RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Lyell, Manual of Geology. CUL-DAR72.80-82. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online, http: //

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1

NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Manual of Geology 3d. Edit 1851— Lyell

65 During Silurian & Carboniferous ore in Wales bed of sea subsided 32, 000 ft = 6 miles

X 68 grand on Denudation — Ramsay 11, 000 ft

X 98 When species once extinct, never remade say Lyell quote Ariosto "Nature made him & broke the die."

103— 19 Formation which can be classed under 6—

p. 107 Geological Classification goes by Breaks

139 On glacial period doubt coincidence of that of S. & North — On Mammal surviving the Glacial period — did they sur

X 155 on age of Cavern Bones, not Miocene or Eocene

177 on some small Tertiary deposits on Rhine: I remark how on Geological [Method] how little spotted. (except from exposure of under beds) strata generally continuous

188 On close relation of Mammals of Eocene French stages

197 On variation of Cardium in successive stages of Eocene (Deshayes)

X 219 Forbes laid down law, that test of new state of things is the representation of old species by new.

231 on the great distinction of Fossil in the Purbecks (Forbes) p. 235 do Forbes explained by mere lapse of time

266 on many Trachelipod Mollusca in Oolites

270 on the marsupial & placental animals of Stonesfield

273 Cases of shells with deep geological range

297 — 32 Bipeds & 12 quadrupeds in American strata (Abstract of facts)

306 Permian Reptile allied to living monitor

309 Carboniferous strata of S. Wales 12, 000 ft think

X 324 — at least 59 upright forests at C. Breton

337 Archegosaurus of Coal allied to Batrachians

360 30-40 per cent of Silurian fossils in common to Europe & N. America; chiefly Brachiopods in common— Forbes on Silurian strata having accumulated in 70 Fath water

5th Edit. 1855 (last. Edit.)

114 On geograph & organic changes spreading over world (ought to be confined to main)

140 on range of Glacial beds S. in U. States & general comparison of do— Relation of extinct mammals to do

183 Miocene shells in U. States related to species confined to that side of continent

197 3 Eocene mammal Faunas

207 Sketch of Nebraska Eocene or Lower Miocene Mammals— Palæotherium & new forms many

213 Grand succession of Mammals in Europe during Eocene Form

215 Plants of 2 stages of Eocene different

220 Eocene Didelphys & Macacus


Manual continued 3d Edition 1851

227— Cerithium 137 species in Paris beds, chiefly Calc. [Grass]

230. Nummulites forming stages in Eocene Form.—

232 Numm. formation proves late existence of all principal mountains

236 Gap between Eocene & Cretaceous not yet filled up for the late discovered fragmentary formation belong to one or other of these (237)

256 Cretaceous fossils recognisable over world, where no species the same

267 Chalk Dicotyledons

268 Chapt. on Denudation of Weald (read in later Edition)

294 on the 3 stages of Purbeck with different fossils — thin beds

342 Intermediate affinities of Labyrinthodon — Triassic Mammal.

349 U. States footprint— show skin of Ostrich & not of Reptile

357 Permian Flora distinct generally from Carboniferous p. 360 (yet change seems abrupt in Flora of Coal ⸮ excessive humidity)

373 Carb-Flora highly developed

389 Coal Insects

400 — 3 air-breathing Reptiles in Coal p 405 Wonderful summary — now 7 in world known & a Pupa only land-shell in Coal. p 406 good remarks on do

407 The Palæozoic type of Corals —408 Passage a difficulty, yet no exceptions

411 Most carbonifers Mollusc belong to extinct genera

416 Devonian Reptile — 418 Devonian Plants distinct from Coal 433 Wood in do

424. Devonian fossils very intermediate between Silurian & Devonian (good)

435 Upper Ludlow oldest Fish

X 447. Enormous thickness of Silurian of N Wales 45, 000 ft— Thinner in Scandinavia & Russia.

451. Siluria discovered in Australia, S. America & India

454 Character of Barrandes Primordial Fauna

458 Excellent discussion why no older Fish discovered 456 Nodules of Phosphorus

460 to 463 Dates of discoveries of Mammals & Reptiles — (see later Edition)

Supplement to Manual — 1857

1 Proofs of gradual refrigeration from older Crag to modern Pliocene

5 In drift a Lemming — I think Lemming inhabits Alps, Myodes lemmus— v. Waterhouse

9 Eocene & Miocene more & more hard to separate

11 Correction in [Sevalive] fossil — not Anoplotherium

11 On Denudation of Wealden

X 13 Purbeck Mammals p 25 only one layer productive p 23 splendid review of all Fossil Mammals.

25 St. Cassian Beds— marine Upper Trias — alters range of several fossils

29 High Coal Plant


Supplement to Manual continued 1857

29. Barrandes Colonies p. 32 explained wd have been fatal to me.

30 Richness of species of old Palæozoic Beds — Geographically distinct

Second Edition of do

13 Table of Tertiary stages (8)

30 N. American ancient Secondary Mammals (In letter from abroad shows that this bed below Keuper probably — perhaps not Permian. Same discovery sinks Hitchcocks strata with bird tracks

Principles of Geology 5th Edit (Before Manual separated) 1837

Nothing —

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022