RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1874].06.23-07.09. Pinguicula / Proof sheets of Expression. CUL-DAR59.1.89-103. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants known as butterworts. These notes are for Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray. (F1217)
June 23d 4° 45' P.m. Pinguicula—
On one upright young leaf & on old reflexed leaf with opposite edges equally involuted placed row of flies on one side of each.
24' 7° 40' after 15° on upright leaf the edge of the leaf is now turned over (just lie helix of the ear) for whole length & the over-turned edge is 1/10 of inch wide — Thus the edge of leaf has been brought into close contact with the upper surface of whole row of insects & is secreting, beautiful adaptation.
In older reflexed leaf, the extreme edge has only begun to roll over & the acid secretion has run down & fills the spoon shaped extremity —
26' the margin has now partially reexpanded
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 129, published 272.]
June 24th
7° 40. Red stick bits of Blue-Bottle torn open at end & down 1 side for half-length. 12° decidedly inflected at tip & down one side) 4° 20'
(25' 8° inflection has not increased soon rise to maximum)
(26' 8° the 2 sides have now separated)
movement due to growth (It is clear it is only a temporary movement)
7° 40' (3h) Black wool do medial at extremity.
10° 45' some decided inflection
(12° not a shade of doubt the head of Blue-bottle so clasped cd be not be extracted extracted
26 8° the 2 sides have now expanded 27' long
27' (See next Page)
7° 40' white paper-Head. On one side in middle of leaf
10 45' a trace of inflection — & secretion has run some way down now 1/5 of inch!
12° ° a trace — 2° 45' greatly inflected, for a short space opposite fly in 3° X
The younger leaves most acted on— The tip of leaf has no power of doubling towards base
June 25'
Pinguicula Reexpansion
7° 45' leaf by Paper Head Black Wool— fly taken out & leaf washed— (to see if will open)
Blue mark outer points external
width —
[sketch] [calculation]
26' 7° 45 the 2 edges much infolded but one rather less than other from minute fragment of fly accidentally left — distance between extreme edges shown in square
27' 7° 40' fully reexpanded & put on another fly
[sketch] to see if leaf is growing
3° 30' slight inflection of lamina (more inflection 28' 8°)
7° 45' Leaf by Blue wool white paper Head — a fold on one side
The width of fold shown when leaf viewed directly in front —
Lower dots distance from edge of folded part to midrib
25' 7° 45 The fold has almost completely reexpanded only a vestige left on the edge of leaf not perfectly straight—
Distance from infolded edge to midrib now shown in square
25th Blue glass 2° 3. 3° Blue glass & Cinder on edge of leaf Pingui
5° 30' I think certainly some slight inflection from Blue-glass & not from cinder
7° no secretion
26th 7° 30''— no secretion, or very slight increase, none run run down (Secretion certainly not acid— has now greatly decreased & I doubt whether any trace of inflection remain
26' 7° 55' changed 2 bits of Blue glass to opposite side — 12° no action— perhaps leaf torpid for fly was on middle on the same side
26' 12° 5' put on another & very young leaf 2 bits of blue glass — (2° 15' I suspect some inflection.)
4° 40' certainly some inflection) 7° indisputably inflected)
(27' 7° 30; A.m. less inflection than yesterday)
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 295.]
(5) (5
Jun 25' 8° row of 6 cabbage seeds soaked for night near margin of leaf (These did not excite much) secretion
10°. 25' de Edges decidedly inflected over row
12° the edge now lie over 1/2 diameter of the seeds
3° ― — over 3/4 of diameter
26' 8° the inflection has not increased, & I think has decreased X Secretion acid some little is flowed from above on seed
27' 7° 30 inflection of margin far less; hardly any
28' 7° 30' These have now rolled down to lower places — Planted them & 12 fresh cabbage seeds of the same lot —
(29' 5 of them germinated & rather before the fresh cabbage seed
25' 5° 15' leaf of Saxifrage, rather thin & small — (7° secretion)
(25' 8° secretion
July 2d 8° not yet brown
(July 3d, 8° not browned almost dry)
(7 1/2 days)
July 2d 9° examined 6 cabbage seed, evidently dead when put on — other 5 have germinated immediately when put on damp sand — 2 not in the least affected — 3 others with edges of cotyledon slightly browned, & one so much injured that edge killed & margin of cotyledon has grown quite irregularly
Pinguicula Drop of C. of Amm & Scratching
26' 8° 13'
(leaf by Blue head —)
on left side, put 3 drops of C. of amm (2 gr to 1 oz) & scratched with needle on upper & lower line on opposite side
9° 35' C. of amm certainly increases secretion, drops from have all move together — no inflection from this or scratching
10° 30' no inflection
2° 15' no inflection
4° 40' ― 0
7° — 0
35 [-] 13 [=] 1° 22
27' 8° A.m no effect
On leaf opposite to blue Head, scratched opposite 1 large upper drop (& a minute drop below upper drop)
27' 6° No effect
(Add about scratching) C. of am
28 7° 45' big fly not dead kicking on margin of leaf
10° 40' only a little inflection — more inflection on opposite side
(10° 40' — put on Back of Leaf.
2° 30' no trace of inflection)
[Proof sheet with correction of Expression, p. 293.]
Pinguicula June 29
8° 13' put on drop of infusion of Raw Meat on one side of 2 opposite leaves — & on opposite side of both bits of sponge with do infusion & 1 bit of meat—
On middle drop I rubbed l with bristle from 8° 16' to 26' ie 10' — to see in movement of insect cd aid inflection
[Marbled] Edge of nearest leaf about 1/3 of small pins Head wide— young leaf 2/3 of Pin
8° 50' no effect on any
9° 30' I think sponge-side rather more inflected, at least in younger leaf
(9° 30' distance of basal bit of sponge (inner edge) from 1° 17' centre of midrib — older leaf ⊙ ⊙
10° 39' (ie 2° 17') Both margins of both leaves certainly inflected — the scratched drop not more inflected than other drops.—
(⊙ ⊙ 10° 35' distance of bits of sponge now from middle of midrib)
11° 30; almost all the juice absorbed x (⊙ ⊙ 1° same distance)
1° I think sponge side more inturned
2° 40' By natural movement the margin with sponge considerably more incurved & as secretion not quite dry on other margin, probably due to stimulus from contact
(Scratching not a shade of effect)
a little closer (⊙ ⊙ 2° 15' distance from midrib)
(7° P.m. same distance)
(⊙ ⊙ 8° on 30th (7° P.m.) much inflection) young leaf
(Sponge had stick to edge) (⊙ ⊙ 8° on July 1' has been dragged back by edge—)
almost same distance as 9° 30' on 29th
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 139, published p. 292.]
Jun 29' 7° P.m. Sponge & juice of raw meat continued
older leaf
⊙ ⊙— involuted margin where sponge
⊙ ⊙― — on opposite side, near drop
Younger leaf (no difference between drops & sponge)
⊙ ⊙— over sponge
⊙ ⊙— on opposite side near drops
30' 8° the involuted margin by sponge on older leaf I think have gone back a little & certainly the opposite side has
― & certainly this holds good with both sides of younger leaf — the side without sponges for a considerable space has quite lost involution
((30th — 11° 50' the bit of meat on young leaf now left clear (meat) i.e for not touched by margin of leaf))
7° P m margin of Sponge almost very largely reexpanded
July 1' old leaf 8° 30' A.m Pushing one bit of Sponge now 1/20' of an inch from the inner edge of involuted leaf — & I doubt whether involution will ever decrease. The total distance here from the do edge to middle of midrib us rather less than 7/20 — so has been pushed in — full 1/7 of semidiameter of leaf (see for reexpanding)
Younger leaf the meat is now 1/10' of inch from margin which is not involuted — the total distance from edge to middle of midrib is 3/10 so has pushed 1/3 of semidiameter of leaf —
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 287.]
July 2d
Younger leaf with 2 bits of sponge & one of meat
Margin quite straight bit of meat is now.11 from edge — Upper bit of sponge .1 distant — lower bit not much moved or rather drawn back
width of leaf from edge to midst of midrib .35 of an inch.
Older leaf — Basal bit of sponge .1 from margin
The 2 others not so far distant from margin
N B very few leaves stand in such a position that rain cd wash fly to margin, generally with young & sub-upright leaves they wd ne washed down to centre of plant—
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, pp. 280-1.]
June 29' 10° 40' — Put bit of meat with juice — on exact line of margin of leaf which was inflected from fly put on June 24th in middle of margin before— The edge of this leaf now partially flat or not at all involuted
(2° 45' 0) (7°, 0) (Torpid from fly)
30' 8° instead of being inflexed— considerably reflexed. —
July 1' 8° 30' do reflexed (July 2d 8° do) (3d do)
(C. of Ammonia)
Jun 30' 8° 18 Leaf with Blue line on top chain of dots on left side of sol of C. of ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz (8° 23' I almost think some involution)
8° 31' almost certain dark aggregation)
9° 15' I am nearly certain aggregation
11° 50' — I am now certain involuted involution on this one margin of leaf.
2° 45' no shadow of doubt
July 1' 8° 30' — almost wholly reexpanded hardly a vestige of involution left)
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 291.]
p C. Jun 30' 8° 23' (Effects of sol. down midrib
leaf by white wool chain of large drop of juice of meat — down middle, but rather to left side — towards base run up much toward left margin— leaf very concave, ⊙ ⊙ .55 of an inch Distance of Transmission
50 [-] 23 [=] 27 greatest width from margin to margin
(11° 50' — widest part of leaf ⊙ ⊙) — a trace narrower
(2° 50' 6th 27h ⊙ ⊙)/10' of inch narrow
(3° I see the left edge involuted so motor influence has been transmitted from the side, on which the drops rather lay to extreme margin
(7° P.m breadth ⊙ ⊙) a trace wider
(July 1 8° 40' width now showing ⊙ ⊙ as in all former cases again has reexpanded in 24°
By measure width now just what it originally was) within hair breadth as wide
((By pushing of object same end is gained as by movement of glands of Drosera) & by capillary attraction in Dionaea))
8. 23 [calculations]
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 136, published p. 286.]
Pinguicula Chain of fibrin of meat
July 1' 8° 45' Leaf with Blue Edge
Right-hand side chain of very thin long bits of roast meat moistened with saliva— placed on absolute internal edge of leaf to see if will be pushed in & then will separate minute diptera or Hymenoptera
12° 11° 45; ie after 3h excellently & closed involuted — secretion run down to base of leaf very acid
4° 45' edge rolled into a thin cylinder
July 2d 8° The margin as closely involuted as ever — This is first time that I have seen no reexpansion within this period — looks as if action was different from very minute particles (4° 30', not open — this involuted cylindrical roll is about 1/20' or 5/100 of inch in diameter — Can embrace 3/4 of diameter of cabbage seeds ie about 7/100' of cabbage inch in diameter —)
(May be important from number of minute insects washed down into furrow.)
July 3d 8° the b edge of leaf now half-unrolled & particles of meat, sticking under edge & not in the least shoved on to surface.) July 4' 8° margin quite open or as open as other side with bits of meat it & those bathed with secretion of much digested
(5th the greatly infolded bits of meat now inclined, but the meat has pushed very little towards mid-rib (6th still secreting much meat dissolved)
(July 8th 8° A m, almost dry, m bits greatly reduced, some with mere remnant left.) Dig
[in margin:] Length of time of secretion — & Digestion
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 135, published p. 284.]
Phosphate of Amm 1 gr. to 10 oz of [water]
July 1' 8° 55' — say
Blue stick chain of good sized drops on right hand side — (the opposite margin already rather mor involuted)
(12° no inflection) (1°. 0)
(4° 40' 0' added more phosphate
say 45'
2d 8° not the least effect — This is very odd seeing how powerfully this salt acts on Drosera
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 134, published p. 282.]
July 3d 4° 30' P.m— (Pinguicula vulgaris 2 large bits of meat)
2 rather large square bits of meat close to inflexed edge (1/2 [illeg] width of small pins head) — one towards upper end & 1 towards lower end— young leaf, concave —For drawing Transmission.
These 2 long parallelograms were .46 of an inch apart on inner side, but the excitement has been enough to cause whole margin from apex to base & below the 2 pieces to be uniformly folded over. — These pieces were laid down almost horizontally or rather greatly inclined, as leaf was concave, now they have been tilted up almost vertically.— about as much beneath & above of margin the 2 bits of meat are inflexed, as half interval between them— though it appears that motor impulse sent to about distance of about .2 or 2.2 from meat.
July 5 now almost unfolded— & bits of meat again inclined, owing to this tilting action they have been pushed a very little way towards mid-rib — (8th 8° the one bit pushed 1/15' of inch from margin) — (9th where meat lay leaf has become depressed & I X have noticed this before, the large bit of meat here wonderfully digested & disintegrated
[Proof sheet with corrections of Expression, p. 278.]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 November, 2022