RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1873-1874]. Draft of Coral reefs 2d ed., folio 26. CUL-DAR61.73r. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 54-61 contain material for Darwin's book Insectivorous plants (1875).
The text of the draft corresponds in part to Coral reefs, 2d ed., pp. 184-5.
The coincidence of active presence Proof of recent volcanoes
a large number of cases.
Active volcanoes likewise coincide with proofs of volc& transference elevation recent have also been observed likewise coincide on a near several of the other long lines of coast, within the limits of our map, where there are no reefs of living corals & which consequently are not coloured red. It must be here remarked that I do not judge of the areas of subsidence from an absen absence of [line is pencil, illeg] the coral-reef or from their nature, round the volcanoes themselves which are actively attached to active volcanoes, or from their entire absence, from the corals, for, as Mr Dana repeatedly insists on the corals may have been destroyed or injured by the heat or volcanic exhalation of the volcanoes
Nor do I judge of the [line in pencil, illeg] areas of elevation from the presence of upraised organic remains found on the flanks of such the volcanoes themselves. but I judge from the position of the active volcanic ruts & changes in relation to adjoining islands or coasts neighbouring islands & coasts, situated by at too great a distance for the corals to be injured by the exhalation & eruption islands or coasts & which we have reason to believe from the character of the reefs have either subsided or from the presence of upraised remains have been elevated [illeg] within the recent period.)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 9 October, 2023