RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1874?].08.25-29. Utricularia. CUL-DAR59.2.14-23. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Utricularia Down
Aug 25' 10º 30' Examined a spec. which had been for about 10 days in Tank water & no earth – Utricle close to walls with some several granules only just visible with highest power - with 1 or 2 exceptions. One of spherical somewhat shrunk, yet not greatly. This is certainly [sketch] shape of odd spines - & lined like others with Utricle- no doubt absorbent like others, or same function. 11º examined another in nearly same state - even spherical not contracted - the other glands with rather more fine granular matter & supposed nucleus with Brownian movement very small.
[in margin:] (The quadrifids in 1 of these very little modified I saw the many particles in some, & granules in some)
(Aug 25 11º put same little branches 1 in of weak infusion of raw meat. ([illeg] last night at 5º p.m) & 2 in N. of Ammonia 2 gr to oz watered with some Ph. of Amm 1 gr. to 10 oz.)
Aug. 25 - Quadrifids this structure - a straight line separate 2 longer & 2 shorter.
[sketch] Aug 26' Description quite correct
The division between 2 shorter runs down closer (yes) to circle in middle the betwen the 2 longer spines. Yet the long one & short one on each side seem very intimately united.
The lower edge of ribbon is free, but the rest I think is attached to wall of utricle - I saw in several cases that these were unequal. This is of importance for theory of origin. - (26' I see in bladder the quadrifids arranged symmetrically i.e all the long spines point in one direction & the shorter ones in another.
Aug 26th 8º Am. Spec. good sized after immersion for 21º in N. of Amm & Phosphate (3 p. A) with all the glands, open valve & margin the long-headed & small globular on one margin & with the curious spines (sketch) with protoplasm, brown & shrunk from walls & perhaps with more granules. A most conspicuous change from what I saw yesterday - It is very important the curious spines being affected.
(Examined another smaller bladder in exactly the same state of all glands
(9º 45' now examined good-size bladder from spec in water all night from same main branch & all glands in the same state as in p. A. very good. (N.B I notice in several stomata, that guard cell on one side larger than other half!!)
(9º examined another good-sized rather large water bladder in same state as last the absence of brown most conspicuous character & the shrinking very remarkable.
N. B saw a bifid spine very distinctly with unequal arms.
Also many true stomata near valve with 2 grand cells certainly one side larger than the other.
25 After examining one of water spec. I added under covering glass a little of mixture of N. of Amm. with weak Ph. of A. & in 15' I believe there was a decided change. After 1º 10' again examined spec. In all the glands there was now 2 to 4 elliptical particles, as if the fine granular matter had aggregated & nucleus much larger & plainer - The protoplasm was somewhat shrunk, but not so much shrunk & not brown as in the spec. which had been for 22º in the mixture. The transverse spines not so much affected, I think, as others.
(25 examined the quadrifids in spec. for 21º in the N. & Ph of A. (Q) The protoplasm rather shrunk from walls, especially at apex & very finely granular. This specially holds good with the bifids. (N. B saw several of these of unequal length & close beneath the rows of bifids the quadrifids arise, & several stomata but not all on utricle of bladder with unequal guard-cells.)
Examined the quadrifids in one of the water spec the protoplasm shrunk from walls & no great difference from last spec, but I think less granular appearance
Q 26 examined quadrifids in another spec. in the N. of Ph. & no difference from last water spec. In some of spines protoplasm shrunk & granules - in other spines very little of this appearance.
26 Examined glands of spec. which had for 24º weak infusion of raw meat, not much affected, not more shrinking, protoplasm finely granular - not brown - This spec had caught some minute brownish object in bladder. Irrigated this spec with N. & Ph of Am & after 25' all the glands instead of finely granular matter contained from 4 or 5 to a dozen particles & nucleus much plainer, some shrinking of protoplasm, but not brown. No doubt some effect (a) Continued)
Subsequent irrigation
26 Examined another spec. in raw meat after 24º 30', but dissected badly only few glands in sight - not brown - only some shrunk & fine granular matter - not differing essentially from water specimens.
After 6º not brown - protoplasm much shrunk from walls in all the glands, (including transverse) the number of particles not increased, but nucleus as now I think much larger & solid - There can be no doubt great change from original state - no shrinking of utricle walls of spines on Antennae & on margin of valve
Little or none (& there was none some hours ago) change in the pedicels of the glands.
I cannot doubt these double salts act quickly, but perhaps sugar wd act equally quickly.
Cut-off glands are almost equally affected with those attached.
Aug 27' 8º 15' examined one small from pure water vessel - globular glands on valve not shrunk or contracted - those on margin (not very well seen) not contracted not brown, but 2 or 3 of them with rather coarse granular matter & nucleus very plain & large. The quadrifids & bifids with utricles not shrunk, quite transparent & not granular. Irrigated with sugar (2 gr to 1 oz) at 8º 23'
10º 55' I can see no change in any of glands, except perhaps the spherical a little more shrunk. This good as far as it goes.
2 30'
27th I saw whole row of quadrifid - certainly 2 arms unequal in length. The 2 long arm of quadrifid point posteriorly or to footstalk end of bladder. I have looked at another bladder with bifids of unequal lengths.
Augt. 27th - from same branch as last - spherical a little shrunk - not granular - long glands some a little shrunk with some coarsish granular matter, but not strongly marked.
8º 53' irrigated with half Ph of Amm & Nitrate 2 gr to 1 oz
10º 45' - I think some shrinking of protoplasm & condensation, but spec. not good - fine radiating lines as if mouldy quadrifids with arrested development like previous specimen & like another - I have now seen 3 spec. with arrested quadrifids.
27th 11º A.m. examined a bladder which had been in mixture of Nitrate & weak Phosphate for 48º & all the glands with protoplasm much contracted & brown & finely granular; but then the spines on antennae also had the utricular lining greatly contracted & this looks like mere injury. The bifids & quadrifids had their utricles Q lining much contracted; but I think bladder flaccid & dying.
27th 11º 30' spec. since 25th 11º in high infusion of raw meat has not all glands brownish, protoplasm not shrunk, but with numerous particles of pretty good size, with Brownian movement. Spines of antenna not shrunk - Hardly any change in quadrifids, some & some Q Q bifids with utricular layer shrunk, perhaps injured, Bladder crisp & apparently not injured
27th Smallish bladder not good state - from same branch as last
Aug 28th from new lot (same vessel i.e. with earth first lot) spherical a littl shrunk - all other glands hardy any shrinking & protoplasm with fine granular matter on edges of utricle - nucleus very plain. (& in "transverse") - pale or almost colourless - Irrigated at 8º 17' with high infusion of raw meat. (10º 35' no great change, perhaps granular matter more collected) (4º 50' same state)
29th 8º 15' spherical pale brown, moderately & symmetrically shrunk, as described at p. K. - though contents rather more granular especially on margins - Elongated glands very pale brown & I certainly think fine granular matter more aggregated into particles & nucleus larger & more solid.
(Measure nucleus before hand) - no shrinking of inner coats of spines
28 Some bladders bubbles of air & some not. The bubbles do make light brighter & contrast with cask [illeg] make contrast greater.
The "Transverse" glands differ much in shape
On the same branch with the five bladders now employed - I find some with contents of glands much shrunk with larger particles & large nuclei. It is evident absorb much from water.
I continually see stomata with unequal guard-cells - but not all so
Spherical glands in middle, then a little more elongated towards each margin, & then still more. These spherical have certainly rather different function see opposite page
Aug 28 - bladder from same lot as last - no shrinking even in spherical or hardly any - all other glands merely some fine granular matter hardly definable
irrigated with equal parts of N. & Ph of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz at 8º 30'.
10º 30' very plainly granular, & spherical but not much or any shrinking, some few glands brownish granular matter hardly definable
4º 40' the spherical & slightly elongated bars are white or colourless, with contents somewhat shrunk & delicate spheres outside the shrunk part.
[sketch] A see Back more accurate
Almost all the other glands brown & very slightly shrunk: they are now much more opake, but granular matter has not aggregated. The "transverse" in same state some white & some brown. - Perhaps trace of agg. in granular matter the delicate spheres in the spherical glands certainly change in appearance & some disappear.
(29th 8º am. All the spherical & oblongs now brown with symmetrical shrunk contents, finely granular & all the delicate spheres (as at A) outside the shrunken masses have coalesced with them & have disappeared: so not dead.
The shrunken masses are quite symmetrical like B & have now swollen. The brown matter in all the
[sketch] B
oblong glands have shrunk hardly at all from walls, but have shrunk or aggregated together slightly in irregular masses, so as to present different appearance to last night - Utricular lining of some spines has shrunk - Astounding number of infusoria.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022