RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1874].08-09. Utricularia continued. CUL-DAR59.2.25-70. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
August 28 – young bladder – no aggregation or shrinking – irrigated at 9° 15 with Sugar 1 gr to 1 oz (1° pulpy a little shrinking)
29th 8° 35' colourless, no shrinking, no change – aft 23°
8° 40' irrigated with Ph & N. of Amm 1/2 & 1/2 1 gr to 1 oz
[in margin:] after 8° 30' Used
5° 15' all the glands with dark brown content; a little symmetrical shrinking, but so slight & symmetrical that it may be thickness of walls, but I do not think so, as I have every reason to think walls of glands very thin. Subsequent irrigation
(or K?)
Fr p. N. & L at in now certain that a few drops of these 2 salts causes content of glands to become brown & to contract slightly – which is not caused by sugar or infusion of raw meat, light – Hence it must be the first product of decomposition which acts.
Aug 28th I find that the ribbon runs all round orifice to point on each side, beneath antenna [sketch], where it is attached to basal sides of valve; so valve form only along arched basal margin - On ventral side ribbon, (brown) projects far into bladder, but is united to walls by thick cellular tissue & the bifids project from this surface. There is deep indentation in which valve lies & both sides, ie valve & sides of orifice thickly clothed with glands. (The vessels on ventral sides, after bifurcating run to lower margin of ribbon & cannot be traced further - (Spines only towards tips of branches glands?) After Spirit, contents of glands aggregated into numerous spheres a dozen or 2 spherical or oblong – Quadrifid spines with large nucleus like - mass & brown matter collected at their bases
Tips of Spines on the valve run back as far as hinge, or rather junction with dorsal wall - is not a hinge - very transparent - few glands on middle part
The important point is that glands become in [foul], but not in clear water, like what is readily caused by N. & Ph of Ammonia & by C. of Ammon still more quickly.
Aug 29th. 9° Examined nice crisp bladder which had been in high infusion of raw meat Branch since 25th. - spherical colourless not shrunk or hardly at all, but near circumference some minute delicate spheres & surface of quasi shrunken part I imagine must be finely granular of oblongs glands - some few moderately shrunk pale brown - traces of finely granular matter: & what is very remarkable in hardly any, or only in very few, any nucleus is to be seen.
(I cd see no great change in quadrifids (Q)
9° 5' irrigated with weak ie 1 gr of each to 1 oz N. & Ph of Ammonia (to see if nucleus appears & appearance of spherical.
5° P.m spherical now all moderately shrunk & plainly brownish; all trace of delicate spheres outside the somewhat shrunk part have disappeared nucleus plain
All oblong glands plainly brown - very slightly shrunk from walls & nucleus plain (I can see nucleus in each cell of spines) I suspect - the salts make nucleus increase or solidifies it, or perhaps more aggregation of protoplasm in single layer may make it more transparent.
Q 10 In quadrifids utricular layer shrunk & in many of the spines several particles undergoing brownian movements.
(4 days)
Aug 29th 9° 30' a nice branch was put into Ph & N. of Ammon. 1/2 & 1/2 1 gr to 1 oz at 11° & now examined. I suspect injured - some of spherical still white with semi-contracted contents - the oblongs brownish with much contracted protoplasm & irregularly aggregated or shrunk.
Aug 29th examined fresh spec. out of water - all glands colourless - oblong with very little shrinking - particles just distinguishable nucleus very transparent & not appearing solid - spherical in nearly same state - Irrigated at 10° 37' with C. of Amm. 2 gr to 1 oz. - In the course of 4' or 5' became brownish & protoplasm irregularly contracted on various parts of walls into irregular little odd particles, such as I have often seen before & decidedly became brownish.
Aug 29th put another fresh spec & young bladder in do C. of Ammon glands quite colourless not at all shrunken, in very few minutes utricular layer somewhat contracted. In a few minutes some contraction, or shrinking - We thus learn certainly that very sensitive to C. of Am. & easily separated sugar has no such effect. A trace of brownish tint in 40'
After 1° 30' most of glands certainly brownish & the contracted utricular layer has changed form in some of the glands within 50', since I last looked.
Aug. 29th. Yesterday I squeezed a bladder with bubble of air, & today 2 others & with great ease bubble escaped from orifice of valve. This shows that not close, or is easily passed up. yet an [entomostracan] do not escape - probably a small aperture i.e. valve does not fit close (& allow putrid water to slowly escape.) - the bubble was small as they escape. - Many bladders with no air bubble & of very various sizes.
Aug. 30th From first bucket with earth old
Beautiful green utricle. (2 spec)
All glands quite colourless - no shrinking - in oblong narrower point to just resolvable with highest power spec. nearest to Label.
Irrigated with urea 2 gr to 1 oz at 8° 20'. (9° I suspect granules plainer & spherical changing internal shrinking)
11° 45 spherical - colourless quasi-shrinking - middle part looks different from exterior. Every oblong with layers greatly shrunk, quite left end of gland - sometime aggregated into little masses - brownish - with several small solid particles in most of them & with I suppose nucleus very plain - Certain & enormous change - "transverse" do – (5° 25' 2 of glands on valve brown & shrunk; the others with quite plain particles with brownian movement: oblongs greatly shrunk & in many nucleus appear gigantic but not many separate particles. See Back (a)
Spec. furthest from label. - spherical colourless a trace shrunk cloudy - oblong brown contracted, irregular utricle, as if after N. of Ammon - yet both bladders from same branch & both looked at first fresh spec. !! & had caught no prey
11° 55' no change (5° 30' I see the brownian particles in the colourless spherical; & the nuclei appear immense in the oblong glands.)
31 [Aug] 7° 45' all on valve now brown & somewhat shrunk. In several of oblongs the contracted brown matter has contracted into apparently solid irregular patches, & there are some particles.
(a) 31[st] 7° 50' all the glands on valve now brown & moderately shrunk. The oblongs enormously shrunk & irregular, as if ruptured & nuclei very plain.
(What a curious contrast between effects of urea on this plant & Drosera.)
Aug 30 1 gr to urea to 1 oz of water spherical & adjoining gland on margin of valves colourless, in middle part shrunk appearance, but matter fill up sphere
[sketch] enlarged basal joint
[sketch] X
Oblongs on margin by cross (X) only 1 decidedly brown with distinguishable particles, & then with trace of brown - others in this part hardly at all shrunk.
over most of spec. here & there a shrunk brown gland shows that glands differently acted on in same specn.
Irrigated with 1 gr of urea to 1 oz at 8° 48'
[in margin:] aft 3° 12'
(12°; 5 oblongs very brown & slightly shrunk where there were only 2 before all over valve & margins a multitude brown & in the same state & "transverse" - The spherical in same state as before.
(5° 35' in same state - some glands white but most are brown - The spherical present a more symmetrical appearance; the inner cloudy or snowy part having a regular outline.
(31st 8° Am spherical not brown, not so regular within as last night, with many spherical particles within. Certainly a change since last night - oblongs, most of them very brown, but the lining has not shrunk from walls as in the spec. with 2 gr. to 1 oz
Aug 30th - Besides the circular stomata there are very few much larger & elliptical, instead of nearly circular.
Some of the latter have unequal guard cells, one side being larger than other & several I observed were uniformly larger on one side with respect to bladder then the other, but I cannot say that this is a general law.
On extremely minute & young bladder I noticed some of the large elliptical stomata, as well as the ordinary circular ones.
Aug 30 the dorsal vessel runs up to so called hinge of valve & then terminates abruptly. - I can see no trace of vessel in the antennae.
It is wonderful the amount of coagulable mater in the oblong glands on valves as shown when coagulated by spirits. In the spirit spec. the spherical have differnt appearance the surface [illeg] & internal matter contracted into small mass - But the more oblong ones towards margin of valve have same appearance as true oblong, i.e numerous clear spherical particles or balls - so have the "transverse"
Absorbent Hairs (like those of roots) with Enlarged Heads
Aug 30th - the ventral vessel bifurcates below ribbon & I can trace branch on each side to where valve is united to ends of ribbon & it appear to run up above line of junction below valve & ribbon. (Shape of orifice valve & ribbon when widely opened.
[sketch] - valve - ribbon
It is a slit.)
I have tried again to trace the branch of ventral vessels, but have failed they run towards antennae. I am nearly sure that at Southampton many glands were naturally shrunk & this shows natural process - The contracted protoplasm no doubt absorbed by plant. Yet it look so like injury well to argue this point - Analogy of Drosera - whether it ever lines cells again I doubt with Utricularia
Aug 31. Urea 1 gr to 1 oz
Spherical & all glands colourless - spherical with trace of breaking in contents - oblongs with a good many molecular particles sometimes in chain round circumference. - toward end of valve nuclei visible in very few & about = to 1 division of Frank micrometer - Irrigated at 8° 35'.
(5° aft 8° 30' all the glands brown including transverse & few spherical in sight. - oblongs several much shrunk, all slightly in several 2 or 3 particles of usual character
I cannot make out about nuclei
Immense change, just like what occurs under nature - Yet only a drop or two added by irrigation under covering glass.
Aug 31. Examined a bladder looking nice & fresh - Middle spherical colourless & little shrunk - but others on valve & nearly all the oblongs brownish somewhat shrunk & with numerous resolvable bright particles within.
Another spec all glands colourless - not shrunk - oblongs with particles almost resolvable - (left hand side best to see oblongs) irrigated with Carb. of Ammonia 1 gr. to 1 oz at 9° 14' – (10° 14' one spherical to right brown - the oblongs with numerous particles some few slightly brown, & with numerous particles & nucleus with nucleolus very plain; but spec. was not in a good state.) (1° do)
5° 20' hardly brown, & only some shrunk - 2 spherical brown - contents of oblongs seem altered - no most of oblongs are slightly or pale brown.
The nuclei are two of grades in Franks micrometer.
Sept 1' 7° 45' spherical some pale brown with contents plainly somewhat shrunk & one of sub-pyramidals like F. old drawings. Oblongs hardly at all brown with very few particles, hardly at all shrunk but nucleus & nucleolus wonderfully plain, & former often brownish C. of Ammonia does not produce so much brown but urea & N. of Ammonia . Nuclei barely 2 division of M.
Aug 31 Made long section of bladder somewhat under 1/100 of inch in longer axis - It was hollow, with 2 prominences representing antennae about 1/15 of length of bladder. I could see traces of valves & ribbon & some minut glands already formed, & which were squeezed out. On inside there were slight circular prominences, excessively like the Smaller stomata on outside of bladder & I saw in 2 or 3 cases division between the guard-cells but not so plain as on exterior stomata. I gather on guard-cells a bubble go to into each half, & this bubble was rapidly absorbed by the cells, which all become full of air!
Few Large elliptic stomata outside
By crushing another spec. of equal size, I saw the valve & ribbon quite perfectly
Sept 1. Full-sized Bladder [sketch] long axis
9/100 long 7 to 8/100 of inch high.
Young one 4 - 5/100 long well developed quadrifids & I think had caught prey - particles in glands.
8° 35' irrigated with Urea 2 gr. to 1 oz. - saw simple brownian in quadrifids - Bifids clearly seen.
(11º no shrinking of utricle, except where there was disintegrated matter from prey & here there were many spines with utricle shrunk.)
(5° 45' I think utricle rather more shrunk, symmetrically from ends of spines; but no irregular shrinking as like the brown decayed matter: few glands in sight not much shrunk: too young? or do spines absorb very slowly.)
(Sept 2d 8° glands now all well shrunk; I can see no difference in quadrifids, except that the brownian particles in each spine wonderfully plain. (see Back) (a a) Q
Bladder alone 3/100 long well-developed quadrifids. I saw no or few brownian particles - But utricular layer breaking up.
Bladder about 1/100 & 1/3 of 1/100
Tore up bladder & examined & I see there are brownian particles, & I strongly think (& have often thought before) that any injury to a quadrifid spine or to one of them, causes the utricular layer to shrink from walls - This increases difficulty of examination greatly.
(a)(a) Sept. 3d 8° more spines have the lining shrunk than before but a multitude have not, except that in many it is a little shrunk from base as well as tip - brownian very plain, I suspect increased in size – (contents of glands shrunk.) It is clear that urea has no very potent effect on the quadrifids. - The Bifids much more shrunk & indeed I think all shrunk.
Sept 1 X Bladder 1/100 + 1/3 of 1/100 of antenna more developed than in the less than 1/100 - with few spines commencing - also spines commencing on sides of margin.
[sketch] viewed from right above A
Stomata outside numerous of very unequal sizes - some with 2 guard-cells seen with difficulty. [sketch] B lateral view
They arise from a distinct footstalk, but shorter than that of the incipient stomata
Quadrifids are smaller than stomata. & seen from above rise from circle within which the little circle & the two lobes exactly answer to guard-cells of stomata - & they are so flexible they fall always over to one side see A - Viewed laterally they are like B, which shows that circle is highly prominent.
I cd never see a trace of quadrifid structure. The bifids are more elongated from first start
I cd not trace any vessel into antennae; but I could see vessels on ventral surface. (In preserved spec. one half on exterior surface the other interior surface. The best lateral view is seen by antennae. The inner circle obscured by absorption of air) Quadrifid certainly are at first bifids & exactly structure of stomata.
Sept 2d. Bladder a trace under 2/100 but spines on antennae hardly at all developed - quadrifids in same state as in first spec. X i.e. 1/100 bladder
A trifle over 2/100. nothing can be plainer than two-celled summit on considerable protuberance, just as described. - [sketch] D
These nearest quadrifids differ considerably in development in differnt spec. - the first most developed were in the state D, in which the 2 guard cell had grown longitudinally, but no trace of division towards their end - Such wd make bifid spines if more developed.
2 1/2 / 100 nearly same state. I can now see pretty plainly that 2 elongated lines like D rise (as seen laterally) from a circular cell or rather 2 cells like guard cells, & D seem to rise out of slit between these 2 cells - All is an awful puzzle
[sketch] E transverse line & really touch with line below
3 1/3 I saw here with absolute clearness basal conical projection, supporting smaller cylindrical projection, surmounted by 4 lobes.
[sketch] (a) G (a)
[sketch] F
In other places I saw very good gradation, showing that the 2 lobes like D became longitudinally dividd; each then makes 2, which so on slide one over the other, I suppose (a) & (a) are the short or long spines
Continued after the one guard-cell has self-divided - the 2 halves grow unequally - one more prominent which is the higher one, or grows more upward:
[sketch] bent beneath the Taller spine
x This division between 2 guard-cells
one guard-cell
Hence one half of each guard-cell form the longer spine & the other half the shorter spine.
See spec. H.
We know that these quadrifids occupy same position as stomata & strikingly resemble then at first, only swollen & rather more prominent. - N. B the inequality of 2 guard-cells of stomata has no relation to the irregularity of guard cells. I saw the usual Brownian particles in each spine!!
4 1/3 /100 in nearly same state a trace more developed. - I do not know whether the lower or higher half cell develop into the long-spine, for the division seem less close to centre of the 2 lower guard cells & judging from mature spec. these wd form the longer spines (see spec. I.)
It seem development of the quadrifids very variable in different specimens.
(B B
Sept 3d. Examined 2 Bladders without prey & glands in both contracted & brownish. - Kept in glass for some time. N.B. I have seen many fine green bladders without any bubbles; generally when any captured creature there are bubbles, but this rule not universal, for I have seen decayed matter in bladder & no bubbles.
I have just seen much decayed matter & no bubbles, & green bladder with no prey & yet a bubble - so bubble no rule whatever.
(The valve opens with greatest ease no resistance can be felt to needle.)
(I can make out no vessel in antennae)
(Examined bladder with 5 Entomostraca - near colourless skin left & much brown pulpy matter - numerous quadrifids full of irregular granules & sphere & ellipse & these change position & form it is certain.
(Another spec. with 2 Entomostraca, with some few spines already 3 with irregular & confluent granular & spheres.)
(There is line between 2 longer spines & these stick up more vertically than the 2 shorter ones - the 2 longer ones are of the unequal in length & this bears on bifid.)
[sketch] - line of division of guard-cell
(certainly generally unequal in length)
[sketch] X
I can trace base of taller pair rising under the shorter pair, so that the upper pair is the shorter one & this I think agrees with bifurcation running to centre
(4) Sept 3d (Bladder with 4 or 5 Entomostraca - very many spines with irregular spheres of matter, most of these spheres are large & differ in appearance from the Brownian particle. The protoplasm particles are often aggregated into irregular masses.)
(5) (Another bladder with 2 Entomostraca same state, but not nearly so many spines with the little masses of protoplasm & many with utricular payer shrunk.)
The formation of the spheres seem independent of the contraction of the utricular layer.)
Another bladder with 1 large Entomostraca - several spines with fine granular matter & a few with the more regular spheres & aggregated masses of yellowish bright matter which certainly change form
(Examined bladder from branch in weak infusion of raw meat since Aug 29th quite soft & decayed.)
Utricular layer of spherical & oblong gland sometimes is ruptured
(D D
Sept 3d. Spec. furthest from label.
Quadrifids with very many more than 1 Brownian - all clear & transparent - very few glands in sight; these colourless - hardly shrunk with some irregular & not small particles.
Irrigated at 11° 50' with Ph of Ammon 1 gr. to 1 oz.
(5° 15' no difference) (not well seen)
Sept 4th 8° Am the utricular layer irregularly & partially shrunk from walls of all spines, but whether r consider this result of injury or normal absorption I know not. Such irregular shrinking occurred in some of the spec. which had naturally caught Entomostracans
The glands colourless, finely granular, not shrunk with barely resolvable points or particles. on the other half oblong glands I certainly think not so much shrunk as before; but the spherical brown & somewhat shrunk.
(outside Bladder no complete uniformity in arrangement of the stomata.)
Sept 4th Quadrifids beautifully transparent - no brownian particles. (spec. nearest label) (Glands slightly dusky not at all shrunk, with barely resolvable granules)
In quadrifids utricular layer slightly shrunk from upper & lower end, but quite uniformly.
Irrigated at 8° 35' with infusion of raw meat kept since Aug. 24th & [illeg] rather high.
(5° same state: in oblong glands many resolvable granules.)
Sept. 5th 8° 30' Innumerable most minute hyaline spheres in all the quadrifids & bifids, but I could not see any as large as the true Brownians.
oblong slightly & symmetrically shrunk, brownish & finely granular - Certainty more opake than they were.
Sept 3th Glands some somewhat shrunk, with some irregular little masses & nuclei - very plain & large quadrifids very long spines - most clear, & not shrunk, but a few with slight shrinking & are clouded with finest granular matter. - (Larger spec. near label.) Bubble of air - possibly had caught some most minute prey.
Irrigated 9° with C. of Amm 1 gr. to 1 oz
11° 45' not much difference - glands I think more shrunk. I see several minute particles in some of the spines.
(5° 15', a good many quadrifids with utricular layer shrunk: oblongs browner & nuclei not at all plain much more opake.)
5° 30' some shrinking & a good many particles in the quadrifids - glands I think in same state, now brown, were they brown before.
Sept 5' 8° In almost all the quadrifids, several minute hyaline spheres like but larger than true Brownian particles - utricular layer very little shrunk - Here & there shrunk somewhat
In 1 long spine I counted 24 such particles, including 2 or 3 of equal size, one of which no doubt was the Brownian. There were nearly as many in some other spine, but generally much fewer. I cd see no movement or change in these particles. - Bifids in exactly same state as quadrifids - oblong glands more opake & matter more regularly distributed - somewhat shrunk. - glands alone shrunk very little affected.
Sept 4th. Quadrifids beautifully clear few or no Brownian utricular a trace shrunk from base & apex - at base I can see in almost all spines most transparent spheres with nucleolus.
Glands colourless, not shrunk, with many resolvable particles nuclei not clear.
Irrigated at 9° 30' with N. of Amm 1 gr. to 1 oz Large sec. nearest label.
11° 25' oblong a good deal shrunk & brownish, & a good deal shrunk, so that resolvable particles no longer visible 2°
(5° 15') a good many quadrifids with utricular layer shrunk: I saw some brownians; oblong glands now brown, & shrunk; nuclei not plain; by mistake I now added C. of Ammonia.)
Sept 5 7° 45' In the quadrifids the Brownian particles as common as usual & I saw only one of the delicate spheres like utricular layer remaining & in this spine no Brownian. Besides the one there were in many of the spheres several similar particles & the utricular layer in many spines moderately shrunk Bifids in exactly same state as quadrifids. Oblong gland very brown; much aggregated, but not much shrunk from walls. There are no resolvable particles, owing to thickening or aggregation & browning of whole utricular layer.
(H. H
Sept. 4th Terminal bifurcating branches always unequal - no glands on surface - notches towards end with a unicellular sharp spine - Much air in branches.
(a) I could not insert short brown Hair - but fine bristle easily inserted - I fancied sides more easily entered than middle part - if so wd explain the 4 spines.
Stomata very large relatively - some circular & some elliptical: can be seen penetrating epidermis by conical pipe - very slightly conical
Young leaves much flattened curled inwards
I saw this appearance in very young leaf - Thin double line representing an epidermis
[sketch] - fractured (B) A
(B) must be incipient valve.
There is no appearance of this form [sketch]
Sept 6th
(I have not inserted a bit if thin human Hair cut off to length of 1 1/2 /10 of an inch = 3/20 of an inch & again I fancied, but am not sure that enters easiest on one side.)
(It is certain that 2 long spines project up & 2 short ones extend almost horizontally quadrifids)
Bis H H
Sept 5 10° 30' Gum 2 gr. to 1 oz small bladder (2 specimens) furthest from label - quadrifid beautifully clear, on most a small Brownian
Sept 6th 8° A.m. - same state
Irrigated with C. of Amm 1 gr. to 1 oz at 8° 8'
5° utricular layer, irregularly contracted, often into rounded masses & apparently often round the Brownians.
Larger piece nearest label same state
Sept 6' 8° A.m. same state. In one place near margin I see a little flocculant decomposed matter & here in 2 or 3 cases, the Brownian had divided into 2 & in one spine there were 3 particles
Sept 7th 8° Utricular layer irregularly contracted - & broken up & part thickened. In many of the spines in some places 2 or 3 particles like brownian - often 2 or 3 cohering - I believe brownian increased in size - When the utricular layer is thickened irregularly in part or little patches there is shortest step to generation of distinct & new particles. - This description applies to bladders of both specimens.
Add C. of Ammonia tomorrow
(I I
Sept 5 - 10° 30' Gum 2 gr. to 1 oz Smaller valve all glands colourless - no shrinking from walls in any ∴ oblongs rather aggregated in slight degree - nucleus plain & in a few some few other particle)
(Sept 6th 8° spherical, one with some shrinking, still colourless. Oblongs colourless - a good deal of shrinking from walls & somewhat aggregated. (Irrigated with C. of Ammon 1 gr. to 1 oz at 8° 8'.)
Sept 7th 8° A.m. all glands colourless - the oblongs alone a good deal shrunk - nucleus no longer plain
Larger valve do - in oblongs a trace of shrinking from walls in some of them
Sept 5th. 10° 30' (colourless very little shrunk)
(8° 55' spherical colourless, with little spheres like snow round the central snowy spheres - oblongs I think somewhat shrunk yet colourless.)
(5° the spherical have lost the appearance described - the oblongs I think more shrunk.)
Sept 7' 8° 30' Am. almost colourless - oblongs, slightly shrunk - (I see nucleus very conspicuous in the short upper joint of long pedicels - Can this have increased in size?)
Sept 5' Infusion of putrid Raw meat. (since 24th smells very high) (say 10° or 11°?) 2 specimens
Quadrifids very clear with large brownian: I think I saw in one spine 2 particles.
Glands brown - somewhat shrunk & aggregated - (one or two of spherical not brown.) (glands all brown after meat Sept 6th 8° 30)
Sept 6 8° 30' The utricular layer now in all spines granular, but so fine, that hardly any particles resolvable - In a multitude of spines the utricular layer has aggregated into little spherical masses, & has in many places somewhat shrunk from walls.
[in margin:] Smaller spec.
(Large spec. same state).
4° 50' - utricular layer still more aggregated. (glands very brown)
Sept 7th 8° 45' The quadrifids now contain either shrunken utricular, here & there thickened, as from C. of Amon & urea, or this is converted into finest granular matter, evidently a further change of utricular layer. (Glands very brown & remarkably granular.
(K K (Bis)
Sept 6th Infusion of fresh raw meat
Quadrifids beautifully clear.
A few oblongs which project beautifully clear.
Spec. furthest from label (A)
Irrigated at 9° 25' with do
(Sept 7th. 9° quadrifid with utricular irregularly shrunk, just like the C. of Amm & urea specimens, with parts like thickened & finely granular !!! Oblongs as clear as ever.
B. 10° 48' 2 spec. (together) both with quadrifids beautifully clear - though in very few a slight shrinking.
(Oblongs in spec. furthest from label transparent - colourless & not shrunk. oblong in other spec colourless with resolvable particles hardly at all shrunk.
Sept 7th 9° Spec. nearest label not a trace of shrinking beautifully clear & glands in the same state
Spec. furthest from label slight shrinking, some spines slightly granular & in a good many 2 or 3 particles - I think some action.
Oblongs glands with numerous resolvable particles
(L L
Sept 6th Urea (old) 2 gr to 1 oz
11° 13'
Bladders of 2 spec. quadrifids beautifully clear & single Brownian very plain
(Spec. on lower side, ie side of Label, oblongs colourless with some resolvable & some with 2 or 3 large particles, not brown.) Oblongs on spec. on further side from label unusually clear & colourless with nuclei very plain - a few particles. Nucleus in latter rather more than 1 Division.
(4° 45' I can see no difference can these have all been decomposed?)
Sept. 7 8° 30' In both spec utricles much & irregularly contracted with specks here & there thickened & these seem to graduate into separate granules, only just resolvable which were present in some of the spines. These spines resemble pretty closely what has been described under Carb. of Ammonia.)
(Oblong glands in both spec. quite full, transparent pulp & not granular. They look to me like decayed glands)
(M. M.
Sept 5th 11° put small branch in 1 gr of C. of Amm to 4 oz of water.
Sept 7th 9° 30' bladders rather flaccid dull green but branch looks healthy.
One bladder with quadrifid & with numerous resolvable particles which can be drawn, & which do not quickly if at all change form.
Utricular layer not shrunk or very little shown.
Second spec. in the same state. The brownian particles are now all stationary - I suppose owing to thickening of contents. Brownian wonderfully plain in the Bifids. (glands quite transparent & full in both the specimens - I think this filling of glands with homogeneous pulp follows from death.)
11° A 3d & 4th younger bladders examined - in the same state except that granular matter finer - most of quadrifids merely a little more opake, but very many several [illeg] granules cd be detected.
(N. N
Sept 7 10° 35' Gum 2 gr. to 1 oz 2 Bladders with quadrifids beautifully clear. (on lower spec. oblongs granular)
Sept 8th 7° 45' quadrifids in middle quite clear, but some towards margin & some bifids when disturbed with utricular layer shrunk
Sept 9th 7° 45' In neither bladder utricular layer shrunk, but in many spines there are 2 Brownian particles, & sometimes 3. In many the Brownian instead of being regular are of a quite irregular shape, as if to had coalesced.
Th gum had been kept for sometime & perhaps had gone bad.
Kept for 48º
(O O
Sept 7th 10° 50' Sugar 1 gr to 1 oz 2 Bladders with clear quadrifid. - oblongs in one spec. with granules
8th 8°. quadrifids in middle quite clear
Sept 9th 8° exactly in the same state as the Gum spec. but the whole is much decayed. - in spines often 2 or 3 particles & these are generally quite irregular, large & angular. as if several atoms had aggregated together - utricular not shrunk.
Keep fr 48°
(P. P
Sept 7th 11° 20 N. of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz Larger valve spherical & all glands colourless - very little or no shrinking - but granules in oblongs. Little valve in same state - several large granules.
Quadrifids clear in spec. close to valves
Sept 8th 8° 30' all quadrifids full of fine, clearly discernible yellowish granules - plainly due to aggregation of the irregularly contracted utricular layer. I can see the little thickened bits passing into granules.)
[sketch] The inside cylinder now seems solid & yellowish 21°
-large valve spherical brown & somewhat contracted - most of oblongs colourless - some a little brown - nuclei very large & in several of oblongs a large aggregated mass besides the nucleus.
-Smaller valve spherical brown - oblongs much contracted, but mostly colourless.
[57 missing]
(Q Q
Sept 7th 11° 37' Urea 2 gr. to 1 oz. but weakened by spec.
15/22 (made this day)
large valve - glands all colourless - one spherical shrunk - oblongs with granules, but not shrunk
Small valve - glands all colourless - many in sight - oblongs very finely granular
Quadrifids beautifully clear. (5º not affected)
4° 50' large valve oblongs I think rather brown & a little shrunk - spherical possibly - little brown aft 5°
Small valve possibly a shade brown
Sept 8th 8° 15', large valve some few glands brown, but many colourless - some considerably aggregated but not much shrunk - spherical little affected. !!!
Smaller valves - most glands quite pale & plain fine granules - a few brown & shrunk, some symmetrically shrunk.
Sept 8th 8° 30 quadrifids some shrunk considerably - many with utricular layer divided in middle - but many not affected. Came 2 gr. to 1 oz b to ° strong?? -
Sept 9th 8° 10' quadrifids, here & there one with utricular shrunk, but in others no change whatever - no increase in Brownian particles, as in gum & sugar specimens.
Large & small valve same state as yesterday
(R. R
Sept 8th 9° 30' Branch in C. of Amm, in sol. of C. of Ammonia 1 gr. to 4 oz since 11° on the 5th has granules of chlorophyll collected on walls of cells, & in some place aggregated into masses on the aggregated masses sometimes connected by threads - which are much elongated trace of the union of the granules may be detected. It is certain that guard cells on the small bladder of this spec contain the finest granular matter & palest brown, whereas the do on bladders on water spec. are incomparably clearer, though lined by utricle. - I have no doubt have absorbed, but then all cells have probably absorbed. A piece of bladder wh. had been in N. of Amm 1 gr to 1 oz for 23° had the few stomata in sight with finely granular matter as in the above C. of Ammonia
N. B on ribbon just above? edge of valve very large excessively transparent square oblong cells part of epidermis? which acts as valves?? [sketch]
Sept 8th
In minute bladder about 1/100' of inch (?) the two antenna not equal (very important) one was 47 division long & terminal spine 23 - When the other was 36 or 27 the terminal spine 20 - or total length 70 to 57. This bears on the 2 antenna being a double bifurcation. Glands on valve developed at extremely young age
(T T
Sept 9th 10° 40' Branch put in sol. of Sugar 1 gr. to 10 oz.
Examined Sept 11th 8° 45'. Quadrifids - beautifully clear with Brownian - utricular coat often divided in middle into 2. Many oblongs, shrunk & some brown - mostly fine & not granular & not greatly shrunk
The same in all respect with bladder for same time in C. of Ammonia - Perhaps more particles in quadrifids - Perhaps fluid does not enter bladders. I have no evidence that it does.
The same in all respects with Nit. of Amm. no clear difference - Perhaps some of spines a trace of finest granular matter.
Young bladder in 1 dr. of putrid infusion of raw meat to 10 oz of water; the quadrifids were in much arrested condition & no change, but some contained Brownian; & it is very important that in the so called - stomata, there were in almost all spec. 1 or 2?? or 3 Brownians particles, presenting the usual appearance as in the quadrifids.
These Brownian look like absorption.
(U U
Another good-sized bladder in same infusion of raw meat - quadrifids unaltered.
The stomata in this spec contained Brownians. The 2 half-cells were here at an appreciable distance.
The stomata rise from a cylindrical cell with its roof conical & short, & supporting 2 half-spherical cells, attached to it usually in close opposition on summit, & apparently united to this summit, for the stomata can be brushed off & yet the 2 remain united.
With the quadrifids the cells where they arose are angular & rather larger & the conical protuberance is greater & narrows into narrow pedicel to which the 4 spines are attached.
From looking at alcohol specn I think conical base of quadrifids a distinct cell & so it may be with stomata - this will answer to lower joint of pedicel of gland - the narrow footstalk to 2d joint
(V. V
Sept 11th After alcohol long immersion – "stomata" as brown as all glands & like them - no great difference between the spherical & oblongs - much coagulated spherical granules. The spherical contents shrunk to brown column. The glands differ much according probably to amt which they had previously absorbed
[in margin:] Stomata
Quadrifids with first utricular layer shrunk into a central thread, with occasionally few granules.
In another spec. which apparently had caught some very minute prey utricular of quadrifids not much shrunk, but most finely granular.
In this 2d spec. I can see central mass of spherical shrunk into small brown mass or column, & I have no doubt I overlooked this before - other glands & stomata in same state
(W. W
Sept 12th Ether precipitates contents of Stomata. I think in very young bladder antennae unequal.
In very young Branches very flat & thin & united for some way - Elliptical stomata abound.
[sketches] I saw this appearance in 2 specimen. It is only intelligible as two lobes turned inwards at tip.
(X X
Sept 13th 9° 40' Spec. put in N. of Amm 1 gr. to 10 oz. - Examined 15th 8° 15' - I cannot see granules in stomata with certainty - Bladder propped open with Bristle - quadrifid not affected, a few with more than one Brownian.
Sept 17th 8° Another bladder opened - the only difference in quadrifids is that the utricular layer of spines which can be seen by transparent light not quite so clear as usual. i.e. most finely granular.
[in margin:] Plant look healthy
Sept 13th put into 10 oz of water & 1 dr. of putrid infusion of meat. Examined Sept 15 8° 45' (valves propped open with Bristle)
Bifids with 2 or 3 Brownian particles(?)(?) Quadrifids not at all affected.
I cannot see the Brownian particles in the stomata - I believe that I focussed badly before.
Sept 17th 8° 15' The quadrifids do not look quite so transparent as usual - This is the only difference that I can perceive.
Sept 17 9° I can see no difference in the stomata of these spec. in either solution, but specimen very foul.
Look to stomata
(Y Y
Small Branch put in C. of Ammonia 8 gr. to 8 oz
Bladder propped open with Bristle
No effect whatever on Quadrifids ???} put in Sept 18' 11°
nice young Bladder green
(Glands granular not shrunk)
Examined Sept 19th 10° 30' - = 23° 30'
Stomata with their utricular coats shrunk & brownish - this is certain.
(Sept 20th 8° This bladder had been ruptured by Bristle & quadrifids all more or less greatly shrunk (& Stomata) with specks thickened as before described) (a) Back
N. of Ammonia of same strength & tried in same manner no effect after 23° on quadrifids - stomata a little affected ie a little opake I certainly think.
(Glands extremely brown & granular.)
(a) another Bladder with Bristle in which, as far as I could see with codrington, valve quite close round Bristle, & here quadrifids quite differnt hardly at all shrunk, but finest granular appearance - so that as little carbonate had entered - stomata shrunk - Glands - very brown; shrunk & granular.
Bladder in N of Ammonia gr 1 to 1 oz Sep 18 12 o'clock examined Sep 20 - 9.30 AM with bristle & valve distinctly open, quadrifids not affected; but the Bristle may have been moved when cut off, as was necessary.
Bladder out in C of Ammonia gr i to 1 oz Sep 18 (punctured Sep 19. 4.50 PM) examined 20th 9° 30' Quadrifids slightly opaque with granules just dissolvable: not nearly so much affected as the one in which the bristle had broken through instead of going through valve
[insertion:] & which had been longer exposed.
(Z Z
A bladder had been put in C. of Ammonia 1 gr to 1 oz with no Bristle on 18th at 12°; was pierced with needle on 19th 9° P.m; & examined on 20th at 10° 30'; the quadrifids very finely granular, more finely than that in C. of Ammonia - yet certainly affected.
Another young Bladder in do N. of Ammonia with Bristle & the valves plainly open (since 18th at 12° to 20th at 10° 30') had arrested quadrifids plainly opake or finely granular.
Another Bladder which had been in the same C. of Ammonia (1 gr. to 1 oz) since the 18th 11° & examined the 20th 11° (with no Bristle) had the quadrifids opake with resolvable particles; so that it had penetrated through walls or by valve - or can it be effects of death??
(U. vulgaris)
Sept 24th Two small valves Larger one with spherical colourless - slightly granular - other, transparent -
Smaller valve all glands colourless
(I doubt whether specimen good.)
Irrigated with Urea 1 gr. to 1 oz at 8°
(Fresh solution)
after 3° 30' 11° 30 large valve, spherical & many oblongs greatly shrunk & brown.
(Very small valve is spherical 1 trace of browning & shrinking.
4° 50' large valves one spherical shrunk & brown. - several oblongs shrunk, but very few brown - Can this have been a change since 11° 30'??
(Very small valve - in spherical some shrinking, & granular appearance, very faint brown - some few of oblongs show a trace of shrinking.
U. vulgaris.
Sept 24th
(Irrigated ay 8° 40' with Urea 1 gr to 1 oz Fresh Urea)
Slide upside down Frank.
Valve nearest to label -
Spherical & few oblongs colourless - with granules A just resolvable - very transparent
[in margin:] (Trichomas)
other valve furthest from label, all glands
B colourless, but with many resolvable granules. after 4°
A 12° 50' 40 spherical shrunk a little & granular but white many oblongs very brown granular & shrunk - many oblongs still white, but rather shrunk - Transverse greatly affect
B. exactly like A, except that Transverse not so much affected. Cloudy balls round central snowy mass of spherical.
(young Bladders, Frank thinks very fresh)
5° (A) spherical with snowy mass in middle & the less spherical on valve with some granular many oblongs very brown with granules & irregularly contracted masses - others white more or less shrunk - Transverse with coarsely granular matter.
(B) as at 12° 50; - spherical not brown -
It is wonderful how differnt the glands are affected on the same valve - the transverse & the oblongs.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022