RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].08.23-09.03. drop of milk on leaf. CUL-DAR60.1.24-29. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Aug 23d drop of milk on leaf 6. P.m. 11 P.m leaf considerably inflected: 24th 9 Am edge of leaf excessively inflected— but marginal hairs very moderately so — The limb bent down so as to be hooked-formed. The disc moved enormously quickly
A drop of water tried at same time seemed to inflect leaf— but apparently at same time little fly or some object got on leaf—
24th 8° 45' drop of water (I think 3 P.m. only slight mechanical effect owing to spherical form) — Put on gelatine which under it infect well. —
Drop of Carb. of Soda 1/3 concentrated solution— blackened leaf— marginal Hairs not inflected.
After leaving flies on leaf & wet on moss for 5 & 4 days I cannot say at all more tender from the leaves than merely wet— I must say become very tender, but after making comparative trial I cannot say more tender.—
After 41 hours a crop of Sherry produced no effect. 1 specn.
After 23 hours drop of Olive-oil no effect 1. specn.
(after 30 hours no effect)
These 2 substances of less specific gravity than water)
Drop of White of egg after 20 hours — edges of leaf well inflected & all except extreme marginal hairs inflected — in 26 hours splendidly inflected. Order of movement different in these fluid case than before, with water, oil, wine, no sign of disc of leaf inflected.
26th 8° 30' Gelatine From isinglass (as thin as cream) at 3. P.m This Colour in Hairs in spheres. ie 6 1/2 hours hairs well closed in, but not leaf 27th 8°. 30' (ie 24 hour) every hair clasped in in wonderfully flat manner, but disc flat not much inflected disc laterally inflected but not greatly
Olive Oil 25th 9. A m no effect after 30 hours— Then put on albumen (i e on on 26th 3. P.m.) — (but the oil prevented albumen having any effect. 28th. 9. A.m.)
The leaf which produced no effect after 41 hours, from wine; then had drop of syrup for 28 1/2 hours no effect— Syrup not count for after wine Then washed off & juice of meat albumen put on. viz. 27th at 7°. 3 (after 24 hours rest) (Heads of Hairs became white & many dropped off) Albumen put on 28th p. A. m.
Syrup Thick of white sugar put on fresh leaf 26th 12. on 28' 9. A.m showed no sign of any effect. — Syrup Put on Gelatine, caused leaf to to be well laterally inflected
Albumen made leaf inflect laterally Milk from end to footstalk} probably variable
Red spheres from Milk & Albumen
Fly put on back of leaf caused some inflection —
Strong Tea 2 spec'. 30O no effect
Cold Infusion of meat after 19 hours caused all central hairs to ne well inflected & lateral edges of leaf pretty well inflected. afterwards well inflected
at least 2 spec
gum. after 24 hours no effect.— Put on gelatine caused part of hairs to be well inflected — Put milk 29th 9 A m Caused more inflection; but 30 7 P.m. hairs now opening again — I may trust that this leaf would have closed on gum if it had wished. —
Mucus, very thin, colourless, from bronchial tubes in 5 1/2 hours caused leaf to be laterally well inflected & nearly all hairs do — still better after 20 hours —
2. specimens
Starch 28. 1 P.m. on 29 6 1/2 P.m. ie 24 1/2 hours no effect in two leaves (except slight mechanical effect on inner hairs form partial drying of starch)
At this latter hour put on milk. (one leaf seems injured so nothing)— on other leaf milk after 14 hours had produced considerable effect nearly all hairs inflected & leaf laterally inflected. — Still later all hairs strongly well inflected leaf laterally do.— But the starch retards the process
Gum 11 hairs on right side not inflected.
30 8. 45 Starch 5 hair at upper right-side not inflected.
1°. 40' now almost closed in well inflected
Saliva., (Müllers Physiology vol. I. p 514.)1 contain from 1.14 to 1.19 of solid residue: this yielded 0.25 part of ash, so that I may say saliva contains considerably less than 1 per cent of free animalised matter; & as I put on a bead of saliva not more than large pins head only a minute drop, the tasting power of the leaf is surprising.—
Saliva 29th. 1°. 30' — some hairs & left rt edge of leaf naturally inflected now 30th 9. A.m. ie all hairs (except 7 long-headed & 2 round-headed on left side) are inflected 1. 40 the round-headed not inflected (5 on left right not inflected) 7. P.m.— only 5 long-headed hairs now not inflected on left left side: the 5 on right hand not inflected— I can safely say saliva produced some effect but not so much & more slowly than other animal fluids. 31st 8°. 30' A.m.
Urine 30th. 7. P. m. 31' 8° 30' (ie 25 1/2 hour) leaf terminally & most strongly inflected & most of hairs inflected
Saliva 31' put on 2° 30' in hour or two several hairs turned in at 10 P.m. (7 1/2 hour) all terminal & terminal end of leaf well inflected— (still better. 1° 8 45) No doubt
g (1
Aug 31' Carb of Ammonia 9 gr to 1 oz of water, ie nearly, but rather less than 1 per cent by weight—
Drop put on at 2. 47 in 40 minute most of hairs except most of long-headed curled in. I never saw such rapid action. — at 10° P.m almost every hair infected & leaf somewhat laterally inflected (it is clear that lateral & terminal (see below) variable in different individuals. — It seems mere chance. — Also order of hairs & edge of leaf with flaccid edge of leaf curlier than with solids, which always first inflect hairs.
[in margin:] Sept 1 10°. 10' P.m. leaf still shut firmly (Sept 3d 11. A.m. nearly quite open)
do. 3. 45 9 gr to 8 oz of water — hardly any distinct taste, any how not alkaline (Try taste in Well W)
4°. 30' some of Hairs turned in, & all globular hairs at right angles i e in 35 minutes. (ie 1 grain to 405 of water!) 5° 5' — at terminal end lots of hairs closely inflected & leaf somewhat inflected at 10° P.m end of leaf well terminally inflected. —
Sept 1 8°. 45' leaf strongly terminally inflected
Sept 1. 6. 30.P m. leaf nearly open again, except some few left-upper marginal hairs still a little curled in. Sept 2 8° 45' — some of these latter hairs still at right angles to disc — all rest fully expanded Sept 3d. 11. A m. Perfectly open
24 [x] 3 [=] 72 [-] 5 [=] 67
Sept 1. By dropping water with same tool as used by with Drosera into measuring glass I think 30 of my drops may most safely be called equal to 10 measured minims.
[calculations not transcribed]
Sept 5. I have now dripped several times into measuring glass from same instrument
I am sure I may safely say that my 10 drops minims equal at least 20 of my drops
(H (2
Sept 1'. 2°. 50' P.m Carb of Ammonia 4 gr. to 4 oz distilled water good large drops in 35 minutes caused all middle hairs to be inflected & left side of leaf — long-headed hairs not inflected. — (3 or 4 or mor long -headed hairs turned)
6. 30 whole leaf slightly inflected & many marginal hairs
Sept 2d. 8. 40 leaf begin to open — marginal hairs much expanded; central ones uncurling
Sept 3d.11 A m quite open.—
Sept 1. 3°. P.m Carb of ammon 4 gr to 8 oz good large drop, which seem to have rolled off, but all central hairs inflected, but not exterior or long-headed. at 3.35 put on another drop of solution (3 long hairs turned in 4. 30) (6°. 30' There cannot now be shadow of that this [calculations from 1v] minute proportion has produced great effect. The disc flat, but very many hairs closely adpressed on centre.) 10°. 10' P.m this leaf now begin to show signs of opening again
Sept 2d 8°. 40' A.M. all hairs except 2 expanded.
Sept 3d 11' A m all open.
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 February, 2023