RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Groenland and Trécul. CUL-DAR60.1.51-53. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Darwin cited this in Insectivorous plants, p. 1.
Johannes Groenland. Les Organes glanduleux du genre Drosera.
M. A. Trécul. Feuilles du Drosera Rotundifolia.
Annal. des Sc. Nat. Botan. 4th Ser. Tom III. 1855. p. 297 M. Groenland sur les Organes glanduleux du genre Drosera. p. 298 shows by development that the so called hairs are fine lobes of the leaf. (So this brings all the part in correlation) (over)
p. 297 speaks of structure of glands as très compliquée — (good author
p. 303. Th. M. A. Trécul sur les feuilles du Drosera rotundifolia
p 304. says he has tried & could never detect any movement in the leaves! They were kept in green-house
Could this be cause or time of year. He accounts for flies having been noticed as caught by their having crept under viscid incurved unopened hairs!
He quotes A. Pyr. De Candolle as stating loosely that there is movement, I may say not positively known.—
p. 299 M. G. speaks of the little projections at back of pedicels & leaf as "poils nombreux d'une forme très bizarre"
p 300 M. G. The tracheæ filled with air — the cells with spire filled with colourless liquid. Neither He M. Trecul describe the rise costing of larger longitudinal cells with purple fluid — I cannot but suspect the outline of these cells has led these authors to describe the spiriferous cells as spindle-shaped & pecked with a mass, instead of, as I saw them simple longitudinal, — M. G. seems to have trusted to sections.
p. 304 M. Trécul speaks of the interesting structure of the glands.
p. 297 (Groenland) Meyen in his (Ueber die Scretionsorgane der Pflanzen: Berlin 1837)
"Il a de même observe un mouvement dans les corps solides qui sont suspendus dans le contenu liquide de cellules du pedicelle."
p 300 G. speaks of grains of Chlorophyll in suspension. — The spiriferous cells within glands always contain colourless liquid.
He considers "long-heads" an abnormality & differs in this from Trécul. Owing, perhaps to having examined D. longifolia
p. 308 Trecul. "Quelques petites eminences (on pedicels of Hairs) sont aussi disperses a les surface de l'epiderme; elles sont souvent composees de deux utricules (ie cells) superposées; l'une terminale, demi-pleurique; l' autre sous-jacente, tres deprimee, repose ordinairement sur deux cellules collaterales, disposes l' une par rapport a l' autre, et relativement aux celles de l' epiderme, comme…..
Pl. 10.
fig 1. long-head
fig 2. oval heads.— spiriferous cells shown to plan in centre
Get M. Fitch to copy on bloc
Also fully expanded leaf 3 or 4 times nat size. also leaf closed over bit of meat
Also leaf of Dionæa —
Glands & sensitive Hairs.—
[sketch] I fancy lateral view
celles des stomates. D'autre fois l'utricle hemispherique terminale est remplacee par deux utricles plus ou moins longues, qui, etant inserees l'une a côte de l'autre, constituent un poil bifurqué à branches plus ou moins developpees."
Now I only saw these on lower sides of pedicels & how exactly like those on lower sides of spikes in Dionæa, only in these latter more bifurcated.
See lower side of leaf of Drosera.—
p 308 T. speaks of chlorophyll of lower part of pedicels changing to pink in upper part.—
p. 309. T considers marginal Hairs as delicate prolongation. of the leaf —
There is green beneath glands. —
T. most accurately describes long-heads, but considers them ruptured like a Hernia — false view.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 3 February, 2023