RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].09.28-10.02. Saw in several cells with good light & high power. CUL-DAR60.1.79-82. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
Saw in some several cells with good light & high power a rapid current of red particles round whole wall of cell — variable, very slow at short transverse ends, often sometimes quite rapid along long walls of cells. —
The red matter extraordinary changeable in shape
(a) These [sketch] first separated a little more, then became fused together into long cylinders
Then a first sphere rapidly increased at both ends, then upper sphere, fused again into mass, which became deeply indented on one side, & then on the other side. — This movemnt can best be seen by taking eye off off matter for a few seconds.
(These Hairs were cut off a leaf which was had naturally contract over little moth, & put in water with bit of base.— So humid that I shd thank water made could have made no difference)
I could see no circulation circulation in an open expanded leaf— but this in is no sort of proof that such does not exist; for it would not be visible in an homogenous fluid
The appearance was exactly as if matter rapidly out of long cylinder & formed the separate sphere, which at first appeared as a bud.
Movements like those of the sarcode of a protozoon-
Two leaves which on 28th 10° 15 had closely clasped over bits of moss & seed & had colour much broken in hairs Now Oct 3d 9° 35' (ie 5 days) were now quite uniformly coloured
The current in those cells which I examined down central side & up towards head on exterior wall of cell.— No. not regular —
The red globules which circulate are of various sizes & shapes — The motion apparntly sometimes stops — sometime rapid— The circulation is between walls & the masses of red matter. These currents may account for struggling appearance in the mass formerly seen The Union of the large masses & their separation into 2 or 3 larger masses may possibly be due to such currents, but the alteration in form from spherical or to oval, to cylindrical, & with indentation or contraction on either side cannot be due to this.
It is a vital movement. — Movements most singular after a minute the contents of a cell generally presnt wholly different appearance— It is necessary to fix eye on one single mass & watch it for a minute to perceive these singular changes.
(Sept 28th leaf naturally contracted over moss
lower edge contracted
The little spheres formed first at end of long red mass with rounded end not near end of cells.
Lastly This leaf was fully changed with red fluid only about thinner cell not full at end
[sketch] (a) → moved to this corner [sketch]
The above sphere coalesced with cylindrical end & these mass filled up whole square end of cell. Before this however margin contracted.
I saw clearly in 2 cells one forming sphere or bud united to large mass by finest filament.
In another & short hair Saw this → [sketch] & then this — [sketch]
separate thus
By the drawng out the necklaces & clubs are formed
Absorption of water does not account for this repeated & various movement
An endless never ceasing slow round of change
The circulation certainly follow wall of cell & not surface of red matter. —
In green matter in stems of very short discal hairs I saw same movement, in similar masses matter of green substance
[in margin:] Albumen & milk produced red spheres in cells in cut off Leaf
Sept 29 5° P.m. put fly on leaf. Sept 30' 11 A.m. cut off reflected hair with broken red matter. Watched one cells & saw these changes (1) to (7)
[sketch numbered 1 to 7] so on ad infinitum.
These took place in rather under 10 minutes.
As the fly had been caught only 18 hours: it wd not have been released for 2 to 5 days; so there would have been no tendency to absorption of fluid from the disc. — This hair was now increasing secreting vast amount of viscid fluid. I cut off hair, without any base, & put them it à
There being moving green-matter on X short discal hairs which do not bend; & the red matter fluid not being broken up in bases of inflected hairs, makes me doubt how far this matter is connected with movemnt— The movemnt may be due to more secretion from inner side — The mere breaking up of matter in sugar, causes no inflection. —
dry on glass, & yet saw these wonderful movements — Certainly not result of absorption of water — I saw in this case movement of whole mass up cell union of globules — formation of a footstalk — the thread on footstalk breaking into a breaking into necklace. — one of the heads swelling greatly — The separation of upper gret mass into 3 large ones; & formation in lower part of cells of groups of small ones spheres. Also change of form in upper large mass.— These changes went on for 1/2 hours— I hardly saw any trace of circulation though I looked carefully; I had better say circulation not always present. —
As far as I can make out red matter is semi very often almost fluid viscid matter, when removed out of cell. —
Oct 2d. Saw very fine filaments quite separate with heads swelling & other heads, slowly wriggling about /over
Oct 2d. I think I can now say positively that concave side of hairs, (after examining many) is darker red than convex side & red matter I think more broken up into small spheres — Hence matter more concentrated on concave side which will agree with contraction. — These spec. contracted over fly bathed with fluid. —
Circulation a far rarer phenomenon to see
(It seemed to me that 2 fibres of red stuff penetrated from one cell into another almost empty one — I suspect all mistake.)
Ph. of Lime
May 5 8° A. m. All specs same state
May 6' 8° A. m. all 3 Blue-Heads — most closely inflected — the secretion from some outlying tent. (now acid) which have not touched the Ph. — but the secretion on the lime not acid & in one leaf there is still a drop.
― 7th. 8° do do. — secretion on disc not acid— leaves look flabby — an extra leaf on which the some secretion had run now inflected & also flabby.
8° all closely inflected, & dry — one dead.
9th all 4 almost dead. — some never recover
(z) examined dead leaf much phosphate left — very little is dissolved glands all dead & blacken round the little packets of Ph.
Phosphate of Lime pure white powder precipitated sent by Dr Frankland (30 days in April)
Apr 30th 8° 55'
Two red sticks — The phosphate with a little water
Jun May 1 8° 10 one with lamina — sub-inflected — The second with only trace of inflection of sub-marginals —(May 2d do)
May 4th 8° A. m. same state
― 6 ― ― 1 unaffected as before— the other still well inflected
7th do do do, but looks dry
8th ― do
10th the other leaf with some few tentacles recovering
Two plain sticks with pins — Phosphate moistened with saliva
Jun May 1. 8° 10; — one with lamina sub-inflected — The other with many tentacles inflected — May 2d Both with same somewhat inflected.
May 4' same state
― 6th — one leaf inflected & seems killed — the other beginning to expand
7th 1 quite dead & inflected — the other half expanded, but seems drying (z) (Back) (8th do) (9th dead almost)
The Phosphate was at 2 ends of disc. & it was pretty how tentacles directed to these 2 points
May 3d 8° 15' — 2 sticks Blue Heads— 3 leaves with a good deal of the Phosphate moistened with water — (Merely to see how long remain clasped). (May 4' 8°. All 3 leaves closely inflected. (over) All 3 leaves with larger drop of not very viscid & not acid secretion hanging to edge of [illeg] leaf— I never saw such a case before!!! (May 5 not acid
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 12 February, 2023