass
Jun 5' 8° A.m put on seeds of mustard— cress— Radish & Linum grandiflorum— soaked for 5m, which caused cress to be surrounded by layer of mucus. — & 3 bits of glass not quite ripe Buttercup Ranunculus & Carex at 1° —9 more more cabbage seed at (At 5° I saw a little secretion under cabbage seeds & at 7° decided under all 9 seeds.) at 5° certainly some from Ranunculus. (6th 2° ver much secretion from buttercup)
(5th. 2° very much secretion from butter-cup)— feebly acid
(Jun 6th. 8° A.m. Immense secretion from all 9 cabbage seeds)!! so as to run down to 2°. 30' some leaves (7th. 8° some cabbage seed germinating. XXX
― great secretion feebly acid from 3 Ranunculus seeds & Carex (?) these green seeds no secretion from blue glass— (8th, 8° 15' Ranunculus still secreting Carex (?) much less at any time & now dry)
Jun 6th 5° P m Linum causes secretion
Jun 7th 8° 20' the carex seed have certainly excited a little secretion
― Linum radish & mustard all have excited secretion — (one cress rather dry has germinated largely but I have put radicle into secretion
Jun 5th. 7° 45'
These glands now very decidedly granular but green, I think they must have been dying glands from near tip of leaf─ contents of pedicels in any case shrunk.
June 6' 8° Radish & cress & mustard now all causing secretion— radish very copious — cress & mustard seed germinating! Secretion has run down nearly 1/4 of inch from Radish seed.
Canary seed no effect
Atriplex no effect germinating
Trifolium no or little effect
Linum no effect or doubtful (acted subsequently, see other notes)
Jun 6th 8° 20' 3 caraway— 2 turnip 2 anemone nemorosa leaf with red stick.—
7th 8° 25 Anemone great secretion— has run into channel & deflected
― Turnip some secretion
― Caraway, I think some secretion
8' 8° Anemone great— Turnip some— caraway at last some secretion plain
Jun. 6th 9° 20' on same leaf
Wheat— onion — celery & Parsnip.—
7th 8' 7 30'— parsnip some secretion 6° 45 certainly onion, I think some. yes yes celery & wheat none, but on rather bad part of leaf
8th 8° parsnip some — one of onion some — celery none — wheat none (too big)
Jun 7th. 8° 45' on leaf supported by stick — split lettuce seed— & bit of blade of Wheat. (2° 30; I am nearly sure secretion)
7' 6° 45 both have excited plenty of secretion
8' 8° considerable secretion slightly acid but nothing like below — We here have evidence that different kinds of seeds excite different degree of secretion on leaf supported by stick (with atom of meat & cartilage) split Trifolium pannonicum & Atriplex.— (2° 30' I am nearly sure secretion]
7' 6° 45 both copious secretion, especially Atriplex, which has run down channel —
(8' 8° A m. Prodigious (acid) secretion.)—
(So difference must lie in coats of seeds)
Jun 8th 8° 30' — 7 of the 9 cabbage seeds put on leaves on (I believe on the 5') was taken from leaves & placed on damp sand; 2 having germinated. — (9th, 8° 2 now germinating)
15th the 3 others have not germinated & are dead; & now though cabbage seed not very good, not nearly so large a proportion as 3/7 failed to grow of seed of same lot
& 2 cress, one germinated (9' 8° the others germ. So both germinated
[in margin:] (Seeds on Sand)
& 2 mustard (9', 8° 1 mustard; both first mustards one germinating other died) germinated; the other germinated & then died — the 2 cotyledon of very unequal size, & appeared scorched scorched on outside in a patch, & radicle grew all curved crooked
& 2 radish seeds. (15th not germinated) 18th neither germinated, both seeds dead & rotten
(see (over) about how good the seed was
Fresh seeds placed on opposite side of glass
I put at same time a large no' of fresh seeds of same lot
12th all mustard germin
all Radish except 3 (15th 2 other have germinated
all cabbage except 13
all cress (I think germinated)
15 all cabbage except 8 have germinated 16th do I fear a good many bad
Control experiment
June 8' 8' 45' (Leaf by Pin)
2 atoms of orange Pea pollen Pollen (Gluten
9th 7° 45' has excited secretion & I think some dissolved (a single gland got an atom & has secreted copiously)
(9th 6° 45 P.m pollen nearly gone)
(10th 7° 45' almost wholly gone & nearly colourless
Over for Gluten,
8° 45' a split Celery seed which had been for 2 or 3 day on leaf & had excited no secretion
9th 7° 45 plenty of secretion from split seed; there is now a very little under fr two whole seeds placed on leaf on June 6' p 7B
(10° 7° 45' a very little under 2 old seed.
10th 7°. 30 I feel sure about incipient resecretion old on 2 old leaf, the one which was marked blue with indigo & other old leaf (see how many days, slower than Drosera) (p. 3 Jun 1' & 2d.)
July June 8th 10° 40' Wheat Gluten Gluten
1 bit (to right of split celery seeds)
4° 40' has excited secretion in all cases
Jun 9' 7° 45' has caused secretion, but none wholly dissolved or absorbed — one atom has flowed down into channel
(9' 6° 45' gluten by no means all gone) in any of the specimens.
(10' 7° 45 A.m gluten in same state, considerable secretion)
(3 2 bits of 3 bits on nearer side of leaf beyond 10th 7° 45' Pm these have disappeared)
Jun 11' 7° 45' A.m changed place of dry bit of gluten on lower leaf & of large bit (still wet) on further side of upper leaf.
1 bit (larger) on further side of do leaf
July 10 7° Pm all the gluten has disappeared from 3 place yet I saw it there then this morning humid, except no 1 which is now dry — I suppose chiefly absorbed, but as rendered nearly transparent, I suppose when forming these dry crust not visible on surface of leaf
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 3 November, 2022