RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of Henfrey, Wirtgen, Bencken, De Candolle in Botanical Gazette. CUL-DAR73.114-115. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 3.2014. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. References:
Anon. 1849. Literature: Essai sur la Vegetation de l'archipel des Feroe. Botanical Gazette, a journal of the progress of British Botany 1: 14-20.
Wirtgen, P. 1849. On Lythrum Salicaria, L. Botanical Gazette, a journal of the progress of British Botany 1: 66-68.
Anon. 1849. Note on dioecious mosses. Botanical Gazette, a journal of the progress of British Botany 1: 82-83.
Bencken, F. 1849. Species of Salina. Botanical Gazette, a journal of the progress of British Botany 1: 85-87.
DeCandolle, A. 1849. On the causes which limit the distribution of plants in the North of Europe and analogous regions. Botanical Gazette, a journal of the progress of British Botany 1: 113-118.
Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
The Botanical Gazette. Henfrey Vol. I p. 14. extracts from "Martins Essai sur la vegetation des Feroe &c in "Voyages en Scandinavie &c La Recherche (Royal Soc)' — Interesting discussions showing how exclusively Europaean vegetation decreases towards N. America, with rest of vegetation common to both. (I have read he part sent me by Lindley of Voyage along the coast of Norway up to north vape & extracted the same.) The above must depend on calonisation after going off of Glacial period. —
Vol. I. p. 68. Wirtgen on Lythrum salicaria near Coblents, 3 forms of this species occurs differing greatly in length of style.
Bot. gazette. vol. 1, p. 82. Schimper states that it is the Dioecious mosses which do not produce in so many places capsules. Thus Hypnum abictinum one of the commonest species on the Rhine near Stockholm never produces capsules & this in female so in other cases.
Bot. Gazette. vol. I. p.85. Paper by F. Bencken, showing that Sagina ciliata & apelata are only forms of same species. But this is disputed by Babington at p. 174 of same vol.
Bot. Gazette. vol I. p.113 "On the Causes which limit the Distribution of plants in N. Europe" &c by Alp. De Candolle
p. 114 "In no case does teh limit of a species coincide exactly with a line of equal temperature during any epock of the year." "The limits of the annual (& perennial) species in the plains of Europe cross frequently . . . & the lines "are far from parallel when they do not cross." This shows that temperature is not sole cause. Of course dryness comes in & struggle with other species, but this not noticed. The struggle with other species can only act in confining a form to some peculiar soil or temperature.
Bot. Gazette vol. I. p. 128. I see Valeriana, Scabiosa & Tragopogon, Myosotis, have all very doubtful species, which some Botanists look at as species, others as forms.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2023