RECORD: Darwin, C. R. and Emma Darwin n.d. [Abstract of the Zoologist, vols. 3 and 4 (1845-1846)]. CUL-DAR73.128-134. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.
Hewitson, W. C. 1844. Nest and eggs of long-tailed titmouse and golden-crested wren. Zoologist, vol. 3: 825.
Couch, R. Q. 1844. Notes on the frog. Zoologist, vol. 3: 826-28.
Banister, J. D. 1845. A few notes on the recent change of the herbage on pilling moss. Zoologist, vol. 3: 881-84.
Wollaston, T. V. 1845. Note on the entomology of Lundy island. Zoologist, vol. 3:897-900.
Blackwall, J. 1845. Nudity of the rook's head and forehead. Zoologist, vol. 3: 937-39.
Newport, Mr. 1845. Destructive power of the Coccus, or scale insect of the Orange. Zoologist, vol. 3: 950.
Spicer, W. W. 1845. Blackbird's nest on the ground. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1023.
Hepburn, A. 1845. Notes on the singing of birds. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1067-70.
Fisher, W. R. 1845. On the two British species or varieties of the nutcracker. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1073-75.
Smith, J. 1845. Siskins breeding in confinement. Zoologist , vol. 3: 1075.
Gaze, W. 1845. Flowers and shrubs most attractive to Lepidopterous insects. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1088.
Hodgkin, T. 1845. On the dog, as the companion of man in his geographical distribution. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1097-1105.
Knox, A. E. 1845. Nudity of the rook's head and forehead. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1134-35.
Smith, F. 1845. Descriptions of the British species of bees belonging to the genera Melecta (Latreille), Epeolus (Latreille), Cœlioxys (Latreille), and Stelis (Panzer). Zoologist, vol. 3: 1146-48.
Beare, Wm. 1845. Bees feeing on gooseberries. Zoologist, vol. 3: 1156.
Frere, H. T. 1845. On the varieties of the common dog.Zoologist, vol. 4: 1201-03.
Briggs, J. J. 1845. Little red fox. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1203-04.
Hough, L. 1845. Revival of a frozen frog. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1215.
Chennell, F. A. 1845. Eggs of the flesh-fly deposited in a living toad. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1215.
Wolley, G. 1845. Exotic spiders imported in dye-wood, &c. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1219.
Logan, R. F. [1845]. Flowers which are particularly attractive to moths. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1225.
Deby, J. 1845. Notes on the birds of Belgium.Zoologist, vol. 4: 1251-59.
Gurney, J. H; Fisher, W. R. 1845. An account of the birds found in Norfolk, etc. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1300-24.
Bond, F 1845. Flowers attractive to moths. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1341-42.
Wolley, G. 1846. Dreissena polymorpha in unnavigable water. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1420.
Hong Kong Register, 1846. Locusts. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1460.
Macgillivray, J. 1846. Nidification of some Australian birds. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1546.
Barlow, T. W. 1846. Remarks on the migratory birds in the vicinity of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1547-548.
Morris, B. R. 1846. Curious deviation from its ordinary habits of the Kingfisher. Zoologist, vol. 4: 1551-552.
Vol (III. IV). 1845-46
P. 825. W. C. Hewitson describes nest of long tailed Comtit with two holes in the dome as Mr Selby has described, one for the tail; also describes nest of golden crested wren in juniper bush only one foot from the ground!!
The eggs were remarkably different from the common ones in shape and colour; case certain; (mena) [illeg] case of black bird
P 828 Mr Couch remarks on early state of tadpole having branchial tufts, which disappear & are succeeded by gills for aquatic respiration.
Owen has observed similar tufts in some very young sharks; & others in other fish.
P 882. Mr Banister describes a poor swampy heath in which vegetation in parts has been wholly
changed by some modern colonies of two birds of gulls by their dung.
Vol (III. IV). 1845-46
P. 897. Wollaston (Lundy Isl.) 14 miles from Devonshire.
31/4 miles long 1/2 broad, & lofty; is inhabited by 64 coleoptera belonging to 49 genera i.e. 1.30 per genus.
P. 938. Blackwall, on kook with curved bill not naked at base; but a young bird in confinement did become naked
P. 950. Newport, address Entomolog. Soc. (1845). Case of Africa Æshna 600 miles from land in Atlantic; also of large butterfly 600 miles from Cape De Verdes.
P. 1023. Mr Spicer on blackbirds' nest on base ground; the ground was scooped out
P 1068. Mr Hepburn on singing of birds; the water onsel & robin [&] some other birds sing all the year; & several others occasionally, thro'out the year.
P. 1073. Description of 2 vars or doubtful species of Nucifraga with very different beaks, both have been taken in England.
Vol (III. IV). 1845-46
P. 1075. Case of Siskins breeding in confinement
P. 1088. Mr Gaze Valerian Sweet William, Larkspur & especially Silene Inflata very attractive to moths. I don't think I have seen a bee on silene or sweet William.
P. 1097. Dr Hodgkin on the Dog – before Brit. Assoc. A female dingo confined in this country attracted the wild foxes which sought her company. He makes Spitz and Esqimaux [Eskimaux] one class, hounds spaniels & terriers another class, greyhound shepherd dog bull dog mastiff another; remarks on affinity of bull dog & grey hound.
Shows that Newfoundland is probably a cross of esquimaux & large French hound.
P. 1134 Mr Knox, seems to conclude that wear & tear assist in making base of rook's bill naked. Mr Yarrel had specimen with much distorted bill yet [a] very small portion at base of lower mandible alone! was naked; whilst feathers over nostrils were perfect. (Mena) Audubon
Vol (III. IV). 1845-46
P. 1146 F. Smith in the female bee of Epeolus the scutellum has two red spots, in the male always black; (Mena) male & female bees often differently coloured.
P. 1156 Mr Beare on hive-bees in bad years sucking ripe gooseberries.
P. 1202 Mr H. T. Frere on a pure-setter positively said to have been produced from two pointers, & that the pointer bitch very little produced one setter, thinks pointer now much crossed with hound, remarks on affinity of grey hound & bull dog;
P. 1203. Mr Briggs on 3 vars of English fox. –
P. 1215. Mr Hough clearly describes revival of frozen frog in block of ice; leg snapt off.
P. 1215. Mr Chennell describes toads near Guildford with head devoured by larvæ of flies.
P. 1219. Mr Wolley of Liverpool states that many spiders & occasionally snakesare found in dye wood vessels concealed in cleft of the dye wood.
Vol III. IV. 1845-46
Pag 1225 The pansy as an especial favourite of the genus Plusia (moth); the pink is also a favourite of moths.
P. 1254. M. J. Deby on Birds of Belgium, several hybrids from the common & Muscovy duck have been shot in several parts of Belgium & of N. France (Mena) Audubon's case.
P. 1320 Mr Gurney on Birds of Norfolk, Herons throw up pellets with fur of rats & remains of beetles found in Heronines
P 1341. Mr Bond say mistletoe is attractive to moths
P. 1420. Mr G. Wolley of Liverpool case of the spread of Dreissena Polymorpha in a small unnavigable stream; in another case up a brook, a mile from a canal.
Like anchovies going up Brook near Cambridge
Vol III. IV. 1845. 46
P. 1460. Locusts covering the sea for miles off the Western Islands, believed to have been blown from Africa
P 1546 Mr John Macgillivray on the nidification in Australia of Sula Fusca, Anous stolidus, & Thalassipora Fuliginosa; these birds were compared by Gould with North American
specimens, & no specific difference could be detected. In N. America the brown Booby, according to Audubon, has only one egg, whereas in Torres strait every nest had two eggs – Audubon says the Noddy lays 3 eggs; in Australia never more than one in thousands of nests & likewise, so Mr. Gilbert observed, same fact on S.W of Australia. The Sooty Tern according to Audubon always lays 3 eggs, & there are uncommonly little variable in size & colouring; in Australia it invariably lays a single egg, & that remarkably variable.
V. III. IV. '45-46
P. 1548. Mr J. W. Barlow of Holmes chapel Cheshire says the mountain Finch a few years ago was very common, but has now almost forsaken us: quotes Wilson that a kind of snipe in North America now begins to lay about 20th of May, which is 2 weeks later than it was 20 years ago.
P. 1551. Mr Beverly; R. Morris describes kingfishers at Lyme Regis hunting for fish by hovering over one tidal pool & there over another, which is very different from ordinary habit of perching on branch of tree over stream.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022